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Ruth King

Why aren’t we celebrating the 400th anniversary of the Plymouth colony? Respect for the past has become a talking point for the Trumpian right Peter Wood


On Saturday November 11, 1620, an ill-fitted cargo ship anchored off the coast of Cape Cod. On board were 102 quarrelsome and hungry passengers. Some 37 were religious dissidents, some servants, and a good many were would-be settlers contracted by the London Merchant Adventurers. Those ‘adventurers’, whom the Protestant dissenters called ‘strangers’ were none too happy about the voyage. They were supposed to be in ‘northern Virginia’, which may have meant Manhattan. But bad weather had driven their ship, the Mayflower, to an unsettled and uncertain place. They considered their contract with the London Merchant Adventurers null and void and were prepared, on landing, to strike out for themselves.

Cooler heads prevailed. Later that day, perhaps with the help of some strong-arm tactics, the leaders of the Leiden, Holland Congregation — the people we call Pilgrims — gained the signatures of most of the men on an agreement to stick together and govern themselves as a ‘civil body politic’. That modest document was the Mayflower Compact, and it carries outsized historical weight. It was the beginning of true self-government in the English colonization of North America. And it gave voice, or at least it whispered, some new ideas. The signatories agreed to elect their government, frame their own laws, respect their differences and discard many of the Old World ideas of hierarchy. The new settlement breathed the fresh air of equality. Masters and servants both signed the compact.

You would think this event would be anchored in American history with the solidity of, say, Plymouth Rock. And you would, in a curious way, be right. In the era of de-plinthed statues of American founders and heroes, Plymouth Rock itself was defaced earlier this year. It was spray-painted with various squiggles and the motto ‘508, MOF’, the meaning of which remains unknown, except that 508 is Plymouth’s area code. We can take it, if nothing else, as a gesture of symbolic destruction. Four hundred years later, the strangers have wreaked their revenge for having been drafted into the Mayflower Compact. Or perhaps it was one of those contingents of Native Americans tagging a boulder that Massasoit too easily ceded to the invaders.


Questions persist over early dismissal of Atlanta poll workers, alleged secret ballot counting News reports, affidavits indicate workers sent home early; state officials dispute some elements.


Critical questions still remain unresolved this week regarding the alleged early dismissal of poll workers in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena on Election Night, a dismissal which some parties claim was followed by continued ballot-counting even after most workers had been sent home for the night. 

The State Farm Arena saga has been one of the latest in a series of election-related controversies that have persisted for over a month since the final ballots were cast in the 2020 election. The president’s legal team brought the Atlanta Hawks stadium to the forefront of the ongoing election debate last week when they revealed security footage that, they argued, showed election malfeasance and potential ballot fraud caught on video.

Lawyers for the Trump campaign claimed the footage showed the majority of poll workers being dismissed early from their posts at the arena on Election Night, after which, the campaign argued, a secret team of ballot counters can be seen resuming the ballot count in a largely empty processing area. 

Media reports and some affidavits have appeared to confirm at least part of that contention, though public officials have given mixed responses that have left the ultimate facts of the issue as unclear as ever. 

‘A small team remained behind’

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office last week confirmed that it was investigating whether or not poll workers were explicitly told to go home early or if they simply misunderstood confusing directives from government officials.

Did non-citizen immigrants illegally vote in election? A growing number want to know “I think the voter rolls ought to be checked. Secretaries of states of each state ought to check whether people—there ought to be some way to check a database and whether somebody is a citizen or not.” -Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton By Carrie Sheffield


For more than a decade now, major research institutions like Harvard University and others have published surveys showing large numbers of non-citizen immigrants in America claim to have registered and voted in U.S. elections despite a legal prohibition. Now some Republicans are questioning whether such illegal voting could have impacted the outcome of the still-disputed November elections.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who this week filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court to invalidate the election results in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia, said illegal ballots cast by non-citizen immigrants could have played a role in Joe Biden’s wins in many states.

“Look, it could have, I mean, there’s a lot of factors that could have had an impact on which way the election went,” Paxton told Just the News on Tuesday. “I think the voter rolls ought to be checked. Secretaries of States of each state ought to check whether people—there ought to be some way to check a database and whether somebody is a citizen or not. I think that’s a pretty important question to know the answer to. Because, obviously, only citizens of this country have the right to vote.”

Paxton said whether a citizen is a Biden supporter or a Trump supporter, “you care about credible elections going forward, because it’s not just one election we’re talking about. We’ve got other elections going on that are not national elections that are affected by this, but we also have future elections that are going to be affected by this. So, the process, and making sure that we get this right, really matters, whatever the determination is on who’s president is in some sense secondary to getting the process right for the future.”

