Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

Behind the Scenes, Obama Never Left Lee Smith


The publication of Barack Obama’s new memoir was timed to carry the news cycle, regardless of the election’s outcome. The opinions expressed in “A Promised Land”—on America, race, Donald Trump, and so on—are more vivid than anything the Democratic candidate has said in his last year of campaigning.

And so, even after Joe Biden and the press corps have declared him president-elect, he continues to walk in the shadow of his former boss.

That’s intentional. Obama wants it understood that Biden is an avatar for a third Obama term. Now, he can complete the work of “fundamentally transforming America,” as he put it days before the 2008 election. Hillary Clinton was expected to at least protect what she inherited from Obama. But the victory of Trump, who had campaigned on undoing Obama’s domestic and foreign policy initiatives, left the outgoing president with only two options—watch his successor dismantle his legacy or stop him.

The coup is evidence of his choice. The senior U.S. officials, Democratic Party operatives, and media personalities who targeted the Trump circle for four years weren’t simply defending the privileges of the “Deep State.” These are bureaucrats, deputies, and courtiers who would not dare an attempt that bold unless it was OK’d from above.

Georgia Monitor Catches 9,626-Vote Error in Hand Recount By Ivan Pentchoukov


A recount monitor in Georgia discovered a 9,626-vote error in the hand recount in DeKalb County, according to the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.

“One of our monitors discovered a 9,626-vote error in the DeKalb County hand count. One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump—an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” David Shafer wrote on Twitter on Nov. 18.

“Had this counting error not been discovered, Biden would have gained enough votes from this one batch alone to cancel out Trump’s gains from Fayette, Floyd, and Walton,” Shafer added, referring to the three Peach State counties which discovered memory cards with uncounted votes on Monday and Tuesday.

Shafer said that two official counters signed off on the miscounted batch. GOP attorneys turned over an affidavit (pdf) on the incident to the Georgia secretary of state and requested an investigation.

“We were limited to one monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables. There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions,” Shafer said.

Voter Fraud: The Crime That Must Not Be Mentioned :John Hinderaker


Following the election, the social media monopolies did their best to ban discussion of voter fraud, lest confidence in Joe Biden’s “victory” be shaken. Today, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on their platforms’ political biases and influence.

I don’t know what to make of Dorsey. He looks like a homeless person and, based on videos I have seen of his testimonies before Congressional committees, he appears to be of below-average intelligence. But that can hardly be true. So maybe he is just playing dumb, trying to wait out the next few months in hopes that his Democrats capture the presidency and the Senate and no one will ask him difficult questions ever again.

Today it was Senator Ted Cruz who made things hot for CEO Dorsey. The most important part of the exchange starts around the 6:10 mark when Cruz asks Dorsey whether voter fraud exists. Dorsey says he doesn’t know:

He isn’t interested in finding out, either. On both Twitter and Facebook, references to voter fraud are ruthlessly suppressed. The subject evidently strikes too close to home for their Democratic Party. Facebook has extended its ban on “political” ads past the election, and it continues to this day and beyond. Why? The election is over. It is because Facebook, like Twitter, is trying to squash information about voter fraud.

My organization routinely runs ads and boosts posts on Facebook, either to drive policy activism or to direct traffic to our web site. Facebook has always been happy to take our money. But since November 3, Facebook has deemed ads that relate to public policy “political” and refused to run them. We are a 501(c)(3) and do not engage in political activity; nevertheless, Facebook has prevented dissemination of our ads relating to wasteful state government spending. The social media giants’ horror at the thought of voter fraud is so great that they are willing to forgo large amounts of revenue and ban conversation about topics like wasteful government spending, lest references to voter fraud somehow leak through.

Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns: Part 2: Update and Examination of Lockdowns as a Strategy Kindle Edition by Alex Berenson

From former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, the second installment in the best-selling series that offers hard data about the coronavirus epidemic – rather than hysterical predictions of doom.

While Unreported Truths Part 1 focused on how many people are dying from COVID-19, this section discusses an equally important but even more complex topic: the history of lockdowns, and the evidence that they work as intended. Like Part 1, this section draws on primary sources like Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization reports, along with news articles, government documents, and scientific papers.

