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Ruth King

On the key issues concerning Israel, how would a Biden administration act? By David Isaac


“Expect a Biden administration to start where Obama left off.”

“Is it good for the Jews?” — that question has been asked in so many places and at so many times that it’s become a punchline. Applied to a potential Biden administration, the answer, unfortunately, isn’t funny.

After four years of basking in a beneficent Trump administration, likely the most pro-Israel in U.S. history, Israel sees storm clouds brewing, which is why unnamed Israeli officials are saying “it could have been worse,” meaning at least the Senate will probably remain Republican.

The fact is, as much as Israel’s government and its American supporters want U.S. support for Israel to remain bipartisan, the Democratic party has been moving away from Israel for some years.

So what would a Biden administration mean for Israel?

1. Iran

Prepare for the U.S. to reenter the 2015 Iran nuclear deal – in President Donald Trump’s words “the worst deal ever negotiated,” under which Iran was allowed to keep its nuclear infrastructure, continue enriching uranium, and proceed with research and development. Prime Minister Netanyahu had made herculean efforts to warn against the deal, telling Congress on March 3, 2015 that “Iran’s regime is as radical as ever.”

Biden, Israel and ‘Squad’ pressure  By Ruthie Blum  


To justify their backing of Joe Biden, beyond their aversion to US President Donald Trump’s tweets and demeanor, liberal American Jews and left-wing Israelis have been highlighting the Democratic candidate’s lifelong support for Israel.

With most pre-election polls indicating that a blue wave was about to wash away the past four years of a Trump-led White House and Republican-dominated Senate, media outlets the world over rallied to help that happen. In Israel, the three main Israeli TV channels prepared fawning features on Biden to air on the night of November 3, while those Americans who hadn’t voted early or by mail were still in the process of lining up to perform their civic duty in person.

What these pieces of “objective” journalism had in common was the absence of aspersions on the man’s life, political career or devotion to the Jewish state. Nor was mention made of the documents revealed on October 14 by the New York Post – suppressed by Twitter and mainstream media outlets – pointing to serious corruption on his part.

The thrill of Israeli members of the press and punditocracy at the near-certainty of a Trump-free universe was surpassed only by that of their counterparts in the US. That the polls turned out to be wrong about what promised to be a slam-dunk Biden victory elicited many a disappointed sigh and nervous furrow of the brow.

Election Day Plus Two Mark Steyn


As they say on this day in Britain and much of the Commonwealth:

Remember, remember
The fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot…

Or in this case:

Fake ballots, treason and plot…

Guy Fawkes, money talks. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook (currently “suppressing” Mark Levin) is reported to have given zillions to the City of Philadelphia to “quadruple the number of polling places” – which explains why it’s taking four times as long to count four times as many mysterious so-called “ballot dumps”.

Among the other beneficiaries of Zuckerberg cash are the election judges.

So swing-state elections are now a subsidiary of Facebook: Votebook. What could go wrong?

~I dislike the litigation of elections, especially after the fact. Had John Roberts voted the other way a couple of weeks ago in that Pennsylvania case, the Supreme Court would have been seen as intervening to prevent the changing of the election rules. Instead, whatever case winds up before them in a week or three, the Court will be seen as intervening to change the election result.

Still and all, I’m reasonably semi-optimistic it won’t come to that. The Democrat-media plan is to call Nevada for Biden at some point today, thus making him the President-elect and telling Trump to start packing and lawyer up for his forthcoming criminal trial.

We’re Supposed To Believe The GOP Had A Great Election Night Except For President?By Joy Pullmann


It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump.

Since Joe Biden was picked to be the Democratic Party’s presidential puppet, we have been told he would win the presidency by a blowout. Political media has been speculating eagerly about another “blue wave” that would wash over the nation in line with their preposterous polls showing Biden winning by as much as 17 or even more points.

Two weeks before the election, the “nonpartisan” Cook’s Political Report predicted an expanded Democrat majority in the House, a “net gain of five to ten seats to a gain of between five and 15 seats.” On election day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrat campaign chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos predicted Democrats “would not only defend gains made in 2018 but flip districts thought to be in safe Republican territory.”

Last week, Democrats told the Washington Post, which described the party as “awash in cash,” they expected to flip as many as 15 House seats on Biden’s presumed presidential coattails. That didn’t happen at all. In fact, the opposite did. Now as localities run by Democrats “count” votes under suspicious circumstances, we are supposed to believe that voters selected coattails detached from a coat?

