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Ruth King

Is America to Be First, Second — or What? By Victor Davis Hanson


A wise foreign policy over the next four years would build on Trump’s strategic gains for the U.S. and the West.

 D uring this strange “transition,” it has been common now to assert that “multilateralism” is back — and with a vengeance. Joe Biden’s envisioned team allegedly will jettison the unilateralist idea of “America alone” and supposed soft neo-isolationism.

Instead, the U.S. will resume its historic but neglected role as the leader of the enlightened world. It will supposedly recultivate allies estranged by Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo. It will now fix broken international organizations. It will eagerly reassume burdens that were neglected or repudiated during the Neanderthal Trump administration.

The result, supposedly, will be a safer, more secure world. The administration will be staffed again by returning international experts from the Obama years. Their excellence is vouched for by their past government, corporate, military, and academic service and their branded education.

I think all that is a fair summation of the lengthy published critiques, the preliminary giddy statements from designated Biden-administration officials, and the foreign-policy daily op-ed commentariat.

But how accurate are these rosy assessments and stock diagnoses?

A Strange Sort of Isolationism

Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% v. Trump 0.6% Stunning testimony that the media has dutifully ignored.


There are landslides and then there are landslides. There are lopsided votes and then there are lopsided votes. There are egregious examples of vote manipulation and then there are really egregious examples of vote manipulation. What surfaced during hearings in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 25, 2020, may set the standard for electoral outrageousness. An expert testifying to the Pennsylvania Senate flagged a batch of ballots that recorded some 570,000 votes for Joe Biden and only 3,200 for Donald Trump.

Yes, you read that correctly. That would equate to Joe Biden bagging 99.4 percent of that enormous chunk of votes. That one batch alone would have flipped the state to Biden.

This bombshell was dropped last Wednesday at the Wyndham Hotel in Gettysburg. The November 25 hearings, which began at 12:30 p.m. and ran for nearly four hours, were convened at the request of Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties). It was sponsored by the Senate Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Sen. David Argall (R-Berks/Schuylkill). Mastriano has called what happened “unacceptable,” and has called for the resignation of Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar.

This particular gem was provided by Ret. Col. Phil Waldren, a former combat officer with a background in Army information and electronic warfare. Waldren, who testified along with Rudy Giuliani’s team, brought to the hearing his considerable expertise in analysis of election-data fraud. After Waldren presented his material, the chair opened the floor for questions. Rudy Giuliani went first, asking Waldren to clarify what his analytics team means when they talk about “spike anomalies” in voting patterns. These, as Waldren defines them, are “events where a numerical amount of votes are processed in a time period that is not feasible or mechanically possible under normal circumstances.” Waldren showed a chart with a shocking example of an apparent massive dump of votes for Joe Biden. Giuliani pressed Waldren for clarification regarding this unbelievable “Biden injection of votes.” Here’s the exchange:

Warring Tribes and Fake Virtue: The 2020 US Election Daryl McCann


Has the Democratic Party perpetrated an electoral fraud? As with any crime—or alleged crime—we have to consider the means and the motive. The first part of that is easy enough to answer. Electoral fraud is an established part of American political life. In November 1960, for instance, incumbent Vice-President Richard Nixon conceded the presidential race to John Kennedy despite believing Mayor Daley’s Democratic machine had intervened to deprive him of victory in Illinois and his place in the White House. Electoral fraud was doable then and, with the exponential rise in mailed-in ballots and manipulatable electronic computations, even more doable now. This brings us to the matter of motive. Why would a municipal employee or a party apparatchik, often the same person, flout the law by subverting the electoral process? Easy. If I believed Donald Trump was a latter-day Benito Mussolini or even Adolf Hitler, it would be incumbent upon me to do everything—even “interrupting” democracy—in order to save democracy. There is, after all, no point playing by the rules when faced with the Prince of Darkness.

