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Ruth King

Almost All of America’s Failed Cities are Democrat Cities That includes 42 of the top 43 centers of violent crime. John Perazzo


As Marxist and anarchist radicals continue to turn Democrat-run American cities into war zones, Democrats assure us that they alone understand how the current crisis can be resolved. White House hopeful Joe Biden, for example, vows that “as President,” he “will help lead” a national “conversation” about racial justice, “and more importantly,” he “will listen” to the “anguish” of the long-forgotten “little guy.”[1]

Biden’s “little guy” narrative blends seamlessly with one of the most widely accepted claims in American political discourse today: the notion that the Democratic Party is the party that fights on behalf of the common man. We are told that Democrats in public office advocate for a wide range of policies that would improve the lives of the poorest and most powerless among us.

With regard to crime, for instance, the Democratic Party Platform declares that we need to: end the “mass incarceration” that allegedly targets nonwhite minorities; “invest more in jobs and education” than in jails; eliminate mandatory minimum sentences; “close private prisons and detention centers”; “eliminat[e] the use of cash bail” because “no one should be imprisoned merely for failing to pay fines or fees”; and “abolish the death penalty, which has proven to be a cruel and unusual form of punishment.”[2]

Regarding economic matters, the official Democratic Party Platform explicitly pledges to promote “shared prosperity” by: “rais[ing] wages for working people,” “ending poverty” in “underserved communities,” and implementing “a comprehensive agenda to invest in America’s cities.”[3]

Why the Chinese Don’t Have Opinions By David P. Goldman


An old Cold War joke reports an international poll that asks the same question in every country: “Excuse me, what’s your opinion of the meat shortage?”

The Poles say, “What’s meat?” The Chinese say, “What’s opinion?”The Americans say, “What’s shortage?”The Israelis say, “What’s excuse me?”

No Chinese has ever run a community school board, a Little League association, or a volunteer fire brigade. For the past 2,500 years, and probably the past 5,000, orders in China have flowed downward from the top, through a vertical hierarchy. Everyone in the U.S. has an opinion about politics–we have to choose our leaders and spend a lot of time thinkingi about it. Our opinion matters. Political opinions don’t have an practical value in China, so the practical Chinese don’t bother having them.

China is run by a self-selecting committee of bureaucrats cherrypicked from the top 1/10th of 1% of university entrance exam scores. I won’t live in such a system. If someone tried to replace our Constitution with that sort of elitist arrangement, I would take up arms against it. But it is a catastrophic error to underestimate the Chinese, and it is merely petulant to complain about how nasty the ChiComs are. China’s economy will grow this year while ours will shrink. China crushed the COVID-19 pandemic (no, it’s not fake news) while we’re still trying to figure out what to do about it. China well may dominate Artificial Intelligence, the driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Its government will spend $1.2 trillion on tech investments during the next five years, dwarfing what we spend. We aren’t dealing with a bunch of Marxist ideologues, but with a 5,000-year-old civilization that now wants to turn outward and assimilate most of the world.

China’s top-down structure is capable of unspeakable cruelty on a grand scale. It has nothing to do with Marxism. As I report in my new book, You Will Be Assimilated,All of China’s governments have been cruel in a way that boggles the Western imagination. Chiang Kai-Shek’s Kuomintang founded the democratic government of Taiwan under American tutelage after the Communist Revolution of 1949, but in war it displayed a ruthlessness unmatched in Western history. In June 1938, as the Japanese Army approached the city of Wuhan in Henan Province, Chiang ordered his generals to blow up the dikes containing the Yellow River near Huayuankou, hoping to slow the Japanese advance. Chiang knew that the resulting deluge would flood a region inhabited by twelve million of his own citizens. Nearly nine hundred thousand Chinese drowned. This was “the largest act of environmental warfare in history” and the most wanton in disregard for human life. The flood disrupted Henan province’s irrigation network, and a further two to three million Chinese died in the consequent Henan famine of 1942–1943.

Biden might want to skip his meeting with Jacob Blake’s family By Andrea Widburg


The Democrats have a nasty habit of choosing as martyrs some highly unpleasant people. Trayvon Martin was a wannabe gangbanger, Michael Brown was a strong-arm robber who attacked a police officer, George Floyd was an ex-felon with a violent past who died from an overdose of illegal drugs, and there was a warrant out for Jacob Blake because he violated a restraining order imposed following a particular ugly alleged sexual assault.

