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Ruth King

The Future of Arab Normalization with Israel by Alan M. Dershowitz


Israel is a stabilizing influence in an unstable region of the world. It is a democracy, a military and technological innovator, an economically advanced country. It can assist its new allies in each of these areas, as it has already begun to do even in the short time since normalization began.

This may be their last opportunity to achieve a reasonable two state solution. Israel’s Arab neighbors have demonstrated that the Palestinian cause is not as high on their agenda as it appeared to be in the past. These nations understand that the situation the Palestinians now find themselves in have been the result of self-inflicted wounds — most importantly an unwillingness to take yes for an answer when the Israelis have offered them statehood.

Even now, the Palestinian leadership refuses to sit down and negotiate with Israel. They must understand that they will not get a state as the result of the boycott movement, protests on university campuses or meaningless resolutions of the United Nations. Recent developments make it clear that statehood for the Palestinians will come only through negotiations with Israel.

Now that the Sudan has joined the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in normalizing relations with Israel, the future seems bright for even more Arab countries to make peace with their former enemy. The big prize, of course, would be Saudi Arabia, and already we are hearing rumors from its leaders pointing in that direction. Even Lebanon, which currently houses Hezbollah, has dropped hints about possible peace overtures.

The possibility does exist that before long, most of the Sunni Arab states will recognize that their interests lie in a peace process with Israel. They will see the economic, technological, diplomatic and military advantages in having Israel as an ally instead of an enemy.

See No Evil: Europe Supports Genocidal Regime in Iran by Benjamin Weinthal


Swiss and German economic deals might be aiding Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program…. The Swiss firm Ceresola TLS reached an agreement [in 2010] with the Rahab Engineering Establishment in Iran to deliver tunneling technology as part of a subway project. This is precisely the type of heavy earth-moving equipment Iran’s rulers need to burrow away nuclear facilities underground, as the regime did with the Qom and Natanz nuclear enrichment plants.

The German company Krempel delivered to two Iranian companies insulating pressboards that were incorporated into Iranian missiles armed with chemical warheads, which were used by the Syrian regime in a chlorine gas attack in January 2018. The attack resulted in 21 injuries, including six children.

The Association of Iranian Banks in Europe wrote in July: “45 percent of the EU exports to Iran came from Germany, which delivered goods worth 555 million Euro, with an increase of 31 percent compared to last year.”

Europe’s most powerful economic engine, Germany, and the rest of the EU have sadly opted to align themselves with the Islamic Republic of Iran on the pressing issues of Iran’s nuclear program, and its stomach-turning human rights record.

To better understand Europe’s current policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is worth citing an episode recounted in a 2006 essay by Iran expert Amir Taheri.

In 1984, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, then foreign minister of the Federal Republic of Germany and an ex-member of the Nazi party, traveled to Iran in an attempt to moderate the malign conduct of the then five-year-old revolutionary regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Genscher declared his intention to engage in “critical dialogue” with the regime, but the notion sparked the joke that “critical dialogue” was really “an exercise in joint criticism, by the mullahs and the Europeans, of the Americans,” Taheri wrote. The German foreign minister announced at the time that his dialogue with Iran’s rulers was a success in “intensifying” political relations between then West Germany and the Islamic Republic.

How the Left Is Using Americans’ Empathy and Decency to Destroy Us By Sarah Hoyt


A lot of people are upset and worried about how easy it was for the various state governments to perform illegal takings on the population by preventing businesses from operating or from operating normally for months on end, in the absence of an immediate and pressing emergency.

Yes, I know COVID-19 was presented as an immediate and pressing emergency. But presenting it as such doesn’t make it so.

Yes, it is dangerous, mostly to the very elderly and severely immune-compromised. Yes, it behooves a civilized society to protect those people.

Which we didn’t do. Instead, we treated the virus as though it were uniformly dangerous and just as likely to kill the family’s four-year-old as grandma. We closed schools (and re-opened a number of them as daycare centers), selectively closed stores (because apparently, the virus is far less dangerous in pot dispensaries than in bookstores, say), mandated ridiculously low occupancy for restaurants (anyone who has dined out in both NYC and anywhere out West knows that in the West our tables are already “distanced”) and generally set our hair on fire and ran around screaming that it hurts.

Which it very well should, because stupidity should hurt. Most Democrat-controlled states in fact seem to have gone out of their way to “make it hurt,” including Governor Newsom’s insistence that Californians not celebrate Thanksgiving.