Republicans have flipped seven U.S. House races so far and Democrats flipped two, according to RealClearPolitics. That narrows Democrats’ hold on the House from 232 to 227, nine more than the majority, even if no more are flipped. Republicans could even ultimately flip 15, as many as Democrats had hoped to.

Republicans had twice as many Senate seats to defend this election than Democrats did, and they currently appear to retain their Senate majority. So far, Democrats have flipped one seat. Far poorer-funded Republicans retained seats Democrats literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars to flip, such as Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

In latest batch, Trump gets share of votes he would need to reclaim Arizona. But next rounds of ballots present new challenges


As Maricopa County released the results from 140,000 more ballots on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, President Donald Trump received almost the exact share he would need to charge back to win Arizona’s 11 electoral votes and potentially reelection.

Trump won the batches of ballots from Maricopa County counted Wednesday and early Thursday by a roughly 57-40 margin over former Vice President Joe Biden. 

Those votes — likely early ballots sent to the county on Monday and Tuesday — narrowed Biden’s lead over Trump in Arizona to 68,000 votes, when his lead had been more than 90,000 votes earlier Wednesday.

Paul Bentz, a Republican pollster with the consulting firm HighGround, said Trump needs to win 57.6% of the 470,000 votes that The Arizona Republic estimates remain to be counted.

“That’s almost exactly what he got in the first batch,” Bentz said. “He could do it.”

But the problem for Trump is that he needs to replicate that performance across all of the remaining 470,000 votes left to count in the state. And he needs to do it across all Arizona’s 15 diverse counties, which include areas that are very blue: Pima, Coconino and Santa Cruz counties. 


Trump Says He Won in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia 


We’re Going to Protect the Integrity of the Vote: Pence 
Biden’s strategy was always to create confusion & chaos 
Newt Gingrich urges Trump to file lawsuits ‘in every single state’ https://www.wnd.com/2020/11/newt-gingrich-urges-trump-file-lawsuits-every-single-state/

USPS disregards court order to conduct ballot sweeps in 12 postal districts after more than 300,000 ballots cannot be traced https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Federal-court-orders-ballot-sweep-of-12-USPS-15698330.php

USPS Worker Claims Late Ballots Fraudulently Being Back Dated in Michigan
Politico: Dems Are Waking Up to an ‘Abject Disaster’ 

Sydney M. Williams: Thoughts on the Election


It behooves us to learn of the government gifted to us by the Founders and to understand its uniqueness at the time of its formation, and of its rarity today. It is its structure, formed by the Constitution, not the Bill of Rights, that gives us the freedom to speak and assemble freely, to worship as we please. Many authoritarian governments have a Bill of Rights more expansive than ours, yet their citizens live under totalitarianism. Ours is unique – three separate but equal branches, a bi-cameral legislature and a system of federalism. No matter which Party achieves the Presidency, it is in the interest of us all that its structure be maintained.

While the results of Tuesday’s Presidential election are unknown at the time this is written, there was no wave, not a blue one nor a red one. But that lack of a wave is worth celebrating, for, as everyone who lives near the shore can testify, waves can cause structural damage, to homes, piers, businesses, bridges and roads. Had Democrats won the White House, the Senate and kept the House, there was concern for the damage they might do: The progressive left would have tried to “pack” the Supreme Court, done away with the Electoral College, end the filibuster, and possibly add two new, assuredly Democratic, states – Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

The wisdom of our Founders was to create the government they did. It should receive more attention and greater appreciation. There is, in man, a proclivity to accumulate power. We have, as humans, innate tendencies for both good and evil. It was the latter that concerned James Madison when he warned, in Federalist 51, against that inclination: “But what is government itself, but the greatest reflection of all on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependency on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government, but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.” It is an abrogation of separate but equal powers when the Supreme Court renders an opinion that is properly the venue of Congress, when the Executive circumvents Congress by issuing Executive Orders, or when Congress interferes unconstitutionally with the affairs of the Executive.



Please help us get this information to the American people. Guests: Lt. General Thomas McInerney, (3-Stars) U.S. Air Force (Retired), Author and Researcher Mary Fanning. Former National Security Council Staffer for President Donald Trump Rich Higgins join us to give us his thoughts on what it would mean for America if Joe Biden becomes President due to his a national security threat due to being compromised by the Communist Chinese and government of Russia. You will hear General McInerney tell our audience that Brannon is revealing facts that no other national talk show host on terrestrial radio is covering because they likely are not aware of this breaking news. 

