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Ruth King

This Is a Time for Fighting, Not for “Healing” A dire moment to protect our Constitution. Bruce Thornton


As part of his pretense that the presidential race is over, Joe Biden indulged the banal “time for healing” and “we’re all Americans” rhetoric. But we shouldn’t be fooled. Even before Barack Obama’s dishonest “no red state, no blue state” campaign lies were followed by a hyper-partisan, divisive administration, we’ve known that the increasingly left-leaning Democrats will endorse  “any means necessary” tactics to work their political will.

And we also know that too many Republicans will fall for the Dems’ rhetorical bait-and-switch. We shouldn’t let them get away with it this time, for we’re facing a hard fight ahead to minimize the damage that the “woke” Democrats will try to inflict on our Constitution. It’s time to fight, not “heal.”

First, anyone paying attention for the last few decades knows that every time a Democrat starts talking about “reaching across the aisle” and “bipartisanship,” he’s getting ready to pick your pocket. Such bromides are really euphemisms for serving their policy preferences rather than conservative ones, after which they’ll pat you on the head as a “good Republican” or a “maverick” for betraying your conservative principles.

Meanwhile, few Democrats reciprocate. They never cringe preemptively before Republicans lest the Donks call them bad names. Outright racialist behavior such as consorting with a race-hack like Al Sharpton or an avowed anti-Semite like Louis Farrakhan is indulged, and any complaint contemptuously dismissed by Democrat Senators and House Representatives, even as they endlessly chant “racist” or “white supremacist” at Republicans.

When computers cheat, they inevitably leave evidence behind By Andrea Widburg


Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a multi-credentialed MIT grad, ran the numbers, and the computer data generated in Michigan scream out “fraud!”

You should learn three main things from this post: (1) The Supreme Court can consider statistical evidence of fraud and can order a new election. (2) Most of the computers used for voting in America have a built-in mechanism that allows votes to be weighted in favor of a candidate. (3) If someone does tell a computer to mess with the election outcome, the computer’s processes will inevitably create unnatural data trails that prove human intervention in vote counts – and that’s what happened in three Michigan counties.

The Supreme Court

Alexander Macris found Donohue v. Board of Elections of State of New York, 435 F.Supp. 957 (E.D.N.Y. 1976), a case with close parallels to 2020’s election. After President Ford lost in 1976, Republican voters sued New York, alleging that systematic fraud deprived them of their voting rights. The district court allowed the suit and stated the following legal test: (1) Plaintiffs had to prove specific acts of misconduct that (2) involved ‘willful or knowing’ ballot fraud (3) by state officials or private persons acting jointly with state officials that (4) changed the outcome of the election.

The court held that the plaintiffs could introduce expert opinions and statistical analyses showing that voting patterns markedly deviated from the predictable uniformity to be found in random samples from elections counts that were honest. If the plaintiffs, won, said the court, they could get an order requiring a new presidential election. Any other outcome would fail to protect election integrity (especially in presidential elections) that is “essential to a free and democratic society.”

Trump’s Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant By James V. DeLong


The complaint filed in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign is a superb piece of legal craftsmanship.

It was filed in federal court, not state.  The gist is that some of the state’s actions, and particularly the exclusion of Republican poll-watchers during the counting of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots, violated federal constitutional requirements.

The point is obvious enough once one thinks of it, but it’s brilliant all the same.  It shifts the focus from state law, where a politicized Pennsylvania court has the last word, to federal law, where the U.S. Supreme Court rules.

As for the obviousness of the point, consider as a thought experiment a state law requiring that all votes be counted in secret by an unelected board named by the party in power.  Could it survive a constitutional challenge?

As my old Harvard constitutional law professors would have said, “to ask the question is to answer it.”  It is hard to count all the constitutional guarantees violated here: Equal Protection, Due Process, Privileges and Immunities.  Indeed, the complaint stacks up the Supreme Court precedents supporting its arguments, including the long line of ringing statements in the chain of one-person-one-vote decisions.

Will Trump Ride Off Into the Sunset? By Victor Davis Hanson


I once wrote that whenever Donald Trump exits office, he will likely leave as a “tragic hero.” Over two millennia ago, the Athenian tragedian Sophocles first described the archetype in his portraits of an angry and old but still fearsome Ajax, and heroic but stubborn and self-fixated Antigone.

