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Ruth King


Twitter and Facebook’s Assault on Freedom of the Press 
Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team 
Facebook and Twitter Send 90% of Political Donations to Democrats, Joe Biden Received the Most 

‘Big tech oligarchs’ have declared war on conservatives: Sen Cotton 

Facebook and Twitter Censorship Will Backfire and Help Trump’s Campaign It is undeniable that the extended Biden family enjoyed great financial success at the same time that Joe Biden rose to become vice president of the United States. Nigel Farage


The most electrifying part of September’s televised debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden came when Biden spoke with genuine passion of the pride he feels about his late son Beau’s military record. Trump’s response was to talk about Biden’s other son, Hunter, pointing out that he was kicked out of the army for cocaine use and has pressing questions to answer about his finances. In so doing, Trump looked a bit mean. Not only that, but his punch didn’t quite land, so the Biden camp would have been mightily pleased.

Everything has changed in the last two weeks, however, and despite the best efforts of the mainstream media and the social media giants to try to suppress the New York Post email revelations about Hunter, questions about Hunter’s suitability for the highly paid role he secured with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma will not go away. Indeed, there are further questions about some of Joe Biden’s other relatives that also need to be asked and answered. The October surprise has only just begun.

That Hunter Biden has endured years of serious drug and relationship problems is not the point of this scandal. There is hardly a family in the Western world today that has not experienced similar problems. Sadly, illegal drugs and their catastrophic effects are the scourge of our times. Instead, the issue at hand concerns the access that Joe Biden gave his son during his eight years as vice president. Why, for example, did Hunter Biden accompany his father on an official trip to Beijing in 2013 while he was in the process of setting up a Chinese private equity firm? The conflict of interest is obvious. Can you imagine if one of Donald Trump’s children had done the same thing? Yet just 10 days after this visit, Hunter Biden’s new company received a £1 billion investment deal from the state-backed Bank of China. His hedge fund was also allowed to operate a first-of-kind arrangement in the recently formed Shanghai Free-Trade Zone. Nice work, if you can get it.

This marked the beginning of a flourishing relationship that led to Hunter Biden playing a role in the sale of Michigan-based auto supplier Henniges Automotive to the Chinese, helping to create jobs overseas. When Trump said in last month’s debate, “China ate your lunch, Joe,” perhaps what he should have said was: “China paid for your son’s lunch, Joe.”

The Last Copier in the Woods Arrives Sooner than Expected The War on Free Speech


UPDATE: If you’re wondering why we haven’t linked to the column below from our Twitter account, it’s because we’re unable to: every time we try to tweet it, we are informed that “Twitter is over capacity”. “Social” media are the new Stasi.

UPPERDATE: The tweet is now there. But there’s a lot of this about. Twitter now says the House Judiciary GOP account was blocked “in error”. Could happen to anyone: 

If anybody is around to write history in a generation or two, October 14th 2020 will go down as the first day of a new Year Zero. Yesterday, with less than three weeks to go in a national election in a settled democratic society with an ostensibly free press, the woke billionaires of the social media cartel decided to freeze and/or cancel the Twitter/Facebook accounts of the President’s press secretary, the Trump campaign, Republican Senate candidates and Republican House members.

So America is now formally a one-party state, at least as far as fair access to media platforms is concerned. In old-school “people’s republics”, the dictator keeps the opposition party off the air. In the subtler version operated by social media, woke dictators of a nominally two-party state are now openly keeping one of those two parties off your telephones and tablets. Wanker conservatives of the lemming right wonder if this might be, ooh, a “campaign-finance violation”. Hey, yeah, maybe John Durham can do that for his next any-day-now investigation-without-end.

Meanwhile, tonight was supposed to be the second presidential debate, subsequently canceled when Trump balked at the official “debate commission”‘s unilateral tearing up of the agreed format. The man who would have moderated that debate, Steve Scully, was today indefinitely suspended by C-SPAN after admitting he lied when he said that an accidentally revealing tweet was the result of his account being hacked. (I go back a long way with Mr Scully.) His lie had been not merely accepted but enthusiastically promoted by members of the Blue Cheka, including Clinton flack Joe Lockhart, The Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty, and of course the frauds of the “Presidential Debate Commission”. Yet they remain “safe” sources of news at Twitter.

As recently as two years ago, tweeter-in-chief Jack Dorsey felt it politick to dissemble, at least before the US Congress:

I want to start by making something clear: we don’t consider political viewpoints, perspectives, or party affiliation in any of our policies or enforcement decisions. Period. Impartiality is our guiding principle… Twitter will always default to open and free exchange.

Middle East Vibrations Shoshana Bryen


One more regional look.

Although I don’t think the Saudis will “make peace” any time soon, the Kingdom has been publicly pleased with the current machinations and publicly furious with Palestinian leadership. Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, former Ambassador to the U.S. and head of security for the Kingdom, gave an extraordinary interview to Al Aribiya. Not pro-Israel, not even historically accurate in many ways, but the truth of the Saudi position…..