Amazing! Anti-Trumper ‘Lincoln Project’ Predicts a Second Term for President Trump by Victoria Taft


The anti-Trump group made up of former point men for losing GOP candidates and their Tokyo Rose at The Washington Post is predicting a second term for President Trump. It’s an astonishing prediction from the group.

Despite their latest ad depicting President Trump as evil despot Fidel Castro and showing grisly political assassinations in an ad directed at Cuban-Americans in Florida, in another ad “The Lincoln Project” predicts a Trump win next week.

In the ad, a mom tiptoes into her young son’s bedroom to wake him and give him the election results.

“Who won?” asks the sleepy child.

“Trump. Trump won,” says mom.

“I thought you could only be president two times,” says the child, whose eyes begin to open and focus on the face of his concerned mother.

“Not anymore,” whispers mom.

See? The group calls the election for Trump next week. Can’t have a third term without second.

Why Nothing Biden Says or Does Matters to Democrats The Democrats’ sanctimonious urge to power will brook no limit.By Karin McQuillan


Presidential candidate Joe Biden has catastrophic problems that would hobble any candidate in ordinary times. His mental capacity is failing so badly that he appears senile and lost in many of his public appearances. He is too mentally and physically tired to campaign. He has been exposed for raking in multimillion-dollar payoffs from China, Ukraine, and Russia when serving as vice president, using his son Hunter to launder the bribes. This is the worst level of corruption, and with the country’s worst enemies, ever seen in America.

None of it matters to his voters. But there’s more.

Those are Biden’s personal liabilities. His policy liabilities should be just as fatal—all recorded on video and enshrined in the Democratic Party platform for his voters to see. Biden and the Democratic Party have an ambitious vision—they are noble warriors in a fight against climate change, white supremacism, and nativism. They are proud of it.

Translated into policy, it doesn’t sound as good. Democrats are the party of no energy, no police, no borders. As a bonus, they are forcing white students and workers in corporate America into indoctrination sessions teaching them how evil they are. 

Republicans look at this and see a complete divorce from the real world. “No fossil fuels” means no economy. “Abolish the police” means murder and destruction, as we have witnessed all summer. It is a return to savagery and each man defending his own family. “No borders” means no country. To reject a colorblind society is to foment a race war.

Calling Out Anti-Semitic ‘Human Rights’ NGOs By Janet Levy


President Donald Trump has done much for American Jews and America’s ally Israel. Even so, his administration’s announcement that it would consider labeling certain international NGOs as anti-Semitic is momentous. These NGOs — chief among them Amnesty International (AI), Human Rights Watch (HRW), and Oxfam — are known to single out Israel for criticism while turning a blind eye to Arab-Palestinian terrorism. They also support the Hamas-inspired boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks political and economic isolation of Israel.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has already requested Elan Carr, U.S. Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism, to identify all such NGOs and prepare to withdraw financial support to them. Though they benefit from U.S. aid, AI, HRW, and Oxfam — the only ones named by the administration so far — disparage American ally Israel and denigrate America as well.

Here’s a roster of their manifold hypocrisies: they call America evil, racist, imperial, and a threat to world peace; they defend terrorist attacks on Israelis as legitimate resistance and freedom struggles; they bolster the Arab-Palestinian leadership’s denial of Jews’ connection to their ancestral land; and they ignore the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab states, for whom compensation has never been considered. Most iniquitously, they demand within the Jewish state enclaves from which Jews will be excluded. They link this demand, aimed at obliterating Israel, to a specious “right of return” for millions who have never lived in the Jewish state. So, despite its impressive record on human rights and civil liberties, the only democracy in the Middle East where all ethnic and religious groups live freely is singled out by them for opprobrium.

MBC-TV Drama Series Umm Haroun Is Rocking The Arab World Unprecedented: Jews presented as victims of Arab intolerance. Joseph Puder *****


For over a century, ever since the Zionist project began, Jews have been vilified in the Arab press as usurpers of Palestine. There were also the religious aspects in the condemnation of Jews as evildoers and enemies of the prophet Mohammad. Even after the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, the Egyptian media viciously portrayed Jews using such old medieval calumnies as accusations that Jews kill children to use their blood on Passover matzos. Israel’s peace with Jordan in 1994 did not do much to improve how the Jordanian people saw Israel and Jews. In short, the governments of both Egypt and Jordan failed to prepare their people for peaceful people to people relationships.

