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Ruth King

Dr. Fauci, Andrew Cuomo, AOC nominated for Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ By Bernadette Hogan and Carl Campanile


Dr. Anthony Fauci and the essential workers who have labored throughout the coronavirus pandemic are tied neck-and-neck as key nominees for Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” award, a list on which New York’s  Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have also landed.

The annual poll opened on Wednesday and pulls from reader vote submissions, as individuals are required to vote “yes” or “no” when asked whether or not a specific nominee should be chosen as the overall award winner.

Readers may cast votes of “yes” or “no” to all 80 of the magazine’s nominated candidates.

Final results will be revealed in early December, with Time’s editors selecting an overall winner by Dec. 10.

Fauci, the U.S.’s top epidemiologist who became a national fixture over the last year during the COVID-19 pandemic response, as well as essential employees doctors, nurses, delivery workers, public transit and grocery store employees are leading the publication’s list — as of Wednesday both are tied, after individually receiving a yes by 81 percent of respondents, and no by 19 percent of voters.

Thirty five percent of readers gave Cuomo a thumbs up for the award compared to 65 percent who voted no.

The third-term Democratic governor celebrated winning the 2020 International Emmys’ “Founders Award” last week as well as being a New York Times bestseller with his latest novel, “American Crisis.”

But he’s slightly trailing liberal darling, Bronx Democratic Socialist AOC — who has thus far secured 38 percent yes votes in her favor.

Does Fauci Realize That Millions Already Gave His Thanksgiving Advice the Middle Finger? Matt Vespa


You’ve seen the photos. Airports are packed. Millions have traveled for the Thanksgiving holiday. It’s not nearly as bad as last year, a sign that there are Americans staying put—but did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the rest of the COVID Nazis think that America was not going to celebrate Thanksgiving? I mean, Fauci again went on Good Morning America Wednesday to give one last piece of advice:

Well, the final message is to do what we’ve been saying for some time. Keep the indoor gatherings as small as you possibly can. We all know how difficult that is because this is such a beautiful, traditional holiday. But by making that sacrifice, you’re going to prevent people from getting infected.”

Okay, well, George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton political operative, repeated Chinese propaganda right there. China, by far, has the highest caseload and death rate. It’s where this virus originated. They brought in incinerators into Wuhan at the outset, which we all know weren’t used to destroy trash. So, enough with this ‘US is the worst hit by COVID’ crap. It’s not. Second, the era of the expert is done. No one is listening. If Trump was never elected, or if COVID hit in 2017, we would have had a much more rational approach to this virus. Instead, the liberal media and the Democrats weaponized it, locked down the states they control without the proper vetting of the data and led to the destruction of countless businesses…for nothing. Everything has changed. The recommendations on masks and the warnings of contact through surfaces has all changed. The r-naught figure has changed. The mortality rate changed.  

Tsunami of voter fraud evidence is about to sweep away media’s claim that Biden won ‘I am afraid large sectors of America’s population are going to be off guard, however, when the states begin to flip’


November 27, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – After a slow start, the Trump legal team is now well and truly underway, and intends to show that the November 3rd election was really won by their guy.

In Pennsylvania, a courageous judge has halted the certification while she looks at evidence of fraud.  One question she might want to ask the Democrat Secretary of State:  If there were only 1.8 million ballots requested, how is it possible that you received 2.5 million back in the mail? 

In Wisconsin, a judge is reviewing a petition to throw out 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots. This effort is led by Phil Kline of the Amistad Project.  Pro-lifers will remember then-Attorney General Kline of Kansas from his years-long efforts to expose late-term abortionists and prosecute Planned Parenthood in that state some years ago.  

In Georgia and Michigan, America’s favorite prosecutor, Sidney Powell has unleashed the Kraken.  Her two 100-page plus lawsuits are chock-full of shocking examples of voter fraud, and have a plethora of affidavits appended. 

A couple of my “favorite” scams:

In Georgia, at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted, but there is no record that they were actually returned to county election boards by the voter. Were they just created in-house by Democrat operatives?
Again in Georgia, “All 900 military ballots in Fulton county were 100% for Joe Biden.” Try flipping a coin and having it land “tails” 900 times in a row.
In Detroit, there were more votes cast than people of voting age, which seems unlikely on the face of it.  Also, eyewitness report that vote counters were instructed to “pre-date” absentee ballots, and that they were also “overwriting” Trump votes to become Biden votes.

