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Ruth King


If there was any doubt that a return to ill-fated “Iran Deal” would spark almost immediate conflict in the Middle East, it was extinguished last week.

Accounts vary as to how Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the godfather of the Iranian bomb, was assassinated. One Iranian account claimed that he was killed by a remote controlled pick-up truck armed with a gatling gun. Others suggest it was conducted by as many as sixty highly trained operatives.

One thing, though, is for certain. This was a state-conducted assassination that only a handful of countries could have executed.

It is no surprise that responsibility for the attack was swiftly ascribed to Israel’s Mossad. It had what criminologists call the categorical trinity: motive, means, and opportunity.

In a sense, it would be hardly surprising for Israel — if confronted with an opportunity — to launch such an attack.

Fakhrizadeh was central to Iran’s nuclear strategy — a plan to build a bomb with one target in mind: Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu called him out by name in a press conference two years ago. Removing Fakhrizadeh constitutes a major disruption for the Ayatollahs nuclear strategy and the existential danger it poses for the world’s only Jewish state, and one painfully aware that threats of genocide can become reality.

Israel recognises what the Iranian bomb is — a singular threat to its continued survival. It would not take more than a few such bombs to entirely eradicate its people. Iran’s pathological, feverish, dogmatic hatred of Israel means no eventuality can be excluded.

For Israel then, eliminating Fakhrizadeh was not then a matter of mere geostrategy but survival.

The Left Steals Elections and Countries One Vote at a Time Daniel Greenfield


Let’s pull back a bit and talk about how the Left does things. 

The American Left of the last two generations is highly technocratic. It’s the product of a managerial class, in government and business, injected into the non-profit sector, fused in the last generation with the tech sector and its start-up culture. 

It’s evil and its members have a tendency toward hysteria and a blithe ignorance of consequences, but it’s not dumb.

Some of the richest men in America, including Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Bill Gates, can be called many things, but stupid isn’t one of them.

All of this means that the current Left executes strategies in a more focused and strategic manner than past generations. We’re well past the stage where it merely inflitrates. It’s been on the ground floor for a while now. It develops strategies in committees across different organizations, uses a start-up culture to audition and pick different approaches, with funders, often from the tech world, investing in various strategies and organizations being pitched to them.

Conservatives have tried to duplicate this to some degree, but have a fraction of the infrastructure and the organization.

Are the 1,000 Chinese Science Spies Who Fled Trump Crackdown Waiting for Beijing Biden? Daniel Greenfield


Don’t worry. They’ve got their return trip tickets ready and waiting in case ‘Beijing Biden’ ends up in the White House.

A top Justice Department official said more than 1,000 foreign researchers affiliated with the Chinese military left the United States following a crackdown this summer that resulted in half a dozen members of China’s People’s Liberation Army studying in the U.S. being arrested and charged with lying on their student visa applications.

They include the nice sorts of folks who were researching how to rob our country of all its secrets.

One researcher was under orders to study the exact layout of a medical lab in order to replicate it in China, federal agents alleged. Another stole software code that his adviser at the University of Virginia had developed over two decades, the government alleged.

After the Chinese government became aware of the FBI interest in these individuals, Chinese diplomats quickly warned Chinese researchers about the FBI probe and urged them to wipe clean their electronic devices and social media chats, he said.

Nevada ‘fraud’: 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as ‘homes’ by Paul Bedard


The Trump campaign on Wednesday unveiled a tranche of information it plans to present to a Nevada state court Thursday that suggests there were thousands of fraudulent votes cast — possibly enough to overturn Joe Biden’s win there by 33,569 votes.

Officials said that among the evidence and expert testimony to be presented in Carson City are indications that over 1,500 ballots were cast by dead voters, that 42,248 people voted “multiple times,” data on a huge spike in incomplete voter registrations, and home addresses in temporary RV camps and casinos.

They also plan to present polling that 1% of Nevada voters shown to have voted never did and 2% of those shown to have voted by mail never got a ballot.

The legal team was quick to note that it has just begun to collect information and that fraud cases can sometimes take months to years to investigate.

Officials also added that they have been stonewalled by U.S. Postal Service and state and county officials in their efforts to review votes and registrations.