“Political Realignment, Class Warfare and Regressive Costs” Sydney Williams


The single biggest change in politics in my lifetime has been the reorientation of the political parties. Historically, Democrats represented the working classes, while Republicans had the backing of the monied classes on Wall Street and the occupiers of office suites in big businesses. Labor versus capital was a simplified definition.

Things have changed. Roles have been reversed. My State of Connecticut is a proxy for wealthy blue states. It is the 5th wealthiest in terms of income and was solidly Republican when I was growing up. This year, it voted 59% for Joe Biden. The three towns in which I have lived for the past fifty years, Greenwich, Old Lyme and Essex – all in the top 12% of Connecticut’s wealthiest towns – voted between 61% and 63% for Joe Biden. November’s vote was not a one-time event. All five House members are Democrats. Connecticut’s two U.S. Senators are ranked eight (Richard Blumenthal) and sixteen (Chris Murphy) in terms of most progressive. The last Republican to serve in the House of Representatives was Chris Shays who lost re-election in 2008. The last Republican U.S. Senator from Connecticut was Lowell Weicker, who lost re-election in 1988. This Democratic Party is not your grandfather’s Party. It has become the Party of the establishment. The only two counties in Connecticut to vote for Donald Trump were Windham and Litchfield, the two most rural counties. In both counties, his margin of victory was four percentage points. Sixty years ago, Connecticut was as solidly Republican as it is solidly Democratic today.

Why has this happened? The shift took place during the 1960s and 1970s, during a period when I became registered as a Democrat. For me, in my late 20s, it was a combination of civil rights and Vietnam, and a feeling that whatever my parents were for I should be against. By the mid 1970s, when markets and the economy turned down, I realized my parents may have been smarter than I had thought – that to succeed financially, intellectually, personally and emotionally, one had to be aspirant, have a positive outlook, be self-reliant and willing to work hard.

Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Never ending Lies?By Ben Weingarten


The only inadvertent benefit of Brennan’s airtime is that it exposes how unmoored our ruling class is from the public it is supposed to serve.

Former Obama administration Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan lies. He doesn’t just lie in the sense of speaking hyperbolically, spinning events, or painting in shades of gray out of purported fealty to national security considerations. Brennan tells outright falsehoods, in venues from television studios to Congress, on matters of utmost importance.

One must ask: Why does corporate media continue to give someone who has proved to be a uniquely deceptive character, whose most noteworthy activity since leaving government has been spewing invective against the president on Twitter, valuable airtime?

Brennan Lies About Russiagate

In his latest public display of dishonesty, Brennan took to “Fox News Sunday” to repeat untruths regarding the Obama administration’s actions regarding then-president-elect Donald Trump and Russia. According to Brennan, “There was no spying on Donald Trump’s campaign.” There was. Of the Steele dossier, Brennan said it “was not used in any way to undergird the judgments that came out of the intelligence community assessment about the Russian actions in the 2016 election.” It was.

America Surrenders to China By Brandon Weichert


The United States is mired in a succession crisis. There is much loose talk about another civil war erupting between supporters of President-elect Joe Biden and President Donald Trump. As this occurs, America’s enemies act boldly against U.S. interests. Each precious moment wasted on deciding which septuagenarian won the White House in November is another moment that the Chinese Communist Party continues its long march to global dominance. 

China’s dominance will not come at first in the form of military conquest. Beijing is very much a 21st century power, and its program for displacing the United States will look far different from what the Soviet Union tried during the Cold War. Chinese dominance will be brought on by superior trade, industrial, and technological development practices. 

Beijing recently signed a revolutionary free trade alliance with several Asian powers—including Australia—meant to increase China’s influence over the Indo-Pacific and diminish Washington’s hard-won influence there. China announced it had achieved quantum supremacy—a lodestar for whichever country or company seeks to pioneer quantum computing. Many technologists, like Scott Amyx, have previously argued that quantum computing could be as disruptive to the world economy as the cotton gin or automobile were. Whoever dominates this new industry will write humanity’s future. 

And then there’s the new space race between the United States and China. Private launch companies, including SpaceX, have revolutionized America’s overall space sector. But the lack of political vision or leadership means that real gains for America in space will be slowly realized, if ever. President Trump was the only American leader in decades who seemed to understand the promises and challenges of space. Yet, the rest of the government never fully embraced Trump’s robust space program. Now, it may be too late. 


