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Ruth King

The 2020 Election: Fact or Fiction? By David Solway


All too many people, on the right as well as the left, are acting as if Joe Biden has won the 2020 election, when they must know that, as of this moment, he has not.

Given the accumulating evidence of illegal maneuvers and documented corruption amounting to massive election fraud — duplicate voting, mail-in voting subject to pervasive manipulation, ballot harvesting, illegal voting, deceased voting, trashing of Trump votes, censorship and spreading of misinformation via the media and Big Tech, miscounting, forging of signatures, granny farming, “creative voting,” extending of mail-in deadlines (i.e., moving the goalposts), failure to update software, and so on — it’s a sweet deal for the Democrats and it gets even sweeter.  Richard Blum, who is also Democrat senator Diane Feinstein’s husband, is a major shareholder in Dominion Voting Systems, an application used in Michigan where thousands of Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden. Moreover, Dominion Voting Systems is used in other states as well. We must recognize the possibility that other voting modalities may be equally compromised. These are not merely bugs infesting voting systems of whatever stripe, they are rodents, swarms of them.

There have been calls for an entirely new election, but as Rudy Giuliani has indicated, there are six states in particular — Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona — where systematic voter fraud occurred, including ballots willfully (or “accidentally”) destroyed or “lost.” It surely makes sense to require an election do-over or rectification in these six states. There is also the problem of mail-in military votes which have been discarded. Voting booths should be set up at military camps both domestic (where applicable) and foreign and the votes tallied on site.

Will Riots Scare Us into Surrender? Lee Duigon


I was chatting with a neighbor the other day, and trying to lift his spirits; but he was up to his neck in defeatism. Because of this travesty of an election, of course.

“We’ve been scammed,” he said, “and there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s going to wind up in the Supreme Court, and nothing’s going to happen.”

And why will nothing happen?

“The court wouldn’t dare overturn this election, no matter how corrupt it was,” he said. “They just wouldn’t dare. If they did, we’d have a revolution. We’d have riots like you wouldn’t believe.”

So that’s it? A new political doctrine—whoever can stage the biggest riot gets to own the government. Sheesh, I hope he never raised kids that way. As long as you don’t throw a tantrum and break things, you can do anything you want?

But he’s not alone. A recent essay by Robert Arvay in “The American Thinker” came right out and said it: “The courts might be afraid…”.

Oh, boy—living in fear! That’s some nice republic you’ve got there, America. Never mind the law—who’s got a pile of bricks to throw at cops? We have to let them get away with stealing a national election because they’ll riot if we don’t?

Indoctrinating Students to Hate Whiteness Racial self-flagellation on campus. Richard L. Cravatts


Since the unfortunate deaths of George Floyd and a number of other black individuals in interaction with law enforcement, campuses across the country have been roiled by paroxysms of self-righteous indignation over race, white police racism and purported attendant brutality, and the alleged existence of endemic racism in society and its major institutions—including, specifically, universities.

In fact, there is so little actual racism on American campuses that race-obsessed grievance activists have had to invent new, previously unseen sources of racism. Thus, suddenly campus buildings named for benefactors from hundreds of years ago are denounced because the donors had owned slaves. Whole campuses are considered illegal and purloined because they supposedly sit on lands previously inhabited by indigenous peoples. Statues of campus notables with a shady past have to be moved, torn down, or shattered. At Princeton, as one notable example, the public mea culpa over the supposed prevalence of racism on its campus by President Christopher L. Eisgruber was so public that it actually resulted in a surprising investigation for possible violations of federal antidiscrimination law (under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) against the university by the Department of Education.

Identifying anti-black racism was the first step in elevating and asserting that racism existed in a systemic, endemic, and institutional way. But was what was also important was to not only elevate blacks by recognizing their longstanding oppression, but then by making whites feel guilty about their so-called white privilege and their intended or unintended roles in continuing racism against blacks.

The Law Is There’s No Presidential Transition Until Congress Certifies the Election The Democrats made the rules, but they don’t want to live by them. Daniel Greenfield


Even though the votes are still being counted, Joe Biden declared that he is the President-Elect, a shadow government office invented by Obama and invested with a pseudo-government seal, and he has been holding fake briefings and taking phone calls with foreign leaders.

The United States only has one president at a time. Maintaining a fake shadow presidency undermines the sitting administration to the American people and to foreign governments.

It’s illegal and inappropriate. So the Democrats are doing it anyway.

Incoming presidents, since Truman’s day, receive briefings and, since Kennedy’s day, get funding for their transition teams, but, according to the law, only once it’s clear who won. The last time this happened, the Bush transition was blocked by Democrats until December.

But the media is boosting its Biden cable network coup by threatening the head of the GSA.

Joe Manchin Slams Fellow Dems’ ‘Crazy Socialist Agenda’ amid Intra-Party Battle: ‘Defund, My Butt’ By Mairead McArdle


Senator Joe Manchin on Wednesday slammed efforts by progressive members of his party to slash police department budgets, saying the Democratic Party as he conceives of it does not have “some crazy socialist agenda.”

“Defund the police? Defund, my butt. I’m a proud West Virginia Democrat. We are the party of working men and women. We want to protect Americans’ jobs & healthcare. We do not have some crazy socialist agenda, and we do not believe in defunding the police,” Manchin wrote in a tweet Wednesday evening.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York progressive who has voiced support for cutting police budgets, responded to Manchin by tweeting a photo of herself during the State of the Union address in February offering what appears to be a glare in Manchin’s direction.