In the movie, “The Guns of Navarone”the WWII commandos evade the enemy, scale the mountain, enter the fortress, plant the explosives designed to wreck the guns used against Allied forces, and escape to a safe place to watch the effects. But there are no effects, no blast. One team member berates the explosives expert, who calmly replies, “It is the accumulation of little vibrations that does it.” And indeed, in short order – and in the nick of time – the accumulated vibrations crumbled the side of the mountain, washing away the guns that threatened the allied advance.

It isn’t always that – sometimes it is Hiroshima and Nagasaki – but the old Middle East appears to be crumbling bit by bit, decision by decision.

Two fundamental propositions underpinned the old Western (read State Department) view of the Middle East: that the Palestinians had to be satisfied before the Arab States could make peace with Israel; and that this was, in large measure, due to the adamant and sometimes violent “Arab Street” that would rise up against conservative Arab leaders if the Palestinians were unsatisfied, or the status of Jerusalem changed.

The move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem produced hardly a ripple. Resolution of Israel’s Golan border was met with yawns.

President Donald Trump’s “Vision” for Middle East Peace changed the focus from Palestinian demands to Israel’s security – leaving room at the table for the Palestinians, should they accept the invitation and its conditions. The participation of the Ambassadors from the UAE, Oman, and Bahrain in the White House ceremony with the President and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a visible vibration, but it followed years of quiet communication and consultation (and trade) between Israel and Gulf States concerned about Iran. Modification in the “Vision,” led to the Abraham Accords between Israel, Bahrain and the UAE, with the U.S. as mediator and witness.

Behind the social-media blackout of Biden family corruption If a bombshell goes off in the forest and no one is allowed to talk about it, does it make a sound? Charles Lipson


Hunter Biden is now the subject of multiple stories involving serious corruption. Whether he committed any crimes is a question for prosecutors and the courts. Whether he was paid handsomely for his family’s political clout is a question for voters.

You wouldn’t know that from ABC’s pathetic town hall with his father Joe Biden on Thursday night. They spoke with him for 90 minutes and didn’t ask a single question about the shocking emails published by the New York Post. That’s either journalistic malpractice or public-relations work. After all, the emails raise profound questions that the candidate needs to answer. They appear to show his son, Hunter, repeatedly using his last name to fill his pockets.

Hunter’s family is his only asset. How else did someone with no special skills manage to collect such huge payments from foreign companies with deep interests in US policy? He has no knowledge of Ukraine or China, no experience in energy or banking, and a crack pipe full of personal problems. So, how exactly did he get rich?

It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out the answer. Joe Biden himself could figure it out. The money was meant to open doors in the Obama administration and potentially a future Biden one. It was meant to inform mid-level US bureaucrats and diplomats that these companies had very powerful connections. The message: your bosses will be happy if you meet with these fine folks and even happier if you can help them.

De Blasio’s years-long effort to push McCray into politics ends with a thud By Nolan Hicks and Julia MarshOctober


Mayor Bill de Blasio spared no expense to burnish the image of his wife, Chirlane McCray — but like many of his big bucks plans it all came to nothing.

Hizzoner’s effort to use millions in tax payer money to make McCray a political star came crashing down this week when the city’s First Lady changed course and declared she would not run for Brooklyn Borough President.

Throughout his time in office de Blasio set McCray up to follow in the family’s politics biz, including giving her a staff that in recent years grew to a size larger than any First Lady’s in recent memory.

The McCray team had a $2 million payroll, and as recently as August included a chief-of-staff, senior adviser, speechwriter and a videographer.  At one point civil rights activist and political heavy hitter Rachel Nordlinger was McCray’s top lieutenant.

Hoping to give her a huge feather in her cap, de Blasio also made his wife the face of City Hall’s much-ballyhooed ThriveNYC mental health initiative in November 2015.

But the program has burned through an estimated $1 billion, while being blasted for showing little success in helping the needy.

Normalization With The Saudis…At What Price? by Gerald A. Honigman

There’s much talk now, in the wake of other Gulf Arab breakthroughs, that Saudi Arabia is being heavily courted to join the normalization/peace movement regarding Israel. 

While shalom/salaam is good, it’s important to realize that, as with another alleged soon-to-be Arab or Arabized nation–the Sudan–Saudi Arabia comes into this with its own severe baggage  https://ekurd.net/what-arab-nation-next-israel-2020-09-29.  And yes–it would be nice for Israel to be able to cut travel time and save fuel by being able to fly over Saudi air space…etc..

For starters, however, let’s just say that the much-touted, decades old Saudi peace (of the grave) plan must be dropped like a nuked potato.

As a reminder, back when he was still a senator, a Times Of London story on November 16th, 2008, reported that President-elect Obama stated that Israel would be crazy (exact words) not to accept the resurrected, alleged Saudi “Peace Plan.” 

A bit earlier, a stop along President George W. Bush’s Middle East trip–after further pressuring Jews to accept his State Department’s vision of Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas’s latter day terrorist Arafatians as being the good cops as opposed to simply more honest Hamas bad cops–took President Bush to the sands of the Saudis and other Arabian Peninsula nations.

