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Ruth King

You can’t rally. We can riot The staggering hypocrisy of the Democrats over COVID-19 Stephen L. Miller


Are you ready for the second blame wave? As the country braces itself for an inevitable repeat surge in COVID-19 infections, we’re told red-state governors ‘opened too soon’. The next outbreak, we can be sure, will be something to do with the fact the President decided to resume his political rallies, approximately two weeks from now.

What nobody says is that individual or social behavior is the cause. It can’t possibly be the thousands of people closely together marching down city streets yelling and chanting, some with masks, some not. The guidelines fell completely by the wayside for the Democrats and much of network cable news.

In the middle of May, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser extended her lockdown order through to the June 8. Two days prior to her own lockdown order was to be reviewed, on June 6, she encouraged mass gatherings of protests, in a tweet saying ‘Let’s all meet here soon #BlackLivesMatter’, with a photo showing off her big block yellow letters painted down a DC street. In a press release about a possible spike in coronavirus cases in her city, after two weeks of protests she encouraged herself, Bowser announced that ‘DC Health has confirmed that a new peak was detected in the data, resetting the Districts Phase One count to nine days of sustained decrease.’

Florida congressswoman Val Demings, who features on the shortlist to be Joe Biden’s VP nominee, tweeted on June 8 that she had joined a ‘Healing and Hope Rally last night to speak with our community as America grieves.’ Two days later she scolded the President: planning to hold ‘mass rallies in Florida and elsewhere as we experience a resurgence in COVID cases is irresponsible and selfish’.

Trump Enacts Tariffs, Travel Ban On CHAZ


Trump has announced a new set of tariffs and a travel ban on CHAZ, escalating the trade war between the United States and the fledgling nation-state.

“Effective immediately, no travel to or from the foreign country of Seattle,” the president said at a press conference. “Additionally, a 25% tariff will be placed on all goods coming from CHAZ, once they start exporting things.” The president will also be cutting all diplomatic ties with the communist nation, further increasing tensions.

The tariffs aren’t expected to do much, however, as the only thing the people of CHAZ have been able to produce so far is a few beans in the community garden.

Class, Not Race, Divides America It is the truth that the white progressive dares not to utter. By Victor Davis Hanson


Nothing is stranger in these tense days than the monotony of the inexact and non-descriptive mantra of “white privilege” and “white solidarity”—as if there is some monolithic white bloc, or as if class matters not at all.

In truth, the clingers, the deplorables, the irredeemables, and Joe Biden’s “dregs” have very little in common with those who so libel them, but superficially share supposedly omnipotent and similar skin color.

In the past, we saw such tensions among so-called whites in CNN’s reporting of the allegedly toothless rubes at Trump rallies, in the Strzok-Page text trove about Walmart’s smelly patrons, in the callous coastal disregard for the five-decade wasting away of the American industrial heartland, in the permissible elite collective disparagement of Christian evangelicals, and in the anthropological curiosity about and condescension toward such exotic, but presumably backward, Duck Dynasty and NASCAR peoples. 

As a result, we have reached the surreal point at which the nation’s privileged whites on campuses such as Harvard, Yale, and Stanford, in the top echelon of politics, and the corporate and entertainment worlds, all deplore in the abstract something they call “white privilege” in others who have never really experienced it. 

Of course, whatever such a thing is, they possess it in abundance but give no hint they have any intention of giving it up other than rhetorically or through the medieval concept of hair-shirt penance and Twitter confessionals. On the other hand, they are furious that middle-class whites do not join their theatrics of bending the knee and offering abject apologies for original sins. 

Palestinians: Pursuing War on Their Media by Khaled Abu Toameh


“The case of Sami [Al-Sa’i] and what he was exposed to drove concern regarding the attempts of Palestinian Security Services… of torturing Palestinian Journalists, that may enhance the intimidation of journalists and the practice of self-censorship,” MADA said. It also called on the PA to launch an investigation into the torture and ill-treatment of Al-Sa’i and other Palestinian journalists.

These are extraordinary violations of press freedoms and freedom of expression. Perpetrated anywhere else in the world, the international community would be up in arms. Because they are being committed by Palestinians against Palestinians, however — and because the Palestinian leadership has not yet found a way to blame Israel for these particular crimes — the torture of a Palestinian journalist is considered a no-news story.

We do not know how pro-Palestinian groups feel about the abuse: they never object to it. What they only seem to find objectionable is Israel. No wonder Palestinian leaders feel they have a green light to continue persecuting journalists and anyone else who utters a word against Abbas and his associates.

