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Ruth King

Trump’s Only Road to Victory by Alan M. Dershowitz


I just received an email asking me to sign a petition demanding the disbarment of President Trump’s lawyers for their advocacy. That is McCarthyism pure and simple. Lawyers are entitled to advocate all reasonable and ethically permissible strategies that serve the interest of their client.

Let us remember that as a matter of law and constitutionality, Joe Biden is not yet the president-elect. He has been coronated by the media, by politicians and by most Americans. But to officially become president-elect requires, at the very least, certification by enough states to give him the 270 required electors. That has not yet occurred.

Biden is the presumed president-elect, the likely president, even the probable president, but he is not officially the president-elect for legal and constitutional purposes.

President Trump has only one road to victory, and it would require a perfect storm that at this moment seems unlikely. The goal of the Trump legal team is not to get 270 electoral votes for their client. That seems beyond the realm of all possibility. The goal is to question Vice President Biden the 270 he needs for the Electoral College to select him as president. Since this is a zero-sum game, how is it possible for Biden to be denied the 270 without Trump reaching that number?

The answer to that question provides the clue to what the Trump legal team is trying to do. If enough electoral votes are still being contested by mid-December, and if fewer than 270 electors are certified by their respective states by that date, then Biden could — in theory — be denied the necessary 270. If that were to happen, then the election would be thrown into the House of Representatives, as it was on several occasions in the 19th century.

Fools and Nobody’s Fools-Bruce Bawer


Until now, Trump Derangement Syndrome could be dismissed as the cries of impotent rage by sore losers of a fair election. Now we’re hearing the vengeful howls of people who no longer feel impotent.

Last weekend, it was the American people’s turn to announce they are nobody’s fools.  

On Saturday and then again on Sunday, ordinary citizens from all over the United States gathered in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate, in both senses of the word. They demonstrated against the Democrats’ theft of the presidential election from Donald Trump. And they demonstrated that tens of millions of Americans know very well that the election was stolen. 

Ice-road truckers in Alaska know it was stolen. Pineapple farmers on Molokai know it was stolen. I wouldn’t be surprised, if I were backpacking in Papua New Guinea or rafting up the Amazon or climbing some Himalayan mountain in Nepal, to encounter a remote tribe whose first question would be: “How are the recounts going?” 

The triumph here is that the news about the election theft has been disseminated in spite of the best efforts of the Democratic Party and mainstream media to quash it. Of course, the treason of the Democrats, and the staggering perfidy of the press, have been twin hallmarks of the Trump era. 

Still, nothing, not even the media-abetted bid by Barack Obama and company to bring down Trump’s presidency, could quite have prepared us for this historically brazen attempt to steal it—and then lie about it. 

It’s in the code: Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin By Nick Chase


The sudden surges of votes for Biden can be seen in the code.
Last Sunday, in my article “‘Lost votes are fraud votes,” I looked at the “lost votes” for the 2020 presidential election listed in Internet blogger “Pede’s” analysis, and I described how, after adjusting for the thrown-away votes, Trump won Pennsylvania and will win (after the recount) Georgia, while Biden likely won Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, and possibly Arizona.

But there’s still something missing. “Pede’s” data search exposed votes switched from Trump to Biden, and “votes lost” (mostly Trump votes thrown away); but there is a third category that escapes this type of data scanning: “votes added.”

By “votes added” I mean fraudulent “votes” that were all, or almost all, for Biden. This would include (and account for) the massive “Biden vote dumps” that occurred in Wisconsin and Michigan in the early morning hours of Nov. 4 which shrank Trump’s lead by 1.5% to 2% in those states and eventually resulted in Biden “wins.”

On Saturday, in American Thinker article “Biden’s Great Leap Forward: A split second in Wisconsin” author Dan Rabil, who lives in Switzerland, described how he personally saw the sudden switch from a Trump to Biden lead in Wisconsin. As he describes it, “I was stunned to see the Fox election map suddenly do something completely unnatural: in a split second between 3 A.M. and 4 A.M. U.S. Central Time, the Wisconsin icon switched from light-red Trump to light-blue Biden.  In that same instant, the probability meter, which had been very accurate in 2016, likewise jerked from a 77% Trump likelihood to over 80% Biden.” (Please read his complete story about this fraud – it will be well worth your time.)

So Dan downloaded the data from the New York Times, searched for the exact moment of the switch, and found it (see below):

Hypocrisy Alert: Obama Won First Election By Challenging Voter Fraud By Jack Cashill


The first question the fawning Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes asked former president Barack Obama during their interview this past Sunday was this: “What is your advice in this moment for President Trump?”

Pelley was referring specifically to Trump’s continued challenge to the posted results of the November 3rd election. “When your time is up, then it is your job to put the country first and think beyond your own ego and your own interests and your own disappointments,” Obama pontificated. “My advice to President Trump is if you want, at this late stage in the game to be remembered as somebody who put country first, it’s time for you to do the same thing.”

More specifically, Obama insisted that Trump should have conceded no more than two days after the election. “When you look at the numbers, objectively, Joe Biden will have won handily,” Obama continued. “There is no scenario in which any of those states would turn the other way and certainly not enough to reverse the outcome of the election.”

Although Pelley was interviewing Obama about his new memoir, A Promised Land, neither of the two obviously thought it prudent to share with viewers how Obama won his first political campaign, a story that Obama tells in his new memoir.

