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Ruth King

Cambridge virologist: Lockdowns and masks are ‘greatest hoax ever’ Art Moore

After listing his credentials, a Cambridge University-trained virologist spoke in a public forum against the extension of a mask mandate in one of Canada’s largest cities, calling comprehensive lockdowns, masks and other mitigation efforts against the coronavirus “utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians.”

“It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting population,” said Dr. Roger Hodkinson, the CEO of Western Medical Assessments.

He was speaking via telephone during an Edmonton City Council Community and Public Services Committee meeting last Fridayregarding the Alberta city’s move to extend its face-covering bylaw.

Hodkinson began with a summary of his credentials to ensure he not be regarded as a “quack.”

He said he is a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, who trained at Cambridge University in England. A Royal College certified pathologist in Canada, he is the former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa. Hodkinson served as CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta, and now runs MutantDx, a molecular diagnostics company in North Carolina that provides COVID-19 tests.

Hodkinson warned that what he was about to say was “lay language and blunt” and “counter-narrative.”

“There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus other than protecting older, more vulnerable people,” he said.

“It should be thought of as nothing other than a bad flu season,” said Hodkinson. “This is not ebola. It’s not SARS.”

It’s a cancer’: Pompeo says US will brand BDS ‘anti-Semitic,’ crack down on it by Raphael Ahren


Speaking in Jerusalem, US secretary of state vows Washington to immediately take steps against anti-Israel boycott activists; Netanyahu hails move as ‘simply wonderful’

The United States government will formally designate the anti-Israel boycott movement “anti-Semitic” and immediately start cracking down on groups affiliated with it, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Thursday during a visit to Israel, calling BDS a “cancer.”

“Today I want to make one announcement with respect to a decision by the State Department that we will regard the global anti-Israel BDS campaign as anti-Semitic,” he said, standing next to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a joint statement to the press.“I know this may sound simple to you, Mr. Prime Minister, it seems like a statement of fact, but I want you to know that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful BDS conduct and withdraw US government support for such groups. The time is right,” Pompeo declared.

Biden Faces an Evolving Middle East Lawrence J. Haas


The news that Bahrain’s foreign minister is meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel this week highlights the predicament that president elect Joe Biden faces in the Middle East: he wants to restore a U.S. approach to the region that relies on increasingly out-of-date assumptions.

For starters, Biden promises to rejoin the U.S.-led global nuclear agreement with Iran, under which Tehran agreed to temporary restrictions on its nuclear program in exchange for relief from crippling sanctions.

President Obama, for whom Biden served as vice president, considered the agreement his top global achievement. The Democratic foreign policy establishment has sharply criticized President Trump’s decision to leave it in 2018 and the administration’s attempts to force Iran to renegotiate the deal through a “maximum pressure” campaign.

Rejoining the agreement would be reassuring to U.S. allies in Europe, particularly France and Germany, which criticized Trump’s move and sought to convince Iran to abide by the agreement in exchange for European efforts to help Tehran evade Washington’s increasingly tight economic sanctions. But rejoining the agreement and picking up where they left off may be no simple matter.

In a confidential report this month, the International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that Iran has secretly stockpiled at least 12 times the amount of enriched uranium that the agreement allows, a quantity that experts say is enough to build an atomic bomb in less than four months. Iran is also enriching uranium to a higher purity level—thus, closer to weapons-grade enrichment—than the agreement allows.

‘China Challenge’ report signals US tech war retreat ‘A total global market ban on Huawei is not practical,’ Biden advisers say-David Goldman


A new policy paper by an A-list of academics and former officials close to the Biden camp proposes cooperation rather than confrontation with China in a wide range of fields, including a role for Huawei in the global buildout of fifth-generation mobile broadband. Entitled “Meeting the China Challenge: A New American Strategy for Technology Competition,” the November 16 report may signal a major change in US policy under the incoming administration.

