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Ruth King

If we keep putting up with election cheating, it will keep happening By J. Hawker


Does it really surprise anyone?  It’s what cheaters do — they cheat.  And why not, when you continually get away with it?  Why stop?  The 2008 Norm Coleman versus Al Franken election, won by Coleman, is a perfect example.  Harry Reid refused to accept the election result, which was overturned when ballots were “found” in the trunk of a vehicle.  How convenient — the necessary votes to reverse the election by a neat 312-vote margin, found in the trunk of a car.  Feckless Republicans did nothing.  Further revelations of voter fraud with inmates illegally casting votes for Franken came to light, but by then, Franken had been sworn in, and America just accepted the Democrats’ cheating ways.  In this way, Democrats got that magic number in the Senate by which they could perpetrate any crime they wished on America.  It is how the Big Lie, Obamacare, was foisted on Americans.

Then there were those 2018 House elections.  How many of those were the byproduct of voter fraud?  Four flipped seats in New Jersey, three in New York, five in Pennsylvania,  three in Minnesota, six in California, placing Nancy Pelosi back in the speaker position.  How about those seats won by Republican but then reversed in California?  How much of a buffer did they provide to keep Republicans from winning back the House in 2020?  As an American, I deserve to know how many seats have been stolen over the years!  Voter fraud by mail — what could possibly go wrong?  Revelations that ballot envelopes were backdated at multiple Post Offices, stolen ballots, ballots thrown away by postal workers — one more federal agency that loses all credibility.  On Election Night,  Trump had a 700,000-vote lead, and the Democrats had to erase that lead in any way possible.  After all, elections are too important to let the peasants decide the outcome.

Details continue to emerge, documenting what we all know, what we all expected: the most massive voter fraud scandal in the history of the United States.  Whether it was a Freudian slip, an honest moment courtesy of Joe Biden’s advancing dementia, or emboldened arrogance, Biden proclaimed that they have created a large “voter fraud organization.”

In 30 states, a computer system known to be defective is tallying votes By Andrea Widburg


When Kyle Becker heard about the “glitchy” computer program in Antrim County, Michigan, the one that tried to give 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, he starting doing research into the system. He ended up finding an amazing amount of highly disturbing information. The Dominion system has been known for some time to be defective, yet 28 states use it. This post is a compilation of Becker’s information, both in his own tweets and in one other person’s tweet, about what’s going on with that system:

What I find most disturbing is the impunity with which Democrats are gaming the system. They’re not even trying to cover their tracks. They are 100% certain that there will be no consequences for their actions. They know that the media, which should be a watchdog on behalf of American citizens, is actually an arm of the Democrat party that will do everything necessary to cover for Democrat election crimes.

Georgia to Hold Recount Due to Razor-Thin Margin Between Biden, Trump Votes By Zachary Evans


Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has announced that elections officials would conduct a recount of the 2020 vote in the state, because of the razor-thin difference in ballots cast for Joe Biden and President Trump.

With 99 percent of the state’s vote tallied as of 12:40 a.m. on Friday, Biden led Trump by 1,564 votes.

“Out of approximately five million votes cast, we’ll have a margin of a few thousand,” Raffensperger, a Republican, told reporters at a Friday press conference. The secretary emphasized that his office would focus on making sure that “every legal vote is counted and recorded accurately…with a margin that small, there will be a recount.”

The Jobs Keep Coming The economy’s rebound continues to defy the Fed’s pessimists.


Friday’s labor report showing that employers added 906,000 private jobs in October again beat forecasts. The economy’s resilience is befuddling the pessimists, much as Tuesday’s election results confounded media pollsters.

The jobless rate fell to 6.9% last month from 7.9% in September even as labor force participation ticked up 0.3 percentage points to 61.7%. Total employment rose 638,000 despite a 268,000 decline in government jobs—mostly education and temporary Census. No surprise, schools on remote learning need fewer workers.

