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Ruth King

Opinion: Why is Israel forcing frontline medical staff to stay home? September 30, 2020 Instead of battling back corona, they’re pushing strollers around the neighborhood. By David Isaac

http://World Israel News: News From Israel worldisraelnews.com

Every day Israeli citizens are treated to worrying stories about the country’s health system straining under the weight of the pandemic. There aren’t enough doctors, nurses, beds – you name it – to go around.

These cries of woe have been met with sympathy thus far by the Israeli public. That sympathy will turn to irritation if more discover that desperately needed medical staff are stuck at home because they can’t find adequate child care for their kids.

Instead of battling back corona, they’re pushing strollers around the neighborhood and playing Hebrew Monopoly with the twins. As the coronavirus rages, Israel’s frontline fighters are playing nanny.

It shouldn’t be that hard to open a nursery at a hospital. In the States, they have nurseries at movie theaters. But instead of finding a solution to this problem, the government is begging doctors past their prime to come out of retirement and pulling paramedics into corona wards.

The problem wasn’t as serious during the first wave. Local solutions still existed. But Israel’s child care centers have shuttered as the pandemic caught up with them, like with so many businesses.

Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate Ryan Saavedra


Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade even noted the discrepancy and called it out on social media, writing: “Why is @JoeBiden allowed to interrupt? @realDonaldTrump is not.”

Fox News host Laura Ingraham made a similar point, writing: “Biden seems to interrupt with impunity.”
Andy McCarthy tweeted: “Biden doesn’t support the Green New Deal. Oh, Wallace got that out of him? No, Trump did. Oh, well, did Wallace clarify what’s parts of Green New Deal Biden is against? No, needed to move on …”
McCarthy added: “Chris Wallace jumps in a second time when Biden having trouble with Trump’s questioning.”
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld said that it was “not good” when Wallace reportedly laughed with Biden.

CHARLES LIPSON: The Debate was a Mud-Wrestling Match—and Biden Won The Democratic Candidate’s Team Will Be Delighted



Some of Biden’s comments could come back to bite him. He strenuously denied his son Hunter had received millions from the former mayor of Moscow. Disproved already, he said. He denied any corruption in Hunter’s dealings in Ukraine and China. Putrid as those financial deals were, Trump missed an opportunity by turning them into personal attacks. The telling point is that these deals epitomize the Swamp, where insiders like Biden enrich themselves and their family thanks to their positions and connections. Those points might come up in the campaign’s final month, but they were lost in the mudslinging. So was Biden’s constant flip-flopping on fracking and his preposterous promise that transforming America into a green paradise will pay for itself and create thousands of jobs. These issues should be huge liabilities for Biden, and Trump could have used the debate to nail his opponent on them. He didn’t.

Biden’s biggest contradiction went unnoticed. He lambasted Trump both for not locking down the country early enough or long enough and for the “depression” caused by those very lockdowns. It is perfect legitimate to criticize the president’s response to COVID. But it is sheer demagoguery to say earlier, longer, tougher lockdowns were essential and then pretend the president is Herbert Hoover for ordering the lockdowns he did.

Why San Francisco State University Embraced a Failed Hijacker By Lawrence J. Haas


Fifty years ago, a quick-thinking El Al pilot refused the demands of two hijackers to open his cockpit and, instead, sent his plane into a sudden nosedive to knock the hijackers off their feet. After he leveled out the plane, a sky marshal on board fatally shot the male hijacker and arrested the female, who had tried to blow up the plane with a grenade that, fortunately, did not explode.

That female, Leila Khaled, was no stranger to hijackings by then. A prominent member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – a terrorist group that seeks Israel’s destruction – she was one of two PFLP members who, in 1969, hijacked a plane that had left Rome for Tel Aviv, directing it to Amman, Jordan. The group then blew up the plane but spared the passengers.

Her attempted El Al hijacking came a year later, in September of 1970. Shortly after her arrest for it, she was released in exchange for hostages from other PFLP hijackings of that same day. Now seventy-six, Khaled lives in Amman and sits on the Palestine National Council, a parliamentary body that oversees the Palestine Liberation Organization. She remains unrepentant, insisting she is “a victim of oppression and occupation” and Palestinians have the right to “resist by any means.”

