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Ruth King


Not a single mention of Dominion or lawsuits or skepticism….


Trump’s Disgraceful Endgame By The Editors


There are legitimate issues to consider after the 2020 vote about the security of mail-in ballots and the process of counting votes (some jurisdictions, bizarrely, take weeks to complete their initial count), but make no mistake: The chief driver of the post-election contention of the past several weeks is the petulant refusal of one man to accept the verdict of the American people. The Trump team (and much of the GOP) is working backwards, desperately trying to find something, anything to support the president’s aggrieved feelings, rather than objectively considering the evidence and reacting as warranted.

Almost nothing that the Trump team has alleged has withstood the slightest scrutiny. In particular, it’s hard to find much that is remotely true in the president’s Twitter feed these days. It is full of already-debunked claims and crackpot conspiracy theories about Dominion voting systems. Over the weekend, he repeated the charge that 1.8 million mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania were mailed out, yet 2.6 million were ultimately tallied. In a rather elementary error, this compares the number of mail-ballots requested in the primary to the number of ballots counted in the general. A straight apples-to-apples comparison finds that 1.8 million mail-in ballots were requested in the primary and 1.5 million returned, while 3.1 million ballots were requested in the general and 2.6 million returned.

Flawed and dishonest assertions like this pollute the public discourse and mislead good people who make the mistake of believing things said by the president of the United States.

President-as-Leader or President-as-Partisan?

By Richard Brookhiser

Arizona Certifies Election Results for Biden as Giuliani Pushes Unfounded Fraud Claims

By Brittany Bernstein 
Trump’s team is calling on Republican state legislators to appoint pro-Trump electors in defiance of the popular vote.

How Trump Could Have Reacted to the Election

By Dan McLaughlin
Trump Campaign Election Litigation Appears to End in Pennsylvania While Proceeding in Georgia

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Wisconsin Recount Adds 87 Votes to Biden’s Margin of Victory

By John McCormack

Trump’s Michael Flynn Pardon Is Only The Beginning Of The Justice This Nation Deserves: Margot Cleveland


The corporate media has refused to tell Americans the truth, so I will. Here are six key aspects of the case that expose the Obama-Biden administration’s travesty of justice.

On Wednesday, President Trump pardoned an innocent man. Just before Thanksgiving, he signed an executive grant of clemency that provided Michael Flynn a full pardon and ended the criminal case against the retired lieutenant general.

Yet justice has not been served. And it may never be served. Justice for Michael Flynn requires something our country no longer possesses: an honest press.

Justice for Flynn requires the public to understand how the Obama-Biden administration, political appointees, career employees, special counsel attorneys, and a federal judge sought to destroy a war hero’s life to wreak revenge on Flynn for his service to Trump—and with a hope that Flynn’s demise would trigger Trump’s destruction. Justice for Flynn requires that those involved in this scandal be the object of public scorn.

The corporate media has refused to tell Americans the truth, so I will. And the damning facts go much beyond the evidence U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen, whom Attorney General William Barr charged with investigating the prosecution of Flynn, discovered. Here are six key aspects of the Flynn case the press buried that expose the travesty of justice heaped upon Flynn.



Ossoff Defends Warnock’s Anti-Cop Comments  ‘We are running alongside one another as friends and as partners’ by Colin Anderson

Jon Ossoff defended fellow Georgia Democratic Senate hopeful Raphael Warnock over a slew of controversial comments that include referring to police as thugs and bullies.

“We campaign together, and we’re friends and we speak routinely, and we are running alongside one another as friends and as partners,” Ossoff said during a Sunday evening MSNBC appearance. “Shame on [Republican senator] Kelly Loeffler for twisting the words of a man of God spoken at the pulpit to produce these nonsense, fear-mongering attack ads targeting Rev. Warnock.”

Loeffler has criticized Warnock for a number of “radical” sermons the Democrat made as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Warnock said many police officers behave like thugs and bullies in 2015, argued that America must “repent for its worship of whiteness” in late 2016, and said that “nobody can serve God and the military” in 2011. Ossoff’s defense of the speeches could alienate Georgia voters ahead of the state’s January runoff elections—the Peach State is home to the fifth-largest active duty military population in the United States, according to a 2018 Department of Defense report.

While Ossoff was quick to defend Warnock’s sermons, he has repeatedly dodged questions regarding Warnock’s longtime defense of anti-Semitic pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s infamous 2003 “God Damn America” sermon. The speech—which Warnock called a “very fine sermon”—accused American officials of “inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color” and likened the United States to al Qaeda. Wright blamed “them Jews” after Barack Obama condemned the remarks.

“Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me,” Wright said. “They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade a spade.”

Charles Fain Lehman – American High Schools Go Woke Consultants cash in on radical changes to curricula nationwide

http://American High Schools Go Woke Consultants cash in on radical changes to curricula nationwide

In July, the leadership of Los Angeles’s elite Harvard-Westlake School issued a 20-page confessional about the school’s role in perpetuating “racism and injustice” and promised changes. The school, which sends dozens of kids to the Ivy League every year, will now teach 11th-grade U.S. history from a “critical race theory perspective.” And diversity consultancies, which routinely charge six figures for their services, will facilitate the school’s transformation at every step.

On the East Coast, the wealthy Fairfax County public school district shelled out $20,000 for an hourlong speech from critical-race commentator Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. At one school in the district, faculty went further, disseminating “anti-racist” reading lists to parents and organizing students into “equity” committees.

Dozens of schools across the country, both public and private, have taken similar steps. The perceived need to announce sweeping changes in leadership and curricula has been a boon to the growing diversity-consulting industry, which is designed to profit from racial discontent.

A list of “anti-racism” resources, compiled just days after the death of George Floyd and featuring such writers as Kendi, Dr. Robin DiAngelo, and the authors of the New York Times‘s controversial 1619 project, was shared widely by colleges and high schools across the country.

At Fairfax’s Justice High School, emails obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show one of the school’s “equity leads” shared the list in an impassioned email to her colleagues. It was subsequently posted to the school’s website with the principal’s approval and shared in multiple community-wide emails. A representative of principal Maria Eck told the Free Beacon the list “represented the diversity of our families and students” and was posted “during a time of broad discussion of these issues in our community and in our society.”

Meanwhile, the tony Connecticut boarding school Loomis-Chaffee has introduced mandatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training for students and now requires faculty members to read Kendi’s Stamped from the Beginning and DiAngelo’s White Fragility for “professional development.” San Diego’s public schools have overhauled grading for fear of racist impact, and New York City wants to follow. The KIPP Schools, long a model for charter school excellence, have dumped their “Work hard. Be nice” slogan, claiming that “working hard and being nice is not going to dismantle systemic racism.”

Legitimacy of Biden Win Buried by Objective Data Emerging information from the states render his victory less and less plausible. by David Catron


During the weeks following November 3, innumerable election experts and statistical analysts have pored over the voting data upon which former Vice President Joe Biden’s purported campaign victory ostensibly stands. A growing body of evidence ranging from straightforward ballot audits to complex quantitative analyses suggests that the tabulation of the votes was characterized by enough chicanery to alter the outcome of the election. Consequently, a consensus has gradually developed among the auditors of publicly available information released by the states, and it contradicts the narrative promulgated by the Democrats and the media. The more data experts see, the less convinced they are that Biden won.

Among the analysts who question the legitimacy of Biden’s victory is Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, a cybersecurity expert whose technical expertise was touted by the New York Times last September and who has been described as a hero in the Washington Monthly. It’s unlikely that either publication will be singing his praises for his work pursuant to the recent election. His damning analysis of the electronic manipulation of votes that occurred in the early hours of November 4 appears in a sworn affidavit included with C.J. Pearson v. Kemp, a lawsuit filed by Attorney Sidney Powell in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. His nine-page affidavit (Exhibit 26) describes how it is possible to manipulate votes, where this occurred, and sums up his findings as follows:

I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden. These alterations were the result of systemic and widespread exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS, Scytl/SOE Software and Smartmatic systems that enabled operators to achieve the desired results. In my view, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

Why Millions Don’t Believe Trump Lost By Frank Miele


The allegations of election fraud that have divided the country in the weeks since Nov. 3, and the dismissal of them by the establishment as “conspiracy theories,” remind me of another November day 57 years ago.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, was officially assigned to the hand of Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who had defected to the Soviet Union several years earlier and then returned to the United States with his Russian bride and their newborn daughter. Of course, Oswald was never convicted of the assassination because he was himself murdered by a shadowy mob-associated bar owner less than 72 hours later. Anyone who didn’t believe “Oswald did it” was labeled as a conspiracy theorist, or worse. But for many Americans, the official lone-gunman story accepted by the Warren Commission was itself the conspiracy.

There was an alternative explanation believed by millions of Americans, yet given little credence in official Washington and the establishment media: that Kennedy was murdered by elements of the intelligence community as revenge for his failure to play ball with the Deep State on various national security issues. I need not go into detail here about how such a conspiracy could have operated, and yet to this day anyone who speculates on its scope is marginalized.

