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Ruth King

Beheaded Infidels Vs. Fear of Islamophobia Political correctness will ensure that non-Muslim heads continue to roll in the West. Raymond Ibrahim


An 18-year-old Muslim man beheaded a school teacher in France last Friday for showing cartoons of Islam’s prophet Muhammad to his students, in the context of discussing free speech and expression.

Some weeks earlier, another Muslim man killed an American citizen in Pakistan for also committing “blasphemy.”  The murdered man, Tahir Naseem, was actually being tried for blasphemy in a court room—which carries a maximum death penalty—when Faisal Khan, 15, walked in and opened fire on him.  While Khan “broke the law” by essentially jumping the gun, Pakistani law itself is sympathetic to the vigilante’s view that blasphemy is a crime, punishable by death.

In France, there is no blasphemy law and freedom of speech is or was once deemed an essential right of all citizens.  In this sense, then, the government of France, unlike the government of Pakistan, would obviously not hold Samuel Paty, the beheaded teacher, guilty of any blasphemy.

And yet the effective differences between France and Pakistan, within the context of these two crimes, seem to end there: while Pakistan and many other Muslim nations uphold Islam’s blasphemy laws, France and other Western nations pretend that Islam has no blasphemy laws.   After all, to acknowledge that Islam does indeed call for the punishment and death of blasphemers against Muhammad—to say nothing of any number of other “problematic” sharia stipulations, such as death for apostates—is to be “Islamophobic.”

In short, whereas Muslim nations like Pakistan actively affirm and uphold Islam’s blasphemy codes, Western nations like France passively acquiesce to them by pretending they don’t exist and therefore need no addressing.

Anti-Semitism in Today’s Europe When Jew-hatred becomes normalized in the streets. Joseph Puder


The legacy of anti-Semitism in Europe is a long and painful one.  It had its culmination in the Holocaust.  Today, while Europe’s democratic governments profess their intentions to combat anti-Semitism, the influx of millions of Muslim migrants from throughout the Middle East has intensified the residual anti-Semitism embedded in the subconscious of many Europeans.  The European-born Muslims, along with the migrant newcomers, were honed on hatred of Jews thanks to the media and mosque indoctrination in their native lands. The Middle East Muslim migrants have additionally brought along with them a deep hatred for Israel.  In Europe today, anti-Semitism has been normalized on the streets if not in governmental bureaus. European governments are now worried that their native Jews might be fleeing the continent as a result of increased levels of anti-Semitism, especially when Covid-19 is plaguing Europe, and Jews have become ready scapegoats. The European Union (EU) governments in particular, are concerned that should Jewish life in Europe end, it will show that Europe has not learned the lessons of the Holocaust.  

An EU poll of European Jews from across Europe published in January 2019, showed that 89% of those surveyed said that anti-Semitism had significantly increased in the last five years.  The EU poll sampled 16,395 Jews in 12 EU countries. Yet, in a separate EU survey under the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency, the conclusion arrived at was that Jews were “subjected to a sustained stream of abuse.”  38% of those surveyed said that they were thinking of emigrating out of Europe because the continent was no longer safe for Jews.  In the last decade, thousands of French and British Jews left for Israel.

The Jewish future in Europe is bleak.  A recent poll by the London-based Henry Jackson Society think tank found that 44% of British Muslims believe in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. The poll also indicated that forty-seven percent of Muslims with a college degree back the “dual loyalty” canard against British Jews. Even more seriously, however, are the growing incidents of physical and verbal attacks on identifiable Jews by Muslims.  In fact, for each of the past three years, the U.K has reported the highest number of anti-Semitic incidents ever recorded.

When Your House is Burning Down, Grab a Fire Extinguisher Fast The one man who stands between us and the revolution. Don Feder


There is one overriding issue in this campaign. It’s not abortion, immigration or judicial nominations, as important as they are.

​When your house is on fire, don’t make plans to redecorate. There’s a fire raging in America which could consume our country. This isn’t hyperbole. It’s reality. If the revolutionaries seize control, nothing else will matter in the long run.

​We’ve seen it time and again. We saw it in the streets of Paris in 1789, in Moscow in 1917 and in Germany the early 1930s – the marches and sloganeering, the rage, the murderous violence, the attacks on authority, the chaos, and the insistence that only a revolutionary vanguard understood the will of the people.

​The enemy was aristocratic privilege, or an antiquated monarchy, or “capitalist exploitation” or the Jews. This time, it’s carefully orchestrated charges of institutional racism, police brutality, and an unjust economic system.

​We used to say it can’t happen here. That’s what some Germans told themselves during the Weimar years. How could a country so educated, so cultured — the center of scientific research and medical advancement — elect a gang of murderous cretins? They did. 

In the 18th century, France epitomized refinement in art, architecture and literature. French was the language of most European courts, the language of diplomacy. Then came the guillotine. 

And America?

Delusional psychosis drives Americans to enforce fear-based COVID restrictions By Mark McDonald, M.D.


How have we come from “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” to “Fear is virtuous…and mandatory?”