So, why did San Francisco State University give Khaled a platform last week to speak on a webinar entitled, “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice & Resistance: A Conversation with Leila Khaled.”

Blackout vs. White Fragility Candace Owens shows what real anti-racism looks like. Daniel Greenfield


White Fragility, a racist tract by Robin DiAngelo, a white leftist, has sold somewhere in the neighborhood of a million copies. It’s been praised by Democrats, assigned on Fortune 500 corporate reading lists, and DiAngelo commands speaking fees as high as $20,000.

Blackout by Candace Owens won’t show up at your local critical race theory seminar. The conservative activist isn’t welcome because she tells the truth about racism and its profiteers. Where DiAngelo has a  PhD in Multicultural Education from the University of Washington, Owens has a degree in experiencing real-life racism that the Seattle institution can’t offer.

Owens doesn’t have a Ph.D. in Multicultural Education; instead, as she writes of her childhood, she grew up as part of ”a family of six” in a “small, three-bedroom apartment within a run-down, roach-infested building” where “fistfights, police visits, and drama were commonplace.”

To DiAngelo, racism is about the experience of being white. Black people exist in DiAngelo’s world as objects, not subjects, casting light on the elemental evil of whiteness. To be white is to be racist, while being black means being the victim of white racism. Black people only matter as weapons in a struggle between white people over the meaning of race, nationhood, and justice.

Project Veritas Video: Ilhan Omar Implicated in Cash-For-Ballots Scheme Undercover video exposes Democrat voter fraud.


Project Veritas honcho James O’Keefe presents a new bombshell undercover video, this time exposing a ballot harvesting scheme that implicates Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar in one of the biggest voter fraud schemes in American history — caught on tape. Don’t miss the video below:

The Pandemic On Biden’s Watch Killed 13 Times As Many Children As COVID


Imagine the reaction of the public to a new virus outbreak that targeted children, sending 10 times as many to hospitals, and killing 13 times as many as COVID-19.

Would you call the government’s handling of this pandemic a success?

That is what happened in 2009 when the H1N1 – aka, the swine flu – pandemic swept across the land. While the total number of deaths from the swine flu was much lower than COVID-19, its impact on children and younger adults was far more severe.

Consider these numbers:

According to the Centers for Disease Control’s latest numbers, out of the more than 200,000 people who died with COVID-19, only 92 were under age 18.

But 1,282 children died from the H1N1 pandemic of 2009-2010, when Barack Obama was in the White House and Joe Biden was vice president.

The number of children hospitalized from COVID has been around 8,000. The number hospitalized because of H1N1 – 86,813.

The swine flu was particularly worrisome because, unlike COVID and the seasonal flu – this one targeted the young more than the elderly.

In fact, fully 10% of the deaths from H1N1 were age 17 or younger, while just 13% were over age 65.

The Coronavirus Crisis: Where Do We Stand Today?


Joe Biden promises that if voters choose him this fall over President Donald Trump, he will take care of the coronavirus for us. He might be a bit late, though. It’s looking more and more as if the crisis is behind us.

If elected, Biden swears he “won’t wait to take action on COVID-19.”

“Minutes after the race is called, I’ll call Dr. Fauci and ask him to stay on,” he (one of his handlers, most likely) tweeted Saturday.

“During my transition, I’ll bring together experts and leaders from both parties to chart a path forward.”

Give him the White House, and “we will overcome this, together.”

It’s nothing more than an effort to stir the pot and keep the panic as close to a rolling boil as possible. Because even Biden and his aides can read simple tables, and what they’re telling us isn’t good for Democratic Party politics.

The most recent numbers published by the Centers for Disease Control for the week ending Sept. 19 show that total deaths reached only 58% of deaths expected for that week. We’ll pass over the Sept. 26 data, which shows total deaths at 13% of expected deaths, because delays in death counts skew the totals. For the same reason, the 58% figure is likely not reliable in regard to the baseline.

Trump Wins Round One, Barely It was an unedifying spectacle. By Conrad Black


There was no clear winner in Tuesday’s presidential debate and the country was the loser. 

