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Ruth King

Author/Pundit – Diana West & Retired CIA Officer and Commentator – Sam Faddis

Assessment on Where we Are in America at the Moment and What YOU Can DO Janet Levy

Summary of Frank Gaffney’s Podcast – November 12th  

Diana West – ‘What just happened with the election is the ultimate phase of the coup – the power grab phase.  The information organs have been seized and used to drive home the message that the government has been taken over.  There is a phony narrative that the election has been certified with Joe Biden as the leader with support from world leaders.’

Note from Frank:  ‘NPR has reported that there is absolutely NO evidence of any election fraud.’  (Our tax dollars at work! – JL)

Diana – ‘There is reputed to be an enemy’s list put together by AOC the Lincoln Project and  others to expunge Trump supporters from the political arena and public life and to destroy their livelihoods and their well-being.’ The Trump Accountability  Project staffed by the likes of Obama and Pete Buttigieg is positioned to target people who worked for or supported Trump for repercussions.  There’s a drive to penalize the lawyers who are helping Trump.’

J. Sam Faddis – ‘This is a coup by the mass media, Big Tech and lots of money declaring for Biden.  We also have radical groups like BLM who expect Biden to deliver on their agenda for the Marxist Revolution – a complete Marxist society.  They’re demanding meetings right now and planning massive violence at the Million Maga March in D.C. this weekend.’

Democracy Dies in the Open Beijing crushes the remnants of Hong Kong’s autonomy.


Hong Kong’s “one country, two systems” form of government autonomy died this summer, and the Chinese Communist Party is now moving fast to crush its remnants. Beijing’s latest target is the Legislative Council and its pro-democracy lawmakers.

On Wednesday China’s legislature passed a resolution allowing Hong Kong authorities to remove lawmakers without judicial oversight. Hong Kong authorities quickly booted four pro-democracy legislators, including Dennis Kwok and Alvin Yeung, two brave defenders of an independent judiciary.

Hong Kong’s remaining pro-democracy lawmakers responded by resigning en masse. “Sooner or later we would all have been disqualified,” Democratic Party chairman Wu Chi-wai said. Unconditional allegiance to Beijing is now a requirement for office. At a news conference Wednesday, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said it is disqualifying for lawmakers to oppose the new national security law or to plan on “indiscriminately voting down” Beijing’s legislative agenda. Ms. Lam will go down in history for betraying her city.

The Communist Party long ago rigged LegCo, as the legislature is known, so democrats could never gain a majority. Pro-democracy lawmakers have nonetheless served their constituents by working to prevent or delay some of the worst legislation and appointees. This new resolution completes LegCo’s transformation into a rubber-stamp body. It represents “Beijing’s rule by decree in its ultimate form,” said Claudia Mo, one of the lawmakers who resigned in protest.

Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit Early witnesses who signed affidavits range from a longtime city worker to a former assistant attorney general.By John Solomon


The media mantra that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the Nov. 3 election for the first time faces a real challenge. Several Michigan residents — ranging from a city worker to a former state assistant attorney general — swear under penalty of perjury they witnessed significant and widespread election tampering in the city of Detroit.

And by significant, they insist thousands of ballots were involved.

Rudy Giuliani: ‘I have never seen an election case with half this evidence of fraud’

Take, for instance, longtime city of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob, who provided among the most startling accounts.

Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File and had not arrived by the deadline.

“On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020,” she testified. “I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots.”

Pennsylvania Judge Rules in Favor of Trump Campaign Katie Pavlich


A Pennsylvania judge has ruled in favor of the Trump campaign by concluding segregated ballots should not be counted. Further, the judge found that Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar lacked the “statutory authority” to change election law just days before Election Day. 

“[The] Court concludes that Repsondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Board of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline in Section 1308(h) of the Pennsylvania Election Code…for certain electors to verify proof of identification, based on Secretary Boockvar’s interpretation and application oof the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision in Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar,” the ruling states. “Accordingly, the Court hereby ORDERS that Respondents County Boards of Elections are enjoined from counting any ballots that have been segregated.” 

Last week U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day. 

Pennsylvania counties must separate all ballots received by mail after polls closed on Election Day from the rest of the ballots, the Supreme Court ordered on Friday.

Justice Samuel Alito made the order on Friday evening, saying that all county boards of election must comply with guidance that requires them to keep ballots received after 8 p.m. on Tuesday “in a safe, secure and sealed container separate from other voted ballots.” If those ballots are counted, they must also be counted separately.

Under A Biden Administration, Expect An Explosion In Illegal Immigration By John Daniel Davidson


The Biden team is planning to dismantle and reverse Trump’s entire immigration agenda, which means we should brace for a wave of illegal immigration.

One of the big changes we should expect under a Joe Biden administration is an explosion of illegal immigration and a renewed crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. The reason for this is simple: the immigration and border policies the Trump administration has put into place over the past four years have succeeded in driving down illegal immigration, and Biden has promised to reverse nearly all of them.

Throughout the campaign, Biden was forthright about his plans to dismantle Trump’s immigration and border security agenda. His team is now planning to carry out those plans, including a 100-day moratorium on deportations, directives to curtail arrests of illegal immigrants, and a full restoration of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA.

The Left’s Civility Claptrap Biden decries the “grim era of demonization” after practicing it. by George Neumayr


Joe Biden’s campaigns have rested on the most rancid racial politics. In 2020, he routinely accused his opponent of racism and support for white supremacism, drawing on nothing but his own libelous twisting of Trump’s words after the rioting in Charlottesville. In 2012, Biden had accused Republicans of planning to put blacks “back in chains.” His venom came out also on non-racial matters. He once called opponents of gay marriage the “dregs of society.” In the Senate, he habitually hurled dirty charges, becoming the father of Borking.

