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Ruth King

John Ratcliffe says FBI needs to ‘provide more visibility’ into potential voter fraud investigations


Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Maria Bartiromo that the FBI should “provide more visibility” concerning investigations into claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

“Does anybody think that the FBI will bring anybody in to question? You did an investigation, a darn good one, throughout 2017 and 2018 about what the FBI and the CIA did to take down candidate Trump and worked with Hillary Clinton. Does anybody believe the FBI is actually going to bring these people in to question them to find out what they were doing with the suitcases of ballots? Do you think so?” Fox News’s Bartiromo asked Ratcliffe of Sunday.

“I have great confidence in our law enforcement authorities,” he responded, after noting that his role as director of national intelligence doesn’t include such responsibilities. “I really do, but I think they, to the extent that they are doing the things that they are supposed to be doing, they ought to provide more visibility to the American people about that because there’s so many questions and folks like you, Maria, that don’t see that that’s happening. They deserve an explanation to know that those types of investigations are taking place.”

Last week, a video was shown during a hearing before the Georgia Senate’s Government Oversight Committee that allegedly shows a Fulton County election supervisor pulling “suitcases” of ballots from under a table after poll workers were allegedly told to leave for the night.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp called for a signature audit of the ballots after the video surfaced, calling it “concerning.”

“We’re working right now, and hopefully the secretary of state will update us on exactly what was going on,” he said on Fox News last week.

A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020 By The Editors, RealClearInvestigations 


In one corner, President Trump and his allies claim massive fraud cost him the 2020 election. 

In the other, Democrats and sympathetic media allies argue that the vote was free and fair and that the charges of fraud amount to sour-grapes conspiracy mongering.

Many allegations advanced by the president, his surrogates and supporters have been challenged and some have been dismissed by courts or debunked.

Still, in numerous instances, media fact checkers have not been diligent. They have simply run the allegations past state authorities and other officials who would have orchestrated the alleged fraud or had an interest in minimizing irregularities.

It was thus hardly surprising when the New York Times reported that it had called officials in every state and was told, as the headline said, that there was “No Evidence of Voter Fraud.” That’s the kind of statement that inspires skepticism because fraud is inevitable in any big election. The Times itself seemed to acknowledge just that in the article’s sub-headline, which said, without presenting evidence, that there were “no irregularities that affected the outcome.” 

Of course, “irregularities” in a basic function of American democracy, even if they did not affect the outcome, remain a significant part of the 2020 election story as court cases and controversies continue. Below is a running, selective collection of hyperlinked articles detailing charges of ballot irregularities or electronic fraud being made in various states, especially key battlegrounds such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania.


The words “alleged” and “unfounded” are now rote every time evidence of election tampering is discussed. Really?

Can one honestly surmise that witnesses- hundreds of them who were present at polling sites- who described actual election fraud are liars willing to risk penalty for perjury?

Such credence was given to those who offered hearsay evidence of Trump collusion with Ukraine and Russia but the media and biased judges dismiss all affidavits given by outraged Americans.

Read Roger Kimball’s essay reprinted today.


Jim Hoft: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms


We’ve reported numerous times on events in Georgia on election night at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta.  We’ve now uncovered more on the incident that exemplifies the 2020 election in Georgia.

On election night we were told that voting stopped in Georgia’s State Farm Arena due to a water main break.  President Trump was way ahead in the election at that time.  But a couple days later we uncovered that the water main break never happened.  First an attorney in the Atlanta area asked for information related to the event via an freedom of information request and he shared with us that the only item he received was a couple of text messages related to the event:

After posting this, we found out that the water department in Atlanta never even received a call regarding the water main break.
It was a scam.

Next it was uncovered that a mother and daughter team, Lucy Freeman and her daughter “Shaye” Ross as well as a couple others, stuck around after sending everyone home and started running ballots through tabulators.  Ballots were pulled out from under a table that were previously covered up and processed with no Republican observers.

The mother – daughter team have become infamous in the annals of voter corruption:

On Sunday night we uncovered another observation of events that night.

One of the other individuals who stuck around moved from his regular station and moved to another cube where he held numerous calls with someone as the ballot counting went on.  Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer points out where this mysterious man in red placed himself:

We now believe the man taking the calls and organizing the massive “suitcase” scandal that night is Ralph Jones.