The American republic, as we have known it, is in crisis. The nation has largely divided into two warring tribes who view the other as a mortal—and civilisational—enemy. Extremism is not exactly new in the US, although in the past the demarcation line between normal and nutty ran through the parties and not between them. In 1960, for instance, the Democrats were an unlikely alliance of liberals, Dixiecrats and pragmatic opportunists like the Kennedys. JFK had been a family friend of Joe McCarthy and throughout the 1960 presidential race outflanked Nixon, one of the original Cold Warriors, by insisting that the Eisenhower–Nixon administration had allowed a “missile gap” to open up between the Soviets and the US. Long before he decided to run for the White House, Kennedy had believed Nixon was better suited than any other politician of their generation to succeed Eisenhower as President. So, when Nixon placed the standing or reputation of the democratic process before his own personal ambition, he was yielding to a man who fundamentally shared his worldview. He was not handing the White House to somebody he feared would destroy the American republic.

The Badger State’s Ballot ‘Fix’ Was In Julie Kelly


Wisconsin now appears to have the same legal problem as Pennsylvania. Will Badger State Republicans, who hold a significant majority in both the state house and senate, follow their lead?

Nearly 7 million absentee votes were cast, mostly for Joe Biden, in the three states responsible for his presumptive win; a mere 250,000 votes now separate Biden from Donald Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Trump’s victory in that once solid “blue wall” in 2016—Wisconsin last elected a Republican president in 1984—shocked the nation and elevated him to the presidency. The pivotal Rust Belt states have something else in common: according to state election laws, mail-in ballots cannot be processed prior to 7 a.m. on Election Day. (Michigan has a slight caveat for larger cities, which allows ballot inspection to begin the day before.)

As I wrote last week, it’s clear that Pennsylvania election officials violated the law by alerting voters to correct mistakes on or “cure” their mail-in ballots days before Election Day. This means not only were election workers inspecting mail-in envelopes in advance of the legal deadline, the unlawful pre-canvassing occurred without observers present, another obvious violation. 

Further, Pennsylvania is one of several states that does not have a ballot “curing” provision on the books. “Ballot curing refers to the process by which voters can correct mistakes—such as a missing or mismatched signature—with an absentee/mail-in ballot so that the ballot can be counted,” according to Ballotpedia, an online repository of election data and information. “Ballot curing provisions lay out this process in state law. States without such provisions do not count absentee/mail-in ballots with errors.” Pennsylvania voters had the option to check a database to see if their ballot had been rejected; if so, the voter needed to request a provisional ballot, not correct the existing one.

Will We Be Citizens or Subjects? Stephen Balch


What’s left of the system must continue to be worked, but an audacity is now called for, a willingness to stretch institutional bonds to a degree that genuinely alarms our conniving subverters.

A decisive moment comes and passes, a fleeting chance for action. People rise to the occasion or not, their measure taken and place in history assigned.

We, the citizens of the United States, have reached such a moment. For those who still remember the old republic, the questions it poses are self-evident. Do we make a stand or nervelessly surrender our rights? Do we affirm ourselves citizens—an historically rare and noble title—or do we accept becoming subjects, the fate of most humankind? 

We might, of course, hope for a quiet subjecthood, one in which our rulers permit us to go about our lives reasonably undisturbed. But that would no longer be our call, only their clemency.

In the course of this lamentable year, we’ve seen the clemency of our aspiring seigneurs on full display. It clearly doesn’t extend to our laws which they impudently flout. Nor to the truth, which they smoother or twist in caricature. Nor to property, which they seize by decree or have their Blackshirts burn. Nor to the American past, American institutions, and American traditions that they hate and trash. If we choose to submit to their mercies, we shouldn’t imagine they’ll long be tender.                 

Some have been arguing that we ought just to get on with it, accept the media-hyped election results and prepare for more winnable battles down the road. But as evidence of grotesque irregularities continues to pile up, it becomes ever harder to accept that time-honored bromide with equanimity.