Private job growth was broad-based and especially strong in leisure and hospitality (271,000), retail (104,000), construction (84,000), health care and social assistance (79,000) and transportation and warehousing (63,200). As state restrictions have eased, businesses have continued to increase hiring. Grocery and home-improvement stores employ more than they did a year ago.

Keynesians at the Federal Reserve and on Wall Street have continued to predict the economy would fall off a demand cliff without trillions in new government spending. But their forecasts keep missing. The Fed June jobless rate prediction for the end of the year was 9.3%, which it cut to 7.6% in September, but the rate is already 6.9%. Too many people are still out of work, but progress has been remarkable since the government-induced recession. The economy will continue to grow as long as the U.S. avoids policy mistakes, including another lockdown.

Supreme Court Orders Pennsylvania to Separate out Late-Arriving Ballots Justice Samuel Alito orders that ‘all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately’ By Mimi Nguyen Ly & Janita Kan


U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito late Friday ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day.

Alito granted a request by the state’s Republican party to separate mail-in ballots received between 8 p.m. Nov. 3 and 5 p.m. Nov. 6 from those that arrived by 8p.m. Nov. 3, in accordance with state guidance.

He ordered (pdf) that those segregated ballots must be kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots.”

The justice, however, did not order the counties to stop counting but instead ordered that “all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.”

Alito also directed any responses to the application by 2 p.m. Nov. 7.

The Republican Party of Pennsylvania had filed a request (pdf) earlier on Friday asking the court for an order to log, segregate, and not take any actions over mail-in ballots received after Election Day.

UPDATE: Pennsylvania-Based USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Comes Forward And Agrees to Testify

UPDATE: Pennsylvania-based USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Comes Forward and Agrees to Testify—No Longer Anonymous; Whistleblower Testifies Late Ballots Back-Dated for Nov. 3, Election Day; Whistleblower: ‘Other Employees Feel the Same Way…They Contacted Me: ‘That Was Badass’

USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: “Other employees feel the same way I do, but they do not want to say anything…They contacted me… ‘That was badass.’”
Hopkins overheard postmaster rebuke supervisor: “He told the supervisor they had postmarked one of the ballots for the fourth, instead of the third.”
Hopkins: “I’m nervous. I am nervous because this is a big deal.”
Hopkins: I will testify before Congress about what I heard.
James O’Keefe: “He is a courageous soul, and he is going to inspire so many people.”

The real resistance The 70million people who voted for Trump are revolting against the new elites. Brendan O’Neill


So Joe Biden has won the highest popular vote in the history of the US. At the time of writing, more than 73million people have voted for him. He has beaten the record set by Barack Obama who was swept to power on that famous wave of ‘HOPE’ and 69.5million votes in 2008. But here’s the thing: so has Donald Trump. Trump might be trailing Biden in the popular vote of 2020, but he, too, has beaten Obama’s 2008 record. Trump, at the time of writing, has 69.7million votes. So he has won the second-highest popular vote in the history of the American republic. That is remarkable. Far more remarkable than Biden’s very impressive count.

Why? For one simple reason. Trump is the man we’re all meant to hate. He has been raged against ceaselessly by the cultural elites for the past four years. Hardly any of the American media backed him in 2020. Globalist institutions loathe him. Academia, the media elites, the social-media oligarchies, the celebrity set and other hugely influential sectors have branded him a 21st-century Hitler and insisted that only a ‘white supremacist’ could countenance voting for him. He’s the butt of every sniffy East Coast joke and the target of every fiery street protest. He’s the worst thing to happen to Western politics in decades, we’re told, by clever people, constantly.

And yet around 70million Americans voted for him. The second-highest electoral bloc in the history of the US put their cross next to the name of a man who over the past four years has been turned by the political clerisy into the embodiment of evil.

That is what makes the vote for Trump so striking, and so important. Because what it speaks to is the existence of vast numbers of people who are outside of the purview of the cultural elites. People who have developed some kind of immunity to the cultural supremacy of the ‘woke’ worldview so intensely mainstreamed by the political and media sets in recent years.

