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Ruth King

Trump: 2020 ‘Long Way From Over’ By Zachary Stieber


President Donald Trump said the year is not yet over, responding to poll respondents who want him to run for president in 2024.

In a new Morning Consult/Politico poll, a majority of GOP respondents said they’d vote for Trump if he ran for president in four years.

Trump shared a social media post about the poll, writing: “But 2020 is a long way from over!”

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden declared victory in the Nov. 3 election, but Trump is challenging results in a number of battleground states and insists he still has a chance to win. The Epoch Times isn’t calling the race until all challenges are resolved.

On Wednesday, Trump called into a Pennsylvania Senate hearing and claimed he won the election.

“This was an election that we won easily. We won it by a lot,” he said.

“This election was rigged, and we can’t let that happen. We can’t let it happen for our country, and this election has to be turned around, because we won Pennsylvania by a lot, and we won all of these swing states by a lot,” he added.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaks in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 25, 2020. (Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo)

On election night, he recounted, he had built up leads in states like Pennsylvania before “all of a sudden, ballots were dumped.”

You Want Evidence of Voter Fraud? The Trump Campaign Will Present it in Court Next Week By Tyler O’Neil


This week, a judge granted the Trump campaign an opportunity to present evidence of alleged widespread voter fraud in Nevada. The campaign will get the opportunity to present 15 depositions at a Nov. 3 hearing to make its case.

“BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing,” White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows announced on Twitter Tuesday night. “Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened—a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned.”

Trump officials told The Washington Examiner that the judge is allowing 15 depositions. The campaign plans to present evidence that could result in the rejection of tens of thousands of mail-in ballots in Democratic Clark County where Joe Biden ballots outnumbered Trump ballots by 91,000 in unofficial results. According to preliminary results, Biden won 703,486 votes to Trump’s 669,890 votes, roughly a 34,000-vote spread.

“It gives us a real chance, if to do nothing else, to begin to show this historic level of fraud,” Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union and one of those leading the Nevada case, told the Examiner. “Our filing said we have over 15 individuals and tens of thousands more from mail-in fraud. We have enough to switch the outcome.”

The Trump campaign’s lawsuit, filed November 17, included several allegations of voter fraud, including votes from nonresidents and the dead. The lawsuit claimed that election officials used a machine to verify the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots, in violation of state law, which requires human verification. The campaign claimed the machines are plagued with problems.

“A lot of people in the national media have said, ‘If you have evidence of voter fraud, show it.’ Well, we have thousands and thousands of examples of real people in real-life instances of voter illegality,” Schlapp said on Fox News Tuesday night. “If we get a fair hearing, I believe the results in Nevada should be switched.”

BREAKING: Sidney Powell Releases the ‘Kraken’ in Georgia with Explosive New Lawsuit By Victoria Taft


Defense Attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and others have filed a lawsuit in Georgia demanding that the results of the 2020 election be set aside because of “massive election fraud” and foreign influence in the election. The lawsuit claims that 96,600 mail-in ballots “were fraudulently cast” and that “136,098 ballots were illegally counted as a result of improper manipulation of the Dominion software.”

Powell, a high-profile attorney who represents former Trump National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn, asks that the governor be enjoined from certifying the election. The 104-page lawsuit claims that Gov. Brian Kemp, Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger, and the chair and members of the Georgia State Elections Board failed to police the alleged fraud, including “multiple violations of Georgia laws, including O.C.G.A. §§ 21-2-30(d), 21-2-31, 21-2- 33.1 and §21-2-522, and multiple Constitutional violations, as shown by fact witnesses to specific incidents, multiple expert witnesses and the sheer mathematical impossibilities found in the Georgia 2020 General Election.”

The lawsuit, co-filed with attorney Lin Wood and an Atlanta attorney, asks a judge to set aside the results of the election in a permanent injunction; enjoin elections officials from certifying the election; demands that all voting machines be subjected to forensic assessment; and asks that election officials produce 36 hours of surveillance video of “all rooms used in the voting process at State Farm Arena in Fulton County, GA from 12:00am to 3:00am until 6:00pm on November.”

The lawsuit, filed on Wednesday, also alleges that Georgia’s sloppy mail-in balloting was responsible for thousands of shady, illegal votes.

Multilateral Dreamin’ The foreign policy establishment’s vapidities veil a substantive void. Their competence is bounded strictly by their experience, which is of personal success and public failure. By Angelo Codevilla


The prospective renewal of the establishment’s full powers in a Democratic administration secures its longtime foreign policy personnel’s influence; yet it also puts them in the position of trying to convince Americans that they would use that influence to accomplish something other than the diminution of American security that they delivered to us over the past generation. Unable to argue that the same actions and attitudes would produce different results, they mix generalities about multilateralism with straw-man characterizations of those who understand that foreign governments pursue their proclivities—not their private dreams.

They have another problem. The American people strongly approve of President Trump’s emphasis on an “America First” foreign policy, and will not look kindly on re-subordinating America to the establishment’s hobby horses. 