In the iconic John Ford Western “The Searchers” and in a host of other films from “Shane” to “High Noon,” we have seen stories of these sorts.

The legalistic but impotent town council, the idealistic but outgunned sodbusters or the incompetent posse in desperation turns to unconventional deliverance. They suddenly need a John Wayne as a scary Ethan Edwards or a mysterious gunslinger like Shane.

But to call in such Manichean outsiders is to admit that the status quo of a sober establishment has failed.

The outsider deliverers are suspiciously seen as self-absorbed. Their methods bother an endangered, polite society, even as they begin to bring it results.

We know such checkered iconoclasts from our own war stories of Gens. William Tecumseh Sherman, George S. Patton and Curtis LeMay. All three shredded pretensions. They reminded Americans that war is hell, and that the only thing worse than fighting so brutally against dangerous enemies is losing. And all three — only after the conflicts ended — were eventually deemed eccentric enough to be expendable.

As we learn from the second half of Sophocles’ tragedies and the last 30 minutes of classic Westerns, the nearer the tragic hero comes to ensuring results, the more his benefactors can begin to second-guess his bothersome methods.

Project Veritas Leaks Clip Purportedly Showing Federal Agents Pressuring USPS Whistleblower


Investigative journalism nonprofit Project Veritas on Wednesday released a recording it claims shows federal agents pressuring a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) whistleblower in Erie, Pennsylvania, to go back on his allegations last week that he overheard superiors discussing a scheme to backdate mail-in ballots.

Mail carrier Richard Hopkins last week claimed that he heard a local postmaster at Erie Post Office, Rob Weisenbach, instruct USPS workers to collect mail ballots they receive after Nov. 3 and hand them over to him to be backdated.

Hopkins, 32, who has since been placed on non-pay status by the post office, signed a sworn affidavit, under the penalty of perjury, containing the allegations. It was received by Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Nov. 7.

He said that he is willing to testify under oath that he heard Weisenbach tell a supervisor that he was backdating ballots “to make it appear as though the ballots had been collected on November 3, 2020, despite them in fact being collected on November 4 and possibly later.”

Under state election rules, ballots can be counted up to three days after Election Day as long as they are postmarked as having been sent on Nov. 3.

A USPS spokesman told The Epoch Times it was aware of Hopkins’s claim and had referred the matter to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the Office of Inspector General. A USPS Office of Inspector General spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email, “The U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General does not comment on ongoing matters.”

Memo To Joe: COVID Is Skyrocketing In States That Already Have Mask Mandates


Ever since the mainstream media declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election, he’s been prattling on about how a nationwide mask mandate is vital to slowing the spread of the coronavirus. But has anyone noticed that the disease is spreading like wildfire in states that already have mask mandates?  

The day after he made up his “President Elect” signs, Biden declared that he would call on governors around the country to impose mask mandates. One Biden official told NBC News that “If a governor declines, he’ll go to the mayors in the state and ask them to lead. In many states, there is the capacity of mayors to institute mandates.”

“It’s time to end the politicization of basic, responsible public health steps like mask-wearing and social distancing,” Biden said on Monday. “The single most effective thing we can do to stop the spread of COVID: Wear a mask.”

Really? Let’s look at the data.

As it stands, 33 states already have statewide mask mandates. These states account for three-quarters of the nation’s population.

Here’s the List of Republicans Who Want Us to Believe Biden Is the New POTUS by Luis Miguel


Lists can go both ways.

The media establishment and the political Left have taken it upon themselves to compile lists of lawmakers and regular Americans who rightly refuse to call Joe Biden the president-elect when the result of the 2020 election is far from conclusive. Naturally, they do this with the aim of shaming and intimidating the named individuals into submission.

The Left’s tactic of coercing is despicable; it is, nevertheless, useful to look at their “hit lists” and extrapolate the data to glean information about the stances of national figures and thus see which ones are interested in pursuing the truth and an honest election, and which are obediently heeding the call of the establishment’s propaganda mill.

