http://Why Would Media Frighten People About a Virus? – Of course, they wouldn’t be media if they didn’t !! Donald Devine
Every morning we are greeted by blaring headline news telling us how many more of our neighbors have been infected by the “life-threatening” coronavirus, with the total now nearing eight million stricken Americans.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer was typical. “Everyone should be afraid of COVID.”
Blitzer was reacting to President Donald Trump’s statement upon leaving the hospital after testing positive for the virus. “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”
Didn’t he know he was supposed to be frightened? This expectation is more than the normal kneejerk media overreaction to Trump. It goes to the fundamentals of how the media and intellectuals generally exercise their control over most politicians and the public.
As New York Governor Andrew Cuomo put it: “People see the numbers going up. Close everything! Close everything! It’s not the best way to do it but it is a fear-driven response. The virus scares people.… The fear is too high to do anything other than: let’s do everything we can to get the infection rate down now. Close the doors. Close the windows. That’s where we are.”
For a person in his mid-seventies as is the President, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics (ages 75-84) report that between February 1 and October 3 of this year, 52,618 seniors have died from Covid-19. But 519,488 of that age group have died from all causes during that period. That means coronavirus represented merely 10 percent of fatalities even for the more susceptible elderly.
Still the numbers are scary. Yet old people like me do get sick and die more than younger ones.