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Ruth King

Count the Votes: The Three Things To Do Next We have work to do. Katie Hopkins


“When I am not crying, I feel frozen and numb.”

The text above, like so many others I have received from the great Americans I was fortunate to campaign alongside this summer in America, threatens to break my heart all over again.

And I understand it. I can feel it — viscerally. As a respectful outsider to your great country, I use “we” when I think of you and me, because I feel it just as keenly too.

We feel disbelief at what just happened and near paralysis at the thought of it. It is as if someone changed the speed setting on life and forced everything into slow motion, where you get to watch a horrible moment of impact play out in excruciating detail, wincing hard for the moment of impact that hasn’t truly made itself felt just yet.

And there IS a lot of tough stuff to swallow:

1) World leaders like Boris Johnson congratulating Joe Biden, scrambling to be the first to deposit an odious message on Twitter: “looking forward to working together on our shared priorities of climate change, trade and security.” In truth, Biden’s policies (were he to be formally elected as President) would actually be a version of AOC’s Green New Deal and a disaster for America and the UK.

2) The media and their relentless push for Biden, pumping a win they have no right to declare, and reveling in the perceived humiliation of Trump.

Why the Muslim Brotherhood Came Out of Its Hole by Khaled Abu Toameh


The labeled terrorist organization [Muslim Brotherhood] said, with a straight face, that it “wishes Mr. Biden, the American people, and the peoples of the whole world to continue to live in dignity under the principles of freedom, justice, democracy and respect for human rights.”

“There are several reports confirming the Muslim Brotherhood’s support for Biden so that the organization would be able to avoid restrictions on political Islam movements…. Now, they are hoping that the US will remove them from the list of terrorist organizations.” — Israa Ahmed Fuad, Egyptian political analyst and author, Youm7.com, November 7, 2020.

The Muslim Brotherhood “are partners of Democratic administrations in ruining the region and supporting extremism.” — Amin Al-Alawi, Moroccan researcher, 24saa.ma, November 8, 2020.

No US administration can afford to dismiss the warning bells sounded by Arabs in the wake of the Muslim Brotherhood’s attempt to present itself as a peaceful group that seeks to bring freedom and democracy to the Arab world.

The Islamists are desperate to return to power in Egypt, which is why they are prepared to even court the American “Satan” to reach this goal. These are the same Islamists who have been condemning Arabs who have any contact with Americans. At this time of possible administrative change in America, the Arabs who do not support the Muslim Brotherhood — particularly those living in Egypt and the Gulf states — fervently hope that their alarm about Islamists will be heard loud and clear by Biden and his group.

Will a new US administration possibly under Joe Biden help revive the Muslim Brotherhood, which is considered a terrorist organization by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Syria? Why is the Muslim Brotherhood rejoicing over the “victory” of Biden?

Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: By Petr Svab


More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher’s analysis of the state’s voter database.

Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.

The state’s voter records are being scrutinized as President Donald Trump is challenging the results of the presidential election in Pennsylvania and other states where his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, holds a tight lead. The Trump campaign is alleging that invalid ballots have been counted for Democrats and valid ballots for Republicans were thrown away.

The analysis of the publicly available data was conducted by a data researcher who submitted it first to the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times. The researcher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he consulted about the matter with several USPS field engineers, who said the return dates shown in the database are “impossible.”

Lawyers, investigators uncovering fraud and corruption in key 2020 election states By Phill Kline


Big Tech and the mainstream media are the only ones who have called the election for Joe Biden.  Fortunately, neither of those institutions decides who will serve as our president.  Only the American people, guided by the rule of law, can do that.

Ensuring that the 2020 presidential election is resolved lawfully and consistently with the Constitution is imperative.  But time is short, and the forces seeking to prevent scrutiny of the results are powerful.

The coronavirus pandemic gave biased actors an opening to exploit chaos, fear, and uncertainty to manipulate the electoral process in a lawless manner designed to benefit the left.  What we are seeing now is the result of those efforts.

The world’s strongest democracy deserves an open and fair election for all American voters.  Not to allow the rule of law to be followed and prevail disenfranchises every American voter.  The president is not picked by Big Tech or big media companies.  Rather, the Constitution and federal and state laws designed to allow Americans to fairly cast their ballot and observe the counting of those ballots protect the voice of each and every American, regardless of ideology.