The recent Abrahamic peace treaties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain signed in the White House, with the President Donald Trump serving as the facilitator, has brought on a refreshing air of amity and positivity. It is a more real peace that is not just between governments, but rather has the people on sides involved, as well as in business relations, and two-way tourism. The Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC), an Emirati-Saudi media conglomerate based in Dubai has presented a drama series called “Umm Haroun,” aired during month of the Ramadan fast, a major TV audience occasion, especially with the coronavirus keeping many people at home, thus increasing the watching audience. The series explores the Jewish roots in the Gulf, and the historic ties Jewish people have to the Arab Gulf region.

Cancel Culture Spells the Demise of Academic Freedom When reasoned debate exits stage left. Lloyd Pettegrew


Many academics of the libertarian or conservative bent have learned from experience that it is better to keep one’s thoughts and voice to oneself. We self-sensor reluctantly and only out of necessity. In these troubled academic times rank no longer has its privileges regarding first Amendment rights on campus. Failure to follow publicly the progressive academic orthodoxy can bring one trouble in the form of being canceled.

Before canceling became de rigueur on campus and throughout the academy, opposition was largely confined to voicing opinions in the academic public square. With the rise in the popularity and power of neo-Marxism, canceling has become the new academic armament. Neo-Marxism emanated from Marxist theory in the 1970’s and 80’s as a framework for explaining the repressive functions of the capitalist state; its adherents could be found in political science, philosophy and public policy. Fifty years later it has birthed young scholars from economics to medicine and the STEM subjects, who think nothing of censoring or discarding people and texts they find objectionable.

The Neo-Marxist cancel culture has been most readily demonstrated in the violent protests against visiting campus speakers like Charles Murray, Christina Hoff Summers, Ben Shapiro, Heather Mac Donald and myriad others. Even in academic meetings like the American Political Science Association, U.C. Berkeley Law Prof. John Yoo, who had served in the George Bush Justice Department, was disrupted while speaking. As contradictory as it may seem, even an ACLU executive was prevented from speaking at two different university gatherings.

Election Day Draws Near, and the Dice Are Rolling And a nation is at stake. Bruce Thornton


In a week America goes to the polls, and by normal standards Donald Trump should be reelected, whether in a squeaker like 1968, when Richard Nixon won by half a million votes; or a landslide like 1972, when he beat left-leaning George McGovern by 18 million votes and won every state except Massachusetts.  

But these are not normal times. Addled by the Trump-hatred virus, the Dems have been taken over by its progressive-socialist wing, a possibility that at the beginning of the year during the primaries had spooked the Democrat establishment as it had in the 2016 election when it undermined Bernie Sanders. They knew that such a leftward lurch goes before an electoral fall. Now it seems they’ve put all their chips on an old white guy with little to show for nearly half a century in “public service” other than a family with more money than his Senate salary can possibly account for.

Perhaps the Pelosi-Schumer axis thinks that if Biden’s elected they can control Joe and their Sandernista base, and tone down its left-wing utopian wish-list of the Green New Deal, free college tuition for all, the elimination of carbon-based energy, punitive tax-rates, a return to a foreign policy of appeasement, an increased government role in health care, and policies like reparations and “police reform” based on preposterous, racialist ideas like “systemic racism” and “implicit bias.” Most average Democrats would be content just to return to the Obama days of redistribution at home, and retreat abroad.

Covid Winter Death rates have fallen sharply amid better care and treatments.


Perhaps you’ve heard winter is coming. Or as Joe Biden warned last week about a third virus wave, “We’re about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter.” He’s playing up the worst case as the election nears, so some context is in order.

Virus cases are increasing, but this is inevitable as cooler weather arrives and Americans go indoors. Cases have also been climbing across Europe, in some countries more than in the U.S. But the good news is that America is better prepared to handle another virus surge, and progress toward a vaccine continues.***

The seven-day U.S. rolling case average has nearly doubled from the recent low in mid-September. Cases are more geographically dispersed than in the spring and summer, rising even in states with strict restrictions and mask mandates. This includes New York and its neighbors whose governors were hailed for supposedly controlling the virus. The increase has been most acute in upper Midwest states that weren’t hit as hard earlier. Some of the increase is due to more testing, which is detecting more asymptomatic cases.

Most concerning are hospitalizations, which are up by about 40% since mid-September though are still 30% or so below spring and summer peaks. Most hospitals have ample capacity to treat virus patients while continuing elective procedures, which were stopped during the spring. Covid patients occupy 13% of hospital beds in Wisconsin, 15% in South Dakota and 15% in North Dakota. According to North Dakota’s virus data dashboard, 45% of non-ICU hospital patients classified “with Covid” are admitted for other reasons and test positive for the virus.