Now it emerges that Jacob Blake, Sr., the man who raised such a violent son, has some ugly ideas about Jews. This is going to be a problem for Joe Biden who has finally decided to visit Kenosha, the place where Jacob Blake got shot and where Antifa and Black Lives Matter tried to burn an American town to the ground.

While still in his hidey-hole in Wilmington, Biden has already taken sides, and he’s not on the side of law and order. He’s stated that the police officers who shot Blake in what was clearly a reasonable act of self-preservation should be charged. Biden also plans to meet Blake’s family:

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will meet Thursday with the family of Jacob Blake, a Black man shot seven times by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, two days after President Donald Trump visited the city engulfed by protests.

Right before Biden heads off, the Reagan Battalion unearthed evidence from Jacob Blake, Sr.’s Facebook feed showing that he really doesn’t like Jews, something that may follow from his supporting Louis Farrakhan:

How Undercover Journalism Turned the Tide in 2016 By Jack Cashill


In mid-October 2016, while on business in New York, I swung over to New Jersey to visit with my relatives.  At dinner that evening, my brother, then in in the early stages of TDS — it has since metastasized; pray for him — was gloating over Hillary’s impending victory.

I asked my brother if he were willing to bet on it.  He most certainly was.  He was sufficiently confident to give me 7 to 1 odds.  I took it.  Based on what I knew, I would have taken the bet at even money.  I had inside info.

Earlier in the day, I had popped up to visit James O’Keefe at the Project Veritas offices north of the city.  My timing was excellent.  O’Keefe was in the middle of rolling out his “Rigging the Election” series of undercover videos.

A few days earlier, O’Keefe had released as part of the series a video recorded by the irrepressible Laura Loomer.  Laura was twenty-three at the time.  If there is a ballsier journalist/activist in America, I have not met him.  Today, Loomer is the Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 21st District.

Loomer caught Alan Schulkin, a Democrat on New York’s Board of Elections, in a moment of rare candor.  “I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” admitted Schulkin.  “People don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote.”  When Loomer asked him to identify the neighborhoods, Schulkin specified black, Hispanic, and Chinese.

Madame Speaker Gets a Haircut And having been found out, she wants an apology from the shop owner.


Six months ago we suggested that many of the elected officials ordering economic shutdowns across the nation failed to understand the human misery they were causing. That thesis now sits atop a mountain of supporting evidence, and it would be easier to take if so many mayors weren’t caught visiting gyms, hair salons and restaurants in violation of ordinances the mayors themselves had imposed.

The news that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday visited a San Francisco hair salon, against standing city ordinances, was the latest exhibition of privileged unconcern. The Speaker—a forceful proponent of the lockdown orthodoxy—is seen in a security camera video, robed and hair wet, moving from one room to another in an otherwise closed salon. In San Francisco, salons and barbershops have been closed since March. Beginning Tuesday, they could offer services but only outdoors.

The salon’s owner, Erica Kious, rents chairs to independent stylists, one of whom came in to work on the Speaker’s hair. Ms. Kious resented the presumption. “It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know,” she told a Fox News reporter, “that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work.”

Back to School: No Excuses Rhode Island shows you can reopen schools, despite teachers unions.


Democrats have been saying for weeks that parents don’t want to send their kids back to school. They must have figured out this is false, judging by Joe Biden’s speech Wednesday blaming President Trump for the failure of some public schools to reopen.

“Let me be clear: if President Trump and his administration had done their jobs, America’s schools would be open,” the Democratic nominee said. “Instead, America’s families are paying the price for his failures.” So President Trump is to blame for not eradicating the virus, which no country has managed to do.

The main obstacle to reopening schools isn’t the virus. It’s the teachers’ unions. The virus has been under control in New York City for months, yet the teachers union this week threatened a strike unless classroom instruction was delayed. Mayor Bill de Blasio naturally surrendered, though state law prohibits teachers from striking.


On September 8, 2020, New Hampshire voters will have the opportunity to vote in the Primary Election.

The resume and character testimonials of Don Bolduc are unmatched and it’s clear that Granite Staters have two choices: vote for a man who bravely served this country for more than 33 years and is willing to continue his commitment to public service, or allow money to decide who represents us in Washington, DC.

