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Ruth King

Biden lectures us on character? C’mon man! By Patricia McCarthy


“You know who I am, you know who he is. You know his character and you know my character.” – Joe Biden at the 11/22/20 debate

Ex-Vice President Biden actually uttered those words in the debate Thursday night.   If that does not prove his mental decline, nothing does.  In the midst of what is becoming a huge scandal, the Biden family’s long record of using their positions of power to get fabulously rich, Biden touted his character!  As Daniel Greenfield  notes in his must-read article, “The Biden family is notorious for being the crookedest clan not only in Delaware but in DC.”  

Greenfield goes on to explain, The Biden “clan” has been all about using their positions of power to enrich themselves for decades.  That the mainstream press is still refusing to report on the Hunter Biden laptop texts and emails is a sad testament to the left’s success at Mao-izing America.  There can no longer be any doubt that the Democrats put party before country, politics before ethics and virtue.  One only has to read Robert Reich or listen to his his intellectual peer Keith Olbermann to know the Democrat party has morphed into totalitarianism.  They vow to punish their opponents if Biden is elected.  Reich recommends “truth and reconciliation” camps, taking his cue from South Africa.  How’s that for tyranny?  

It is well and truly frightening.  The left has been steering us in this direction for decades and they must be stopped if America is to survive. 

The evidence of Biden’s profiteering is overwhelming.  It is all true; it’s been true for years and years.  And everyone in Delaware and DC has known it.  Even left publications like Politico reported on it when no one thought Biden would become the nominee.  Hunter Biden’s obvious conflict of interest jobs that paid him millions of dollars have bedeviled the left for years. But they still turned blind eyes.  It’s what the denizens of DC do.  They get rich for being there, one way or another.  That the Biden family, like the Clintons, took political graft to new heights, was barely noticed.  It was and remains business as usual. 

A Handy Media Guide To Covering (Up) Democratic Scandals


In the week after the New York Post published its damaging report on Hunter Biden, the New York Times has run a grand total of five news stories on the topic.

The first report started this way: “The Biden campaign on Wednesday rejected a New York Post report about Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter that the nation’s leading social media companies deemed so dubious that they limited access to the article on their platforms.”

Two of the other stories focused on the social media angle. Another hinted that the scandal was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The fifth was about how some reporters at the New York Post had “questioned the credibility” of the story.

Whatever you think of the New York Post or Donald Trump or Joe Biden, this story is what we in the news business call “news.” Yet the rest of the mainstream press handled it almost exactly as the Times did – as an inconvenience.

Those of us who’ve been around awhile have come to notice a similar pattern when it comes to every other scandal involving Democrats. So here, as a reader service, is a handy media guide to how the press covers — or more appropriately, covers up — Democratic scandals.

1. Ignore the story as long as possible. The first step in reporing a Democratic scandal is to not cover it at all. Keep it contained among bloggers and the conservative press in hopes that it doesn’t go anywhere. A perfect example of this was the Biden town hall held right after the Post story broke during which ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos asked Biden zero questions about the report.

Nancy Pelosi Loses It When Asked About the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal Katie Pavlich Katie Pavlich


During her weekly press briefing on Capitol Hill Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked about the ongoing scandal surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings. She was not pleased. 

“Madam Speaker there are serious allegations of corruption involving Joe Biden…are you going to respond to this in any way?” Washington Examiner reporter Kerry Picket asked. 

“I’m not going to answering your question, okay? We’re talking about the coronavirus. I don’t have all day for questions,” Pelosi answered. 

The question comes as most media outlets, including taxpayer funded National Public Radio, continue to cover for Joe Biden by refusing to acknowledge or dig into evidence about his family’s alleged corruption. 

The New York Post reported today that Hunter Biden routinely involved Joe Biden in his foreign deals. He referred to him as “the chairman” and “the big guy.” Text messages show Hunter Biden asking for a portion of foreign payments to be allocated to “the big guy.” Joe Biden has denied knowing anything about these deals.

Is The Biden Scandal The Reason Democrats Pushed Voters To Cast Ballots Before Election Day?


Democrats campaigned this year for mail-in and early voting as if it were the most important issue in politics. Now we think we know why: They wanted voters to make their selections before Bidengate arrived.