The agenda that undermines America’s bond with the Jews The four-year interlude under President Donald Trump is clearly viewed as an irritating setback that must now be reversed. Melanie Phillips


Among those who understood the depth of former U.S. President Barack Obama’s hostility to Israel, there’s understandable anxiety about the Obama retreads and acolytes among the foreign policy and security nominees being chosen by the prospective president-elect, Joe Biden.

Obama’s hostility is assumed to derive from his left-wing mindset which regards Israel, falsely and ahistorically, as a colonialist occupying power. He demonstrates this in his new memoir, A Promised Land, in his profoundly distorted account of the origins of the modern State of Israel.

There is, however, a deeper reason why both Obama and the left find Israel so intensely problematic, and why a Biden presidency will once again have Israel in its cross-hairs. This isn’t about foreign policy. It’s about the program for America itself.

The core of the left’s agenda is to remake the Western world; and the agenda of Obama and the American left is to remake America.

Their target is the Western nation-state and its culture. The core precepts of that culture are articulated and enshrined within the different histories, laws, religions, institutions and traditions of individual Western nations.

The left, however, deems the Western nation-state to be evil because it declares itself superior to cultures that don’t share its values while excluding those who don’t belong to it.

Hence the left’s constant undermining of immigration laws in their attempt to erase national borders; their refusal to grasp that citizenship is a bargain between the citizen and the state to which he or she belongs; and their savage denunciations of those who uphold such notions as racists or xenophobes, in order to erase their voices altogether from the cultural conversation.

Bahrain Minister Loves Jerusalem, ‘the Most Spiritual City in the World’By Yakir Benzion


Visiting minister sneaks out of hotel to see for himself: “The most spiritual city in the world … I felt it,” he told Times of Israel.

With the two countries basking in the warm glow of their new peace accord, Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem this week welcomed the second visit by a high-ranking official from the government of Bahrain.

Bahraini Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani had a packed schedule, meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, four other Israeli cabinet ministers and dozens of Israeli business and industry officials.

But the eloquent minister needed to see the city for himself,. He told Times of Israel that he took an unscheduled evening stroll in Jerusalem’s magical and intriguing Old City – and he was immediately smitten.

“I’ve always spoken to people who’ve been to Jerusalem. And they always told me: It’s probably the most spiritual city in the world. I felt it last night. I felt it,” he told the Times . “And the closer you get to the holy sites — I don’t know, maybe it was a weird feeling, maybe it’s just me — I felt there’s more spirit.”

“Last night I personally went out to walk around the city, on my own, with a couple of friends. I kind of snuck out because I wanted to go and see and feel for myself, as a normal citizen, not as a government official. I spent an hour walking in the Old City, and I went to the shopping mall across the road. I didn’t feel threatened, I didn’t feel any security issues.”

What’s Happening in US Election Matches What Happened in Venezuela, Expert Says By Gq Pan


Irregularities that have taken place in this year’s U.S. presidential election are eerily similar to voting manipulation that helped Hugo Chávez stay in power in 2004, according to a senior former CIA official.

He described Chávez, who ruled Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013, as a “new kind of dictator.” Upon his taking power, Chávez revised the country’s constitution to increased the presidential term of office from five to six years, but also allowed people to call off his presidency in a referendum, which required 20 percent of signatures of all 11 million voters.

By 2003, opponents of Chávez managed to collect enough signatures to trigger a referendum. “That’s when he started to panic,” the former intelligence official—who is also an expert in Latin American politics and counterterrorism—told The Epoch Times. “So he started talking to a company called Indra, which is a Spanish company that runs elections.”

The technology used by Indra at that time, according to the expert, wasn’t “flexible” enough to do what Chávez wanted to do. He said that the regime then turned to Smartmatic, a company registered in Delaware and founded by three young Venezuelan engineers. After receiving a contract for $150 million to overhaul the country’s election system ahead of the 2004 referendum, Smartmatic bought machines from Italian lottery machine maker Olivetti.

Arizona legislature demands forensic exam of Dominion machines: ‘Voters believe fraud occurred’ by S.A. Miller


The leaders of the Arizona State Legislature on Friday demanded an independent audit of the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the Nov. 3 election.

They said voters’ suspicions of fraud in the presidential election deserved the government’s full attention.

