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Ruth King

Radical Leftist Democrat Coup Attempt #5: Election Fraud by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com  http://lindagoudsmit.com

The radical leftist 2020 Democrat tactical political operating principle is, “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” The problem, of course, is that for deranged Democrats, that means lying, cheating, and stealing. Let me explain.

The first Democrat coup attempt against duly elected President Donald J. Trump was Spygate – the Obama administration’s false Russia collusion narrative. Coup attempt #1 did not succeed.

The next try was the equally fraudulent narrative that accused President Trump of Ukrainian quid pro quo. Coup attempt #2 did not succeed.

The Ukraine deceit was followed by the third coup attempt – the spectacle of an illegitimate impeachment used as a political weapon to remove President Trump from office. Coup attempt #3 did not work.

Then the communist Chinese got into the act and unleashed the fourth coup attempt against President Trump – the economic bioweapon named COVID19. Even that loathsome coup attempt was not successful.

What were the increasingly desperate, deranged Democrats and their globalist handlers supposed to do?

Voter fraud – of course!!

Nancy Pelosi’s bad hair day The shear hypocrisy of it all! Charles Lipson

Nancy Pelosi’s visit to a hair salon, closed by law because of COVID, is one of those small incidents that illustrates a larger, more troubling problem.

It shows how insiders like Pelosi are allowed to play by a different rules than the rest of us. Worse, they think they are entitled to receive this preferential treatment. That’s what people hate, with good reason, about powerful politicians, celebrities, and billionaires.

Pelosi has plenty of company. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot visited a closed salon herself and caught some flak. Her lame excuse? Lots of people look at her. When the dangerous demonstrations that rage across the city moved toward her residential block, she deployed police to stop them. Her justification? She and her family deserve safety. They certainly do (and more than most because she represents us and is subject to more threats). But what about everybody else in Chicago? Don’t they deserve something better than broken windows, looted and boarded-up stores, free-fire zones in bad neighborhoods, and a city prosecutor who sits on her hands crying “social justice”?

In Seattle, we saw the same hypocrisy and entitlement when the city councilors who voted to defund police added extra security for themselves, at taxpayers’ expense. In New York, we saw it when celebrities coming to the Video Music Awards were allowed to skip the 14-day quarantine imposed on other travelers.



Hosted by Anni Cyrus, producer of The Glazov Gang and Founder of Live Up To Freedom.

This new webinar features David P. Goldman, the author of You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World (2020), endorsed by Victor Davis Hanson, Larry Arnn and K.T.McFarland.

David discusses China’s Plan to Control the Fourth Industrial Revolution — And What We Must Do to Stop It.

Don’t miss it!

The Energy of a Trump Rally By John Loftus


I visited a New Hampshire hangar full of jubilant fans, grooving to nostalgic hits, cheering their president.

On August 28, loyal Trump supporters patiently waited in line for a seat in the Pro-Star Aviation hangar in Londonderry, N.H., a small town abutting its urban neighbor, Manchester. The president was set to deliver a speech at 6 p.m., just 24 hours after accepting the Republican nomination.

Back in early July, the Trump campaign tellingly canceled a rally in the same location due to weather, lockdown restrictions, and public-health concerns. Maybe this decision was motivated as much by fear of embarrassment as any fear of COVID spread or passing rain showers. The lackluster, poorly attended Tulsa rally in June was widely mocked by the media, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez touted its failure as a success for her Zoomer troll operatives. But two things were clear early Friday afternoon: This would not be a Tulsa repeat, and most Trump supporters in attendance gave zero hoots about New Hampshire’s mask mandate.By around 4 p.m., the steady trickle through the metal detectors into the hangar had stopped: The hangar was filled to capacity. However, in the field outside the building, the spillover supporters continued gathering, slowly making their way to a large screen that could be viewed from the airport parking lots. They were no less enthusiastic now that they had been denied a spot inside — closer to the action and closer to their president. They quietly chatted among themselves, chowed down on hot dogs, smoked cigarettes, and passed around a cardboard cutout of the Donald. By a quarter to six, they took out their phones and craned their necks toward the sky. They were ready to capture the landing. Twenty or so minutes passed. A few people mistook the rumble of a Southwest Airlines plane for the real deal. Their man would be late to the party.

When Panic is Mistaken for Policy Augusto Zimmermann


Since this so called “pandemic” began, apparently more than 500 Australians have died from COVID-19. To put this into perspective, this is less than half the number of Australians who die every year from skin diseases, and about one-fifth of those killed in car accidents. Most of these deaths are among people in or above their 80s and living in aged-care homes, although that hasn’t stopped Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews trying to rewrite facts with misleadings ads.We know also that those under 60 without pre-existing medical conditions face an extremely small risk of dying from coronavirus — indeed, very little chance of even getting very ill.