Manchin, one of the most moderate members of his party, could end up being the deciding vote on a number of issues should Senate control be split between Republicans and Democrats. Two Georgia Senate races headed for runoff elections in January are expected to decide the balance of power in the upper chamber. Republicans currently have 50 seats in the Senate to Democrats’ 48 seats.

Joe Biden’s Lockdown Lobby His Covid advisers seem to have learned nothing from the spring recession.


Did you enjoy the days at home from mid-March to May? The 22 million lost jobs, the shuttered storefronts, the neighborhood shops out of business, the kids unable to attend school, and the near economic depression? Well, congratulations, a reprise may be coming your way if Joe Biden heeds his Covid-19 advisory team.

We’ve told you about Ezekiel Emanuel, the advisory committee member who wanted new lockdowns during the summer flare-up in the Sunbelt states. Lucky for the country that his only power then was appearing on MSNBC.

Then there’s Michael Osterholm, also a member of the Biden Covid committee, who now wants a new nationwide lockdown for as many as six weeks. Dr. Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. CNBC quoted him as suggesting that we are about to enter “Covid hell” and the government should lock everyone up as we await a vaccine.

“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers for losses to small companies to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that,” Dr. Osterholm said, according to Yahoo Finance. “If we did that, then we could lock down for four to six weeks.”

We Don’t Need Government Mandates for Covid Vaccination This isn’t smallpox and doesn’t require draconian measures that infringe on basic civil liberties. By Joel M. Zinberg


Covid-19 vaccines are almost here. Pfizer announced Monday that its vaccine has proved more than 90% effective in clinical trials. But vaccines are useless unless people take them, and it’s likely many will refuse.

The drumbeat is growing louder for the government to mandate vaccination. On Saturday the New York State Bar Association urged Albany to require Covid-19 vaccines for all New Yorkers regardless of religious objection. While courts have upheld state vaccine mandates in the past, a societywide mandate would be overbroad and unduly coercive. Private initiatives will work better.

Only 45% of American adults get vaccinated for influenza annually. Concerns about side effects and doubts about effectiveness are the two main reasons people skip the vaccine, according to the University of Chicago’s NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In a NORC survey conducted at the height of the pandemic in May, Americans expressed similar concerns about a prospective Covid-19 vaccine. While a majority claimed they would likely be vaccinated, far fewer were a definite yes. Less than half said they would definitely be vaccinated, and doubts about safety and effectiveness were common.

The Biden campaign and others have alleged that vaccine makers and the Food and Drug Administration are moving too fast toward approval—claims the FDA and drug companies vehemently deny—further eroding public trust in an eventual vaccine. A Pew Research Center poll found that the number of Americans who would definitely or probably be vaccinated fell to 51% in September from 72% in May.

Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen Many Trump voters believe this election was unfair. They’re right.


It’s been more than a week since the final votes were cast and many of Donald Trump’s 72 million voters still believe this election was fundamentally unfair. They’re right about that. Democrats completely changed the way we voted in this election. Our system has never been more disorganized and it’s never been more vulnerable to manipulation.

So was there voter fraud last week? We’ve been working on that quetion ever since Election Night. We’ve tried to be careful and precise as we report this out. In moments like this, truth matters more than ever. False allegations of fraud can cause as much damage as the fraud itself, and the last thing America needs right now is more damage.

What we’re about to tell you is accurate. It’s not a theory. It happened, and we can prove it. Other news organizations could prove it, too. They’ve simply chosen not to. The position of corporate media across the country this week has been very simple: There was no voter fraud. They say it again and again, but what exactly are they talking about? They won’t tell you. So we’re going to tell you right now.

Fewer than 15,000 votes separate Donald Trump from Joe Biden in the state of Georgia. It’s close enough that it’s worth getting specific about what happened there. Georgia’s secretary of state has now confirmed there will be a hand recount of all votes cast.



Dominion Voting Systems isn’t a senator or a president, but it does want your vote. A manufacturer of voting systems, Dominion Voting makes specialized hardware and software used by some 600 US jurisdictions in 22 states, as well as by jurisdictions in Canada and other countries. Its flagship product line, Democracy Suite, comprises various systems used by election officials, including optical ballot scanners and vote tabulators, voter list generators, election management software, and electronic ballot systems for absentee voting. In addition to its Colorado office, the company also operates offices in Toronto, Canada, New York, and California. Dominion Voting was founded by CEO John Poulos and James Hoover.

Pre-Election Concerns Over Dominion Voting Systems Highlighted in Georgia Lawsuit by Jeff Carlson


Cyber security expert raised concerns over integrity of system, including external vulnerabilities, in sworn statement.

Software and equipment from Dominion Voting Systems, used in this month’s presidential election, has been the source of ongoing controversy, with one legal declaration made by a poll observer of Georgia’s statewide primary earlier this year highlighting multiple problems.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the state’s purchase of a $106 million election system from Dominion Voting Systems in July 2019. In a lawsuit, which originated in 2017, critics contend that the new system was subject to many of the same security vulnerabilities as the one it was replacing.

In an Oct. 11 order, just weeks prior to the presidential election, U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg agreed with the concerns associated with the new Dominion voting system, writing that the case presented “serious system security vulnerability and operational issues that may place Plaintiffs and other voters at risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote that is accurately counted.”

“The Court’s Order has delved deep into the true risks posed by the new BMD voting system as well as its manner of implementation. These risks are neither hypothetical nor remote under the current circumstances,” Judge Totenberg wrote in her order.