A similar dynamic is operating today regarding those who have argued that Democrats stole the presidential election from President Trump. Prominent attorneys like Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Rudy Giuliani have been painted as right-wing kooks, and the press repeatedly labels their allegations of cheating “baseless,” despite hundreds of affidavits from eyewitnesses, inexplicable vote counting anomalies, and blatantly unconstitutional changes in the voting process itself. Baseless? As Inigo Montoya says in “The Princess Bride,” “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

The lesson, of course, is to not jump to any conclusions. Let the process play out. It was the Warren Report short-circuiting the quest for truth about the JFK assassination that led to so many Americans distrusting their government in the first place. Let’s not magnify that distrust by allowing the power brokers in D.C. to coronate a new president whose legitimacy is suspect.

What you’ve been asking for: A (fairly) complete list of (some of) the most significant claims of 2020 election miscounts, errors or fraud. Sharyl Attikisson


It’s easy to find articles claiming that there was no election fraud, or that it was “not widespread,” or that it was not enough to “make a difference.” It is less easy to find some of the actual complaints and allegations, unfiltered and undistorted. 

Here is a (fairly) complete list of (some of) the most significant claims involving 2020 election miscounting, errors or fraud.

Please note that this resource lists allegations. It is intended neither to validate nor disprove any particular claim. The information and links help provide counterpoints to widespread, one-sided media reporting so that you can research and make your own judgements. All elections officials accused of improper counting or fraud have denied any improprieties.

The legislatures of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona are holding public hearings on election fraud issues.

Read: Hard-to-find election stories and links

Judge Schedules Hearing in High-Profile Georgia Election Case Zachary Stieber


The judge who ordered Georgia officials on Sunday not to wipe or reset voting machines has scheduled the next hearing in the case for Friday.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten Sr., a George W. Bush appointee, issued three emergency orders on Sunday, initially ordering officials to hold off on taking action regarding the machines before reversing his order and then re-establishing the first order.

In a Nov. 30 order, Batten said his final decision on Sunday partially granting the defendants’ motion “involves a controlling question of law as to which there is substantial ground for difference of opinion and that an immediate appeal from the order may materially advance the ultimate termination of the litigation.”

The order enables defendants to appeal the temporary ruling to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Defendants were ordered to file their brief by Dec. 2 while any reply brief will be due Dec. 3.

In a third filing, defendants said Charlene McGowan, Georgia’s assistant attorney general, will be appearing on behalf of the defendants, which include Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and state Election Board members.

A spokeswoman for the office of Attorney General Chris Carr told The Epoch Times via email that the office is unable to comment on legal proceedings outside of court filings.

The plaintiffs are represented by attorney Sidney Powell. They successfully convinced Batten on Sunday to bar officials in three counties from wiping or resetting Dominion Voting Systems machines.

Why Our Universities Have Failed :By Victor Davis Hanson


Where did Antifa youth rioting in the streets receive their intellectual and ethical bearings? Why are the First and Second Amendments no longer fully operative? How did the general population become nearly ignorant of their Constitution, history, and the hallmarks of their culture? Why do employers no longer equate a bachelor’s degree with competency in oral and written communications, basic computation, and reasoning? How in the 21st century did race and ethnicity come to define who we are rather than become incidental to our individual personas? In answering all these questions, we always seem to return to higher education—the font of much of our contemporary malaise.

The Perfect Storm

A perfect storm of events—many of them reforms with unintended consequences—have conspired to end disinterested education as we once knew it.

The passage of the 26th Amendment in 1971, lowering the voting age to 18—in response to widespread resistance to the draft and the Vietnam War—turned rhetorical campus activism into real progressive block voting. The campuses were no longer just free-speech zones, but woke reservoirs of millions of young voters, a new political and mostly subsidized constituency with clout, to which universities catered.

Globalization enriched the coasts. Seven-billion-person markets were translated into multibillion-dollar endowments of a magnitude never imagined. The Ivy League, MIT, Caltech, Stanford, the UC system, and dozens of other research universities between Boston and Miami, and San Diego and Seattle, partnered with corporations and solicited foreign government money. They opened up overseas satellites, welcomed in hundreds of thousands of foreign students, and began adjusting their curricula to reflect transnational issues.


Big pharma competes with one another for property rights to vaccines and pharmaceuticals and generics. President Trump, to his eternal credit, and routinely mocked for his efforts, mandated the warp speed collaboration in research and development that occasioned the vaccines that may be available to the public by the end of the year. It is unprecedented.
However, the media and vox populi simply ignore his triumph in dealing with the pandemic so giddy are they with the putative Biden victory.
Thank you, President Trump! God bless you! rsk