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Ruth King

The Ongoing Riots Prove Again the Dangers of Appeasement The lessons better be learned soon.Bruce Thornton


The riots and protests that began in late May have been like wildfires of the sort currently blazing in California. Just as riots have lessened in intensity in some cities, in others they have flared up to new levels of destruction. In Kenosha Wisconsin, the arson has spread more widely, and fatal gun-battles have erupted between the “peaceful protestor” thugs and armed citizens defending their lives and property.

Also like the wildfires, the continuing violence is the consequence of unforced errors made by civic leaders in thrall to dubious ideologies. California is burning because of government environmental policies that encourage mismanagement such as not thinning its huge tracts of forest, resulting in lethal loads of dead and dying trees that provide abundant the fuel for the fires.

In the cities most afflicted with violent protests, mayors who embrace the progressive demonization of law enforcement and the racial melodrama about “systemic racism” have not acted quickly and vigorously enough to stop the violence before it escalated. Police have been ordered to stand down, restricted in their tactics and weapons, and left on their own without moral and material support from their civic bosses.

The ancient lesson has once again been proven: Failure to act preemptively and forcefully to violent disorder, and the appeasement of aggressors with concessions, lead to ever escalating levels of violence and mayhem.

America’s historically most destructive riot provides an object lesson. In July of 1863, New York erupted in widespread rioting over a recently passed federal law instituting a draft-lottery. Working class New Yorkers went on a rampage, attacking buildings and free blacks, who were not subject to the lottery. Five days of rioting left over 100 dead, including 11 black men who were lynched, 3000 blacks left homeless, 2000 blacks and whites wounded, and millions of dollars in property damage.

Pence Delivers Knock-Out Acceptance Speech A night honoring the nation’s heroes and spirit of freedom. Joseph Klein


The theme for the third night of the Republican National Convention was “Land of Heroes,” focusing on heroism in the military, law enforcement and the front lines of first responders. The night conveyed a message of freedom in America that past generations have fought for and that is our task today to preserve with individual acts of service and heroism. And the contrast was made vividly clear between today’s Republican Party as the party that honors and seeks to preserve America’s core values of individual life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with today’s Democratic Party, which has turned into an attack machine against law enforcement and champion of government control over peoples’ lives.

The man of the hour, Vice President Mike Pence, spoke live from Fort McHenry, the site of the War of 1812 battle that inspired the writing of our national anthem. He delivered an inspiring speech that was also blistering in its criticism of Joe Biden and his leftist Democratic Party. After the vice president concluded his speech, President Trump joined him on stage as the national anthem was sung and Old Glory flew above.

Vice President Pence said that the 2020 election was a choice of “whether America remains America.” He portrayed the difference between the agendas of the two parties as one between the Republican Party’s agenda of freedom and today’s Democratic Party’s agenda of government control. “We stand at a crossroads, America,” Pence said. “President Trump has set our nation on a path of freedom and opportunity. Joe Biden would set America on a path of socialism and decline.” Biden is “nothing more than a Trojan horse for the radical left,” Pence added.

Democrats panic as voters turn away from the left’s unending violence By Andrea Widburg


For months now, the Democrat-controlled mainstream media has cheered on the violence that followed George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose while in police custody. In Democrat-run cities across American, mayors sympathized with the mobs on the streets. They would not act to stem the violence that has destroyed billions of dollars in public and private property and claimed several lives. Higher up the political chain, Democrat politicians refused to condemn the violence, instead blaming federal officers and (of course) President Trump.

Suddenly, though, there’s a change in the air. With Trump getting a bounce following the Democrat convention and getting an even greater bounce as the Republican convention plays out, Democrats in the media and elsewhere have realized that the average American is repelled, rather than enchanted, by a violent, bloody revolution in America’s streets.



