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Ruth King

Why America Is In Trouble – 20 Largest Federal Agencies Admit To $2.3 Trillion In Improper Payments Since 2004 by Adam Andrzejewski


Since 2004, twenty large federal agencies have admitted to disbursing an astonishing $2.25 trillion in improper payments.

Last year, these improper payments totaled $175 billion – that’s about $15 billion per month, $500 million per day, and $1 million a minute.

But what exactly is an improper payment?

Federal law defines the term as “payments made by the government to the wrong person, in the wrong amount, or for the wrong reason.”

When people or companies receive incorrect payments, it erodes trust and hinders the government’s ability to finance everything from defense to health care.

Recently, our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com published a 24-page oversight report analyzing why, how, and where federal agencies wasted our tax dollars last year.

Here are the top 10 takeaways regarding improper and mistaken payments by the 20 largest federal agencies in 2019:

1. Total Mistakes: $175 billion in estimated improper payments reported by the 20 largest federal agencies, averaging $14.6 billion per month – Total (FY2004-FY2019): $2.25 trillion

Saying goodbye to Benny Gantz once the government falls -Ruthie Blum


The assertion that Netanyahu spends all his time fretting over his legal troubles and none handling affairs of the state is especially ridiculous in light of recent events. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Wednesday’s passage of the first reading of the Knesset dispersal bill by reminding the public that politics is secondary to policy.
He did this not merely by stating – as he and his key coalition partner, Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz, have been doing ad nauseam – that ministerial rivalries need to take a back seat to the needs of the country as it grapples with the health-related and economic ramifications of the coronavirus crisis. Rather, he highlighted his own recent achievements, both in spite of and in relation to the pandemic.

This is not to say that he didn’t finish his oratory without attacking Gantz. On the contrary, he let his defense minister/alternate premier have it.

Blaming Gantz for “being dragged to elections” by opposition leader Yair Lapid and Yamina MK Naftali Bennett, Netanyahu accused him of having formed an “opposition within the coalition.”

USA Today’s Fact Checks Are Actually Corrupt Partisan Spin December 3, 2020 By Jordan Davidson


USA Today issues daily fact checks, but many of their supposed corrections are actually just regurgitated narratives peddled by the mainstream media and often indistinguishable from leftist politicians’ talking points.

The newspaper has a history of propping up slanted, unnecessary, and long-winded explanations attempting to justify certain statements and behaviors to fit their narrative.

This week, the publication issued a “fact check” on a claim about former Vice President Joe Biden’s pick for press secretary Jen Psaki.

“The claim: A photo shows Jen Psaki, Joe Biden’s pick for press secretary, wearing a hammer and sickle hat while posing with officials from Russia,” USA today’s tweet states. “Our ruling: Missing context.”

Despite USA Today’s portrayal of the claim as “missing context,” nothing in the statement is factually inaccurate. Psaki, who was a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department at the time did, in fact, pose with a Russian official while wearing a hat emblazoned with the communist symbol in Russia.

“The image is real, but claims that the hat was anything more a gift or that Psaki was with Russian officials in any capacity beyond her official role are MISSING CONTEXT,” the fact check states, despite posing a claim that made no such accusations.


I am shocked by the number of people-good people and ostensibly patriotic people- who are willing to just let it go and accept the riddled with fraud election of Joseph Biden. They dismiss incontrovertible evidence of serious malfeasance ignored by the mainstream media.

Where is the mettle and informed opinion and demand that our franchise be freed from manipulation and deceit?

This should be bipartisan.  Are there two Americas? rsk

Trump Team to File Lawsuit: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada By Jack Phillips


A lawyer for President Donald Trump’s campaign said the team is preparing to file a lawsuit soon alleging that 40,000 people voted twice in Nevada, which, if true, could potentially erase Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lead.

Trump attorney Jesse R. Binnall, speaking to Fox Business on Dec. 2, said that they found evidence of “real voter fraud” including “thousands and thousands of instances” in Nevada that will be submitted to a court in the Silver State.