Trump was elected to end pointless military adventures abroad. Whatever the establishment might prefer, nobody now is going to send U.S. troops to fight overseas, especially not in the Middle East. 

He was elected to be “tough on China.” Returning to business as usual with China is the establishment’s top international priority. But public opinion has so shifted that candidate Biden promised to be even tougher on China. His administration will have to pretend. 

The entire U.S. ruling class decried Trump’s bypassing the Palestinians to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. But that bypassing transformed the Middle East. Nothing so thrills the establishment like sitting down with “the Europeans” as senior partners. But the Europeans pull in different directions. Helping America is the last thing on their minds.

Straw Men Distract from the Real Corruption Around Us In a world of lies and propaganda, intellectual integrity remains vital for those on the Right. By Christopher Roach


“The real story of the 2020 election is the same one that we saw played out over the last four years: the establishment will never allow the Right to accrue any real political power through elections.  ”

Having absorbed a lot of the election data, I believe substantial evidence shows the election was stolen. Many facts and reasonable inferences support this: the dramatic enthusiasm gap; Trump getting millions more votes as an incumbent but somehow still losing; Republicans somehow gaining a dozen seats in the House of Representatives; the Democrats’ track record as ballot-stuffers in certain urban precincts; the anomalous Trump gains in traditional Democratic areas; Trump’s victory in bellwether states such as Florida and Ohio, while losing places he won last time, along with many other well-documented irregularities. 

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like any of this will matter, at least to the legal process. 

Trump and his campaign appear not to have addressed the growing indications of a latent plan in the voting rule changes in the weeks and months before the election. They hired the wrong legal team at the last minute. And their strategy since Election Day has been disorganized.  

Hillbilly Elegy: Ron Howard’s Inverted Mayberry By Kyle Smith


Americana for our age: Booze, opioids, and ignorance. But Glenn Close, at least, sails past the white-trash clichés.

Amy Adams stars in Hillbilly Elegy (Lacey Terrell/Netflix) Americana for our age: Booze, opioids, and ignorance. But Glenn Close, at least, sails past the white-trash clichés.

Hollywood knows two registers when it comes to the white working class (WWC): sentimentalizing and condescending. WWCs are either cute, neighborly, and folksy, or they constitute a tawdry, alien life form. There are 130 million WWCs in our country, and yet nobody in Hollywood has the slightest grasp of them. With the plucky rural folk, it’s always about hearts overflowing with kindness or sinks overflowing with dirty dishes. Their veins surge with either the American dream or opioids.

Ron Howard’s career got rolling in one WWC cliché — Mayberry, on The Andy Griffith Show — and now he’s traveled a great distance to indulge another, the Middletown, Ohio, recalled so memorably and with such wounded pride by J. D. Vance in his 2016 memoir Hillbilly Elegy.

Howard’s movie adaptation for Netflix recounts the events of Vance’s book but lacks the feel, the personality. So much of its power was in its authorial voice, as was the case with Frank McCourt’s 1996 memoir Angela’s Ashes, which was poorly adapted by Alan Parker in a 1999 film. Hillbilly Elegy the movie has much in common with Parker’s film: It’s an Appalachian Angela’s Ashes. If Vance’s book was a page-turner with a message, Howard’s film is just one damn thing after another: fights, screaming matches, drug sprees, shoplifting episodes, police interactions. It gets to be unintentionally comic at times.

Uncertainty is the New Normal A nagging worry buzzes away at the back of our brains, like a kind of tinnitus. T Katie Hopkins


One thing we all like in life, whether we admit it or not, is some degree of certainty.

Many like to be super-certain. Every little detail needs to be known, planned and re-confirmed in order for them to feel in control enough to get going.

For others, routines and norms create a kind of easy, everyday certainty that allows them to keep a handle on the muddles of life and get useful things done. It is easier to concentrate on work knowing the washing machine is empty or the parking meter is paid.

For a small minority, a passport, small bag, credit card and toothbrush are all that’s needed to feel certain they have everything they could possibly need. I put myself in this last category— although I’d add Tylenol to the packing list because pain is a secret thief of time and patience.

Whatever our own appetite for certainty, it is based on some notion of consistency in our wider lives. Whatever goes on inside our heads or our hearts or indeed our homes, we kind of expect the stuff outside our front door to trundle along in the same predictable way as it has done for years.

It is reassuring in some ways that winter will turn to spring, traffic will always be hideous on Friday, your mother will always feel left out of something and solicitors will overcharge for everything. Or, as my father enjoys reminding the family at celebratory moments, “the only certainties in life are death and taxes.” (I wonder if he realizes how old he is.)

‘Stuffing the Ballot Box’ with Mail-in Ballots The real history of election rigging and corruption in Democrat-controlled cities over the past century. Phil Orenstein


President Trump won the 2020 presidential election by a landslide of legal votes, and 73 million Trump voters will not allow this election to be stolen by widespread voter fraud. Stealing elections has been the rule rather than the exception in big cities run by Democrats throughout our history, and now it will end.