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The Conservative Hero Who Can Pick Up a Senate Seat in New Hampshire (But Who Needs Your Donations Now)By Karin McQuillan

New Hampshire is home to a lot of close elections.  It may still have a reputation for hardworking, independent Yankees, and supposedly 2% more Republican voters than Democrats, but the last time the state voted for a Republican for president was in 2000.  In 2016, President Trump lost by fewer than 3,000 votes. 

This year, New Hampshire is expected to be a nail biter for the president.  The right GOP Senate candidate could make a crucial difference, but it is not at all certain we will get the top candidate who can help turn out voters.  The state GOP are not fighters and are said to have already conceded the Senate seat to Democrat incumbent, Jeanne Shaheen, although half the voters in the state told pollsters last year they want a change.

Brigadier General Don Bolduc begs to differ.  He is running with everything he’s got in the GOP Senate primary on September 8, just two weeks away.  General Bolduc generated a lot of conservative media excitement when he announced (see the National Review, Daily Caller, Breibart, and the Military Times) and for very good reason – he is one of our most decorated war heroes and a true conservative.  But actual financial and organizing support from the GOP, not so much.  Lack of funds is seriously hampering his efforts to get his message out.

Joe Biden Can’t Restore Normalcy The Democrats may now represent more disruption than coronavirus-fatigued voters want to hazard. Daniel Henninger


Donald Trump Jr. described Joe Biden as the Loch Ness Monster, a lifelong swamp creature. That was patty-cake compared with what Democrats think of and won’t stop saying about Donald J. Trump. Wash away the neurotic personal animus, and the Democratic case for Joe Biden is that by ending the nonstop Trump disruption, or “chaos,” Mr. Biden will restore the country to normalcy. He won’t.

Only the most sound-asleep voters can believe that with one day’s voting in November they can melt the Wicked Witch of Trumpland and dance down the yellow-brick road to more temperate times. Returning to pre-2020 normality anytime soon, no matter which candidate wins, is impossible.

Most people aren’t thinking about the next four years; they’re thinking about the next 12 to 18 months. They are wondering each day when or whether the pandemic will end and what the post-coronavirus world will mean for them and their families.

The economic and personal disruption has been immeasurable. Within weeks, daily economic activity went from normal to nearly nothing—an event with no precedent in modern history.

What comes next for the daily work people took for granted isn’t clear. At first, salaried workers were OK, but then the ranks of people on paychecks were thinned with furloughs and layoffs. American Airlines said this week it would unload 19,000 people. JPMorgan Chase says rotational work is likely to become permanent. Laying off unseen remote workers will be easier in the next recession.

A significant migration is occurring out of urban centers into the more predictable calm of suburban life. Younger people are choosing to live closer to where they grew up.

Normalcy? Joe Biden is running in an election year when liberals are fleeing New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and other cities overwhelmed with protests, homelessness and spreading disorder.

Bondi, Biden and Corruption The Trump campaign shouldn’t cede the character issue. By James Freeman


The second night of the Republican National Convention was a lot like the first, with uplifting messages centered around patriotism, liberty, economic revival and second chances. And then there was Pam Bondi. The former Florida Attorney General made the case that Joe Biden doesn’t deserve another political office given the way his family monetized the last one.

Ms. Bondi took on a tough job and while her message may not have warmed as many hearts as the other presentations, the issue is relevant as the former vice president now seeks the presidency. The Biden global enrichment project is a scandal for which the family still hasn’t paid a political price.

Much of the media establishment dismisses questions about how the Bidens earn so much money from politics by pointing out the prominent roles played by Trump family members in the President’s administration and campaign. But the Trumps were rich before entering politics.

On Tuesday night Ms. Bondi reminded viewers that during the Obama administration a Ukrainian oligarch put Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden “on the board of his gas company,” even though the younger Mr. Biden “had no experience in the country—or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing. He only had one qualification that mattered: He was the son of the man in charge of distributing U.S. aid to Ukraine.”

President Sending Troops, Law Enforcement to Kenosha By Andrew C. McCarthy

The violence has to end, or it has to be ended.

