“Thirty years after the collapse of the Berlin Wall I am no longer a member of the working-class oppressed. Having failed as an economic system, Marxism has switched its focus to the cultural barricades of race, gender and general ‘otherness’. These days, as I am given to understand, I am now a member of the privileged white heterosexual elite.”
“When the Berlin Wall came down and the West appeared triumphant in defeating Communism, my academic colleagues and I, safe in the sanctuary of a taxpayer-funded university, remained unmoved and defiant. While studying Soviet politics, my lecturers never introduced us to dissidents and critics like Solzhenitsyn or Koestler. Even if they had, such warnings of state sanctioned brutality would have gone unheeded by the likes of me.
“Socialist ideology relies on subjective rationalisation and wilful blindness.
“Witnessing Marxist dogma’s switch to apportion privilege on the basis of race and sexual identity, rather than the class struggle of yesteryear, led me to reconsider the legacy bequeathed to us by Western civilisation. So what did this former red-ragger conclude? It’s simple really: the source and mainspring of justice for all is and must always be equality before the law. We have seen the dystopian consequences of doing otherwise playing out on our TV screens as flames light American cities and innocent truck drivers are hauled from their rigs to be kicked senseless for the crime of being white.
“Resisting the temptation to assign guilt based on collective denunciations of class, race and/or gender protects us all from anarchy — an anarchy dangerously encouraged by the ideological underpinnings of the grievance-industrial complex. Before we see America’s ordeal repeated here, our elected leaders really should do something about it. But they most likely won’t, more’s the pity.