In Nevada, a judge is allowing the Trump team to present evidence of widespread voter fraud in a December 3rd hearing.  Included will be evidence of 13,372 “phantom voters” who didn’t know their birthday or even their sex when they registered, and often put down casinos and RV parks as their home address. Definitely sketchy. 

Music Legends Van Morrison and Eric Clapton Team for Anti-Lockdown Anthem ‘Stand and Deliver’


Rock music legends Van Morrison and Eric Clapton have teamed up for “Stand and Deliver,” a song that takes coronavirus lockdowns to task.

“There are many of us who support Van and his endeavors to save live music; he is an inspiration,” Clapton said according to Variety. “We must stand up and be counted because we need to find a way out of this mess. The alternative is not worth thinking about. Live music might never recover.”

Clapton also said that the end of live entertainment due to coronavirus lockdowns is “deeply upsetting.”

Proceeds for the track — set to be released on December 4 — will go to Morrison’s Lockdown Financial Hardship Fund, which works to lend financial assistance to musicians left struggling during the global pandemic and the mitigation lockdowns imposed across the world.

“It is heartbreaking to see so many talented musicians lack any meaningful support from the government, but we want to reassure them that we are working hard every day to lobby for the return of live music, and to save our industry,” Morrison added upon release of news of his Clapton collaboration.

According to his website, Morrison’s fund has already disbursed its first allotments. Still, the group promises that more money will soon be raised for a second round of donations to struggling artists.

Van Morrison has already released several songs that are critical of the lockdowns, including “Born To Be Free,” “As I Walked Out,” and “No More Lockdown.”

Morrison’s criticism of lockdowns has stirred controversy in certain circles, especially among government officials. The “Moondance” singer recently drew criticism from Northern Ireland’s health minister Robin Swann who called the protest songs “dangerous.”

“I don’t know where he gets his facts. I know where the emotions are on this,” Swann told BBC in September, “but I will say that sort of messaging is dangerous.” As Rolling Stone reported, Morrison has for decades voiced grievances through song, but “this time, Morrison’s preferred method of venting might also cause harm to others.”

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at: facebook.com/Warner.Todd.Huston.

Keith Olbermann says out loud what the fascist left is thinking By Thomas Lifson


When evil rages through large crowds of people, it has a hard time remaining silent. Those intent on furthering crimes of historic importance have a hard time keeping their mouths shut. Usually, it is the peripheral players with the loosest lips, for they want to be part of what they see as a triumph over those they hate (hatred being the handmaiden of evil). But sometimes, even those at the heart of darkness lose their normal restraints and say out loud what they are planning (13 second vide). Joe Biden’s apparent dementia may have turned off his filter.

Keith Olbermann never had much of a filter to begin with, and the loss of his former cable news platform seems to have unleashed his id even more than before. Here he is on his YouTube platform, captured in a tweet by Ian Miles Cheong, laying out his desire for a totalitarian police state in which Donald Trump and his supporters, “flunkies” and “apologists” (by which he must mean me among many others) are imprisoned in such numbers that vast new prisons are necessary. (hat tip: Fred T)

Don’t expect Joe Biden or any other Democrat to be asked to comment by the media.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for condemnation from anyone on the left.

Instead, fight like hell and send those donations to the Trump legal team and the Georgia Republican Senators.

Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ in U.S. Deleted After Publication By Matt Margolis


Conventional wisdom is that COVID-19 has caused thousands of deaths in the United States and nearly 1.5 million worldwide. This perception has been directly challenged by a study published by Johns Hopkins University on November 22.

Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Johns Hopkins University, critically analyzed the impact that COVID-19 had on U.S. deaths. According to Briand, the impact of COVID-19 on deaths in the United States can be fully understood by comparing it to the number of total deaths in the country.

According to the study, “in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.”

Wait, what?  Really?

That’s what it says.  And, it should come as no surprise that the study was deleted within days.

Luckily, a back-up copy remains on The Wayback Machine, and we can still read the study.

EU: New Pact on Migration and Asylum by Judith Bergman


The question at the core of the internal EU conflict over migration in Europe is not practical but political: whether the EU should take any migrants at all. On that question, the European Commission and the Central and Eastern European countries could not be further apart.

