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Ruth King

An Illegitimate Election Plunges the Republic into a Crisis This is how elections are conducted in Third World countries – and now in America. Daniel Greenfield


“The crisis of the republic is emerging out of the shadows of the state and we have to meet it. Its urgent question is whether ours is a government of the people or a people of the government.”

However the presidential election turns out, one thing is clear, half the country will believe that the man officially sitting in the White House is an illegitimate pretender.

And that’s the way it’s been throughout this century.

The crisis of presidential legitimacy really kicked into gear in 2000. Before that people might hate the president, but the opposing political party wouldn’t insist on his illegitimacy. Afterward every president has been treated as an illegitimate criminal to be opposed and driven out.

Twenty years later, the Democrat strategy of presidential illegitimacy has brought the country to the brink of civil war. Declaring that President Bush was illegitimate wasn’t just rhetoric. Congressional Democrats fought certification of the election results in 2000 and 2004, and touted impeachment. The Iraq War did not radicalize Democrat opposition to Bush, like the pandemic, it gave the already radicalized Democrats a tangible thing to justify their treason.

The Democrat doctrine of presidential illegitimacy changed how our government worked.

The first duty of House Democrats became public shows of resistance and hostility to an illegitimate president. And presidents responded by acting unilaterally through executive orders and actions. The collapse of relations between the executive and legislative branches led to a stalemate that benefited the unelected parts of the government: judicial and administrative.

Obama’s Reason to Hate Still surging in 2020. Lloyd Billingsley


In his new book A Promised Land, former president Obama claims he sought “a broader struggle for a fair, just and generous society.” That quest brought criticisms including: “how whites avoid taking the full measure of the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, and their own racial attitudes. How this left Black people with a psychic burden, expected to constantly swallow legitimate anger and frustration in the name of some far-off ideal.” This recalls a theme from the author’s first book.

“Black people have a reason to hate. That’s just how it is. For your sake, I wish it were otherwise. But it’s not. So you might as well get used to it.”

Thus spake the poet “Frank” in Dreams from My Father. Frank is giving advice to young Barry, about to leave Hawaii for Occidental College in Los Angeles. As Frank warns, “They’ll train you so good you’ll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit.”

After Dreams from My Father was published in 1995, the author acknowledged that “Frank” was Frank Marshall Davis, still identified as a black journalist and poet. Davis was also a longtime Communist Party activist on the FBI’s security index. When the Dreams author became a rising star in politics, Davis disappeared from the audio version of the book and made no appearance in The Audacity of Hope.

That book mentioned David Axelrod, who in 2007 had been proclaimed “Obama’s narrator” by the New York Times. The next year, the Dreams author became president and set about transforming the United States. As Paul Kengor documented in The Communist, the domestic agenda of the Dreams author bore striking similarities to the views of Frank Marshall Davis. In 2015, Davis did not appear in David Axelrod’s massive Believer, which still proved enlightening on racial themes.

Obama: My Racist Mentor’s “God Damn America” Taken Out of Context Daniel Greenfield


During the 2008 election, it was an uphill battle getting Barack Hussein Obama to disavow his racist mentor, Jeremiah Wright.

After giving a speech defending Wright, and falsely accusing America and his grandmother of racism, he was finally forced to condemn him in a very narrow sort of way, falsely stating, “I reject outright the statements by Reverend Wright that are at issue.”

The political elites, including the media, backing Obama heaved a huge sigh of relief and pretended that it was over.

Wright went on to closely embrace Farrakhan, he had been a former Black Muslim, and spew hate. But the Wright issue resurfaced again as Warnock, the Democrat Senate nominee in Georgia, had been out there defending Wright.

Michelle Obama, in her latest memoir, appeared to distance herself from Wright.

“This wasn’t helped by the fact that ABC News had combed through twenty-nine hours of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s sermons, splicing together a jarring highlight reel that showed the preacher careening through callous and inappropriate fits of rage and resentment at white America, as if white people were to blame for every woe. Barack and I were dismayed to see this, a reflection of the worst and most paranoid parts of the man who’d married us and baptized our children” her memoir states.

“Seeing an extreme version of his vitriol broadcast in the news, though, we were appalled. The whole affair was a reminder of how our country’s distortions about race could be two-sided — that the suspicion and stereotyping ran both ways.”

The Taliban are Betraying Trump’s Peace Deal by Con Coughlin


While Mr Trump has fulfilled his side of the bargain by overseeing a significant reduction in America’s military presence from 9,000 to 4,500 troops since the deal was signed, the Taliban has been less forthcoming in terms of honouring its side of the deal.

The upsurge in Taliban violence certainly raises significant questions about whether Afghanistan’s security forces will be able to defend the country once American forces have been withdrawn, with US forces due to be reduced to 2,500 by early next year.