The legacy media reports that voter fraud claims are baseless, false, and historically rare and the tech giants censor anyone who disagrees. But history tells us a different story of corrupt machine politics in the big cities Democrats ruled for the past century by rigging elections, and they are still at it today.

The Hague political machine of Jersey City, and other powerful big-city machines served as the likely prototypes for today’s vote-rigging system. Mayor Frank Hague infamously declared “I am the Law” and turned voter fraud into a science to deliver votes for Democrats. Boss Hague’s political machine specializing in graft and corruption, ran Jersey City for decades in the early half of the past century. The Hague machine rigged the elections for Democrat candidates, with some winning by nearly 100% of the vote. Election results were usually reported late after reviewing the vote count to determine how many votes were needed to win. In precincts where they needed more votes, Hague’s army of election workers stuffed the ballot boxes and discarded and erased Republican ballots. Poll Watchers and Republicans seeking an honest and fair election, were shut out of polling places, arrested, bullied and beaten up. Hague’s time-honored practice of keeping dead people and those who moved away on the voter registration lists, is standard practice today.

No political machine was more proficient at stealing elections than Tammany Hall, from the latter half of the nineteenth century and on, buying votes and turning out many more votes than eligible voters. Votes from the deceased, from illegal aliens, hired hands voting multiple times, Republican poll watchers driven off, uncounted ballot boxes tossed in the East River, and voting with pre-marked ballots were some of the techniques employed by vote riggers to guarantee the outcome for Democrat candidates in elections at all levels of government. The ballots never counted, rather the “counters made the result….That was generally done to every ward by the gentleman who had charge of the ward,” Boss Tweed, the infamous Tammany leader admitted, and said, “I don’t think there was ever a fair or honest election in the city of New York.” These statements are just as true today, borne out by the same practices in play in the battleground states.

The Jewish Roots of Thanksgiving The first Thanksgiving took place in the land of Israel more than 3,000 years ago. Don Feder


“The left should be barred from celebrating Thanksgiving. Their bible is a manifesto. Their God is revolution. Their turkey has been declared the president-elect.”

When we form a mental image of the Pilgrims at this time of the year, it’s usually sitting at a table laden with food (even though they starved their first year on New England’s rocky coast) or walking to church in the snow, a Bible in one hand and a blunderbuss in the other.

A picture of the Pilgrim fathers lighting menorahs and spinning dreidels does not come readily to mind.

And yet, Thanksgiving has Jewish origins. Its roots are Biblical. Philosophically, it expresses the essence of Judaism.

The first Thanksgiving took place not at Plymouth in the 17th century but in the land of Israel more than 3,000 years ago.

 In Deuteronomy (26:1-4) Moses tells the Children of Israel: “When you have entered the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance and have taken possession of the land and settled in it, take some of the first fruits  of all that you produce from the soil of the land” to “the place the Lord your God will choose” and give them to the priest who will place them on the altar. This is called an offering of thanksgiving.

Who were the Pilgrims thanking? Not King James (they were fleeing his persecution) or the captain of the ship that brought them to Cape Cod, but the God who led them to that “good and spacious land.”

The Pilgrims strongly identified with their predecessors.

A Time to Give Thanks What else to do after a year of rage and chaos? Bruce Bawer


Dare I suggest that many of us aren’t feeling terribly inclined to be thankful this year? The months of lockdown have sapped our spirits and then some, taking a psychological toll of a kind that has yet to be fully appreciated, let alone properly diagnosed. The utterly insane Antifa and BLM riots – plus the spineless public officials who refused to quell them, and the disgraceful journalists who called them “mostly peaceful” – made many of us ask, in genuine bafflement and alarm: what on Earth has happened to America? And the possibility that rampant electoral fraud will deny the best president of our lifetimes a second term has caused widespread bitterness – not to mention astonishment and disillusion at the thought that so many American election officials could be capable of such Third World-level corruption.

There are other reasons for dismay. During the Trump years, we’ve learned that almost everyone in our national news media is simply not to be trusted. We’ve learned that Barack Obama, in an audacious act of treason that had the support of Biden, Hillary, and others, actively sought to unseat his successor. The idea that these traitors will probably get off not only scot-free but bathed in enduring adulation is grounds for a major funk.

Add to all this the prospect of a Biden-Harris administration, with everything that that signifies – including the re-empowerment of China, the reversal of Trump’s economic triumphs, a return to a Palestinian-centered Middle Eastern policy, an end to responsible border controls, and the acceleration of poisonous left-wing cultural developments at home – and it’s far from a formula for good cheer.

As 2020 approaches its close, in short, there’s plenty of cause for concern about the direction America will take in 2021 and afterwards.

All the more reason, then, to turn away from the news, at least for a day, and embrace Thanksgiving. Bah and humbug to the autocratic governors and mayors who are ordering us not to gather together. The hell with those social-justice warriors for whom Thanksgiving is nothing other than an opportunity to accuse America of racism and genocide.