In three chapters, this section explains the surprising scientific debate around lockdowns BEFORE March, along with the evidence that they did or did not work as intended to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and save lives. If you have been wondering whether lockdowns made any difference – as the media has loudly insisted – Part 2 will give you the truthful, accurate and well-sourced information you need to make up your own mind.

Please note: This booklet contains only the second section of Unreported Truths. Part 1 is available separately.

Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns: Part 1: Introduction and Death Counts and Estimates

Former New York Times reporter and prominent lockdown critic Alex Berenson provides a counterweight to media hysteria about coronavirus in this series of short booklets answering crucial questions about COVID.

Drawing on primary sources from all over the world – including state and national-level government data, Centers for Disease Control reports, and papers in prominent scientific journals – Unreported Truths offers clear, concise, and measured answers to some of the most important questions around the coronavirus:

How are COVID deaths counted?
How many Americans are likely to die in a worst-case scenario?
What is the evidence that lockdowns do or do not help reduce the spread of the illness?
Are masks an effective way to reduce the spread?
Why did the forecasts for coronavirus hospitalizations prove so wrong?
Are children at serious risk from coronavirus?
What has the mental health impact of lockdowns been?

Whether you have been skeptical of the media’s panicked reporting all along or are just starting to wonder why the predictions of doom from March and April have not come to pass, Unreported Truths will provide you with the factual, accurate, and impeccably sourced information you need.

Please note: Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns will be published in multiple sections. Part 1 includes an introduction, an examination of the way COVID deaths are counted, and a forecast for a potential worst-case scenario of coronavirus deaths in the United States.

The Morning Briefing: Congress Needs to Slay Big Tech’s 3-Headed Monster


I feel like we have been here before when it comes to Big Tech overreach.

Oh wait, that’s because we have.

Twitter CEO Jack “Great Rasputin’s Beard” Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark “Bowl Cut” Zuckerberg were back for another virtual get-together with some senators again on Tuesday, this time in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

I am beginning to lose count, but I know that this is at least the third time since the summer that members of Congress and the CEOs have staged one of these political kabuki theater performances. The pattern is familiar: Zuckerberg doesn’t remember much, Dorsey shows up stoned but with plenty of stalling, sometimes nonsensical answers. Then Ted Cruz ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS them, which makes for some good blog traffic.

After that, the Jack and Zuck show gets back to business as usual.

Tyler covered yesterday’s latest “Cruz vs Dorsey” moment:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to task over his company’s suppression of the bombshell New York Post report on Hunter Biden’s emails linking Joe Biden to his son’s notorious business deals. In a Senate hearing on Tuesday, Cruz pressed Dorsey on how Twitter could possibly claim not to be a publisher when it selectively applied its hacked materials policy against the Biden story but not against the New York Times article on Trump’s tax returns.

The Transformation of Fox News Gradually turning into a mirror image of CNN? Lloyd Billingsley


“We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” boasted Joe Biden back in October. The inclusive, extensive voter fraud was much in evidence on November 3, particularly in crucial swing states. The following Monday, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany accused Democrats of welcoming fraud and illegal voting.

“You don’t take these positions because you want an honest election,” McEnany said. That got a rise out of Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto.

“Unless she has more details to back that up,” Cavuto told viewers, “I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this,” and he duly cut away. Fox anchors used to say, “we report, you decide,” but that was all over now, replaced by a different dynamic.

On election night Fox made bad calls while voters were still going to the polls, and any second thoughts were hard to find. Fox’s zeal to make the call for the addled Joe Biden surpassed any instinct to investigate the voter fraud Biden openly celebrated. This is a network supposedly “fair, balanced and unafraid,” and if viewers doubt that slogan it would be hard to blame them. Take, for example, the presidential debate.

Fox’s Chris Wallace recycled a discredited Trump tax story and failed to ask Joe Biden why, like other prominent Democrats, he had requested to unmask Gen. Flynn in January of 2017. Unlike the tax story, that is an undisputed matter of fact. In effect, Wallace was Biden’s debate partner, and he was also on board with the Russia hoax. When Nancy Pelosi called the vote for impeachment, Wallace proclaimed, “I have to say I can feel goosebumps.”

With the possible exceptions of Jeff Zucker or Brian Stelter, Chris Wallace could be the least telegenic man on cable. Chris is the son of Mike Wallace, a big star of CBS News, and without daddy, one doubts that son Chris would have landed jobs at NBC, ABC, and Fox, which was thrilled to have him.