There are also concerns that, if the Taliban succeeds in seizing control of large swathes of the country, they could allow Islamist terror groups like Al-Qaeda to return and use the country as a base from which to launch attacks against the West — the initial cause of America’s military intervention following the September 11 attacks.

The fear now is that, if Mr Trump and his senior advisors are no longer in a position to conclude the peace deal he negotiated earlier in the year, then the Taliban will simply take matters into their own hands and seize control of the country by force.

The latest spate of terror attacks carried out by the Taliban in Afghanistan suggests that the terrorist organisation remains determined to seize control of the country through violence rather than by negotiating a peace agreement with the democratically-elected Afghan government.

Under the terms of the historic agreement that the Trump administration signed with the Taliban in February, Taliban leaders undertook to negotiate a lasting peace deal with President Ashraf Ghani’s administration in Kabul.

The aim of the deal, so far as US President Donald Trump was concerned, was to end America’s long and costly involvement in the Afghan conflict which, most recently, dates back to the September 11, 2001 attacks, and has claimed the lives of more than 2,300 US military personnel and cost the American taxpayer nearly $1 trillion.

As part of the agreement, the US undertook to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan on the understanding that the Taliban would cut all ties with international terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS), and engage in a sincere dialogue with the Afghan government to formulate a lasting peace agreement.

Help is on the way for understanding Sidney Powell’s Georgia complaint By Andrea Widburg *****


One of the biggest problems with 2020’s election fraud is creating an accessible narrative that doesn’t sound like just a mess of disparate statements and studies. Enter Doug Ross, who’s put together an attractive infographic that he describes as “so easy to consume, even Democrats can understand.” Moreover, he’s freely sharing it, so I’m taking advantage of that in this post.

On Wednesday night, Sidney Powell filed a 104-page complaint in Georgia, that pulls together all the allegations we’ve heard about regarding election fraud. The general outlines of the massive election fraud is much the same in all the contested states (Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, etc.). What gives Georgia special urgency is the upcoming runoffs for Georgia’s two Senate seats, which could hand the entire federal government to the Democrats.

At the same time that Powell filed the complaint in Georgia, she filed a companion lawsuit in Michigan. That suit is predicated on the same underlying allegations seen in Georgia – massive election fraud – but relies upon eyewitness and expert testimony unique to Michigan. If you understand the principles behind the lawsuit in Georgia, you’ll also understand what’s taking place in Michigan.

The problem with both lawsuits is that they’re extremely long and assert dozens of facts pointing to three different issues: traditional fraud (cemetery votes, faked ballots), computer fraud (the Dominion voting systems and data manipulation), and executive department overreach that illegally changed voting rules in both states. For each of these categories, the evidence and the applicable law are different.

Both lawsuits also suffer from the fact that Powell and her team had less than two weeks to prepare complaint that would normally take months to finalize. This rush shows up in the fact that the allegations are a bit disorganized and there are typos.

Unsurprisingly, leftists have latched onto these non-substantive problems as proof that the substantiative allegations in the complaints are fallacious. In addition, leftists are doing their usual thing of saying that, because they disagree with the facts, the allegations are therefore old and “discredited” or “debunked” and can be disregarded. This attack from the hard-left Vice News illustrates the point.

Enter Doug Ross. He put together a remarkably clear infographic that, in nine slides, breaks down the different allegations and the core facts supporting them. In his email sharing the infographic Doug generously tells people to “feel free to copy, share, whatever.” I’ve taken him up on that offer:

The Pennsylvania hearing: The second Gettysburg Address By Matt Keener

http://Faith in this election and all future elections is on the table

If a huge story drops in the middle of a crowded room and no “journalist” is there from the mainstream media to cover it — is it still a story?

The answer is yes.

Wednesday November 25th, the day before Thanksgiving, may go down as the nation’s second Gettysburg Address.

And there is a good chance you might not have heard it or anything about it.

Apart from several live streams of the event, OANN was the only network to cover it on television.

But despite the media blackout and Twitter’s censorship, the truth has a funny way of spreading.

If the Trump team and their witnesses manage to duplicate and produce testimony equally as compelling and powerful as what was on display in Pennsylvania, the 2020 election is far from over.

Members of Trump’s legal team and members of the Pennsylvania State Legislature held a public hearing that for the first time offered real, tangible evidence.

And perhaps more importantly, It presented real people and their testimony.

Conservatives must stop quitting before the battle is over! By Peggy Ryan


America is on the verge of sanctioning a socialist takeover of the greatest government ever established on the face of the Earth.

What are we doing about it?  Are we in solidarity with our president, or are we tacitly admitting defeat in the midst of the battle?  Are conservatives who criticize the president’s legal team, as Rush Limbaugh did, helping the president or the insurgents?  Are those who say Georgia is now our only hope, the Senate our last chance, encouraging patriots or the enemy?  The subliminal message is that we’ve already lost the White House, so the Senate is all we have left.

