Those observing the cultural landscape in America attempt to understand why Jews vote for leftwing policies that run counter to their own safety and existence. But many Catholic institutions are also active in disseminating radical left-wing ideology. It was not always thus.
At this site, one can see the American Catholic pamphlet series on Communism that highlighted the dangers of this murderous ideology. The following were published in 1947:
Communism and Fascism: two of a kind by Hermann Borchardt
Communism means slavery by Henry William Chamberlin
Enemy in our schools by Eugene Lyons
Regarding Eugene Lyons, Harry Stein has written:
[I]n The Red Decade, Lyons was, in fact, describing the Communist-dominated American Left of the Depression-wracked 1930s and 1940s. Lyons’ observations [are] even more meaningful, for it is sobering to be confronted with how little has been gained by hard experience. The celebration of feelings over reason? The certainty of moral virtue? The disdain for tradition and the revising of history for ideological ends? The embrace of the latest definition of correct thought? Lyons was one of the most gifted reporters of his time, and among the bravest, and his story of the spell cast by Stalinist-tinged social-justice activism over that day’s purported best and brightest — literary titans, Hollywood celebrities, leading academics, religious leaders, media heavies — would be jaw-dropping if it weren’t so eerily familiar.