When the next election season comes around, it will be useful to know who stood for integrity in America’s crucial moment and who didn’t. As noted by NBC News, the Republican members of Congress who have thus far broken with President Trump to definitively congratulate Joe Biden on his “victory” are:

Senator Lisa Murkowski (Alaska),Senator Mitt Romney (Utah), Senator Susan Collins (Maine),Senator Ben Sasse (Neb.),Representative Fred Upton (Mich.),Representative Francis Rooney (Fla.),Representative Will Hurd (Texas),Representative Paul Mitchell (Mich.), Representative Adam Kinzinger (Ill.).

Less vocal and more cautious but urging the President toward concession are: Senator Marco Rubio (Fla.),Senator Pat Toomey (Pa.),Senator Mike Rounds (S.D.),Representative Tom Reed (N.Y.).

12 Ways For Trump To Bomb The Battlefield While Biden Claims The Presidency: Joy Pullmann


President Trump needs a skunkworks team coming up with as many political land mines as possible to embed in the landscape against Democrats if Republicans are forced to retreat from the White House in January.

President Trump is right to refuse to concede the 2020 election until every legal vote has been counted and allegations of significant fraud have been fairly investigated. His voters deserve and need to know if we were beaten fair and square. Otherwise, Democrats are poisoning the nation’s political well and ensuring Republicans never wield power at the federal level again after having established that Republicans will not fight fraud.

Since the president’s team has begun releasing increasingly good evidence of large-scale voter fraud in key states, the tide may yet turn again. At the same time, the same media-Democrat complex whose lies have been running the country for four years — think Russian collusion, impeachment, and now endless COVID lockdowns unhinged from science and prudence— typically prevail through their well-amplified echo chamber of lies that operates key institutions Republicans have conceded for the last century.

A savvy embattled leader will prepare for all possible outcomes, and make war on all fronts possible. Democrat leadership doesn’t only do that because they have evil ideology and character. They do it because it works.

That means right now President Trump needs a skunkworks team coming up with as many political land mines as possible to embed in the landscape if Republicans are forced to retreat from the White House in January. Going on offense will also open new fronts so Democrats cannot exclusively focus on swaying the North Carolina and Georgia Senate races to obtain unobstructed control of Congress and the presidency.

I’ve got a few ideas that will open new offensive fronts and occupy Democrat time and resources, as well as deprive them of their public veneer of legitimacy that is crucial to the population quietly accepting their claims at face value, to the clear detriment of our nation and its future.

1. Immediately Release All Spygate Documents

The full truth about which Obama administration officials did what in the conspiracy to strangle Trump’s presidency through false accusations of treason with Russia remains largely under wraps. Key intelligence officials appear to have deliberately sat on important Spygate information, hoping to keep it hidden until Biden possibly became president and it could be buried forever. Not one person has been prosecuted in the probe yet, even though many have clearly committed felonies.

Arizona Congresswoman Says Trump Should Not Concede By Bowen Xiao

PHOENIX—Arizona Congresswoman Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.) said she believes President Donald Trump should not concede until every legal battle is resolved, as a number of her constituents have contacted her over perceived irregularities at voting places across the state. 

“I do not think that the president should concede until all of this has played out because it is not over yet,” she told The Epoch Times on Nov. 10. “I do totally believe that if the tables were turned and Biden was in this situation he would do the same thing.”

County officials said they expect to be done counting this week the remaining tens of thousands of ballots in Arizona. Trump is within 0.39 percent of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, according to the latest unofficial results. An automatic recount will take place if the final margin is one-tenth of 1 percent, per state law.

“It’s still possible Trump could win Arizona,” she added.

The congresswoman felt it was irresponsible for the media to call Arizona for Biden early on in the race with many votes still left to be counted. Trump’s campaign early on predicted that the president would win the state and its 11 Electoral College votes.

Two Videos: Analysing and Exposing the US Election


Victor Davis Hanson speaks at length with former deputy prime minister John Anderson about the US election, fraud, misleading polls.

As the video is hosted by YouTube, those interested should watch now just in case the Google-owned platform adds the clip to the ever-growing list of things Big Tech doesn’t want you to see.From Mr Hanson’s helicopter view of the election, the culture war and the factors that determined its alleged outcome,  then listen to a surreptitiously recorded class in which Detroit poll workers are explicitly instructed how to produce the ‘votes’ Joe Biden needed.