But now Biden’s thoughts turn to civility. He promises to lead us out of a “grim era of demonization.” Biden is not the first Democrat to peddle this claptrap. Indeed, it is a standard hypocrisy of Democrats: out of power, they extol incivility; once they regain power, they denounce it. Recall the Clinton era’s ludicrous “civility” commission, which the Democrats set up after Rush Limbaugh and company foiled their agenda.

In times of political exile, Democrats countenance all manner of incivility. They cheered as John Lewis and company boycotted Trump’s inauguration. They defended a play in Central Park that depicted a Trumpian figure stabbed to death. They laughed as comedienne Kathy Griffin held up a mock-severed head of Trump. More recently, they found nothing to condemn in the monstrously uncivil rhetoric of Black Lives Matter.

They only turn pacific after they feel safely ensconced in positions of power, and then “civility” becomes a means to defang opponents. Michelle Obama, whose instincts are those of a low Chicago ward boss, didn’t turn her thoughts to going “high” until reaching the White House. But after leaving it, she quickly returned to gutter politics, egging John Lewis and company on in their uncivil behavior.

In power, Barack was also liable to muse on the importance of civility. On his rise to power, however, he kept company with the shaggiest and most uncivil Alinskyites. He launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. He attended the services of Jeremiah Wright, whose most famous pronouncement was “God damn America.” He promoted the work of Saul Alinsky, who placed ends-justifies-the-means incivility at the center of his program of agitation.

Michigan voters file federal lawsuit seeking to toss 1.2M ballots by Zachary Halaschak


The stack of Michigan lawsuits filed in the aftermath of the election is continuing to pile up, with a new one in federal court seeking to toss out some 1.2 million votes in Michigan.

The lawsuit was filed by four voters on Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. The litigation seeks to overturn ballots in Washtenaw, Ingham, and Wayne counties. Wayne County has already been the target of a federal lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign one week after the election.

Those three counties combined represent about 1.2 million votes of the state’s approximately 5.5 million votes cast in this year’s election. The plaintiffs are Lena Bally and Gavriel Grossbard, both of Oakland County, Carol Hatch of Eaton County, and Steven Butler of Jackson County.

The suit contends that “sufficient evidence exists to place in doubt presidential-election results” in the counties listed, specifically “issues with transparency, fraudulent changing of dates, a software glitch, clerical errors, illegal votes, and many other issues and irregularities.”

The document cites dozens of news articles and reports of Republican accusations of fraud in the Michigan election.

The legal relief being sought by the plaintiffs is for the judge to “declare that the inclusion of illegal votes in identified counties violates Voters’ right to vote under the First and Fourteenth Amendment by vote-dilution disenfranchisement” and to invalidate them.

If the long shot lawsuit were successful, it would overturn enough votes to flip the election in President Trump’s favor.

Trump campaign wins case to disqualify Pa. mail-in ballots with late-arriving ID byMick Stinelli


The Trump campaign on Thursday won a case attempting to disqualify mail-in ballots for Pennsylvania voters whose identification was confirmed after Nov. 9.

These ballots had been segregated pending the judge’s decision and have not yet been counted, so their disqualification will not affect the current vote count in Pennsylvania.

Commonwealth Court President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled that Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar lacked authority when she issued guidance to county boards of election to count mail ballots so long as voters’ IDs were confirmed by Nov. 12.

Ms. Boockvar argued to the court that the guidance came from a provision in the commonwealth’s election code that allows voters to prove their identities “within six calendar days following the election.” Because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court extended the ballot deadline to Nov. 6, then the deadline for voters to confirm their ID would also be extended.

The policy divide between Netanyahu and Biden Ruthie Blum


Let’s get the question of whether US President Donald Trump just lost the election to Joe Biden out of the way. Regardless of one’s view of the ballot count, it’s safe to call the Democratic contender “president-elect” until proven otherwise.

In the meantime, since he and his running mate, Kamala Harris, could very well be instated on January 20, it is important to prepare for the seismic shift that is inevitable in such an event. Though the earthquake will be felt most directly by Americans, its aftershocks will reverberate around the globe, particularly in Israel.

The Jewish state is by no means the only country with a serious stake in the makeup of the next administration in Washington. But for the past four years, the government in Jerusalem has enjoyed unprecedented and unequivocal support from the White House and – even more astonishingly – from the State Department.

It’s been like a luxurious soak in a warm bath following an arduous trek in the snow. As a result, most Israelis have been witnessing what they fear is a return to the frosty old days when former president Barack Obama was in office.

Only those who view Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as joint forces of evil are rejoicing at such a prospect. The rest of Israeli the public is not looking forward to the scenario and are hoping, along with Trump supporters across the ocean, that recounts and lawsuits will reverse Biden’s fortune and keep the incumbent in place.

Giuliani: 650,000 Votes Were Counted Unlawfully in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh By Isabel Van Brugen


Rudy Giuliani, one of President Donald Trump’s personal lawyers, alleged on Nov. 11 that roughly 650,000 unlawful ballots were cast in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Speaking with Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs, Giuliani claimed that “almost none” of the hundreds of thousands of ballots were observed by Republican poll watchers. State election law requires the presence of poll watchers from all parties.

“We now are up to a count of about 650,000 ballots that are unlawful ballots that were cast in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh,” he said. “What’s being said in the mass media, that we have no evidence, is a complete, absolute lie, just like they’ve been lying for years.”

On Monday, Gov. Tom Wolf’s office said in a statement that ballot watchers from all parties have had observers throughout the process and that “any insinuation otherwise is a lie.”

A few days earlier, Giuliani said that the Trump campaign may have sufficient evidence to change the election results in the state of Pennsylvania.

He told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that lawsuits being filed by Trump’s reelection campaign might show that as many as 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in the battleground state.