The proposed system invariably gives rise to multiple questions about the practical viability of the proposed system. Will frontline states become efficient at screening migrants? Will the planned increased border control work? How, exactly, are widespread, years-long people-smuggling and human trafficking by gangs who profit immensely from it, going to be stopped?

“The big gamble is that you are betting on all members states each living up to their part of the responsibility…. it only takes a few states not living up [to] their commitments and then the entire system breaks down.” — Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, professor of migration and refugee law at the University of Copenhagen, euronews.com, October 8, 2020.

“[W]e must ensure that the external borders of the EU and the Schengen Area remain perfectly sealed along all sections… Though it appears under a different name in the European Commission’s new package of proposals on migration and asylum, the migrant quota is still there, and Hungary opposes it, along with Poland and the Czech Republic.” — Zoltan Kovacs, Hungary’s Secretary of State for International Communication and Relations.

The European Commission has proposed a new Pact on Migration and Asylum for the European Union in the hope that it will solve the deep-seated political crisis that the issue of migration continues to pose in the EU.

Dominion software manipulated votes — 289K in Michigan, 96K in Georgia, lawsuits claim By Alex Swoyer


Lawyers working to prove President Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud said more than 1.5 million ballots were manipulated in three states — enough to change the outcome of the Nov. 3 election.

Lawyers working to prove President Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud said more than 1.5 million ballots were manipulated in three states — enough to change the outcome of the Nov. 3 election.

Sidney Powell, who is not on the president’s legal team but is filing pro-Trump lawsuits, sued officials in Michigan on Wednesday alleging Dominion Voting Systems software switched tens of thousands of votes for Mr. Trump to presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

The software manipulation, according to the complaint, was coupled with other fraud such as backdating absentee ballots.

“While this complaint, and the eyewitness and expert testimony incorporated herein, identify with specificity sufficient ballots required to overturn and reverse the election results, the entire process is so riddled with fraud, illegality, and statistical impossibility that this court, and Michigan’s voters, courts, and legislators, cannot rely on, or certify, any numbers resulting from this election,” said the 75-page lawsuit.

Hundreds of pages of exhibits were attached to the complaint, including affidavits from expert witnesses.

The crux of their claim in Michigan is there’s “incontrovertible physical evidence” that the security of the voting machines was jeopardized by the software being connected to the internet, which the lawyers say violated federal election law.

The lawsuit claims the software was developed by individuals with ties to the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and has been used to fix elections in other countries.

Dominion Voting Systems, which has a corporate lineage that is linked to Chavez, provided vote-counting software to about two dozen states including Michigan and Georgia.

The Michigan lawsuit points to an expert witness, Russell Ramsland Jr., who said Dominion “is responsible for “the injection or fabrication, of 289,866 illegal votes in Michigan, that must be disregarded.”

Joe Biden and the ‘Strolling Bones’ Charles Hurt


They’re the Rolling Stones without the roadies. Or the great music. Or any music, actually.

The Strolling Bones reunion tour.

John Kerry and Joe Biden are getting the band back together again.

Collectively, they have been getting things wrong in Washington for nearly 100 years. Literally, two of the dumbest people on earth … but they do love to hear themselves speak!

Droning on and on and on.

Two ridiculous men for which Washington was designed. Neither could run the shoe department at Macy’s — meaning they are more incompetent that Al Bundy.

But in Washington? They are titans! Geniuses! Two of the most respected foreign policy minds of their generation!

To be fair, Joe Biden and John Kerry do provide value. It can be confusing if somebody is only mildly stupid. Because someone who is mildly stupid will occasionally be right about something. Like a blind squirrel.

But John Kerry and Joe Biden are, literally, wrong about everything all of the time. They are not even broken clocks that are right twice a day.

It’s Happening: Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS By Jim Hoft


It is clear the Pennsylvania 2020 election was wrought with fraud and criminal conduct.
President Trump led by nearly 700,000 votes on election night.
Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of votes to steal the state from the Trump Campaign.

On Wednesday the Pennsylvania state legislature held a hearing on the 2020 election issues and irregularities.

One witness described the huge “spikes” in Pennsylvania during the hearing and the crowd gasped.


: Of the 600K votes added during curious “spikes” in PA, how many went to Biden? Witness: “I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand.” “And how much for Trump? Witness: “I think it was a little over 3,200.”