Most of the document is unremarkable, indeed modest in its recommendations. It proposes for example to increase the National Science Foundation’s annual funding for artificial intelligence (AI) to $1.8 billion from $1 billion. By contrast, the city of Shanghai alone plans to spend 270 billion yuan ($40 billion) during the next five years to support AI and the Internet of Things; the National People’s Congress in May proposed a $1.4-trillion technology budget. China fought the Covid-19 pandemic by linking its vast network of sensors to AI servers that helped to anticipate surges in infection and direct forensic testing to potential hotspots.

But the report’s authors, who include Professor Susan Shirk, a former State Department official under the Clinton Administration, former Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work and former US trade representative Charlene Barshefsky, depart radically from the Trump Administration by declaring that the US has to learn to live with Huawei and other Chinese telecom equipment providers. They write:

The United States should not attempt to win a race between Huawei and a new American  national champion. Instead, the United States should adopt a forward-looking strategy to  enable a variety of new entrants to enter the 5G innovation space successfully…

Ruthie Blum:The ill-deserved reprieves of Christiane Amanpour and Jeremy Corbyn


CNN chief international anchor Christiane Amanpour and Britain’s former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn were given undeserved reprieves this week for behavior that should have sent them both packing for good.

Amanpour, whose unfettered leftist and anti-Israel slant has brought her decades of fame and fortune, managed on Monday to extinguish a fire of criticism that was coming at her from directions she hadn’t anticipated. The only effort it required was to issue what every media outlet in the world reported as an “apology” for the comments that elicited the brouhaha.

It was a neat trick, as remorse for her egregious sentiment – that US President Donald Trump is as dangerous as Adolf Hitler – was nowhere to be found in the clarification of her words about Kristallnacht, the Nazi pogrom against Jews in Germany and Austria in November 1938.

“This week 82 years ago, Kristallnacht happened,” Amanpour had said in her monologue last Friday. “It was the Nazis’ warning shot across the bow of our human civilization that led to genocide against a whole identity, and in that tower of burning books, it led to an attack on fact, knowledge, history and truth. After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden-Harris team pledges a return to norms, including the truth.”

Jews and non-Jews alike were appalled at Amanpour’s analogy. The Endowment for Middle East Truth also pointed to her having referred to the Holocaust as “genocide against a whole identity,” rather than the targeted annihilation of Jews.

Made in Israel’: US Rejects Discriminatory ‘Settlement’ Labeling Policy


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announces policy shift that most settlement products labeled ‘Made in Israel’ are now kosher in the U.S.

By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday that the United States was ending its policy of forcing the removal of “Made in Israel” from Israeli products produced in settlements under direct Israeli control in Judea and Samaria.

“Today, the Department of State is initiating new guidelines to ensure that country of origin markings for Israeli and Palestinian goods are consistent with our reality-based foreign policy approach,” Pompeo said in an official statement.

“In accordance with this announcement, all producers within areas where Israel exercises the relevant authorities – most notably Area C under the Oslo Accords - will be required to mark goods as “Israel”, “Product of Israel”, or “Made in Israel” when exporting to the United States,” the statement said.  ”This approach recognizes that Area C producers operate within the economic and administrative framework of Israel and their goods should be treated accordingly.”

House Republicans Demand Congressional Investigation Into the ‘Integrity of the 2020 Election’ By Tyler O’Neil


On Wednesday, the top Republicans on the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees demanded that the Democrats who chair those committees “immediately” launch congressional investigations into “errors and misconduct” surrounding the 2020 presidential election, calling for them to hold hearings “immediately.”

“We urge you to immediately convene hearings to examine the integrity of the 2020 election amid troubling reports of irregularities and improprieties,” Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) wrote in a letter to Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.).

Jordan and Comer argued that since Nadler and Maloney help lead “a political party that spent four years baselessly calling into question the legitimacy of the 2016 election with debunked allegations of Russian collusion, you owe it to all Americans to fully examine allegations of actual election errors and misconduct.”

The Republicans cited a report they issued in September, in which they detailed “how Democrats across the country were pushing last-minute changes to state election laws and procedures. We warned that these dangerous initiatives would increase the risk of election-related crimes and errors, undermine the integrity of the electoral process, and cause lingering uncertainty about the results of the election for several days or weeks after Election Day. Democrats ignored this report, but many of our predictions have unfortunately come true.”