Topics Covered in today’s broadcast as written by guest and research Mary Fanning and confirmed on air by retired, 3-Star General Thomas McInerney. 

In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.

THE WHISTLEBLOWER TAPES, confidential audio recordings released by U.S. DIstrict Judge G. Murray Snow’s courtroom in November 2015, revealed that SCORECARD was deployed by the Obama team against Florida election computers to steal the 2012 presidential election on behalf of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

The Other Winners and Losers:Kurt Schlichter


At this writing, and probably at many writings to come, the final decision about who won the election itself remains to be seen. But it’s not only the politicians who won or lost – there are plenty of other winners and losers to go around. Let’s praise and mock them respectively.

LOSER: The Pollsters

You know, in the world we normal people dwell in, when you consistently fail, you get fired. But, as in so many of our garbage establishment institutions, when you’re a pollster there is no accountability. You keep failing and failing and failing and your dumb clients and the dumb media keep citing your garbage surveys. It’s really remarkable. You would think they would have a little pride in themselves and not want to look like idiots, but no. Instead, it’s, “Our weighting gives us Biden +15 in Texas. Gee, that sounds right. Let’s go with that!” Except for a few outlets, always the ones that take conservatives seriously enough to reach out to them, it’s been a disaster. But next time, we’ll hear once again about how, “Ackshuuuuuallly, the polls were very accurate in 2020” as if we have the same memory issues as the guy they were trying to help. The nice thing is that even the least woke Republican is woke to the poll scam now.

WINNER: The Republican Party’s Populist Wing

The battle for the soul of the Republican Party is over and we won. This is now the party of people who work for a living, people who have little companies, people who want their kids to grow up in a world of regular pronouns and where going to church isn’t a hate crime. It is also a party that cares nothing about where your grandfather came from – we are winning black and Hispanic voters to our cause not by condescending “outreach” but by offering an agenda of good jobs and their kids not being sent off to fight idiotic wars. It is not the party of the Chamber of Commerce – hey geniuses, how’s that pivot to the Dems working out for ya? It is not the party of the bow tie dorks who snicker with their lib buddies over pumpkin-infused IPAs in Georgetown restaurant about those Walmart-shopping, Jesus-liking hicks who make up the base. It is not the party of Wall Street. We are a party that happily includes both the Amish and Lil’ Pump. And the Democrats are the party of hedge funders, college professors, Antifa bums, and people who think “The Handmaid’s Tale” is nonfiction.

Palestinians Call for Boycotting Israel, Then Ask Israel To Save Their Lives by Bassam Tawil


Particularly outrageous is the fact that Erekat was admitted to an Israeli hospital for the best medical treatment at a time when the Palestinian government is denying ordinary Palestinians permits to go to Israeli hospitals.

The Palestinian official’s treatment in an Israeli hospital shows that the Palestinians themselves “are in a reality of full normalization with Israel.” — Nadim Koteich, Lebanese journalist, Asharq Al-Awsat, October 27, 2020.

The fact that Erekat chose to go to an Israeli, and not a Jordanian hospital, was a sign that he “has full confidence in the Israelis despite his public statements against them.” — alarab.co.uk, October 19, 2020

If and when Erekat recovers from his current illness and returns to his family, it would behoove him to apologize to the UAE and Bahrain for having denounced their normalization agreements with Israel. Next, he might want to apologize to the Palestinian people for depriving them of the superb medical treatment that he himself received at Hadassah Hospital.

Perhaps Erekat might also consider thanking the Israeli doctors who worked around the clock to keep him alive. Additionally, he can thank the Israeli medical teams and soldiers who escorted him from his home in Jericho to Jerusalem. Finally, Erekat might inform the world that he regrets having called for the boycott of Israel — the country he knew he could turn to save his life, no matter what harm he had inflicted upon it.

Senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat spent the past two decades calling for the boycott and isolation of Israel. In the past few months, Erekat, a PLO leader who previously headed the Palestinian negotiating team with Israel, came out against the agreements to normalize relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

He and other Palestinian leaders, including Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, accused the UAE and Bahrain of betraying the Palestinians and stabbing them in the back by making peace with Israel.

On October 8, Erekat announced that he had been infected with COVID-19. A few days later, as his condition seemed to worsen, Erekat was rushed from his home in the West Bank city of Jericho to an Israeli hospital in Jerusalem: Hadassah Ein Kerem. An Israeli ambulance guarded by Israeli soldiers transferred Erekat to the Israeli hospital at the request of his family and the Palestinian Authority leadership.