Ralph Jones is the registrations chief at Fulton County Government.

Soros Promotes Smartmatic Chairman To Open Society President Natalie Winters


The December 4th announcement adds to the long list of intricate ties Malloch-Brown has to the progressive megadonor, including renting a home from him in New York. Malloch-Brown will be filling in for Patrick Gaspard, who many allege will join Joe Biden’s cabinet, potentially as Secretary of Labor.

“Succeeding him as president will be Mark Malloch-Brown, the former UN deputy secretary‐general and UK minister, who currently serves on the Foundations’ Global Board. Malloch-Brown will take over effective January 1,” the Open Society Foundation’s press release reads. The press release contains no reference to Malloch-Brown’s position as Chairman of Smartmatic, the voting company that has seen its results tampered with and enjoys a close relationship to Dominion.

Speaking on behalf of Smartmatic, Malloch-Brown himself admitted in 2010 that “part of our technology is licensed from Dominion.”

Prior to his promotion, Malloch-Brown served as Vice-President of Soros’s Quantum Fund as well as vice-chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute.

Malloch-Brown’s new position, however, adds to the growing list of suspicious connections U.S. voting companies have with anti-Trump actors, as Soros has funneled millions into beating President Trump.

Doctor Has License Yanked After Saying This About the Coronavirus


An Oregon doctor has reportedly lost his medical license after attending a “Stop the Steal” rally and delivering comments about the coronavirus and face masks. 

In a video of Dr. Steven LaTulippe’s remarks at the Nov. 7 “Stop the Steal Rally,” the physician described himself as a retired Air Force officer, an ordained minister, and a practicing physician in The Dalles, Oregon area. 

“I want you to know that I never shut down during the entire COVID season, from the time it was declared till now,” LaTulippe told the crowd. “I hate to tell you this — it might scare you — but I and my staff, none of us once wore a mask in my clinic. And how many problems did we have in our clinic from that? Zero. Absolutely none.” 

The doctor called the lockdowns a threat to the American people, freedom, and the Constitution, and petitioned those in the crowd to remove their “mask of shame.” 

While the physician acknowledged the virus was real, LaTulippe said it is “a common cold virus that has been with us forever.” 

So Durham is Now a ‘Special Counsel’? – What Does That Mean? by Chris Farrell


Should Biden finally, officially, be declared the next president, you can rest assured that he will dismiss Durham during the opening flurry of activity from his administration.

Of course, this is all wildly frustrating for those of us hoping for some semblance of accountability and justice. Something. Anything.

When the Russia! Hoax fell apart it was reinvestigated by Mueller – and when that collapsed, they manufactured “Ukraine!” This bit of theater got the president impeached in two months flat. That was just last year. Do you remember? For many eager to bring down the current administration, prosecutions and justice move with lightening speed. Barr and Durham appear to still be looking for the keys to their offices.

This should all be deeply disturbing to the American public. Apparently, it is not. That, dear reader, is even more disturbing. The American public do not want to be deceived – yet again.

A couple of days ago, Attorney General William Barr announced the appointment of a special counsel for the criminally fraudulent “Russia!” Hoax. The special counsel is none other than the current US Attorney investigating the case – John Durham.

The appointment is troubling on three fronts: 1. Durham has produced only one indictment of a lowly Justice Department staff attorney; 2. Durham’s appointment may not be legal; and, 3. Barr did not make the appointment (back on October 19) public until now because he was concerned it was too political during an election season. Of course, one can also argue that NOT making the announcement was too political. The inactivity is strikingly similar to the pharmaceutical companies waiting until about three days after the election to announce their 95% effective COVID vaccines. Seems President Trump must not be credited with anything that might be conveniently deferred to his opponent’s advantage.

Barr wrote that “in light of extraordinary circumstances relating to these matters, the public interest warrants Mr. Durham continuing this investigation pursuant to the powers and independence afforded by the Special Counsel regulations.”

I have discussed the anemic legal performance of Durham’s team, and the mountain of publicly available information that can be crafted to indict approximately three dozen government officials. You are reminded that forty indictments arose from Watergate. The Russia! Hoax is exponentially more serious and criminally Byzantine than Watergate.

