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Ruth King

There are no software ‘glitches’ By Jay Valentine


“When you hear that there is a “glitch” in the dark of night and votes got moved around, you can bet it wasn’t the lightning strike. IIt was someone changing something.”

I led the team that developed the fraud detection software for the largest online auction house in the world.

Scammers sold products, did not deliver them to paid customers, then dropped off the site.  The perp then changed every identifier — name, address, credit card, phone, literally every ID — and rejoined the site.

Fraud detection software was blind because there was nothing in common between the bad guy and the newly listed same bad guy.  Neural nets were useless; there were no patterns.

This was a high-profile deal.  It was front-page national news for months.  The Secret Service, the FBI, about every fraud detection company was trying to solve it.  They could not.

We delivered a fraud technology that stopped auction fraud in its tracks.  The auction site publicly stated such, noting it in its annual report.

We know a little bit about fraud, cyber-security, computer programming, and “glitches.”

Software is really stupid stuff.  It does not go off on its own, has no mind of its own, and there is no intelligence anywhere in code.  It performs instructions and does them over and over, exactly the same every time, no matter what.

The Media Doesn’t Call Races: State and Federal Officials Do Daniel Greenfield


“We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men,” George Orwell

The media does not pick the winners of presidential elections. Contrary to an infamous New York Times tweet, it has zero role in any elections. The media, on its own initiative, handicaps races, predicts winners, and makes assorted claims about the process or the outcome.

This does not mean that it is an authoritative source or that anyone is obligated to listen to it, let alone that any political candidate is obligated to concede anything.

Elections are a process that conclude with a certification by local officials, by the Electoral College process, and by Congress.

Most of the time there are clear results and all of this becomes a formality. As a result a lot of people have confused media predictions and calculations with outcomes.

However when an election is disputed, as it is now, then the process must be followed.

Biden’s claims of victory are inappropriate. If they were inappropriate before the media’s predictions, they’re just as inappropriate now.

To argue otherwise is to argue that the media, rather than our officials, determine winners in elections. And that’s a dangerous level of constitutional illiteracy bordering on a media coup.

Biden’s Performance In Milwaukee County Raises Questions About Wisconsin Votes Evita Duffy


Unofficial tallies show Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading in Wisconsin by razor-thin margins, four years after president Trump won the state by less than a percentage point.

On election night, Wisconsin was too close to call, but President Trump was ahead by comfortable margins, defying the predictions of corporate media pollsters who prepared America for a Biden blowout in the Badger State. Pollsters’ predictions ranged from 17 to five-point margins for Joe Biden. By early Wednesday morning, Biden had been pushed over the edge by a “ballot dump” of mail-in votes. While some have alleged that this ballot dump points to fraud, even Republican Party officials say they were prepared for 160,000 mail-in votes to be counted after the polls closed.

Others have called into question disparities in Wisconsin’s high voter turnout when compared to other election cycles. This too can be explained by same-day voter registration in an election that saw record turnout nationwide.

However, voter anomalies in Milwaukee County, the largest county in the state, do raise some questions. Specifically, how did Biden outperform former President Barack Obama’s 2008 performance in the county, in an election that saw the highest voter turnout in 40 years?

In 2008, Barack Obama received 316,916 votes in Milwaukee County. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won only 288,822 votes there. But in 2020 Biden outperformed them both, receiving 317,251 votes countywide and besting Obama’s share of the vote by nearly two points.



On my walk today, I encountered an outdoor victory party in honor of Joe Biden being declared our next president by the media. A huge sign instructed neighbors to “Celebrate, Unite.”

This is a useful reminder to conservatives and Republicans that we lost this election. There’s no other realistic way to view it.

At the same time, the small number, and fairly subdued nature, of the neighborhood celebrants was more evidence that the election didn’t go as well for liberals and Democrats as they had hoped.

Biden’s election will be welcomed only by those who voted for him. And even among this group, it will not universally be celebrated.

For the rest of the nation, and certainly for anyone who is right of center, the idea of uniting behind Joe Biden is laughable. Why, after the way President Trump was treated, should any of his supporters consider uniting behind Biden? Indeed, quite apart from the treatment of Trump, how can we be expected to unite around a nasty, corrupt, and dishonest president who might not even have won the votes necessary to make it to the White House under fair voting procedures and honest counting?

