The Seth Rich case just got a fresh breath of life this week as a judge made a shocking request of the British government. Beltway pundits are jumping for joy because they think this is the crack in the lid which will blow the Deep State cover right off the whole can of worms.
Way back in the mists of time, on May 16, 2017, Fox news published a story then quickly retracted it. Fox claimed, at the time, that Seth Rich was the one who leaked emails to Wikileaks, not the Russians. The source they relied on backed down when he got a cease and desist order from the family. His parents cried foul and sued Fox News for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on them by “slandering” their murdered son.
It seems the only way to get to the bottom of it and decide whether the article was a “sham” as the Rich family claims, or “substantially true” as Fox News insists, is to ask Julian Assange. Federal Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn started the ball rolling to do exactly that. Fox news is the side which needs the evidence but the judge was the one required to make the formal request. “Mr. Assange, as founder of WikiLeaks, is exceptionally suited to provide testimony that will be highly relevant to these issues. Therefore, Fox News, by and through this letter of request issued by the District Court, is formally requesting the testimony of Mr. Assange for use at trial.”
Judge Netburn sent a formal Hague Convention request for testimony from Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Many beltway insiders are convinced Assange’s testimony will blow the case “wide open and finally provide answers concerning the unsolved murder.” Assange has always denied he got the emails from Russia and also has hinted that the DNC employee was the real leaker. Right after the material was released, Seth Rich was killed in what police call a robbery, “even though his wallet, phone, jewelry and other valuables were not taken.