I have waited more than two years to write this piece. During those 26 months, I have been waiting for one single news outlet to cover the case of Christine Chernosky, a Canadian citizen who voted in an American presidential election.
Remember the name: Christine Chernosky.
Despite all of the news outlets that cover elections, including well-funded philanthropic projects such as Pro Publica, the American Prospect, and even the fey leftist law professor who fancies himself the oracle of all the latest election news, Rick Hasen – not one single news outlet mentioned Christine Chernosky, the alien who voted in the presidential election.
We will get to why in a moment, but first some context.
I and others who study elections closely have been saying for at least five years that the greatest foreign influence on American elections is foreigners voting in them.
The problem has been documented in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and especially in sanctuary cities. It isn’t hard to find problems either. So many aliens are getting on the rolls that they write letters asking to be taken off when they realize it fouls up their naturalization applications to be breaking federal law by registering to vote.
Pennsylvania has allowed thousands, if not more, aliens onto their voter rolls. To add insult to injury, they are hiding the extent of the problem. I have been locked in federal litigation with Pennsylvania for years trying merely to obtain the government records associated with the mop-up Democrats in Pennsylvania’s executive branch attempted.
They have been playing hide-the-facts the whole time.