The GOP presents inspiring human-interest stories, and all CNN’s sourpusses can do is complain.
The second night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) seemed destined for disaster. Before it had even started, there were fires to put out. On Tuesday afternoon, scheduled speaker Mary Ann Mendoza, whose son was killed in a car accident with a drunk illegal immigrant, retweeted a thread promoting the anti-Semitic “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, this was not the first instance of Mendoza promoting such drivel. Thankfully, the RNC pulled Mendoza from its slate. Another speaker, Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-life activist Abby Johnson, had controversial comments in which she claimed police would be “smart” to be “more careful” around her biracial “brown son” than her white children reposted by Vice News. Johnson’s address went ahead as planned.
To its credit, though, the RNC — with a little help from the folks over at CNN — more than salvaged the evening. Anticipating that commentators would end the pre-convention coverage with ominous sign-offs — Jake Tapper gravely warned of “norm erosion” — the RNC began with a cheery message and full-throated endorsement from the Vice President of the Navajo Nation. That was followed by the touching story of Jon Ponder, a felon who found Christ and reformed himself, and the FBI agent who arrested him. It culminated with President Trump giving Ponder a pardon, live on air. Anderson Cooper cut in afterwards looking troubled, repeatedly calling what had just transpired “unprecedented.” Van Jones concurred and lamented that the pardon was being used for political purposes.