California: 2 Charged with Voter Fraud, Allegedly Submitted Registration Applications on Behalf of Homeless


Two individuals have been charged with multiple counts of voter fraud after allegedly submitting fraudulent voter registration applications on behalf of homeless people, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

NBC 4 reports:

Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, 53, and Marcos Raul Arevalo, 34, were charged in a 41-count criminal complaint filed last week. The pair faces one count of conspiracy to commit voter fraud, eight counts of voter fraud, four counts of procuring and offering a false or forged instrument and four misdemeanor counts of interference with a prompt transfer of a completed affidavit, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Montenegro is also facing an additional 10 counts of voter fraud, seven counts of procuring and offering a false or forged instrument, two counts of perjury and five misdemeanor counts of interference with a prompt transfer of a completed affidavit.

Montenegro submitted over 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications between July and October of this year, according to the district attorney’s office. Additionally, Montenegro allegedly falsified, “names, addresses and signatures on nomination papers under penalty of perjury to run for mayor in the city of Hawthorne.”

Montenegro faces a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison, while Arevalo faces up to seven years.

The matter remains under investigation, reports NBC 4.

Read the full criminal complaint here.

Lockdowns: For The Pandemic Now, Global Warming Later?


The lockdown hammer landed hard on California and several other states Monday. At one time it seemed absurd to think government officials’ pandemic orders were a dry run for future attempts to confine and subjugate the country to mitigate global warming. It’s time we rethink that.

Observant and cunning politicians have gone to school since March and are now likely convinced they can use the pretext of a climate emergency to control Americans and break the back of capitalism. No, we’re not likely to see the open-ended lockdowns we’re enduring during the coronavirus outbreak. Those would be too obvious. Politicians can be sneaky sorts so we expect something more subtle and incremental.

For instance, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who clearly relishes having near absolute control over the most populous state in the country, could issue an executive order next summer which says, beginning in January 2022, all businesses except the few deemed essential must be closed every other Friday, and car travel on those days will be restricted solely to those who can demonstrate an absolute need to be on the roads.

Or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose pandemic lockdown rules have been among the most prohibitive, pointless and imbecilic (and have stoked efforts to impeach her), might decide she has the authority to limit the automobile miles driven each month by Michiganders, ration fuel, and dictate thermostat settings in private homes.

Chris Hayes, Jeff Goldberg Smear Madison Cawthorn Using Fake Quote By Tobias Hoonhout



Soon-to-be the youngest member of Congress, North Carolina Republican Madison Cawthorn has already faced a media onslaught that dishonestly cast a 2017 Instagram post, which showed his visit to Adolf Hitler’s World War II retreat, as neo-Nazi propaganda. Members of the elite press rekindled their misguided outrage on Monday in response to a quote that was falsely attributed to Cawthorn.

In a wide-ranging interview with Jewish Insider, Cawthorn admitted that “it does not look like Donald Trump is going to be the president,” described sharing common ground with Joe Biden on “infrastructure reform,” and expressed an interest in reforming America’s “terrible” foreign policy. He also said he was “looking forward” to meeting Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) — whom he described as someone “of conviction.”

For the mainstream press, however, the major takeaway was Cawthorn’s comment about his religious convictions.

“Newly Elected GOP Congressman Madison Cawthorn Has Tried to Convert Jews to Christianity” reads a fear-mongering headline in the Daily Beast.

Third Georgia County Finds Memory Card With Uncounted Votes, Most for Trump By Ivan Pentchoukov


A third county in Georgia discovered a memory card with uncounted votes most of which were cast for President Donald Trump, according to Georgia GOP Chairman David Shafer.

“Our monitors tell us that Walton County election officials have found a memory card that was apparently not uploaded. The number of uncounted votes is not as large as in Floyd or Fayette but the President will pick up votes,” Shafer wrote on Twitter.

According to Walton Tribune, a tally of the uncounted votes added 176 votes to Trump’s lead.

At a press conference on Monday night, Gabriel Sterling with the Georgia secretary of state’s office told reporters that, in Walton County, “there may be a memory card with 224 votes on it from an Election Day polling location.”

“We’re still trying to see if that was a batch that might have been missed, or there’s actually memory cards that we—I don’t have a final answer on that,” he added.

Second Georgia County Finds Thousands of Votes With Majority for Trump By Mimi Nguyen Ly


A second Georgia county has uncovered thousands of votes that were not included in the election results.

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office said on Tuesday that 2,755 votes were uncovered in a memory card that were not included in the initial count for Fayette County.

The discovery was part of Georgia’s statewide audit involving a manual hand recount of nearly 5 million paper ballots in each of the state’s 159 counties.

The ballots found in Fayette County were scanned onto the memory card but did not get uploaded, said Gabriel Sterling, who manages the state’s election system for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican.

Of the votes, 1,577 were for President Donald Trump, 1,128 were for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, and the remainder included 43 for Libertarian presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen, and seven write-ins, Sterling said.

Trump outpaced Biden nearly 2-to-1 among 2,600 uncounted ballots found in Georgia by Emma Colton


President Trump outpaced Joe Biden by nearly 2-to-1 among the more than 2,600 uncounted ballots found in Georgia this week.

Georgia’s voting system manager Gabriel Sterling revealed on Monday that out of the 2,600 ballots found in Floyd County, 1,643 were for Trump, 865 were for Biden, and 16 were for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen.

The ballots were not originally counted due to county election officials failing to upload votes from a memory card, according to Sterling.

“It’s not an equipment issue,” Sterling said. “It’s a person not executing their job properly. This is the kind of situation that requires a change at the top of their management side.”