‘Unrighteous Commerce’: Our Responsibility for China’s Barbaric Acts by Gordon G. Chang


Those who trade with China, invest in it, or promote ties with Beijing — in other words, strengthen or legitimize the ruling regime — have to know they are enabling the Party and are therefore complicit in its crimes against humanity.

“The world could have and would have been different if captains of industry as well as cultural and sports elites had acted differently in the 1930s, but they can act differently now.” — Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center to Gatestone.

China’s regime is able to engage in malevolent acts because businesses enrich it with trade and investment. Cut off the trade and investment, and Chinese leaders will have no cash for barbaric projects.

American companies and Americans are enabling Chinese atrocities. That has to end.

China’s Communist Party is committing crimes against humanity. American companies are helping it do so.

It is, as explained below, no longer possible to “compartmentalize” China, so the White House and Congress should use their powers to end all trade, investment, and other business relationships.

In what the Chinese euphemistically call the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Party is relentlessly eliminating cultural and religious identity and implementing race-based policies reminiscent of those of the Third Reich, at least before the mass exterminations.

At least a million — and perhaps more than three million — Xinjiang inhabitants, for no reason other than their Uighur or Kazakh ethnicity or adherence to Islam, are being held in facilities meeting the definition of “concentration camps.” Internees are dying in detention. Families are broken apart and children incarcerated in “orphanages.”

The Biden Administration and the Mexican Border: Questions of Food Security, Drug Smuggling and Money Laundering by Chris Farrell


A number of corrupt officials along the way facilitate the transactions and perpetuate our 50+ year-long “War on Drugs” that we can never quite seem to win.

Mexican cattle crossing into Arizona cannot be traced once they enter the U.S. The cattle should be traceable all the way to the slaughterhouse. It is a question of disease. The sale, movement and slaughter of untraceable cattle are a means to smuggle drugs and a way for the Mexican cartels to launder money…. Drugs are hidden inside cattle.

You may be thinking (correctly) – “Hey, wait a minute! We have these threats… UNDER A TRUMP ADMINISTRATION?” Yes, we do. Now imagine what the “open borders” advocates within the Biden administration will demand in the way of public policy.

When was the last time you wondered if your food was safe to eat? Sure, in the dystopian weirdness of 2020 “COVID world” – people enjoy “contactless delivery” and online shopping for groceries – but did you really question if your ground beef was contaminated? Get ready to do so. It is the most under-reported story you have never heard of.

There is an increasing food security threat to the beef industry and the American people. That threat is part of a mosaic of corruption and criminality involving modern-day cattle rustling, Mexican cartel drug smuggling and money laundering. All told, hundreds of millions of dollars are in play. A number of corrupt officials along the way facilitate the transactions and perpetuate our 50+ year-long “War on Drugs” that we can never quite seem to win. The public corruption angle to this story is the subject of a current, ongoing investigation by Judicial Watch.

In Arizona, state law enforcement and agriculture inspections at cattle crossing points at the Mexican border are a thing of the past. Federal Customs Officers are not agriculture, veterinary or firebrand inspectors. Mexican cattle crossing into Arizona cannot be traced once they enter the U.S. The cattle should be traceable all the way to the slaughterhouse. It is a question of disease. The sale, movement and slaughter of untraceable cattle are a means to smuggle drugs and a way for the Mexican cartels to launder money.

EXPLOSIVE: Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots, Lawsuit Claims By Tyler O’Neil


In the wee hours of Thanksgiving Day, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society filed an explosive election lawsuit asking Michigan’s Supreme Court to prevent Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson from certifying the election results until the Michigan legislature can fully investigate fraud claims and to force election officials to hand over all election materials to the legislature for this purpose. The lawsuit claims that officials illegally counted or threw out no fewer than 508,016 ballots, far more than Joe Biden’s 154,000-vote margin over Donald Trump.

“State and local officials brazenly violated election laws in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” Phil Kline, director of The Amistad Project, said in a statement. “The pattern of lawlessness was so pervasive and widespread that it deprived the people of Michigan of a free and fair election, throwing the integrity of the entire process into question.”

