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Ruth King

It’s never been about Trump; It’s always been about first trashing then crashing America By A. Dru Kristenev


No, the hate and retribution had never been about Donald Trump until he had the wherewithal to get in the middle of the fray, God bless him.

EVERY legislator capitulating to censored press reports and advising President Trump to accept compromised election results (despite concrete lawsuits pending in six states) is complicit in the attempted coup. That includes democrat, republican, independent or other politically allied individual holding office, or standing in the wings to take or influence office.

Demonstrable evidence of voter fraud in more than half the states signals the true nature of the fight to save our compound constitutional republic.

President Trump is the current catalyst for the final assault against the Constitution

This battle has never been about Donald Trump’s nature or capability to serve in the White House though that mantra has been invoked by media and politically motivated characters across the fruited plain. President Trump is the current catalyst for the final assault against the Constitution. As the representative for independent-thinking Americans, who are the majority, his alternating flamboyant and bombastic public persona is being used to inflame hate-filled rhetoric that has translated into urban violence and acceptance of election manipulation to overthrow the republic.

The 2020 election cycle is the clumsy culmination of decades of political, educational and media corruption instituted to undermine the American culture of liberty. Where the left has been successful is in censoring information, otherwise known as lying by omission, and disseminating falsehoods—example: stating that 39 cases challenging election results have been dismissed, to which Rudy Giuliani replied that President’s Trump’s legal team had only filed three cases.

No Science Justifies Bans on Indoor or Outdoor Dining Nonetheless, political leaders of both parties continue to one-up each other with preposterous rules to restrict both indoor and outdoor dining. By Julie Kelly


In a video that is simultaneously gut-wrenching and infuriating, a Los Angeles restaurant owner exposed the hypocrisy of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s order to ban outdoor dining in his city.

Angela Mardsen, the owner of Pineapple Hill Grill and Saloon, showed a large outdoor dining area erected for a movie studio about 50 feet from the now-shuttered outdoor section of her restaurant. “I’m losing everything,” an emotional Marden said. “Everything I own is being taken away from me and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio. We cannot survive, my staff cannot survive.”

Her video went viral with millions of views; it earned a retweet by the president’s son. “It’s like these politicians are trying to destroy all small businesses,” Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted Friday. “Ridiculous!!!”

But government decrees to close bars and restaurants—especially service outside—are more than ridiculous. They are cruel, unconstitutional, and devastating to the hospitality sector, the nation’s second-largest private employer. 

In a December 7 letter to congressional leaders, the National Restaurant Association detailed the “stark” condition of the industry. More than 110,000 restaurants have permanently closed their doors this year; 10,000 establishments have shut down in just the past three months, according to the trade group. November’s unemployment rate for the leisure and hospitality sector is 15 percent, more than double the national jobless rate. Restaurants and bars account for one-fifth of the total job losses in the United States since February 2020.

It’s a wretched situation on both an economic and personal level—particularly since not one executive order is backed by science. 

In fact, closing dining venues is a wholly unscientific mitigation strategy that has no proven impact on halting the spread of COVID-19. One would think that nearly a year into the pandemic, such a drastic measure would be backed by reams of data and real-life examples. Surely hundreds of case studies now are available to justify permanently destroying tens of thousands of small businesses and millions of jobs, right?


28 Members of Arizona Legislature Call for the Decertification of the 2020 Election By Debra Heine


In a joint statement Monday, 28 members and members-Elect of the Arizona Legislature called for the decertification of the 2020 election.

“The election should not have been certified with the number of irregularities and allegations of fraud,” said House Majority Leader Warren Petersen. “Especially troubling to me are the allegations surrounding the vendor Dominion,” the lawmaker added. “It is imperative that a forensic audit occur immediately of the equipment and software. Upon any showing of fraud the legislature should immediately convene to decertify the vote.”

After being presented compelling evidence of election fraud in last week’s hearing with President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and campaign attorney Jenna Ellis, Representative Walter Blackman said in his statement that the outcome of the election “is far from certain.”

“In the past week seemingly conclusive evidence has come to light through successful litigation that the outcome of the 2020 election is far from certain, and at the very least, further investigation is necessary to
ensure the integrity of Arizona’s election results,” Blackman said. “It is imperative that Secretary of State Hobbs rescind her certification of the election until these matters have made their way through the court and voter confidence is restored.”