These laws were not followed.  Windows were boarded up to prevent observation.  People were kicked out of counting rooms.  Americans were denied their right to witness what went on in the counting rooms.  This lawlessness — and yes, I mean lawlessness, in that there was a willful defiance of the law — has called hundreds of thousands of ballots into question.

Does Anyone Care about the Truth Anymore? By David Solway ******


Ferreting out political and historical truth from the welter of partisan voices and official disinformation, so far as this is possible, is no easy task. Not many of us are capable or desirous of doing so. This is perhaps the major debit in a prosperous democratic polity, many of whose citizens, like pampered children, have grown spoiled and lazy.

Common sense is needed, along with moral fortitude and the willingness to dig for documentary sources and artifacts that are not easily falsified. One cannot allow the media to do one’s homework for one but must instead subject what one is told to believe to hard scrutiny and diligent research. This process is not only an epistemic necessity but also a moral demand. As C2C editor Patrick Keeney writes, “we can only arrive at what we ought to do by appeals to moral reasoning.” We might say that thoughtfulness is an aspect of moral character.

In the political world especially, one must be skeptical of the left and its popular sobriquet, socialism. For socialism is all about radical egalitarianism, the expansion of welfare dependency, the destruction of the nuclear family and the establishment of single-party rule. The study of history and the current geopolitical theater is dispositive in this regard.

Opponents of the Left are regularly denounced as belonging to the “far right.” But what is called the “far right” in the current political environment is a will o’ the wisp, a false construct serving the interests of the demagogic impulse associated with the left, for there is no temporizing with the left’s totalitarian basis no matter how moderate it may appear in some of its presumably acceptable forms.

Sacrifices To Secure Liberty by Gary M. Galles


On Veterans Day, we honor those who have risked their lives in military service for America. Such commemorations of the valor of servicemen and women are not unique to us. But the vision that Americans have fought for sets Nov. 11 apart. From revolutionary times, our military forces have fought to defend something unprecedented – “a new nation conceived in liberty.”

A good way to honor those who have served to protect America’s unique vision is to remember Patrick Henry, because America’s “Orator of Liberty” reminds us of the cause that justifies what our veterans have sacrificed for.

Henry’s 1775 “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech sparked the revolution in Virginia. “The Voice of the Revolution” was the first person to condemn England for taxation without representation. He led the attack against the Stamp Act in 1765, and in every subsequent protest against British tyranny and every movement for colonists’ rights. He helped draft the Virginia Constitution and the May 1776 declaration favoring independence. He led in campaigning for a bill of rights. He was instrumental in bringing to life the ideal that became America, which our armed forces have fought to defend ever since.

Big Media Revealed As Corrupt, Venal And Biased — So What Else Is New?


We hate to admit it, but we thought it would be hard for our colleagues in the already-disgraced big media to shame themselves further during this election cycle. After all, they had done such a great job of it over the past four years. But, in the last two months, they outdid themselves.

Free republics, such as our own, depend on a healthy, vibrant, independent press to survive. The free flow of information, facts and opinion is the oxygen that our republic breathes. Right now, we’re gasping for breath.

Just in recent days, the examples of the media’s (including social media) stunning irresponsibility, outright mendacity and pro-Joe Biden bias are legion:

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto cut off live remarks by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany as she outlined credible evidence of widespread voter fraud.
MSNBC talking head and “historian” Jon Meacham, a supposed “expert” on the presidency, commented favorably and at length on Biden’s Saturday night speech, without telling its audience that he, Meacham, wrote the speech.
Both the New York Times (“All The News That’s Fit To Print”) and Washington Post (“Democracy Dies In Darkness”) outright lied about Pfizer and its participation in President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” project to accelerate development of a coronavirus vaccine. Pfizer itself denied receiving any funding, obviously eager to distance itself from Trump and ingratiate itself with the vengeful leftists that now control the Democratic Party. Only problem is, a Pfizer press release from July shows it accepted an order of 100 million doses of its vaccine at a cost of $1.95 billion.

The Supreme Court’s Pennsylvania Cleanup The Justices have a chance to clarify who writes election law.


For a few days last week, it looked as if the 2020 election might play out as a gloomy opera of recounts and lawsuits, possibly upstaging Florida in 2000. We can thank the fates for sparing us, since nobody else can claim credit. The task ahead, starting in the Supreme Court, is to prevent a similar shadow from falling next time.