Like Chris, everybody at Fox News now wants to be like Mike, and the Fox news division shows little distinction from CBS and the rest of the Democrat-media axis. Fox News could easily have set itself apart by covering stories the other networks missed or refused to cover, like the one that broke in May of 2017.

In Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, presidential biographer David Garrow wrote that Dreams from My Father was not an autobiography or memoir. It was “without any question” a novel, and the author a “composite character.” That is, as they say, a Big Story, but Fox did not dispatch reporters to get a response from the composite character president formerly known as Barry Soetoro.

Likewise, Fox’s allegedly “unafraid” reporters failed to seek out any of the luminaries who hailed Dreams from My Father as an authentic autobiography and memoir. Any Fox reporter could have cross-checked the Barack Obama archive at the Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York. As the archive confirms, in all his writing from 1958 to 1964, Barack Obama mentioned nothing about a white American wife and Hawaiian-born son. No such investigation took place on any network, and another Big Story broke in 2018.

Sworn Affidavit From High-Ranking Military Officer Claims Smartmatic Was Designed to Change Votes Without Being Detected By Debra Heine


Sidney Powell, a member of President Trump’s legal team, revealed on Monday that she has obtained a sworn affidavit from a high-ranking military officer that describes in detail how Smartmatic’s voting software was specifically designed to manipulate election outcomes. Smartmatic was developed by three engineers in Caracas, Venezuala. According to the affidavit, the officer was present when the company’s voting software was being created.

Powell and Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani have in recent days been sounding the alarm about the corrupt, Democrat-tied Dominion Voting Systems, which is used in 30 states. Dominion’s software is handled by Smartmatic, which, according to the affidavit, designed the software to meet the needs of former Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

Powell appeared on Fox Business last night with host Lou Dobbs, who announced toward the end of the interview that the FBI is investigating the 2020 election.

Reading from the affidavit, the attorney revealed that former Chavez had insisted that the software be designed “in a way that the system could change the vote of each voter without being detected.”

He wanted the software itself to function in such a manner that if the voter were to place their thumbprint or fingerprint on a scanner, then the thumbprint would be tied to a record of the voter’s name and identity as having voted, but that voter would not be tracked to the changed vote.

He made it clear that the system would have to be set up to not leave any evidence of the changed vote for a specific voter and that there would be no evidence to show and nothing to contradict that the name or the fingerprint or thumbprint was going with a changed vote.

Smartmatic agreed to create such a system and produced the software and hardware that accomplished that result for President Chavez.

The military officer swore in the affidavit that after the vote-rigging system was put into place, he “closely observed several elections where the results were manipulated,” including the 2006 election between Chavez and his opponent Manuel Rosales. Chavez won that race in a landslide,  6 million votes to 3.7 million votes.

Proof of the Dems’ Election Steal The obvious — and overwhelming — evidence. Jack Kerwick


The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.

Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases.  What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.

For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud.  Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.  

Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.

Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence.  The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.  

The Real Presidential Election was Rigged in 2018 Every state but one that had a Democrat acting as Secretary of State was called for Biden. Daniel Greenfield


“We should be prepared for this to be closer to an election week, as opposed to an Election Day, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson warned.

Benson was one of the beneficiaries of an initiative that started with the Secretary of State Project backed by the Democracy Alliance and George Soros. Democrats were convinced that they could have won in 2000 and 2004 if they had controlled state secretary of state posts.

Benson, a veteran of the Southern Poverty Law Center and assorted structural initiatives to benefit Democrat voter strategies nationwide, was backed by a river of cash, with her own fundraising topping $1 million, and iVote throwing in nearly another million.

iVote is a Democrat organization whose goals include mandatory voter registration, universal mail voting, and the end of any measures, like voter ID, to fight voter fraud.

Republicans were outspent 2 to 1 and Michigan got an ‘Election Week’.

While Republicans wasted money, iVote spent $6 million to rig the battleground in key states. Benson took control in Michigan, while in Arizona, a state where the Republican candidate was expected to win, Katie Hobbs, another radical leftist, won in a close election in 2018.

Arizona Democrats spent over $2 million just on TV ads for Hobbs. $895,000 came from iVote.

In Colorado, another Republican favored to win in a state where the secretary of state was usually a GOPer, was cut off at the knees by another leftist backed by a ton of outside cash.