“Ensuring the integrity of Arizona’s 2020 election isn’t just a matter of sound public policy, it is a civil rights imperative. There are few elements of our society more foundational than the right to free and fair elections and when that right is called into question it is our responsibility as leaders to ensure that confidence in the electoral process is restored. To this end, Arizona must decertify the 2020 election so that the numerous election irregularities may be properly adjudicated and the people of our great state may once again have faith in their right to vote,” said Representative-Elect Jake Hoffman.

Blue State, Red Tape California is shedding residents and businesses. Kerry Jackson


A Sacramento Bee headline from late October, “How liberal politics, COVID-19 and a high cost of living are fueling a new California exodus,” could have been written, without the virus reference, a year ago. Or ten years ago. The flight from California kicked off long before this year’s pandemic.

Eight years ago, an Investor’s Business Daily editorial laid out the reasons Californians were moving “To Texas (And Arizona And Nevada),” all of them fueled by progressive public policy. That same year, a Manhattan Institute report detailed “the great ongoing California exodus . . . reversing the storied passages of the Dust Bowl era.” The authors attributed the mass departure to policy decisions making the state a less desirable place to live. Two years earlier, in 2010, New Geography asked: “If California Is Doing So Great, Why Are So Many Leaving?” and noted that the state’s “domestic migration has been negative every year since at least 1990.”

Nor is the California exodus limited to desperate residents. Joe Vranich, a relocation specialist once headquartered in Irvine, California, but now settled in Pennsylvania, has been tracking business departures since 2008. Vranich says that he became “irritated by repeated comments from California politicians, including governor Jerry Brown, that business departures . . . were not a big deal.” As he analyzed the companies, jobs, and capital fleeing the state, he realized the drain was significant. The state’s toxic business environment, Vranich estimates, caused as many as 13,000 “disinvestment events” from 2008 to 2016.

Data-analytics software company Palantir is among the firms to announce more recently that it is leaving California. CNBC characterized its decision to relocate from Palo Alto to Denver as “one of the first signals that a long-anticipated exodus from Silicon Valley is on the horizon.” Hewlett-Packard, a garage-band Silicon Valley original, recently announced that it would move its global headquarters to Texas, seeking “opportunities for cost savings,” while accommodating “team members’ preferences about the future of work.”

Only Georgia Stands In The Way Of U.S. Becoming A One-Party State


So much depends on the outcome of the runoff elections in Georgia that it’s truly scary. Yet some Republicans think that “abstaining” from voting to elect a pair of U.S. senators from the Peach State is a good idea. In fact, it borders on insanity. Not voting and conceding control of the Senate to the Democrats would alter America forever, and not in a good way.

The Democrat-led Congress has let it be known what its priorities are, saying that its first task if it takes control next year will be to enact sweeping national electoral reforms that will all but ensure permanent Democrat control of the U.S. government.

Joe Biden has already said he would sign House Resolution 1, the so-called For The People Act, whose benign name belies its true intent: To create an eventual one-party leftist state with only token political opposition. The bill was passed by the Democrat-dominated House in 2019, after the party took the majority during the previous year’s elections.

Essentially, HR1 would federalize U.S. elections by putting them under the direct control of Washington. That would kill the Electoral College system we now have, which ensures that small states can’t be politically bullied by larger states when it comes to elections.

A six-minute video sums up 2020’s impossible election paradoxes By Andrea Widburg


Patrick Basham, the founding director of the Democracy Institute, while on the Mark Levin show, gave a remarkably lucid explanation for the peculiarities surrounding the election.  He did not focus specifically on the allegations of election fraud.  Instead, he explained that traditional markers associated with an incumbent’s almost inevitable victory were all lined up to result in an overwhelming Trump win.  That Trump did not, in fact, win simply makes no sense.

Basham first set out his arguments in a November 27 essay at The Spectator, entitled “Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling: If only cranks find the tabulations strange, put me down as a crank.”  One of his main points in that article was that Trump’s standing with various groups improved across the board.

This was especially apparent with Trump’s support among blacks and Hispanics.  It rose to highs not seen since Nixon’s win in 1960 (yes, he won, but that election also went to a Democrat because of fraud).  At the same time, Biden’s standing with those same groups declined.  That fact alone should have presaged a Trump victory.

Basham explains that there are other metrics associated with elections that invariably predict elections.  He’s not talking about polls.  Instead, he’s talking about everything surrounding polls, such as red waves, geographic trends, and (although he doesn’t mention it) even cookie sales.