The Trump campaign and its allies have accused the Dominion ballot scanners and vote tallying software of manipulating the vote in favor of presumed President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

“A significant number of voters believe that fraud occurred and with the number of irregularities it is easy to understand why,” said Arizona State House Majority Leader Petersen. “Especially concerning are the allegations made surrounding the vendor Dominion. It is imperative that the County immediately do a forensic audit on the Dominion software and equipment to make sure the results were accurate.”

Mr. Petersen and other leaders of the Republican-led legislature called for the forensic examination of the Dominion machines in Maricopa County, the state’s most populous county which includes Phoenix.

England’s Top School Fires Teacher for Thought Crimes By Cameron Hilditch


If Eton College sticks to its ejection of one of its finest teachers, progressive rot has truly set in.

Will Knowland is now the most famous man in England, having been fired from his job at the country’s top school for “questioning radical feminist orthodoxy” in a remote video lesson.

However, his cancellation has not been as smooth a process as the perpetrators might have hoped. Mr. Knowland’s students, for one thing, are fighting to get him reinstated. Their devotion to their teacher won’t surprise anyone who knows the man in question. It certainly hasn’t surprised me. Five years ago, I was fortunate enough to study under Will Knowland’s tutelage for a brief time, during which he changed the whole course of my education. He taught me for just two weeks, but in that time he persuaded me that studying what I wanted where I wanted was a goal within my reach. Imagine my horror, then, when I found out some weeks ago that he had been fired for thought crimes during a lesson set aside for discussing controversial topics.

Knowland teaches at Eton College in England, one of the most famous schools in the world. Since its founding in 1440 by Henry VI, it has produced 20 prime ministers, 37 recipients of the Victoria Cross, and, if the Duke of Wellington is to be believed, victory for Great Britain in the Napoleonic wars. If someone had put a gun to my head a few weeks ago and asked me where I thought resistance to woke cancel culture would make its last stand in the U.K., without hesitation I would have said “Eton.” And if Will Knowland isn’t reinstated, we’ll have to conclude that the long march of the cultural Left through England’s institutions is complete. The Battle of Waterloo may have been won on the playing fields of Eton, but the culture war will have been lost in its classrooms.

But to view what’s going on at Eton right now exclusively through the prism of the culture war would also be a mistake. At the center of this story is not an issue, but a man, and right now, the story is being shaped by the impact he’s had on his students and his community as much as it is by larger social forces. Knowland is not an epiphenomenon of cancel culture writ large, a hapless victim of the times. His personal conduct and professional excellence over the past decade have triggered a huge response on his behalf by parents, donors, staff, and, especially, students. I spoke recently with an anonymous Eton alumnus who has connections with the current generation of parents. He had this to say about how the boys themselves have reacted to the dismissal:

The boys are being really careful about this. They wanted to keep the petition for Knowland’s reinstatement in house until it had reached a critical mass of students before opening it up to the wider public. They wouldn’t have done that if they were just looking to grandstand politically. They really care about the man and the injustice – it’s almost like a Dead Poets Society dynamic.

It’s the Biden People You Don’t See Who Ought to Worry You Obama power brokers run the show from backstage. Jack Cashill


These past, few, head-spinning weeks, journalists have rushed to identify Joe Biden’s next “historic” staffing choice with the gusto once reserved for finding Malaysian Air 370 or Lindbergh’s baby. This is all window dressing.

A more useful headline for those keen on ignoring election fraud might have read something like, “Who Will Pull Strings in Biden Puppet Regime (Presuming There Is One)?” I will attempt to answer that, but first some sample headlines:

ABC News: “Biden announces historic picks for foreign policy and national security Cabinet posts.”

NPR: “Biden Announces More Historic Picks For His Economics Team.”

CBS: “Biden announces key cabinet picks, including historic firsts.”

Going deeper still, CNN’s Kate Sullivan cites seven “historic firsts” in Biden’s administration, including such exotica as “first Latino and immigrant” Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and “first woman of color and first South Asian American” to serve as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

What might make these seven individuals even remotely newsworthy is not their sex or ethnicity, but the fact that all were appointed to previous positions by Barack Obama. Four of them also served under Bill Clinton—one presumes just figuratively.