Every life matters, of course. However, according to a seminal study carried out by Justin Silverman and Alex Washburne, the coronavirus mortality rate may well be as low as 0.1 per cent, “similar to that of flu”.[1] Based on data coming from New York City (the hotbed of the “pandemic” in the U.S.), only 1.7 per cent of those in their 70s who contracted the virus have acquired any symptoms which were severe enough to require medical care.[2] For those under 18, hospitalisation from the virus was only 0.01. [3] 

This is only about hospitalisation and not death caused by the coronavirus. Of course, nothing is said here about the many others who never became sick enough to even get tested. The overwhelming majority who contract this virus do not have any significant risk of dying, says Dr Scott W. Atlas, a former chief of neurology at Stanford Medical Center. [4] The magazine Science reports that 86 per cent of infections are never documented. Even if most of us eventually catch the coronavirus, there will be mild or no symptoms for, well, practically everyone.

Accordingly, we should be taking special measures only for the most vulnerable – namely the elderly who are already suffering from chronic illnesses – and let the great majority get on with their lives.

Will Gas Discovery Change Turkey’s Political Course? by Burak Bekdil


“Turkey’s never-ending military challenge against world powers in seas and land” makes for hundreds of stories of Turkish heroism in the media, which is largely controlled by Erdoğan and his business cronies.

Now comes the promise of tens of billions of gas-dollars from the Turkish merchant of dreams. Experts say production at the Black Sea field could start in 7-10 years, at best. Erdoğan has promised 2023 for production. In that election year, Turkish voters may question the availability of natural gas, or, more realistically, they may ask Erdoğan why they are still paying high gas bills to heat their homes.

Turkey’s economy minister, Berat Albayrak, has said that the discovery of a large natural gas field off Turkey’s Black Sea coast will change Turkey’s [political] axis. “Neither the West, nor the East, Turkey’s new axis is Turkey,” said Albayrak, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son-in-law. The discovery, at an estimated 320 billion cubic meters (bcm) of deep sea gas, marks a historic day for Turkey, Erdoğan said, the beginning of a new era.

Erdoğan announced that production at the site could start by 2023 — when Turks will go to ballot box for presidential and parliamentary elections. Officials in Ankara hopes the discovery will meet Turkey’s natural gas needs for 7-8 years, and earn the national economy $65 billion.

There is unprecedented euphoria in the pro-Erdoğan media. There is massive propaganda talk of “a Turkish moment,” of “Turkey on the way to becoming a global power.” All this is understandable in a country with a per capita GDP of barely $9,000, an ailing economy and a plunging national currency — and in need of epic stories to keep voters within the realm of hope. How much of this newfound Turkish hope is fact-based? Could the “Turkish moment” really be coming? Will Turkey be a global power with 320 bcm of natural gas? There are a number of reasons to be cautious about the Turkish optimism.

Hydrocarbon discoveries in the shape of “breaking news” have been part of Erdogan’s propaganda machinery since 2004. “This is the ninth discovery since then… I was hoping for them to discover ready-to-use gasoline this time,” joked columnist Yılmaz Özdil.

A Great Step Forward for World Peace – and Who Seems Determined to Ignore It by Richard Kemp


Some months ago, in talks with leaders in Saudi Arabia as part of a delegation from former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Friends of Israel Initiative, together with their Executive Director and former Spanish National Security Adviser Rafael Bardaji, I heard first-hand how open the Saudis were to the prospect of embracing Israel in the future.

Of far greater significance, however, is the looming threat to the region from Iran and, to a lesser extent, Turkey. Most Arab countries see common interests with Israel in the face of the mullahs in Tehran with their imperial aggression in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and beyond, coupled with insatiable nuclear ambition.

Notwithstanding the economic, technological and security imperatives that lie behind the evolving Middle East relationships, great credit must go to the men behind the Abraham Accord…. Mohammed bin Zayed… [and] Benjamin Netanyahu… know only too well that such actions carry with them serious risks to themselves personally and to their nations.

This week, we witnessed a symbol of perhaps the greatest step forward in world peace for decades. The first-ever direct passenger flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates flew down the length of Saudi Arabia’s airspace. After Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994, the UAE has become the third Arab state to normalise relations with the State of Israel under the new Abraham Accord.