THE HAMMER and the SUPERCARD was deployed by the Democrats to divert votes in troublesome states to their presidential candidate.


The Michigan GOP Chairwoman complained that a Michigan computer glitch converted over 6000 votes for Trump into 6000 votes for Biden, and there are 47 other districts using the same computer system.Days before her announcement, I reported about The Hammer supercomputer, designed by Dennis Montgomery, for use by the Obama Administration intelligence and national security, initially targeting Islamic terrorist data and rogue governments.

This supercomputer was converted by the Obama-Biden regime into a machine that could intercept election computer systems and transfer votes from one candidate to another. The key to this is called the SuperCard.

Further, Obama ordered The Hammer supercomputer to be removed from DC to a facility at Fort Washington in Maryland and has been illegally converted into use in the US election system.

Mr Montgomery was concerned about the misuse of his computer hardware and gave evidence to the FBI.

Barack Obama is a person worthy of investigation based on his pre-election activities going back to 2016 and his activities over the last year.
Note should be made of a verbal slip by Joe Biden when he inadvertently bragged about “building the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

The video is included below.

THE HAMMER and the SUPERCARD was deployed by the Democrats to divert votes in troublesome states to their presidential candidate.

This was the computer interception that the GOP Chair referred to.

In my opinion, President Trump must use his authority and immediately deploy FBI agents and AI experts, under the supervision of Dennis Montgomery, to examine The Hammer and the Supercard data and expose malevolent misuse that intercepted and converted votes, and he must do it immediately before state recounts are completed.

If crimes are discovered in numerous states the whole 2020 US Election will have been put into jeopardy.

If the supercomputer and the key were used to subvert a national election, people must be indicted on serious charges, and this list must include both Obama and Biden the bragger.

Barry Shaw,
Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

General Thomas McInerney explaining the crime.  


Sidney Powell, lawyer to General Michael Flynn, talking about The Hammer and Scorecard. https://twitter.com/i/status/1324852829211734024 


Michigan is back in play after software ‘glitch’ correction returns votes to President Trump Just as mainstream media and Democrats gleefully prepared to announce a Biden win, some of the shenanigans we’ve seen throughout this election was reversed in Michigan.


Stop the presses. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet. Michigan appears to be back in play as a supposed “software glitch” has been corrected, reversing over 5,500 votes from Joe Biden to President Trump. This “glitch” has been found in 47 other counties, delivering hope that Michigan may, indeed, be red after all.

Legacy Media’s Fraud on the Public If anything is bogus or baseless, it is the endlessly repeated statement by “mainstream” media organs that no evidence exists of malfeasance in the casting or counting of votes. Bruce Bawer


In one Democrat-run swing state after another, there is ample evidence of voter fraud in the presidential election. States that were in Donald Trump’s column late in the evening of Election Day had moved to Joe Biden’s column by the next morning, and the way the numbers changed during that time was highly suspicious. 

Tales of vote counts that mysteriously stopped in the middle of the night and then started up again without notice also raised concern. Especially bemusing was the fact that every late shift in the vote count favored Biden—and that his numbers, in one place after another, were considerably higher than those for Obama in 2012, for Hillary in 2016, or for other Democratic candidates in Tuesday’s down-ballot races. 

In at least a couple of jurisdictions, it was maintained that more votes were cast than there were registered voters—an outcome not fully explained by same-day registration. There have been quite a few reports of ballots cast by dead people, of the sale of fake votes, of “ballot harvesting” (the collecting and submission of multiple completed ballots by third parties), and of numerous mail-in ballots being delivered to a single voter. 

More and more people have come forward since Wednesday morning saying they witnessed shenanigans on the part of poll workers, postal employees, and others. Poll observers say they were denied the right to monitor vote counts up close. 

In Philadelphia, the sheriff refused to obey a court order to let poll observers do their jobs. In Detroit, poll workers covered the windows of their counting room when a crowd formed outside. In Michigan, a purported whistleblower told Project Veritas of late ballots being hand-stamped “November 3” so they could be counted. 

There’s much more. All of it is concerning. Some of the assertions may turn out to be flatly untrue or exaggerated, or else to be the products of honest misinterpretation of innocuous activity. 

Some of them, however, may be cases of real electoral fraud. 