From the beginning, fear hasdriven the government response to the coronavirus pandemic.  Americans have been told they should be afraid.  More important,  they have been instructed that expressing fear, through the wearing of masks and self-isolation by the healthy, is their moral duty.  For the first time in United States history, fear is no longer seen as an emotion to overcome, like jealousy or greed, but rather as one to embrace.  We should be proud to be afraid, we are told, and we should call out anyone who isn’t.  In fact, any act of courage must be condemned as immoral as well as illegal.

Recently, I was asked by two masked adults riding the elevator in my office building to leave if I chose to not put a mask on.  I declined.  Out of curiosity, I asked them why it mattered to them that I wasn’t wearing a mask, as they clearly believed that masks protected them from the deadly coronavirus, and, since they were wearing masks, why my not wearing a mask should matter to them.  They had no answer to my question, other than to swear at me before announcing self-righteously, “It’s a sign of respect and courtesy.”  They appeared to be afraid.

In addition, I believe they were suffering from delusional psychosis — a fixed false belief contrary to reality.  This delusional state includes the superstition that masks protect healthy people from infection, that standing six feet apart from others saves lives, and that schools and businesses must remain indefinitely closed to “keep everyone safe.”  This delusional system of thinking has become so ingrained in the minds of most Americans that it resists all rational argument.  No evidence that challenges it will be considered by those who suffer from the mental illness.

Cuomo: All NY Covid-19 deaths are Trump’s fault By Bill Zwerger


On Tuesday, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo exhibited perhaps his most disturbing detachment from reality to date when he exclaimed “I hold Donald Trump responsible for every death in New York State from COVID because Trump lied.”  This rant becomes even more disturbing when you consider that Cutthroat Cuomo has directly killed thousands of seniors, and indirectly probably thousands more due to suicide, restrictions on hospitals for “elective” procedures, financial ruin, etc. Adding to this troubling inability to grasp reality, during his daily phone briefing with reporters, Emperor Andy once again played the shill for the CCP by stating “New York State had that big burst because it came from Europe, and not China…”

From the very onset, Cuomo has viewed this “crisis” as a way to acquire ever more unconstitutional power, and, perhaps even more enticing to this economic illiterate, as a means of bailing out his state from the financial ruin he has led it into. It would appear that “flattening the curve” was never Cuomo’s objective, otherwise we’d have been through with this lockdown/phase 1-4/quarantine nonsense long ago. Instead, he is cynically using the mind-warping TDS that has afflicted most of his base to prolong the illusion that we still need all these drastic measures in place, holding on to the hope (and doing everything in, and beyond, his power to make it so) that Biden is elected so that, unlike Trump, he will provide Cuomo with the $13 billion or so needed to keep his fiefdom afloat. Meanwhile, any remaining New York businesses languish under stultifying restrictions and continued uncertainty.  So now, in a blatant display of projection and prevarication, he is attempting to place all the blame for his failure to protect the citizens of NY, in addition to years of financial malfeasance, on the shoulders of his enemy, the President of the United States.

‘10% Joe’ – From Grandfather to Godfather By David Isaac


We thought Joe Biden was the grandfather. It turns out he’s more like the godfather.

It’s the big reveal in the Hunter Biden story.

Until now, we thought Hunter, the “f—ked up addict that can’t be trusted” (in his own words) who sent not one but three laptops full of incriminating material in for repairs – an act so stupid that even crack can’t be blamed – was the one taking advantage of his father’s position to enrich himself. 

(Compounding the idiocy, despite repeated notifications, he failed to pay the $85 bill to reclaim the one salvageable laptop, so that after 90 days it became the legal property of the repair shop.)

What we learn from the laptop is that Joe (referred to as “the big guy”) was to get a 10% cut of the loot from a deal with a now defunct Chinese energy company with strong ties to the Chinese government (the email outlines an equity split including “20 for H” and “10 held by H for the big guy.” That makes “10% Joe” analogous to the Godfather, the capo dei capi, the boss due his share of the family’s enterprises.

So Biden is  getting “his beak wet,” as former NYC Mayor and current Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani points out in a damning video describing the “Biden crime family’s payoff scheme.”

There’s more.  Hunter tells his daughter Naomi in a 2018 text-message exchange: “I hope you all can do what I did, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years and it has been tough. It’s really hard but don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge – What’s in it for the USA? Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


Benefits to the US

The reinforcement of Israel’s qualitative military edge (QME) – through the most advanced US military systems – bolsters Israel’s national security, while enhancing the US’ own geo-strategic interests.

For example:

*Israel’s QME has upgraded its capabilities to extend the strategic hand of the US with no need for US soldiers, serving as the most cost-effective, battle-experienced, reliable and democratic force-multiplier; as a US outpost in the inherently explosive geo-strategic junction of Europe-Asia-Africa, between the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Persia Gulf.

*Israel’s QME has elevated its efficiency as the most cost-effective, battle-tested and trustworthy laboratory of the US armed forces (sharing with the US unique air, ground and sea battle tactics and intelligence) and providing the US defense industries unique lessons (operation, maintenance and repair), which have been integrated as upgrades, sparing many years of research and development, increasing US exports and expanding US employment.