“We have instances, for instance, of 40,000-plus people who have voted twice in the election,” Binnall said.

He didn’t provide a source for his claim, such as an affidavit or a whistleblower, but later said lawyers will present evidence to the court. It isn’t clear where the bulk of the alleged fraudulent ballots were cast in the state.

Binnall, who helped defend retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, also said that some people who were recorded as having voted via mail never received ballots and told Trump’s team that they didn’t vote.

Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Cegavske has released few public statements since the Nov. 3 election.

Several weeks ago, in response to allegations of fraud, Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria’s office told The Associated Press that the Trump campaign’s “complaints … misstate and misrepresent evidence” and claimed they “parrot erroneous allegations made by partisans without firsthand knowledge of the facts.”

The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election By J. Christian Adams


Eric Holder was a big loser on election night. He was the guy raising tens of millions of dollars to make America safe for Democratic redistricting. A red wave turned Holder’s dreams into dust in state legislative races. State legislatures are where the redistricting action is, and the GOP flipped three chambers red, gaining 192 state house seats and 40 state senate seats nationwide.

Republicans now control both House and Senate chambers in 31 states. The country is a huge swath of red legislative control with Democrats largely confined to the cultural monoliths on the Pacific coast and urban Northeast.

The red wave extended to the United States House of Representatives, where for now, Republicans have gained nine seats.

But this wasn’t supposed to happen. The president isn’t supposed to lose when all the Republicans are winning.

Something’s fishy.

Indeed, something profoundly fishy happened in the 2020 election, but it wasn’t the Kraken or Venezuelan communists running remote software when they can’t even make the red lights work in their own country. Those shiny objects will play out with time and examination of evidence.

What happened in 2020 is something more fundamental and profound. What happened in 2020 is cultural and systemic, and sadly, generally legal. Until Republicans, and more importantly Trump supporters, understand what happened to them this year, it will happen again.

Two things happened in 2020. First, COVID led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president – the state legislatures.

Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.

If you are focused on goblins in the voting machines but don’t know anything about the CTCL and what they did to defeat Donald Trump, it’s time to up your game.

Sidney Powell’s Election Lawsuit in Georgia Gets Expedited Appeal By Zachary Stieber


A federal appeals court agreed on Wednesday to expedite the appeal in a case brought by lawyer Sidney Powell against election officials in Georgia.

A judge on Sunday blocked election officials from wiping or altering Dominion Voting Systems machines in three counties but Powell was seeking a statewide order, prompting her to seek an emergency appeal from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

The appeals court on Dec. 2 granted the emergency appeal, ordering plaintiffs to file their initial brief by midnight and defendants to file their response by midnight on Dec. 4. Plaintiffs can file a response to the response by midnight on Dec. 6.

The initial brief wasn’t listed on the docket as of early Thursday.

Lawyer Sidney Powell departs a press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on Nov. 19, 2020. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

A Dec. 4 hearing scheduled in front of the lower court judge who made the initial ruling was postponed, in light of the appeals court order. [delete]

Also on Wednesday night, the Democratic Party of Georgia entered an emergency request to grant an intervention so they can participate in the appeal. The party is being represented by Washington firm Perkins Coie, a longtime Democrat-linked company. [delete]

Science or Science Fiction? Teacher union leader claims we should follow the science, but then she ignores it. By Larry Sand


When pressed about the reason for closing schools as a way to limit the spread of Covid-19, the comment you mostly hear from the teachers unions and other shutdown hawks is, “Follow the science!” Typical is American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten who declared in an online interview in August, “Decisions on school re-openings should be left to scientists and experts, not ideologues.” But clearly Weingarten and other power brokers are the ideologues who are making these decisions, often as a ploy to advance their agenda, much of which concerns massive amounts of money being poured into education.