As of Tuesday, more than 41 million ballots have already been cast, two full weeks before Election Day, and about 30% of the total cast in the 2016 presidential election. How many of those votes were decided before the Hunter Biden email scandal emerged? We’d guess quite a few. One report says that Democratic-affiliated voters have returned their ballots at roughly a 1.4-to-1 ratio over Republican-affiliated voters.

Overall, “Democrats have returned more ballots in 32 states,” reports NBC News. “In Florida and Minnesota, Democratic early votes are outpacing those of Republicans by more than 20 percentage points. In New Hampshire, Democratic early voters are ahead by 36 points.” 

Democrats are surely celebrating the fact that a record number of ballots had been turned in by about the time the New York Post published its story about the emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop that strongly suggest Joe Biden sold access to his office as a U.S. senator and a vice president.

The October Laptop Surprise Joe Biden: a known national security threat. Fredy Lowe


Please promise not to even whisper amongst yourselves what you are about to read here. Do not share it, or even comment below about Hunter Biden’s laptop, because social media tells us that you are not qualified to know or discuss this information at the risk of having your account banned, where you will possibly be electronically scorned for life.

And, as if the threat of being banned by FB or Twitter were not bad enough, the ultimate warning was laid down by James Clapper, “Fight if you want, but there’s nothing you can do. ‘The emails are Russian’ is going to be the official dominant narrative in the mainstream political discourse, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it! Resistance is Futile.”

Who amongst us will volunteer to tell former DNI James Clapper that he is—so yesterday—and would he please mind sitting down. And, furthermore, that it has been confirmed by the current DNI John Ratcliffe that, “Hunter Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.”

And, so we begin:

Every blockbuster story like the one being told herein, first and foremost, must have a hero, so allow me to introduce to you: John Paul (JP) Mac Issac. And, of course, the dastardly deeds of our villain(s), in the person(s) of the Biden Crime Family: namely, Joe, son Hunter, daughter Sarah, and brother, James.

Biden Dusts Off Obama’s Most Famous Lie By David Harsanyi


“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” was a promise President Barack Obama often made when selling the Affordable Care Act. It was one of the most significant political lies in recent history, leveled during one of our most contentious policy debates. If Americans knew they might lose their preferred private plans, Obamacare would almost certainly have been defeated.

Worse, the Obama administration knew that somewhere between 40 percent to 67 percent of Americans in the individual market would lose existing policies. Indeed, tens of millions of Americans would be thrown off their preferred private plans. I’ve never even seen a serious person deny that Obama misled voters on the issue. Even Obama, when it no longer mattered, admitted as much, saying, “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.”

So, needless to say, it was somewhat jarring to see presidential candidate Joe Biden, during his debate with Donald Trump Thursday, brazenly repeat the falsehood.

Boycott-Barrett Ploy Shows Difference Between Democrats and Republicans By Andrew C. McCarthy


It makes no sense to participate in the testimonial hearings that prove the nominee is highly qualified but then not show up for the vote.

I n a final infantile stunt, Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats boycotted this morning’s vote on passing Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination out of committee and onto the floor. Barring some unforeseen setback, she is going to be confirmed for a seat on the Supreme Court by early next week.

The boycott was a pointless gesture because Republicans had the votes necessary to move Judge Barrett’s nomination forward. It was a radical break with democratic norms, by which we register dissent by voting nay, not by picking up our ball and going home like poorly raised children. Having crossed yet another Rubicon, Democrats will eventually learn, at some point when it really costs them (as has their eradication of the filibuster in confirmations), that what goes around comes around. And practically speaking, the boycott was self-destructive, coming only after the nominee had impressed Americans for two days with her intellect, poise, and good nature. Today, no one much missed them at a committee vote that was a foregone conclusion. Everyone, however, was watching on the two days when the Democrats deigned to show up, and Barrett reduced them to an intramural competition for coveted Ass-Clown of the Year honors.

Therein lies a telling difference between the two parties. To win, Republicans must be sound in pursuing their strategies because the media oppose them at every turn. They are thus fortunate to be led by a superb tactician, Senator Mitch McConnell. Democrats, by contrast, are cheered on by the media in pursuing their strategies, regardless of whether they are sharp or daft. They are thus spared the criticism that disciplines politicians to plan carefully.