The Amistad Project is representing two female Michigan voters, Angelic Johnson and Linda Lee Tarver, who claim that election officials effectively robbed them of their votes by illegally undermining a fair election. In an interview with PJ Media, Ian Northon, an attorney representing Johnson and Tarver, explained the seven types of illegal counting the lawsuit alleges.

Citing state records, the lawsuit claims that Benson’s office sent out 355,392 unsolicited ballots. Northon explained that Michigan law requires two signatures for absentee voting: a signature on an application form and a signature on the security sleeve for the ballot. In this election, officials mailed out more than 300,000 ballots that no one had requested.

“They didn’t request them. You’ve just flooded the market with unsolicited ballots. No good can come of that,” Northon insisted.

The ‘Great Reset’ Con: Forget The Rhetoric, It’s Just Re-Heated Socialism


So-called progressive Democrats are buzzing about a “Great Reset” under Joe Biden, as if they have some completely new ideas to make our economy better and stronger. Sorry, but they’re merely repackaging the failed ideas of socialism and hoping Americans will be suckers enough to buy it. Don’t fall for it.

After months of COVID-19 lockdowns and growing restrictions on your personal liberties, you’ll soon be hearing from Democrats that this is the “new normal.” To function in this brave new world, we need to join the rest of the nations in a global “Great Reset” to create a better, more sustainable economy.

Sounds great? It isn’t. In fact, it’s a thinly disguised assault on free markets and Americans’ individual liberties and rights. Once those things are given away, you’ll be little more than a pawn in the globalists’ big game.

You might be wondering, where did this idea even come from? The answer: The World Economic Forum, a group of high-level government officials, economists, billionaires and corporate leaders whose goal is to make the world safe for big business.

Here’s how the WEF describes the Great Reset:

There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.

Let’s parse this mere handful of words for a moment. They contain a world of hidden meaning.

“Global stakeholders.” That’s who they want to replace “shareholders,” people who actually invested their dollars and have, as the saying goes, skin in the game. We’d have to give up traditional free markets, low taxes, relatively light regulation and our rights as U.S. citizens to be managed instead by inchoate groups of global “stakeholders.”

That means left-wing activist groups, non-governmental organizations, foreign officials, loosely structured busybodies and sell-out bankers and economists would make life-and-death decisions for businesses. Hiring, firing, production, where they locate, how they do business. Everything.

The COVID Case Con Continues By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.



As many Americans recover from their “virtual Thanksgiving,” sharing prayers and turkey across the internet, the media is pushing their November propaganda narrative, that Dementia Joe really won the presidential election and that COVID cases are once again surging across America.

The Washington Post claims that Wuhan coronavirus cases are “skyrocketing” while the New York Times wails that “It has hit us with a vengeance.” Yet the media is oblivious, either ignorantly or deliberately, to the reality that positive tests are not the same thing as cases.

A “case” has a very specific definition, apparently beyond the intellectual realm of Wolf Blitzer or Neil Cavuto. The CDC provides a specific “case definition.”  A case is not just a positive test.  Instead, what is needed is “presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence.”  Notice the AND, meaning not simply a positive test.

The current COVID surges are positive tests, and even those are suspect, without regard to whether those who test positive are actually sick or not. I was curious about drive-by testing and last weekend gave it a whirl. It only took about 20 minutes and was free, meaning I got what I paid for. Results were promised within three days but took just over seven days to find out that I was virus free.

Given the sensitivity of the COVID PCR test, it is likely that some of those being tested, without any symptoms or exposure, will be reported as test positive and added to the case tickers running constantly on Fox News and CNN.

Saying someone with a positive COVID test is a “case” is fraudulent. For comparison, blood glucose has an upper test limit of 140. Is everyone above that number a diabetic? Even if they just ate a doughnut or ice cream cone before testing? Or does it take more than a single blood glucose level before one is diagnosed with diabetes? Does a single elevated blood pressure test make one hypertensive? Certainly not.