Turkey: Erdogan Threatens Europe by Uzay Bulut


That a NATO member and European Union candidate, Turkey, is openly threatening the security of Westerners, is unprecedented.

One of the most abusive Ottoman practices was the institution of “devshirme,” also known as the “child levy” or “blood tax,” with which Christian boys were forcibly abducted from the conquered population, enslaved, converted to Islam and later trained as soldiers. Erdogan evidently sees the Ottoman occupation and abuse of European nations as Turkish “contributions” to Europe.

This current belligerence once again demonstrates major differences between Europe and Erdogan’s regime. It is a crisis between a mentality that respects a free press versus a mentality that jails critical journalists. It reveals a mentality that wants to preserve the safety of its citizens versus a mentality that aims to force others to submit to its demands through threats and use of terror. It is a mentality that stubbornly believes in violating and even trying to invade the territories of its neighbors versus one that tries to resolve issues through dialogue and negotiation.

It is Erdogan’s regime who targets the safety and freedoms of Europeans — as well as Armenians, Syrians, Iraqis, and many of his own Turks.

Europe has once again been targeted with Islamist terror attacks.

The Scars of 2020 Victor Davis Hanson


The summer of COVID-19, quarantines, riot and arson, and an absence of confidence in the sanctity of voting ended with deep wounds on the body politic—wounds we will bear from now on.

Amid plague, national lockdown, riot and arson, iconoclasm, recession, and the most contested voting in history, the country leaves 2020 with some scars that won’t heal.

Mail-in Voting: Election Day as we once knew it no longer really exists. It has been warped, trimmed, and made nearly irrelevant in the panic of the times. The prior, but now accelerating, changes and the “never let a good crisis go to waste” efforts during the COVID-19 lockdown rammed through vast changes in previous voting norms. If the Democrats win the two U.S. Senate runoffs in Georgia, new federal voting mandates designed to supersede state laws will institutionalize the chaos.

During the slow-motion November election “process,” the last presidential debate that Donald Trump won mattered little.Some 50 million people had already voted—and 100 million would before Election Day. The Hunter Biden scandal? Even had the media covered it, the result of such new laws would have made it a late October sparkler rather than a fiery bombshell. 

When some precincts reported over 90 percent turnout, and when it was impossible to verify the authenticity of such a massive influx of votes, and when the tallying went on for days and weeks in some jurisdictions, gone entirely was the idea that Americans showed up on Election Day—with only a minority of elderly, sick, or at work voting by absentee ballots. Under the old system voters showed their IDs as if they were cashing a check, signed in, had their names checked against voting rolls, and then were directed to a booth, with the election decided in a few hours—in other words, a tradition that did not always yield the correct results.

Mail-in voting now joins open borders and promises to pack the Supreme Court, and junk the Electoral College, as systematic efforts to change the system when the system cannot guarantee the Left the retention of power. It will be impossible to return to a mostly Election Day vote, and so another American tradition of more than two centuries has been jettisoned cavalierly.

Bribed: How Hostile Foreign Actors Subvert American Universities Can you guess where the billions of unreported “donations” come from? Raymond Ibrahim


A recent governmental report exposes the “purchased” influence foreign nations have on America’s most prestigious universities and, as a result, on what America’s current and upcoming generations of analysts and policymakers  think and believe.

More than one-third of the nearly $20 billion in foreign donations and contracts made to American universities between just 2014 and 2020 were never disclosed as required by federal law, according to “Institutional Compliance with Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965,” a Department of Education report released on October 20, 2020.

Among those “gifts” were more than $3 billion from the Muslim Brotherhood’s number one state backer, Qatar; more than $1.1 billion from the chief disseminator of “radical” Islamic ideology, Saudi Arabia; and nearly $1.5 billion from China.

According to the report:

[A]t least some of these foreign sources are hostile to the United States and are targeting their investments (i.e., ‘gifts’ and ‘contracts’) to project soft power, steal sensitive and proprietary research, and spread propaganda. Yet, the Department is very concerned by evidence suggesting the higher education industry’s solicitation of foreign sources has not been appropriately or effectively balanced or checked by the institutional controls needed to meaningfully measure the risk and manage the threat posed by a given relationship, donor, or foreign venture.