If you’re the Democrats, and you’re willing to employ such extreme measures as boycotting hearings to try to stop Barrett, then the time to boycott is when she testifies. The point would be to prevent her from impressing the country with her temperament and legal acumen. By such a ploy, it might have been possible to delay the hearing — and delays that could defer a final vote on Barrett until after Election Day are Democrats’ only realistic shot at killing it.

Atlas shrugs The establishment doesn’t think he’s an expert. He disagrees Amber Athey


Trust the experts’ is the battle cry of America’s elitists. After President Trump’s shock election in 2016 showed that Americans are sick of hearing from politicians, the politicized classes adopted experts as their proxy for power. Climate change ‘experts’ justify AOC’s radical Green New Deal with prophecies of planetary extinction. Foreign policy ‘experts’ claim America will destabilize the Middle East if, as Trump wants, we withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan. Medical ‘experts’ are wheeled out to justify increasing control over the lives of everyday Americans through draconian lockdowns, mask mandates and stringent travel restrictions.

Dr Scott Atlas, one of the newer members of the White House’s COVID-19 task force, is not an ‘expert’, according to the ever-changing standards of the establishment. He has only 25 years of high-level experience, including serving as the Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and crafting healthcare policy for over a decade. However, as his Wikipedia page condescendingly reminds us multiple times, Atlas is ‘a radiologist, not a specialist in public health or infectious diseases’, and thus his advice must be ignored. CDC director Robert Redfield was busted on a private phone call alleging that ‘everything he says is false’. Dr Anthony Fauci said on television he is ‘concerned’ about Atlas, the ‘outlier’ of the task force, spreading misinformation. Fox News’s Chris Wallace, who is also not an epidemiologist, mocked Atlas for predicting Trump would make a ‘full recovery’ after contracting COVID-19.

Twitter has joined the group of banshees trying to silence Atlas. The social media company blocked a post from him this week that said ‘Masks work? NO’, saying that it violated their policy on misinformation. Atlas says his tweet was intended to question public mask mandates, noting that they’re only useful when people are unable to social-distance.

There are plenty of other non-epidemiologists on the White House task force, such as labor secretary Eugene Scalia and secretary of agriculture Sonny Perdue. Pennsylvania’s health secretary Rachel Levine, who sent coronavirus patients back to nursing homes, has a medical background in pediatrics. New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, who signed an executive order doing the same, has no medical background at all. None of those people has been attacked by the public-facing health officials.

Now Corruption Story Is About Joe, Not Hunter How long can the media blackout continue? James Freeman


At this hour many news consumers remain trapped behind the Silicon Curtain. Nevertheless word continues to spread about the Biden family business, thanks to an underground publication founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1801. The latest story from the New York Post, which shares common ownership with the Journal, comes courtesy of veteran columnist Michael Goodwin. He reports a statement from a Biden business partner who says that Joe Biden was involved in the family influence-peddling racket, including with China.

Mr. Goodwin reports a statement from Tony Bobulinski, a Biden business associate. The statement attributed to Mr. Bobulinski appears to confirm that contrary to his denials, Joe Biden was involved with his son Hunter’s business, and it was not a business in which a future president ought to be involved. The Bobulinski statement published by the Post reads in part:

I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother.
Hunter Biden called his dad “the Big Guy” or “my Chairman,” and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.

Biden’s Character Campaign A more focused Trump tries to attack the Democrat’s strength.


President Trump came to the second and last presidential debate Thursday night trying to pin down Joe Biden on his policies and family’s business with foreign governments. Mr. Biden did his best to parry and duck, coming back time and again to his main themes of “character” and an end to divisive politics. With a solid lead, and more than 40 million votes already cast, Mr. Biden’s bet is that he can run out the clock.

Mr. Trump was both better prepared and more disciplined than in the first debate, and if he loses on Nov. 3 he will wish he had done that the first time. He offered the best defense we’ve heard him make of his coronavirus effort, focusing on the vaccines in development, his mobilization of resources in the spring, and the need to balance protection of the vulnerable with reopening the country.

Mr. Biden is his most demagogic when he addresses the virus, saying at one point that “anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President.” We’ve criticized Mr. Trump’s inconsistent and sometimes Panglossian rhetoric, but calling him responsible for every American death is neither honest nor decent. Mr. Biden’s “plan” on Covid is essentially Mr. Trump’s with more prudent rhetoric and a warning to wear a mask. On potential future lockdowns, Mr. Trump says no while Mr. Biden says maybe.