The Conservative Hero Who Can Pick Up a Senate Seat in New Hampshire (But Who Needs Your Donations Now)By Karin McQuillan
New Hampshire is home to a lot of close elections. It may still have a reputation for hardworking, independent Yankees, and supposedly 2% more Republican voters than Democrats, but the last time the state voted for a Republican for president was in 2000. In 2016, President Trump lost by fewer than 3,000 votes.
This year, New Hampshire is expected to be a nail biter for the president. The right GOP Senate candidate could make a crucial difference, but it is not at all certain we will get the top candidate who can help turn out voters. The state GOP are not fighters and are said to have already conceded the Senate seat to Democrat incumbent, Jeanne Shaheen, although half the voters in the state told pollsters last year they want a change.
Brigadier General Don Bolduc begs to differ. He is running with everything he’s got in the GOP Senate primary on September 8, just two weeks away. General Bolduc generated a lot of conservative media excitement when he announced (see the National Review, Daily Caller, Breibart, and the Military Times) and for very good reason – he is one of our most decorated war heroes and a true conservative. But actual financial and organizing support from the GOP, not so much. Lack of funds is seriously hampering his efforts to get his message out.