It’s almost comical how Donald Trump makes the Left stumble and snort in frustration. Right when they think they’ve finally got him in another of their traps, he turns the tables and then rubs their faces in it. He has been handing the leftist monster its head for going on four years and you’d think they’d learn.
Trump is far smarter than the idiot liberal segment of the population wants to acknowledge — perhaps because their narcissism can’t handle the fact that he’s smarter than they are. And it’s real-world smarts across the broad swath of human behavior.
Trump understands people at levels few ever attain. That’s why he was able to calm down the North Koreans after nobody else had gotten anywhere with them for 70 years. That was a foreign policy triumph. Domestically, the Left knew that they’d nail him at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner which he wouldn’t dare to dodge because it was so prestigious. He did dodge it, and rubbed their faces in it by staging a rally that obligated many of those same snotty correspondents to go to the despised Rubeland on the night of the dinner. He hit them squarely where it hurt most, in their prestige.
Trump restored the situation in Syria by withdrawing our troops when everybody screamed that that would ignite WWIII. It didn’t. Then he wedded foreign with domestic policy by completely defusing the marching caravans out of Central America when the Idiot Left was just sure they finally had him snookered. In a domestic policy triumph with significant foreign policy implications, he supercharged the economy when the Left was certain they had hobbled it so thoroughly that “new normal” was their byword for how things now had to be.