Next month, the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize winner will be announced in Oslo. Will it go to the architects of the Abraham Accord, a momentous achievement in itself, and also a major development in a regional geopolitical realignment that is not only good for peace and prosperity in the Middle East but in the world? We knew what the answer would be to that question even before it arose. (Those who point out the deadline for 2020 nominations has passed need not expect to see it in 2021 either.)

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, might well have caught the eye of the Nobel selectors, but unfortunately his partners in this enterprise are US President Donald J. Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Both are despised figures for the wokerati in Oslo and the fellow travellers they are desperate to impress. Compared to the perceptions of these leaders among the hard left who dominate all discourse on “peace”, their achievements on the world stage are irrelevant.

It’s China, Stupid Russia isn’t the greatest threat America faces right now. Not even close. By Curtis Ellis


A new report from the Pentagon paints a chilling portrait of the challenge the Chinese Communist Party poses to the United States and the world.

The annual report to Congress, “Military and Security Developments Concerning the People’s Republic of China,” details the comprehensive effort the Chinese have launched to achieve global military and economic superiority. 

The 200-page report tells us the CCP seeks “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” by which it means to revise the international order and “return” China to global preeminence.

On the military front, China has already surpassed the United States in shipbuilding with the world’s largest navy, land-based conventional and cruise missiles, and integrated air-defense systems. 

“China is the top ship-producing nation in the world by tonnage and is increasing its shipbuilding capacity and capability for all naval classes,” the report informs us. The United States largely gave up its shipbuilding and merchant marine industries decades ago. 

China’s leadership understands something that America’s leaders forgot: military power flows from economic power. While Washington encouraged the offshoring of America’s industries, Beijing knows its military depends on a growing industrial and technological base.

The integration of civilian industries and military objectives is all-encompassing. The policy is known as military-civil fusion (MCF):

MCF encompasses six interrelated efforts: (1) fusing the China’s defense industrial base and its civilian technology and industrial base; (2) integrating and leveraging science and technology innovations across military and civilian sectors; (3) cultivating talent and blending military and civilian expertise and knowledge; (4) building military requirements into civilian infrastructure and leveraging civilian construction for military purposes; (5) leveraging civilian service and logistics capabilities for military purposes; and, (6) expanding and deepening China’s national defense mobilization system to include all relevant aspects of its society and economy for use in competition and war.

US to Move Ahead with Taiwan Trade Deal, Expects Beijing’s Ire By Charlotte Cuthbertson


WASHINGTON—As the United States moves forward with talks toward a bilateral trade deal with Taiwan, the State Department is expecting backlash from the Chinese regime, while hoping for the best.

The Chinese Communist Party has a long history of retaliating against other country’s decisions that involve what it deems as threats to its power. The regime’s response to a U.S.–Taiwan deal would be “all about Beijing’s decision matrix,” said David Stilwell, assistant secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific affairs.

“But, our job is to obviously think through what those are and anticipate them,” Stilwell said in response to a question by The Epoch Times during a media call on Sept. 2.

“If you look at the language from the three communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act … the economic relationship, cultural exchanges, all those things are fully allowed. There’s nothing that prohibits those things. And so there should be no lash back. The efforts to increase prosperity between the two countries should have no effect.”

Taiwan opened the door on Aug. 28, when President Tsai Ing-wen announced she would move to lift restrictions on imports of U.S. pork and beef.

“This decision is based on our national economic interests and consistent with our overall strategic goals for the future,” Tsai said in a translated statement.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo welcomed the news.

“This move opens the door for even deeper economic and trade cooperation,” Pompeo wrote on Twitter on Aug. 28.

Gov. Cuomo: Trump “Better Have an Army” to “Walk Down the Street in New York” Daniel Greenfield


Why yes, these days you do need an army to safely walk around New York City. It’s nice of Governor Grandma Killer to warn the rest of the country.

But I don’t think that was quite his intent. 

Cuomo called an emergency press briefing within a half hour on Wednesday night to tear into Trump for the order, which cites New York’s rising murder rate and defunding of the NYPD.

“He better have an army if he thinks he’s gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don’t want to have anything to do with him,” the Democrat said, all but threatening the commander in chief.

Is Cuomo aware of what the Commander in Chief part means?

There is an army and if it weren’t still run by the Obama era leadership and assorted politically correct toadies, these riots would already be over. That said, there’s only so far you can Fort Sumter, and threatening the President of the United States, and suggesting that he needs to bring an army to be safe in New York is an unwise invitation. 

Confederate leaders used to make similar remarks about President Lincoln. That didn’t end well.

And I can’t say that I would mind seeing a march through hipster country in which BLM and its allies try to take on an actual army, instead of a bunch of overworked cops with their hands tied behind their backs.