Erdoğan’s Jihad on “Infidel Europe” by Burak Bekdil


Middle Eastern politics is always a trap for radical ideologues. In Erdoğan’s mindset the “infidel West” is militarily helping Armenia (the evil) and Turkey is militarily helping Azerbaijan (the righteous).

Although Ankara and Baku categorically deny accusations, press reports and independent human rights observers have confirmed the arrival of hundreds of jihadists in Azerbaijan to fight Armenia.

After the Turkish military’s direct armed engagement on Iraqi and Syrian territories, proxy wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen, military tensions on the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, Erdoğan’s new jihadist adventurism has found a new theater of war in the Caucasus. What’s next?

The jihad against Europe by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is probably based on both ideology and opportunism. Fierce anti-Western rhetoric is an ideological sine qua non for Turkish political Islam; it is also a secure vote-catcher targeting conservative and nationalist masses.

Erdoğan’s jihadism is not seasonal or a newfound system of political ideas. It is also not a reflection of peaceful sufism. Erdoğan comes from the ranks of Turkey’s militant political Islamism that emerged in late 1960s under the leadership of the ideologue, Necmettin Erbakan, Turkey’s first Islamist prime minister and Erdoğan’s mentor. In Erbakan’s rhetoric universal politics is simply about a struggle between the righteous (Islam) and a coalition of Zionists and racist imperialists — all else is just details. In his thinking, the Zionists support Turkey’s membership in the European Union in order to “get Turkish Muslims to melt in a pot of Christianity.”

In a 2016 speech, Erdoğan talked of European countries: “These are not just our enemies… Behind them are plans and plots and other powers.” Also in 2016, he said that jihad is never terrorism. “It is resurrection…. It is to give life, to build… It is to fight the enemies of Islam.” In 2017, Erdoğan added that the German government’s actions resembled those of Nazi Germany.

Last month, the Gaza-based leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Dawood Shihab, said that Turkey was the bravest Muslim country to fight French President Emmanuel Macron’s hostility toward Muslims. Turks thought flattering words from PIJ were not enough crucify an infidel disguised as the president of a big European nation.

Erdoğan had to take the stage. Venue: A party convention in the heart of Anatolia. Décor: Huge posters of Erdoğan and Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev. Two more photographs: Azeri landscape and the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Slogan: “Karabakh and Al-Aqsa mosque [in Jerusalem] are waiting for us!” [Nagorno-Karabakh is a disputed territory under Armenian occupation since the 1990s.]

Let’s Take Stock of Where We Are by Michael Anton *****


If the Democrats just ram these election results through without explaining, then the legitimacy not just of our electoral system but of our entire government may suffer a fatal blow.

he 2020 election in particular, and our electoral process in general, have been badly compromised.

First there have been the successful efforts by Democrats to loosen electoral administration standards and practices by legalizing ballot harvesting (where partisan “volunteers” go out and collect ballots as well as “assist” voters in filling out their ballots), allowing same-day voter registration, mass mail-in voting, and the like. On the flipside we have Democrats tenaciously fighting any efforts to shore up the integrity of the system, such as requiring ID and proof of citizenship to vote. 

Couple all of this with unprecedented last minute rule changes on the eve of what was sure to be the most contested election in generations, if not in American history: all changes designed to favor one side over the other.

Theoretically, none of these measures guaranteed a compromised vote. Theoretically, it’s possible that a system designed to be gamed and abused won’t be. But a party concerned about the integrity of the system wouldn’t expend so much effort making it easier to rig elections; it would do the opposite. The other party, the one trying to do exactly that (if all too often in a desultory, half-hearted way) nevertheless gets attacked as the enemy of “democracy.”

All the Glitches and Clerical Errors Add Up for Biden Daniel Greenfield


The media’s standard practice when reporting on anything Republicans say is to tack on “Falsely” or “Without Evidence”.

When they tack on “Falsely”, it means that the media can cobble together some argument on behalf of the Democrats even if it’s Snopes garbage, while, “Without Evidence” means they don’t have a damn thing to counter it with except some procedural arm waving.

Currently, “Without Evidence” keeps getting attached to every time Republicans and conservatives note sizable “errors” and “irregularities”. 

By that the media means that Republicans can’t prove it was enemy action. 

Take Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s press conference on what’s going on in Michigan, which includes falsely claiming that Republican observers were on site, when they weren’t allowed in, and a massive “error” that marked thousands of Republican ballots for Democrats.