Number of Congress Members Planning to Challenge Election Results Expected to Grow Trio working to convince senators to join them

Every Allegation in Trump Georgia Election Contest Supported by Testimony: Attorney


As Trump Fights Election Fraud, Most Republicans in Congress Remain Quiet 
The EMERGENCY APPEAL: Sidney Powell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwkVKNEs0uk&feature=emb_title

Sidney Powell to Newsmax TV: Our Case Was Prejudged https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/sidney-powell-kraken-lawsuit-scotus/2020/12/07/id/1000459/

Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis: Supreme Court Only Denied Emergency Injunctive Relief – The Pennsylvania Case Is STILL Pending Before SCOTUS https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/trump-attorney-jenna-ellis-supreme-court-denied-emergency-injunctive-relief-pennsylvania-case-still-pending-scotus/

Law Enforcement Seize Devices as Part of Probe Into Voter Data Theft https://epochtimes.today/law-enforcement-seize-devices-as-part-of-probe-into-voter-data-theft/

WATCH: Biden butchers name AND title in introducing his nominee https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/watch-biden-butchers-name-title-introducing-nominee/

Biden gaffes, stumbles and fitness for office under fire in new Trump campaign video https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bidens-gaffes-trump-video
Rep. Swalwell Called Trump a Russian Spy, His Fundraiser was a Chinese Spy https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2020/12/rep-swalwell-called-trump-russian-spy-his-daniel-greenfield/
All Teachers in This One City Must Attend ‘White Privilege’ Training https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/12/07/teachers-in-this-city-were-forced-to-attend-white-privilege-training-n2581126?

Maryland University Requires Profs to Add ‘Inclusive Classroom’ Oath to Syllabi https://www.faithwire.com/2020/12/08/maryland-university-requires-profs-to-add-inclusive-classroom-oath-to-syllabi/

The Texas lawsuit in the Supreme Court is huge By Andrea Widburg


On Tuesday, the State of Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The suit alleged that, because these states conducted elections that violated their own laws, they tainted the integrity of the vote, something that damaged not only their own citizens but also the citizens in other states. Because this is an intelligent, powerful case, it’s no surprise that eight other states have already joined the litigation.

To date, we’ve seen a multiplicity of lawsuits filed although, significantly, none has come before the Supreme Court for substantive review. Courts in various states, however, have proven resistant to these suits.

As I noted here, partisan judges are issuing what I will politely call “garbage” decisions. Judges are refusing to consider the evidence, with only one Nevada court attempting to do so. Instead, they make variations of the argument that, if courts were to consider Trump’s claims, they would run the risk of “disenfranchising” Biden voters.

That is a singularly dishonest argument. Disenfranchisement occurs when people are deprived of the right to vote. No one was deprived here. What Trump is doing, with his request that every legal vote count, is asking that courts invalidate illegal votes. You cannot disenfranchise an illegal voter, whether that “voter” is dead, a computer algorithm, or a form filled out in a Chinese print shop.

Do you know what happens when you invalidate fraudulent votes and count only legal votes? You identify the winner and loser in an election, as has happened in America since 1792. Those who voted for the losing candidate were not disenfranchised; they just voted for the losing candidate.

The Texas lawsuit argues that the four defendant states changed their mail-in voting rules without going through the constitutional, legislative process. By doing so, they assured illegal mail-in votes, meaning all votes under the new “rules” were illegal from the get-go. These invalid votes override the will of those who legitimately cast votes, tainting the national election.

Who Will Be the Fraud Deniers? By Jay Valentine


“These are just anomalies.  They happen in every election.” 

Well folks, anomalies cease to be anomalies when they all go in one direction.  When every outlier favors Biden, we enter the realm of prima facie fraud.

Fraud. It’s an ugly word. It does not have a pretty synonym.  Too bad.

Election fraud at the industrial scale perpetrated in the 2020 election is a crime most Americans will remember all their lives.  Books and movies will come out.  Retired math PhDs exiled to the basement by their spouses will continue to find statistical patterns that simply do not happen in straight data sets.

Like all great crimes, the 2020 election fraud will have a diffusion curve with early believers and early deniers, later adopters and fewer deniers and finally, only the ideologically blind will deny.

Diffusion curves happen in nature, in technology, in disease spread, in the understanding of any popular idea.  In early stages only the really committed dig in.  Over time, a realization makes its way into popular culture and eventually most have generally seen the data.  We are departing the early adopter stage of 2020 election fraud understanding.

The all-in media is double timing to convince the later adopters there is nothing to see here. 

It isn’t working.  Too much stuff is coming out from too many places and there are just too many alternative web sites publishing fraud examples on such a scale it cannot be denied by any but the willful.

Kevin McCarthy Drops a Savage Troll on Democrats By Nick Arama


One of the good things about the 2020 election is that there was a ‘Red Wave’ in the House with 27 toss-up seats and even some “lean Democrat” seats all going to the Republicans.

Republicans cleaned Democrats’ clock in the House in a big way, gaining at least 12 seats with a couple of races still to be decided.

Indeed, that’s one of the reasons it’s so hard to accept the claim that President Donald Trump didn’t win when not only was there that wave but he had 95% approval, record primary votes, gained 11 million more votes in the general election than 2016 and greater minority vote shares than in 2016 as well.

So here’s a picture of all the Democrats who lost the seats they had in the House.