*Israel’s QME has improved its potential to circumvent the regional and global maneuverability of rogue Middle East regimes and organizations (e.g., Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah), which have served as epicenters of the global proliferation of Islamic terrorism, conventional and non-conventional military systems and drug trafficking from Central Asia through the Middle East and Africa to South and Central America.

*Israel’s QME has boosted its posture of deterrence, in the face of a multitude of rogue regimes and organizations, thus reducing the threat of regional wars – which could expand globally – while enticing moderate Arab regimes to seek peace, rather than war, with the Jewish State.

Breaking Judicial Norms: A History A Democratic Senate pattern, from Bork to the filibuster rule.

In any conversation that you might have in the next few days with folks who don’t know the history of Dems and the Supreme Court, you might be informed by this Editorial as to the truth. Not the Chuck Schumer/ Nancy Pelosi false propaganda and twisted narratives,  but the actual facts.These judicial appointments are perhaps President Trump’s (and Leader McConnell’s) greatest achievements.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is widely reported to have told his Democratic colleagues on Saturday that “nothing is off the table for next year” if Republicans confirm a Supreme Court nominee in this Congress. He means this as a threat that Democrats will break the filibuster and pack the Court with more Justices in 2021 if they take control of the Senate in

So what else is new? Democrats have a long history of breaking procedural norms on judges. While packing the Court would be their most radical decision to date, it would fit their escalating pattern. Let’s review the modern historical lowlights to see which party has really been the political norm-breaker:

• The Bork assault. When Ronald Reagan selected Robert Bork in 1987, the judge was among the most qualified ever nominated. No less than Joe Biden had previously said he might have to vote to confirm him. Then Ted Kennedy issued his demagogic assault from the Senate floor, complete with lies about women “forced into back-alley abortions” and blacks who would have to “sit at segregated lunch counters.” Democrats and the press then unleashed an unprecedented political assault.

Previous nominees who had failed in the Senate were suspected of corruption (Abe Fortas) or thought unqualified (Harrold Carswell). Bork was defeated because of distortions about his jurisprudence. This began the modern era of hyper-politicized judicial nominations, though for the Supreme Court it has largely been a one-way partisan street.

Biden v. the Courts on Title IX Appellate rulings have shredded colleges for denying due-process protections—the same protections that the Democratic nominee promises to revoke. KC Johnson

There are so many reasons why the Dem positions on due process and a host of other issues are completely unacceptable to Americans who value checks and balances and the dispersion of power (rather than rule by the elite social engineers). And why, in practical impact, there really are no “moderate Dems” currently operating as brakes on the woke mob. This piece will help keep these issues in mind these next two crucial weeks…..


“Any number of federal constitutional and statutory provisions reflect the proposition that, in this country, we determine guilt or innocence individually—rather than collectively, based on one’s identification with some demographic group,” wrote U.S. Appeals Court Judge Raymond Kethledge in a late June opinion. “That principle has not always been perfectly realized in our Nation’s history, but as judges it is one that we take an oath to enforce.”

Kethledge’s words revived a lawsuit filed by an Oberlin College student who claimed that his school had unfairly found him guilty of sexual misconduct. Over a 100-day period this summer, four appeals courts, including the Sixth Circuit in the Oberlin case, issued rulings expressing concerns that universities, however well-intentioned, had discriminated against an accused student on account of his sex, in violation of Title IX. The decisions, applying to 23 states, represent the latest fallout from the 2011 and 2014 federal guidance pressuring colleges to respond aggressively to what the Obama administration considered a national epidemic of campus sexual assault. The recommended procedures, however, too often denied accused students a meaningful chance to defend themselves. Obama administration officials threatened to withdraw federal funding from schools that resisted these directives, “strongly” discouraging cross-examination and urging colleges to handle Title IX cases without a hearing and through a “trauma-informed” approach that presented virtually any behavior as consistent with the accused student’s guilt.

UK Minister: Teaching White Privilege And Critical Race Theory In Schools Is Illegal By Jordan Davidson


In a passionate speech before members of Parliament on Tuesday, the United Kingdom’s Minister for Equalities said schools who teach “white privilege” and critical race theory are breaking the law.

“We do not want to see teachers teaching their white pupils about white privilege and inherited racial guilt,” Kemi Badenoch said. “And let me be clear, any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory as fact or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police, without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views is breaking the law.”

Badenock denounced teaching the ideology of Black Lives Matter and critical race theory as uncontested facts. “We don’t do this with communism, we don’t do this with socialism, and we don’t do it with capitalism,” she said.

Badenoch’s words come as pressure in the UK mounts for universities to “decolonize” their curriculum.

“The campaign to give a fuller version of British history that reflects injustices and lauds the contributions of black British people has also won widespread support from the Black Lives Matter protesters,” the Guardian reports.

Badenoch, a member of the conservative party, made it very clear that promoting CRT and BLM curriculum is not only illegal, but harmful to the nature of academic forum.

“I want to be absolutely clear this government stands unequivocally against critical race theory,” she said. “Some schools have decided to openly support the anti-capitalist Black Lives Matter group, often fully aware that they have a statutory duty to be politically impartial.”