Why do so many feel defeated in the middle of the fight?  For years, Americans have been beaten down, victims of emotional and psychological abuse by media.  With continuous abuse, many succumb to learned helplessness, where an individual who “continuously faces a negative, uncontrollable situation stops trying to change [his] circumstances.”  In other words, they give up. 

The media’s abuse is wide-ranging, and their weapon of choice is gaslighting.  They tell us we can’t believe our own eyes.  Hillary did nothing wrong; there was no RussiaGate conspiracy to remove the president.  Don’t believe stories of Biden using his son for money-laundering and kickbacks — not even if you’ve watched the video of Biden demanding a quid pro quo from Ukraine.

What the Election Will Come Down To By David Solway


The Fat Lady has not yet begun to warble.

We need to begin with what most people almost surely know, despite the predictable disclaimers and pro forma expressions of doubt emerging all over the infoscape, namely, the 2020 election is in process of being stolen in what amounts to an insidiously deceptive coup d’état. It is fair to assume that this is common knowledge.

The circumstantial evidence is dispositive.

Biden was rarely able to manage a rally of more than a dozen or two stalwarts while Trump’s rallies could top 50,000;
Biden garnered more votes than even Obama did, a sublime unlikelihood;
the media called for Biden when Trump was comfortably ahead in the ballot count;
a sudden and nigh-miraculous manna drop of late-arriving ballots in the wee hours tilted the scale for Biden;
the virtual expulsion of Republican scrutineers at the voting booths and the obstruction by State authorities of monitored recounts;
and the use of Dominion voting systems allegedly calibrated to favor Biden and erase Trump.

Veteran lawyer Robert Kirk is convinced that the facts are

“…the kind and quality of substantial evidence, which, if presented to a jury, would easily result in a unanimous verdict by all twelve jurors, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the re-election of Donald J. Trump was stolen through the use of the Dominion voting software systems installed in states throughout our country.”

The so-called system “glitches” privileging Biden turn out to constitute an unmistakable pattern, a veritable constellation of effects. Moreover, the contest is far from over and the kraken has yet to be released.

Reviewing the reams of evidence available to date, Joe Hoft at Gateway Pundit rehearses the obvious: “Within the first 24 hours after the election we knew it was stolen. President Trump sets the record for the most votes ever and somehow the guy in the basement who is quickly failing in intellectual abilities…somehow broke the all-time vote record to beat the President’s win.”

The Trump Paradox Despite Ann Coulter’s wish, you are unlikely to have Trumpism without Trump. By Bruce S. Thornton


President Trump’s decision to direct the General Services Agency to begin working with the Biden transition team, along with several failures of the president’s legal team to garner enough evidence to change the outcome, has made it increasingly likely that Biden will be the next president. These moves do not mean that Trump and the Republicans should stop working on exposing the electoral fraud that certainly contributed to Biden’s victory. But the odds have increased that Biden will take office in January.

Perhaps that’s why we’ve been seeing more postmortems of Trump’s presidency and his apparent failure to get reelected. The various explanations all point to a paradox at the heart of the Trump phenomenon, one that exposes a larger paradox among the American electorate.

We don’t need to explain why progressive Democrats voted for one of the weakest, least accomplished, and most unsuited candidates in American history. The party fancies itself a technocratic elite, motivated not by Madison’s “passions and interests,” but by “science” and credentialed “experts.” This faith is stubbornly resistant to the decades of empirical evidence that repudiates the assumption that the human mind, behavior, motivations, and free will can be understood sufficiently enough to generate scientific truths to govern them. What appears to be a technocracy is in fact a political religious cult, a fact made obvious by the last four years of hysterical, irrational tantrums thrown by the Democrats.

Trump Faces a Critical Choice About His Political Future By Victor Davis Hanson


Will he follow the example of Andrew Jackson, who went on to victory, or sore loser Hillary Clinton?  

Donald Trump is nearing a crossroads.

Those who allege that he has endangered the tradition of smooth presidential transitions by not conceding immediately after the media declared him the loser suffer amnesia.

When Trump was elected in 2016, the Washington establishment lost its collective mind. The top echelon of the FBI and CIA were still spreading a fraudulent Christopher Steele dossier paid for by the campaign of his opponent, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee.

Shortly before Trump’s inauguration, President Barack Obama called Vice President Joe Biden, National-Security Adviser Susan Rice, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and FBI director James Comey into the Oval Office. The purpose of the meeting was reportedly to collate progress reports about how best to continue government surveillance of Trump’s designated national-security adviser, Michael Flynn, and thereby disrupt the transition.

Flynn’s name was soon unmasked, apparently by Obama-administration officials, and then illegally leaked to the press.

The harassment during the transition became thematic for Trump’s next four years, which saw false evidence submitted to federal courts and the illegal leaking of other classified documents.

No prior president has faced such hysterical opposition bent on removing him from office — whether by a special prosecutor, concocted charges that he should be deposed under the 25th Amendment, or, finally, a failed attempt at removal via impeachment.