Joe Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania has plodded upward to about 49,000 votes, at last check. That’s a modest margin of 0.73 percentage point, but it’s enough to avoid a recount cataclysm. The potential, though, was there. Pennsylvania law says absentee votes must be returned by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Two months ago, the state’s highest court nonetheless yelled abracadabra and changed the deadline to Nov. 6, while making postmarks optional.

Those straggling ballots remain subject to litigation, and Justice Samuel Alito has ordered local officials to keep them separate. The precise number of late votes hasn’t been released, but a state official said Tuesday that it’s “approximately 10,000.” If Mr. Biden were winning by 537 votes, which was George W. Bush’s final margin in Florida, all hell would break loose. The Court’s decision to invalidate the ballots, or to count them, might well pick the next President.

Now the temptation for the Justices, since Mr. Biden appears to have won Pennsylvania and the White House, will be to call this case moot and walk away from the controversy. That would be a missed opportunity.

I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down By Jerome Marcus


At issue was President Trump’s request for an order changing the way Pennsylvania absentee and mail-in ballots are being reviewed at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

Legacy media are lying when they claim that all of President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud are baseless. I know, because I argued a case on the president’s behalf in federal court in Philadelphia.

At issue was President Trump’s request for an order changing the way Pennsylvania absentee and mail-in ballots are being reviewed at the Philadelphia Convention Center. CNN and others claim he “lost.” That’s false: he won. As I made that argument on behalf of the president’s campaign, I can tell you what really happened.

President Trump went to court about two problems: First, only a handful of Republican observers—substantially fewer than the Democrats had there—were being admitted to the room at the Philadelphia Convention Center where inspections were being conducted. Second, the few who could get in weren’t permitted to get close enough to see what was actually happening. The most important questions all have to ask are: Why all the hiding? What’s being hidden?

At the Convention Center counting location, I personally observed dozens of Trump campaign volunteers being barred from the counting room even though they’d been properly registered as observers. That’s why I urged Pam Bondi and Corey Lewandowski, who were on the scene, to authorize the filing of a request that a federal court order the Board of Elections to stop this nonsense.

More hiding: despite a binding order of the state’s Commonwealth Court, the handful of Republican observers who could get into the room weren’t being allowed up to the barrier set at six feet from the closest tables where work was being done. So even though they were in the room where it was happening, they had no way to tell what was happening. If there’s no fraud, why is the Democrat-controlled Board of Elections unwilling to let people get close enough to actually see what its people are doing?

An Election Day Bridge Too Far By Victor Davis Hanson


Voters might not have had concerns about irregularities, if fundamental steps were taken, and problems fixed.

N o wonder half the public is concerned about irregularities in the 2020 voting.

No wonder they would support Donald Trump’s skepticism, once a reputable legal team quickly, publicly, and transparently presents to the nation justified concerns about constitutional violations in changing state voting laws and documented accounts of computer glitches, inexplicable late arrivals of ballot troves, and systemic efforts to prevent transparency — all at a level that reasonably could question the authenticity of the final vote count or even serve a dire warning of things to come.

Voting sanctity was not just questioned by Trump. It became a recent issue in 2016. Then-Green Party candidate Jill Stein was used as a surrogate by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment — to the chagrin of her own supporters — to sue in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to overturn the 2016 election. The charge was deliberate voting-machine irregularities, for which there was not even much anecdotal evidence.

When that failed, the Left went full Hollywood with a media blitz to convince the American people that the election was a fraud and the electors had to do their “patriotic” duty to overturn the mandates of their own state — and reject Donald Trump.

Within days of that failure, a Democratic narrative appeared that Donald Trump was an illegitimate president due to “Russian collusion.” Soon Hillary Clinton joined the “Resistance,” on the basis that Russians, not the American people, had chosen the president — a charge that eventually sabotaged Donald Trump’s first two years in office, as Robert Mueller’s 22-month, $40-million “Dream Team” failed to prove that a myth, born in efforts to delegitimize an election and a president, was after all a myth.

Indeed, within days of Trump’s inauguration, dozens of Democrats voted for impeachment, as activists wrote about the need to either impeach him, or declare him crazy — or whispered about the need for the military to become vigilant — in a manner later to be dubbed “coup porn.” Again the pretext was a