According to the most recent Covid Tracking Project data, 43.5 percent of students in the U.S. were attending virtual-only schools. Big city districts with powerful teachers unions have been especially hard hit. Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Detroit and Chicago are offering online-only instruction at this time and for the foreseeable future.

The schools in the unionized Fresno Unified School District in central California are only open for homeless and special needs kids. The Fresno Teachers Association has said the district should remain in distance learning at least through the end of the year, and prepare for a “safe, healthy and limited physical return” in the future. But right next door in Clovis, which has never had a teachers union, parents have a choice. They are free to send their kids back to school, or can have them learn at home via Zoom.

Taking Weingarten’s advice, let’s look at what actual scientists are saying.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield asserts that “school is one of the safest places” for children. Also, drawing on an assessment of data from 31 countries, UNICEF  maintains that “there is strong evidence that, with basic safety measures in place, the net benefits of keeping schools open outweigh the costs of closing them.” Moreover, the findings of a major British study reveal that it was a mistake to close schools. “The results demonstrate no evidence of serious harms from COVID-19 to adults in close contact with children, compared to those living in households without children. This has implications for determining the benefit-harm balance of children attending school in the COVID-19 pandemic.” In October’s Great Barrington Declaration, world renowned scientists noted that keeping children out of school is a “grave injustice.”

The Five Legislatures That Must Do Their Constitutional Duty To Confirm Trump’s Reelection Lewis K. Uhler and Peter J. Ferrara


After four years of bitter partisan infighting, Democrats have gone even further this time with the one thing they do well: steal elections. They have been doing that for more than 100 years, from Tammany Hall in New York to Chicago with former Mayor Richard Daley’s political machine counting the votes.

But this time the national media have become a willing accomplice, failing to report the charges Trump and his allies have been making against that fraud.  

On election night, fraud became increasingly obvious when the vote count stopped late at night in major Democrat controlled cities, in particular Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta, where in the dark of night trucks pulled up at voting centers to deliver new ballots to count. Democrats were following the most brazen vote-stealing practices going back over a century, calculating what votes were needed to reverse the results to favor Joe Biden.

At times before the ballot counts were stopped, Trump was leading by several hundred thousand votes. But once the sun rose, Biden’s vote count had increased by several hundred thousand. Some ballots had only a vote for Biden, with no votes for anyone else down ballot.

Our old friend and conservative ally Woody Jenkins, editor of the Central City News of Baton Rouge, La., summed it up as follows:

“While the mainstream media has crowned former Vice President Joe Biden as president elect, the facts on the ground are quite different, at least in two swing states that have been called for Biden – Georgia and Pennsylvania. In those two states careful analysis of the data show that both states voted for President Trump, and the election was stolen. It was fraud by computer.” (He goes on to identify Dominion and Smartmatic as the culprits).

Democrats faked birthdays in Pennsylvania and are caught by statistics


Counties with more suspicious birthdays were more likely to vote for Biden

When people picked fake dates for fake voters they didn’t spread them in a normal pattern through the year. Instead of having more birthdays in the summer months (which is normal in the US) there were more births than expected in December and January. There were also more birthdays on the nice round numbered days like the 10th, 20th and 30th days of the month.

In a layered and detailed study Carl Bell uncovers how wildly unlikely these birthdays are. Not only are the days suspicious, the months are too, and then there is the red hot flag that the counties with the oddest birthday patterns are usually Biden supporters. And furthermore, they are counties that differed the most from their past voting behaviour and also counties with higher votes for third parties too (like the libertarians). It’s almost like fake voters wanted Joe Biden to win, but not win by too much, so they had to add in some votes for “others” as well.

The “birthday” tool could not only to be used to spot suspicious counties in the first place, it was so detailed it could give an estimate of what votes might have been if those outlier counties had had a more normal distribution.

As usual, when they take out the fakes, Trump won.

This looks like something that would be useful in a court of law. “Beyond reasonable doubt”.