After years of being misled by the disconnected-from-history visions of both the Left and Right, we finally have someone in the lead who loves America and her ideals.
I have been favorably disposed toward “The Donald” ever since he restored the ice skating rink in Central Park back in the 1980s, a quintessential New York spot that I had enjoyed when I was younger. The rink was out of commission for years and the city never seemed able to address it despite spending plenty of money. Trump had it fixed and working in a matter of months, ahead of schedule and well under budget.
Clearly a man of action who says what he’ll do and does what he says, Trump was a mover and shaker in a bureaucratically sluggish city. He is a man who keeps his promises, but even more, and this thought has grown with me through his presidency, he is someone who wants people to be happy, to enjoy life, to savor what they have, and to look forward to more.
But I started seeing him as a potential leader when I read an interview in which he disagreed with the Republican view of Social Security. He explained that people have come to rely on these programs, and it seemed wrong to be always talking about cutting them.
I was impressed. Talking about how to cut them is all Republicans seemed able to offer on this count. It was one of the historic standoffs between the parties, though not always true to the letter—Democrats want them regardless of cost, Republicans want to cut or privatize them. Trump seemed to be thinking differently, looking for ways to deal with the problem that don’t include alarming people and almost blaming them for straining the public purse. He was a very wealthy man who cared about average people and had a granular feel for their lives. This was a glimpse of how he would think out of the box on other matters as well, looking for what was actually workable instead of being pinned to dogma.