President Trump could have won decisively if he had just followed Napoleon’s famous advice not to “interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” The moderator, Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace, did an excellent professional job largely without bias, and undoubtedly more fairly than those who will conduct the next two debates, but he didn’t come down hard enough on the interruptions. If Trump had just allowed Wallace to follow up on his questions of Biden, the former vice president would have stumbled badly. Trump’s irritating interruptions created an incoherent cacophony that enabled Biden to escape severe embarrassment. 

On balance, Trump almost certainly won, but a very few viewers would have had the perseverance to listen carefully enough to note that Trump defended his own record quite capably, and Biden was very shaky and imprecise both in criticism of his opponent and in explaining why he should be president. As was expected, the fact that he got through 90 minutes in the ring with Trump without becoming incomprehensibly muddled, empowered his supporters to claim that in limping out intact, he had won.

For those who followed it carefully or replay it, it will be clear not only that Trump is a much more forceful and articulate man than Joe Biden, but that he also clearly won the argument, insofar as it could be perceived within the tumult of interruptions.

The Democrats can claim the partial victory of their candidate having survived to fight another day, but the Democratic campaign—which has consisted exclusively of nonstop defamation of the president with a new false allegation every week—was discredited by Biden’s failure to make any of his accusations stick, or even sound like he believed them himself. 

Black Appraisals of Black Lives Matter – Part II by Soeren Kern


“BLM are basically, in my opinion, profiteers. They are profiting on trying to give a narrative, a false narrative, that is: ‘white racist cops are destroying the black community.’ No BLM presence walking through Chicago protesting black-on-black crime. You know why? Because it is not profitable. There is no money to be made.” — Leo Terrell, civil rights attorney and lifelong Democrat.

“Black Lives Matter does not support the critical civil rights issue of this day… educational freedom. How many young black kids are relegated to failing public schools in failing neighborhoods? Where does BLM stand on that issue? They stand with the progressive socialist left and the teachers unions. Ask yourself, has BLM ever condemned the action of Barack Obama in April 2009 to cancel the DC school voucher program?” — Allen West, former U.S. Congressman for Florida and retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel.

“The dubious goal of the politics of racial grievance exploited by BLM and others is to finance their causes. Thus, in order to advance their agendas, they have to come up with a negative narrative regardless of its veracity. The story must pull on the heartstrings of blacks to ensure solidarity and of whites to keep them feeling guilty and compliant. Hence, the false narrative that ‘Blacks are being gunned down by white cops’ excites those who have been conditioned to accept the claim regardless of its factual accuracy.” — Dr. Eric Wallace, President of the Freedom’s Journal Institute for the Study of Faith and Public Policy.

“We now find ourselves in a place that I feel is the antithesis of the Civil Rights Movement. Instead of marching toward a world that deemphasizes the importance of skin color, we instead find ourselves pursuing a world where skin color is placed firmly and proudly at the forefront of identity, where Martin Luther King’s idea of judging people by the content of their character takes a decided backseat to a person’s ancestry…. a world where white people must apologize and atone for sins that they never committed and black people claim victimhood for horrors that they never experienced…. It is the exact thing the Civil Rights Movement aimed to defeat. — Leonydus Johnson, actor.

“Racism as a factor has never been more insignificant in American life…. you know who knows that? Barack Obama. Because when Barack Obama gives a commencement address at Howard University, he says that if you could be born at any time, anywhere, he said that it would be here and now. And this is a guy whose last name is Obama, born in Hawaii, middle name Hussein, knocks off Hillary Clinton and beats John McCain. And he believes racism is a major problem in America? Nonsense….” — Larry Elder, radio talk show host and bestselling author.

“The most important thing is helping people realize to how important their own attitudes are. I would argue that a person’s attitudes are more important than race, gender, social class in determining whether or not they are going to be successful.” — Dr. Carol M. Swain, former professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University.

This multi-part series (Part I here) focuses on the perspectives of blacks — conservative, liberal or libertarian — who appraise Black Lives Matter and its agenda. The following selection of commentary by blacks from all walks of life — actors, athletes, businesspeople, civil rights activists, clergy, commentators, physicians and politicians — demonstrates that black public opinion is not monolithic, and that BLM does not speak for all African Americans.