Below are a few video testimonials from a student and those who served with General Bolduc.

‘I Threaten Their Entire Narrative’: John James Responds to Democrats’ Attacks by Reagan McCarthy Reagan McCarthy


Michigan’s GOP nominee for the Senate, John James, responded to recent attacks by Democrats claiming that he is “owned” by President Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. The Army combat veteran and businessman set the record straight, and reminded incumbent Democrat Sen. Gary Peters that this is a two-man race.

“You’re [Sen. Peters] not running against President Trump or Betsy DeVos or any other boogeyman. You’re running against me. And this may surprise you, Senator, but no one owns me.”

James continued to call out the tasteless attack ads on Fox and Friends, and pointed to Democrats’ failure to condemn former Vice President Joe Biden’s racially-charged, “you ain’t Black” comments.

“I not only threaten this seat. Democrats are terrified, putting 4 ads up against me in the past week. Because I not only threaten this seat, I threaten their entire narrative. To insinuate that I can’t think for myself, or stand up for myself, when the Democrats have a presidential nominee who says that Blacks don’t have diversity of thought, is unconscionable. And Senator Peters still hasn’t spoken for that.”

With Election Looming, Judge Sullivan Will Drag Out the Flynn Case By AndrewC. McCarthy


There are many words one might use to describe Judge Emmett Sullivan. Chastened is not one of them.

Yesterday, in an en banc (full court) ruling that went 8–2 in Judge Sullivan’s favor, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to order him to grant the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the prosecution of Michael Flynn. (I have a column on the homepage about the Circuit’s decision.) Today, Sullivan has reacted by issuing an order that contemplates several more weeks of litigation before he resolves the motion — a very simple motion, on which he was previously prepared to hold a hearing in mid-July (which itself was a dawdling pace).

The judge is clearly taking the Circuit’s decision as vindication, particularly after the two judges in the minority (Republican appointees on a heavily Democratic court) initially ruled that a writ of mandamus should issue. That prior ruling was wiped out, at Sullivan’s urging, by the en banc decision.

It was probably too much to hope that Judge Sullivan would take solace in yesterday’s victory, get back to work, and make his ruling on the dismissal motion. Moving quickly would have been consistent with the Circuit’s stated expectation, in the last line of its majority opinion, that the district judge “proceed with appropriate dispatch.”

Instead, Sullivan is dragging the case out. His directive today (known as a “minute order”), anticipates that in three weeks (by September 21) Flynn and the Justice Department will submit a joint status report. The judge intimates that this three-week delay is required due to a Circuit rule that orders denying mandamus do not become effective for 21 days unless some accelerating action is taken. But this is sheer gamesmanship. Nothing prevents the judge from acting on the case now. (In fact, he took action while the mandamus litigation was ongoing.) Judge Sullivan knows the parties would not object; they want a quick resolution. And the court doesn’t need a status report. Sullivan knows the status of the Flynn case like the back of his hand. The Justice Department has moved to dismiss, Flynn concurs in that motion; and even though Sullivan should not have permitted and appointed third parties (the amici) to intervene in the case, he did so, and they filed submissions. Sullivan just needs to hold a hearing (if he really thinks he needs one) and rule on the motion.

Biden Tries To Play Both Sides Of Green Energy Politics


Do you think that Joe Biden has signed on to the Green New Deal? Do you have the idea that Biden is fully committed if he becomes President to doing away with fossil fuel energy and replacing it with the wind and sun as quickly as possible? Where could you possibly have gotten those ideas? More on that later in the post.

Certainly in the past couple of weeks you might have gotten exactly the opposite impression. You probably know that Pennsylvania has in recent years become a major producer of natural gas from “fracking.” Tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians now work in the industry, and hundreds of thousands have jobs in some way supported by the industry. Pennsylvania is a swing state that both Biden and Trump likely need in order to win. In August Trump campaign allies started running ads in Pennsylvania accusing Biden of seeking to ban fracking, which would thereby destroy a substantial Pennsylvania industry. On August 18, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that the Biden campaign had requested various television stations to take down those ads on the ground that they were “inaccurate.” Then yesterday Biden showed up in Pittsburgh to make a rare campaign speech. Key quote on this subject:

I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again: I am not banning fracking. No matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.