While the Palestinian Authority (PA) appears to have suspended security coordination with Israel in accordance with PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s May 18 announcement, it has not ended its long-time policy of harassing, intimidating and arresting Palestinian journalists.

The Media Said Trump Didn’t Have a COVID Testing Strategy. The Media Was Wrong. By Rich Lowry *****


How we ramped up coronavirus testing.

The White House had the idea of opening hundreds of ambitious mobile testing sites at the outset of the coronavirus crisis. But there was a problem: Officials quickly realized that creating that many sites would use up an inordinate amount of the nation’s limited supply of testing swabs.

“We had 1.2 million swabs in the country for the month for everything,” recalls Admiral Brett Giroir, the HHS official who became the administration’s testing czar in mid-March and soon will be returning to his regular duties.


That number wasn’t going to come close to meeting the need, and it wasn’t clear how the gap would be made up. “We thought there were eight or ten suppliers of swabs,” says Giroir, “because they came under different packages, but when you found out about it, these were really repackaged swabs. There were really only two sources of these rare kinds of swabs.” One was based in Italy, the other a small company in Maine called Puritan.

“Now,” he continues, “we couldn’t get anything out of Italy because it was locked down. Literally, in those first couple days the Air Force sent a C-17 to Italy to physically go get the swabs and bring them back to the U.S.”

The swab crunch in March was just one of the obstacles to clearing the way for what needed to be an unprecedented ramp-up in testing to address the COVID crisis.

“When we first started peeking under the covers,” says Giroir, “we were going to do in two or three weeks, even early on, what the country does in a year on other sophisticated molecular tests.”

NOW WATCH: ‘Are Coronavirus Patients Contagious if They Test Positive after Recovery?’

Watch: 0:41
Are Coronavirus Patients Contagious if They Test Positive after Recovery?

The story of how the country went from nothing to more than half-a-million COVID tests on some days is a tale of inspired private–public cooperation. After bad initial stumbles when the Centers for Disease Control fouled up the initial test (at a time when it had a monopoly on testing) and when a Food and Drug Administration regulatory bottleneck stymied the development of testing in the private sector, the administration found its footing.

It used cooperative data, governmental authorities, relationships with the private sector, and improvisation-on-the-fly to work through supply shortages and other problems. Giroir’s team, a group of trouble-shooting aides around White House adviser Jared Kushner, the FDA, and the Department of Health and Human Services all played important roles. Meanwhile, private companies — often working hand-and-glove with the administration — quickly innovated and scaled up their production of everything from swabs to test kits.

At the beginning of March, there were fewer than 1,000 tests in the country on most days. By the end of March, there were more than 100,000 a day. The number climbed again before hovering somewhere around 150,000 a day for much of April.

Then it bumped up again, to more than 200,000 at the end of the month. It surpassed 400,000 for the first time on May 17. On May 29, it was nearly 500,000. It’s been in the range of 400,000 to 500,000 most days since, with a high of more than 580,000 just this just Friday.

The Mother of all Fake News: The New York Times Gray Lady gives a free pass to tyrants, conspiracy theorists and serial murderers – but reserves invective for a U.S. senator. Ari Lieberman


I think that by now, it is painfully obvious to all but the most myopic that the New York Times represents the embodiment of fake news. In fact, in this era when false and misleading, partisan leftist propaganda is disseminated with dizzying regularity, it is not a stretch to argue that the New York Times represents the mother of all fake news. It is also fair to characterize the New York Times as a leftist blog akin to Mother Jones or Buzzfeed, rather than a legitimate, newsworthy paper.

Several recent incidents plaguing this troubled paper highlight this unfortunate development. Recently, the New York Times published an article stating that “former President George W. Bush won’t support the re-election of [Donald] Trump,” and cited “people familiar with [his] thinking.” There is no indication that the journalist responsible for authoring this drivel made any effort to corroborate the claim with Bush. In fact, Freddy Ford, a spokesman for Bush, said the report was simply not true and characterized it as “completely made up.”

On June 5, a Rasmussen daily tracking poll showed that black likely voter approval of Trump was at over 40 percent. Rasmussen is a serious, well-respected public opinion polling source and the June 5th polling data, even if considered an outlier, is a significant news story considering historic black voting patterns. In 2016, Trump garnered only 8 percent of the black vote and still won. If this recent Rasmussen polling is accurate, it bodes poorly for Democratic chances to reclaim the White House in 2020. Yet this newsworthy development failed to grace the pages of the Gray Lady. The reason is obvious: the New York Times is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and negative polling data that runs counter to the narrative the New York Times wishes to present is all but ignored and censored. Omission of newsworthy events due to political considerations is just as malignant as publication of false facts, and in any event, that strategy worked out poorly for the so-called establishment media in 2016.