President Trump tweeted early this afternoon (here and here) that, after consultation between administration and Wisconsin officials, Governor Evers has agreed to accept federal security and law-enforcement assistance. Thus, the president says he will forthwith be dispatching National Guard troops as well as federal law-enforcement — I presume (though he does not say) agents from the various Justice Department components that, in the main, are carrying out Operation Legend.

Let me just quickly repeat a few things I’ve been saying since late May, when the rioting began.

The prerequisite for enforcing the rule of law is the establishment of order. Law enforcement agencies — federal, state, and local — are capable of maintaining law and order, but not of establishing it. They simply do not have the resources to impose order if it has been lost due to insurrectionist violence. And trying to conduct law-enforcement operations when order has been lost is like the concept we used to ridicule in connection efforts to treat jihadist war as if it were a problem fit for courtroom adjudication — you can’t turn battlefields into crime scenes.

In our system, the president has not only the authority but the obligation to protect the people of states in which order has broken down and widespread violence, beyond the capacity of law enforcement to quell, has taken hold.

We could ‘beat’ COVID-19 before a vaccine is ready By Alex Berenson


Is a vaccine the only way to return to normal after ­COVID-19? New research into the virus suggests not — that the infection rate may drop to tiny levels before then.

Since the spring, scientists have known the virus’s infection fatality rate — how many people it kills compared to the number it infects — is under 1 percent, perhaps as low as 0.2 percent. That lower figure translates into one death for every 500 people infected.

We have also known that deaths are seriously skewed by age. The media says older people are at “more” risk from the novel coronavirus than younger people. That’s true, but it understates the reality. Most people do not realize that the risks to people over 80 are hundreds or thousands of times higher than those younger people face.

The fatality rate for children, meanwhile, is very small. In July, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said it’s about one in a million infected.

Of course, most of the media simply ignored Redfield’s comment — maybe because it would have made parents less afraid to send their kids to school.

But the fatality rate is only half the puzzle when scientists try to figure out what the final death toll from the coronavirus might be. And even with a small rate, the numbers are staggering. If the entire nation was infected, it would mean potentially 500,000 or more Americans dead.

Enemies of the State: Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer By Mark Alexander


Anytime Democrats invoke their oath “to support and defend” our Constitution, it should evoke herniating laughter!

“Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.” —Joseph Warren (1775)

Each week, I typically have to choose from among 10 or more active and carryover topics to write about. Choosing just one can be a challenge.

I’ve been holding a topic — “Enemies of the People” — for six weeks, waiting on Joe Biden to announce Kamala Harris as his 2020 running mate.

The “enemies” topic was high on my list this week, and then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened her pie hole, making it the indisputable frontrunner.

Mosques flourishing, French churches up for sale Europe’s empty churches are now hotels or empty lots not far from where shuls were once burned to the ground. And mosques flourish. Giulio Meotti


A traveller to Eastern Europe can visit the sites of once-famous yeshivas like Slobodka, Kelm, Volozhin Telze and Ponevech and mourn at seeing buildings that once echoed with Talmudic study and which are now either empty ruins or have been transformed into community centers or shops.

Those yeshivas, however, abandoned because of the Holocaust and prior periods of persecution, and the shuls burned to the ground by Nazis and their cohorts, have been reborn in Israel (and the USA)..Today, the sound of Torah echoes from thousands of voices, more than there ever were in the renowned European yeshivas.

One cannot say the same about what is happening to Christianity in Europe, with France at the head. The worshipers are no more, and now it is the turn of the buildings.

“Should we abandon the churches of our villages, victims of de-Christianization?”, asks Stéphane Bern, commissioned by Emmanuel Macron to protect French cultural heritage, in a new essay for La Reveue des deux mondes.

On its website, the Patrice Besse real estate agency, which specializes in historic buildings, lists thirty churches currently for sale. Per square meter, desecrated churches are the cheapest lots in the country.