A Bit More ‘Divisiveness’ If You Please Peter O’Brien


“The presidential election is being put to bed with the usual lullaby of stock phrases enjoining voters to set aside their election day differences and reunite in amity and good fellowship. That Democrats didn’t do that after 2016 isn’t mentioned, which further illustrates why Trump is such a despised oddity — a Republican who declined to play by the Left’s rules and gave as good as he got.”

I wonder how many supposedly conservative or right-wing commentators really understand what’s been going on in the US.  Even after four years! At the time of writing it looks as though Biden will snatch, possibly steal, the Presidency. I have no doubt that fraud and cheating took place. As a general rule, we already know that political machines cheat and lie. We already know the Democrats have done this countless times during the past five years. Why would we think that party apparatchiks in swing states would suddenly recoil at the thought of doing something — anything! — underhand?

To say this, of course, marks you as a conspiracy theorist in the eyes of some, so, in order to defuse that criticism, some commentators take the line that ‘yes, probably some cheating went on but not on the scale to affect the overall outcome’.  Well, if the perpetrators didn’t think they could affect the outcome, why would they bother?  It would only take a few thousand votes in one swing state to turn the election.  Do we think that is beyond the people who gave us the Russiagate hoax? That said, I doubt that the courts will overturn a Biden victory.  So where to from here?

The suggestion from most commentators is that Trump should graciously concede, giving ‘loser’s consent’ to an administration fronted by a senile, arguably corrupt, time-server on the basis that this will heal divisions within the country.  Those people clearly do not get the Trump phenomenon.  They acknowledge– some of them, anyway — Trump’s impressive list of achievements but wonder why he can’t be more collegial, more empathetic, more  ‘presidential’. Perhaps they are thinking of former Republican leaders who were attacked, ridiculed, maligned and misrepresented without uttering a peep of protest. George W. Bush springs immediately to mind.

It’s Not Who Votes, It’s Who Counts Them James Allen

“Joe Biden’s handlers would have you believe — and this is but one example of the line they expect Americans to swallow — that ghetto districts in Milwaukee voted in numbers greater than 90% of the electoral roll. Some would accept such wonders in the name of good manners and observed convention. Donald Trump isn’t cut from such cloth.”

A conservative friend who dislikes Trump asked about his 2am speech branding the election as a fraud. Here’s my reply:

I guess my immediate response to any criticisms of Trump’s performance last night is to tease out some of the underlying assumptions. There are three basic possible premises.

1/ The Democrats did not cheat.

2/ The Democrats did cheat.

3/ We can’t know for sure, but the Democrats may have cheated.

In regard to #1, if this is true then Trump’s claims about stealing an election are despicable. Thus far I haven’t been overwhelmed with any evidence on this front. But it may come.

Re #2. On this premise I don’t think there was anything at all wrong with Trump’s 2am performance. I would have done the same.

Re #3. I assume most people fall here. We don’t know. We do know that Wisconsin now has, what, an 86 per cent turnout. That is nearing NZ levels, the highest in the world for any non-compulsory voting jurisdiction.

And we know that all three Midwest Democrat-run states stopped their counting at the same time. I’ve not heard of stopping the counting in Canada and Britain. And the fact they all stopped at the same time – not even on the hour – is very odd, very odd indeed. The odds of it not being co-ordinated are rather small. Of course, there are non-cheating explanations for co-ordinating a ‘stop counting’ decision across three states, it’s just that we’re not hearing what they might be.  If honest and above board, then it was dumb because it licensed people to think cheating was taking place.

‘Software Glitch’ Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says By Carmine Sabia Jr.,


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

“In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6000-vote swing against our candidates,” Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox said.

“The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.’ Since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” she added. “Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots and these counties that used this software need to closely examine their result for similar discrepancies.”

Now think about this. We are talking about 6,000 votes in just one county out of the 47 counties that used this tabulating software.