Trump Supporters Rally in 50 States, Reject Communism


On November 14, hundreds of thousands of Americans from many different regions rallied in Washington D.C. in support of Donald Trump, and called for investigation into election fraud. The massive crowd marched from Liberty Square to the Supreme Court. Many participants stated that they were there to uphold the values of democracy, and they cannot allow a candidate that cheated to lead the United States on the road to socialism.

Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embrace Islamists by Khaled Abu Toameh


“These observers pointed out that, behind the Council’s statement, there is a Saudi message saying that the Brotherhood’s rush to welcome and embrace Biden and its attempt to win his sympathy while inciting against important countries in the region will not change Saudi Arabia’s steadfast position of considering the group a terrorist organization and a real incubator for all militant groups.” — The Arab Weekly, November 12, 2020.

Abdullatif Al-Sheikh, the Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, responding to the Council’s statement, said …. that his warning came out of concern for “our religion, our country, our citizens, and all Muslims.” — Twitter, November 10, 2020.

The statement of the [Saudi] Council of Senior Scholars came after a long and careful study of the methodology and thinking of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood organization, which views non-Muslims as infidels.”

“The group’s [Muslim Brotherhood’s] extremism and violence are an inherent feature of its ideology, and there is no point in reforming or changing it.” — Dar-Alifta.org, November 11, 2020.

The analysts and experts added that the world has realized that the existence of this terrorist organization represents a real threat to the identity and stability of states, and stress that the Brotherhood group does not represent the approach of Islam.

Several Arab political analysts and columnists, particularly in the Gulf, have voiced similar sentiments. The message they are sending to Biden and the Democrats: We do not want to go back to the bad old days when the US administration aligned itself with Islamist terrorist groups.

These Arabs are determined to prevent the Islamists from returning to power in Egypt or raising their heads in other Arab countries. It remains to be seen if the future US administration will cooperate in this effort.

In a clear message directed to a possible US administration under Joe Biden, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have warned against supporting the Muslim Brotherhood organization. They state that it gives birth “to extremist terrorist groups who wreak havoc on the country and the people.”

On November 10, Saudi Arabia’s Council of Senior Scholars, the kingdom’s highest Islamic religious body, issued a warning amid growing fear in some Arab countries that a Biden administration may return to former President Barack Obama’s policy of empowering and appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Saudi warning was immediately endorsed by Egypt’s senior Islamic religious institute, Dar al-Ifta, and prominent Egyptian writers and political analysts.

2020 Isn’t Over Yet Serious questions about the legitimacy of our elections are not going to go away. by Jackie Gingrich Cushman


This week in New York City, the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was raised. I’ve watched the video several times, and it’s like watching a train wreck — I can’t look away. As it was raised, many of the tree’s lower limbs fell off, revealing incredibly large gaps. Unless a magician is in charge of decorating the tree, it will end up being the perfect symbol for 2020, a frightening reminder of the horribleness of this year. 2020 is the year of everything ugly.

Many of us, understandably, just want to move on to 2021, to a time that might just be better. But in our rush to move forward, we should not ignore real issues that need to see the light of day, regardless of the outcome.

While many Americans and most news outlets are moving forward with a presumptive win for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, we should all remember that 2020 is not over yet. Many Americans believe that the election was held unfairly and that the current reported outcome is inaccurate.

According to a poll sponsored by the Economist and conducted by YouGov, an overwhelming majority of Trump voters, 86 percent, believe that Biden “did not legitimately win the election,” while 73 percent indicated that we’ll “never know the real outcome of this election.” Considering that Trump voters accounted for roughly half of the total, over 40 percent of our voters don’t believe the election was legitimate. This is a real problem for the future of our country.

Even if you believe that the election was fair and Biden did win, these numbers should make you stop and think about the long-term impact of a lack of trust in American elections. Going through the process correctly to ensure transparency and visibility should be everyone’s top goal. If the election was conducted correctly, there should be no issue with bringing everything to light.