The article is powerful, but sometimes hearing someone speak has more resonance.  That’s probably why Basham’s six-minute-long statement on the Mark Levin show, seen in the following video, had been viewed 1.6 million times in 24 hours:

Suppressing Academic Freedom in the Name of Inclusion at McGill Academic freedom held hostage by the “tyranny of group self-righteousness.” Richard L. Cravatts


In what has become an increasingly frequent and troubling occurrence on campuses, a McGill University emeritus professor of anthropology, Philip C. Salzman, is under fire by pretentious, virtue-signaling students who wish to hear only viewpoints that conform with their own and who, in attempting to shield others from ideas that might make them uncomfortable, want to suppress the ideas of their ideological opponents.  

The notion that a vocal minority of self-important ideologues can determine what views may or may not be expressed on a particular campus is not only antithetical to the purpose of a university, of course, but is vaguely fascistic by purposely or carelessly relinquishing power to a few to decide what can be said and what speech is allowed and what must be suppressed; it is what former Yale University president Bartlett Giamatti characterized as the “tyranny of group self-righteousness.”

In a November 20th “Open Letter Demanding the Overhaul of McGill’s Statement of Academic Freedom,” eight McGill student organizations not only attacked Professor Salzman and demanded that he be stripped of his academic credentials, it also critiqued the University’s stated policies on academic freedom. In their letter they suggested that if members of the McGill community are able to express any of their views without restraint—and without considering how this expression may negatively affect victim groups and individuals on the McGill campus—then academic freedom should therefore be contained, restricted to avoid “harming” these alleged victims. “Scholars have abused their right of free speech and academic freedom,” the letter contended, “to defend acts of rhetorical violence against marginalized communities on campus, shielding racist, sexist, and transphobic speech . . . .”

Social Media Blitz Outs America-Hating Professors to Students and Alumni 100,000 reached at four prominent universities. Sarah Dogan


A cutting-edge social media campaign conducted in October by the conservative David Horowitz Freedom Center targeted and exposed the anti-American rantings of four professors at prestigious universities including the University of California-Davis, the University of Houston, the University of Mississippi, and the University of Washington-Seattle.

The ivory tower has long been a refuge for those who hate our country. For decades past, students have been forced to endure scholarly lectures on the evils of American hegemony, imperialist dominance, Western civilization and festering racism. But never before in our history has the very concept of our nation—founded on our inalienable rights to life, liberty and property, equality before the law, freedom of speech, press and association, and control of individual destiny—been so trampled by the institutions that exist to educate our next generation.

Spurred by this rising tide of anti-American hatred, the Freedom Center published a report and created a new website, AmericaHatingProfessors.org, exposing the Top Ten America-Hating Professors. With students and faculty evacuated from campus due to the virus, the Freedom Center conducted a targeted Facebook and Instagram campaign which displayed ads highlighting the atrocious statements and actions of these America-hating professors directly to students, faculty, staff, and alumni at four of the ten schools listed in the report.

The professors targeted in this social media blitz were American defeatist Nicholas De Genova at the University of Houston, cop-hater Joshua Clover at the University of California-Davis, “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo who teaches at the University of Washington-Seattle, and proud left-wing extremist James Thomas who is tenured by the University of Mississippi.

Media Refuses to Cover Warnock’s Child Abuse Arrest, Antisemitism, and Marxism Even at the Debate Daniel Greenfield


The new normal isn’t a biased media, it’s a media whose political coverage exists purely as the communications arm of the Democrats.

And that means there’s zero difference between media coverage of the Warnock-Loeffler debate and the Warnock campaign’s message. It’s why the media has built its coverage of the Georgia Senate debate over Loeffler being expected to somehow concede the election on behalf of President Trump, not remotely an appropriate question or issue, while ignoring Warnock’s dodging of the questions about…

1. His arrest for interfering with a child abuse investigation

2. Refusal to condemn Marxism

3. Antisemitism

Anyone reading the media coverage would think that the entire debate was about who won the 2020 election. And that’s the way the media wants it.

Take this bizarre rant from the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent, “of all the vile ways that Republicans have sought to justify President Trump’s effort to overturn his election loss, one of the worst is the ubiquitous claim that Trump is merely pursuing his legal right to contest the results.”

There’s nothing so vile… as excercising your legal rights. The same way that Al Gore did. 

So in the category of things that the social justice government tabloid owned by the richest man in the world who makes warehouse workers pee into cups to make their quotas, when he isn’t cheating on his wife, is… pursuing your legal rights. 



“I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.”

Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.

Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.

It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.