A photo was published worldwide of the President wielding a sword along with Bahraini hosts, and Dubya brought along a New Year’s present — tens of billions of dollars in military aid…

Hey, if we don’t sell it to them, the Brits, Germans, French, and so forth certainly will. So goes the argument…And with Bahrain now opening doors to Israel, perhaps it wasn’t a bad decision after all.

Bring Them In Big Tech oligarchs must answer Congress’s questions about election interference. By Julie Kelly


As I have reported over the past several weeks, Big Tech monopolies are interfering in the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. Their involvement, some rightly argue, is straight-up electioneering and could constitute egregious campaign finance violations since corporations are prohibited from directly donating to political candidates. By banning Republican content while amplifying Democratic Party messaging this close to a national election, Big Tech in essence is contributing potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in free advertisements (in-kind contributions) to Democratic candidates, including their nominee for president. “Twitter, and Facebook…they’re like really, it’s a massive campaign contribution,” President Trump said on Fox Business News Thursday morning.

Their involvement will extend past Election Day and into January 2021 if the results are still unknown. In the interim, Silicon Valley oligarchs plan to crush any online dissent, including by the president of the United States, if a message runs afoul of plans to install Joe Biden in the White House. Even if Trump legitimately wins reelection, any premature declaration of victory will be suppressed or outright removed from social media and Internet search engines.

Whatever attempt there may have been to conceal this orchestrated operation, however, was blown wide open Wednesday after the New York Post published explosive emails and photos retrieved from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer. Communications appear to confirm that Joe Biden met with an executive of Burisma and his son in 2015 despite Biden’s repeated denials. 



Anne Applebaum’s Pride and Prejudice

This is not a book, but rather an Atlantic essay puffed into a $25 sale item with grotesquely large type and comically wide margins. The typography offends the eye almost as much as the content offends the mind. It is a barely coherent rant against ex-friends and political opponents. It is a tantrum from a liberal who expected a univeralist millennium after the fall of Communism and discovered to her horror that national identity still matters.

Half a century of Nazi and Communist occupation nearly crushed the spirit of the nations of Eastern Europe; a decade ago they approached the point of no return for demographic extinction. The new nationalists who now govern Hungary and Poland, the objects of Applebaum’s direst imprecations, have rebuilt vibrant economies, raised birth rates, and established viable democracies out of nearly-ruined Soviet colonies. Despite their missteps—which are frequent and sometimes grave—they have restored hope for the future to lands which not long ago seemed like a cemetary of the human spirit.

Anne Applebaum’s list of little Hitlers includes some ex-friends who came to her 1999 New Year’s Eve party in Poland, when her husband Radek Sikorski was a foreign ministry official, as well as former acquaintances like British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The renegade party guests somehow morphed from democracy activists into Nazis, because they suffer from “authoritarian personalities,” Applebaum avers. Also on her list are “the old Hungarian right, the Spanish right, the French right, the Italian right, and, with differences, the British right and the American right, too.” It is hard to separate Applebaum’s ideological rancor at friends who moved away from the liberal dogmas of 1989 and her personal disappointment over her husband’s career.

Boris Johnson a crypto-fascist? Who but the overwrought Ms. Applebaum noticed! She would have a pint at the pub with Johnson when she was Deputy Editor of the Spectator and he was Mayor of London, but since then she has discovered that the Prime Minister is a liar, a home-wrecking philanderer, and a budding authoritarian due to his opposition to Brexit. She claims that the rising fascists of the British Isles duped their compatriots into voting Leave by lying about money that might be saved for the National Health Service.

Huawei Plays Matador to Trump’s Bull David Goldman


Bulls usually lose bullfights not because they fail to charge, but because they charge at the matador’s cape rather than at the matador himself. President Trump has no qualms about charging at China’s national champion Huawei, but he is charging at the equivalent of the matador’s cape.

Consider Huawei’s handset business, which depends on high-end chips manufactured by Taiwanese foundries. Because the Taiwanese use some American equipment to manufacture the chips, the U.S. has imposed an effective blockade on Huawei’s outsourcing, and China does not (yet) have the domestic capability to make high-end chips. A similar ban blocks Huawei’s access to key American chip-design software.

Huawei will lose market share in the low-margin handset business, and Chinese competitors like Xiaomi will pick up the slack (which explains why the latter’s stock price has jumped this year from HK$8 to HK$22). Huawei will have little difficulty using older chips for 5G base stations, installing the lion’s share of the six million units that China has ordered to build out its 5G network over the next two years.

Huawei’s most important business, though, will emerge unscathed from U.S. sanctions. American strategists think that Huawei is a telecom equipment company. Among other things, Huawei is the world’s largest telecom equipment manufacturer, with a 31 percent market share during the first half of 2020—more than the combined share of the second and third position companies, Ericsson and Nokia. Huawei, though, is first and foremost a big data and artificial intelligence (AI) company—the most inventive and imaginative one in the world. Let’s call this combination “BD/AI,” for short.