Officer Shot During Black Lives Matter Riots Paralyzed on Ventilator Daniel Greenfield


Good thing his life doesn’t matter. And never will if Democrats and their media allies have their way.

A police officer who was shot in the head during a Las Vegas Strip protest of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis is paralyzed from the neck down, on a ventilator and unable to speak, his family said in a statement released by police.

Officer Shay Mikalonis, 29, was shot June 1 during protests over the death of Floyd at the hands of police. The family statement released on twitter by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Saturday said he is expected to stay on the ventilator. He has been tentatively accepted at a spine rehabilitation center.

Meanwhile even saying Blue Lives Matter is being treated like a hate crime while major corporations pour millions of dollars into the organizations linked to these racist riots.

Philadelphia Imam Calls for Bloodshed While the Left calls for abolishing the police. Robert Spencer


There is considerable evidence of Leftist/Islamic collaboration in the recent riots, and one Islamic scholar has called openly for more bloodshed. This should be, but probably won’t be, a matter of concern for intelligence and law enforcement officials, because this imam is not in Tehran or Lahore or Kabul: he is in Philadelphia.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports that on June 2, an Islamic scholar in the City of Brotherly Love, Nafis Abu Zayd Sparrow, uploaded a video to the Maktabah Ibn Taymiyyah YouTube channel in which he dismisses peaceful protests on Islamic grounds: “Even scholars of the past, they mention clearly that there is nothing found – no basis whatsoever – in the Quran or the Sunnah for demonstrations or protests.”

Sparrow mocked the Twitter wars and meme-making that characterize our current silly civil war: “When Allah told [Moses] to go back to deal with this tyrannical ruler, to deal with this tyrannical system – did He tell him to spit in their faces? Did He tell him to stand outside and do public demonstrations? Did He tell him to behave a certain way – to clown the President, make up all types of memes, say this about the president because it is the way you feel? Did He say to do all of that, and talk bad about Pharaoh?…So all of this Tweeting, speaking, celebrities – don’t follow them. ‘F Trump,’ that sounds good… Don’t follow them.”

What to do instead? Wage violent jihad: “To get freedom, brothers, it takes fighting, I’m sorry, unless you have got divine intervention….Moses didn’t need an army to fight. But go to Muhammad. Didn’t Muhammad have to fight? Go to all the prophets before – get your verses at the verses – did they not have to fight?”

The Morning After the Riots End By Abraham H. Miller


There will come a morning when the protests stop, the riots end, the fires are extinguished, and insufficiently woke editors will cease to be intimidated.

The Democratic leadership will no longer wear kente cloth or take a knee.

Before us will be shopping malls littered with shards of glass and merchandise that looters couldn’t carry off. The burned-out vehicles and rubble of once-viable businesses will scar our communities.

The notion of people of color will become less meaningful as the Korean dry cleaner weeps over the ruins of his business. The Palestinian-American in Chicago looks at the liquor store he inherited from his father and wonders if he can rebuild the business.

The Asian restaurant owner whose small take-out establishment supported a family and sent two children to college will wonder where to begin again. The Mexican-American business owner will wonder why he was targeted. The black firefighter who built a sports bar that was burned to the ground will ask the same question.

The corporate directors of the smoldering manufacturing facilities will consider pulling up stakes. There are no riots in rural America. 

The injured or assassinated police, be they white, black, or any other color, will be remembered by their fellow officers and many in their communities as having been blue — the only color that mattered.

Hillary Clinton lost her appeal, order stands to testify on private server and Benghazi emails By Veronika Kyrylenko


Stock up on your popcorn, America. The case is scheduled to resume in September.

Amid the chaos and anarchy across blue-city America that exclusively possessed public attention for the last couple of weeks, it was not hard to miss any other bit of news — especially if that news has not appeared or been even briefly mentioned by any major mainstream media outlet.  Take for example the news of Hillary Clinton, who lost her appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on June 2, where she tried to avoid testifying under oath about her emails and the Benghazi case.

The hearing in the D.C. Circuit came in the case Judicial Watch v. Clinton, a public records case involving a request for State Department documents and communication about the 2012 terror attack at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack.