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Ruth King

Are Turkey and Greece Heading for War? by Uzay Bulut


Turkey has threatened to invade the Greek islands in the Aegean since at least 2018. A recent Egyptian-Greek maritime deal appears to have escalated Turkey’s regional aggression.

“Turkey’s policy is part and parcel of a broader strategy to expand Turkey’s influence in the Middle East, the Gulf, and Africa. The aim is to impose geopolitical dominion: an undisputed regional hegemonic regime whereby Turkey is be able to determine big and important developments…. It appears willing to use military force in order to impose its revisionist plans.” — Dr. Giorgos Kentas, Associate Professor of International Politics and Governance at the University of Nicosia, in an interview with Gatestone.

“Turkey is currently attempting a similar policy of revisionism against Greece. The aim is to impose a hegemonic regime over Greece’s maritime zones and/or maritime zones that Greece claims in Eastern Mediterranean.” — Dr. Giorgos Kentas.

“The Turkish economy found itself on its knees last time US President Donald Trump cared to send Erdogan a message over the arrest of American Pastor Andrew Brunson. What is keeping President Trump from doing that now?” — Anna Koukkides-Procopiou, a Senior Fellow and Member of Advisory Board of the Center for European and International Affairs of the University of Nicosia, interview with Gatestone.

China’s Champion Dianne Feinstein Longtime apologist now acts as PRC asset. Lloyd Billingsley


Back in April, Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt, a Republican, filed a lawsuit charging that Chinese Communist officials are “responsible for the enormous death, suffering, and economic losses they inflicted on the world, including Missourians.”  For Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the  Missouri lawsuit was the problem.

“We launch a series of unknown events that could be very, very dangerous,” said Feinstein in a July 30, Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.  “I think this is a huge mistake.” As Feinstein doubtless knows, the Chinese company Build Your Dreams (BYD) , which bagged a $1 billion mask deal with California, is suing Vice Media for a story charging that BYD had links to the Chinese military and forced labor. Feinstein did not say if that lawsuit was a mistake, and possibly launch unknown events that could be very dangerous. On the other hand, she had only praise for the Chinese government.

“Where I live, we hold China as a potential trading partner,” Feinstein said in the hearing. “As a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time. And as a country growing into a respectable nation among other nations. And I deeply believe that. I’ve been to China a number of times. I’ve studied the issues.” Much of that study, it turns out, has been on location.

What Will Replace the Police? Ten Historical Examples By Robert Oscar Lopez


The future of local police departments has become a top election issue. Rasmussen released recent polls showing that Americans pay close attention to debates about law and order.  For instance, 50% of likely voters want to see harder crackdowns on urban unrest, while only 38% support continuing protests in cities.  Overall, 72% are concerned about recent reports of urban violence.  Over 60% of Americans said their feelings about the protests will have an effect on their November voting.

Perhaps we have found the Democrats’ Kryptonite.  Conservatives have noticed for quite some time that the left never showed adequate concern about far-left extremism (listen here).  The far left has greater numbers and, unlike the far right, is entrenched in major institutions like colleges.  The far left hopes to claim the anti-police violence as a historic win for its side (see here).  Democrats can’t claim that the Floyd protests had nothing to do with rioting.

Protests have become linked in Americans’ minds with riots.  The organization seen as leading these demonstrations was Black Lives Matter (BLM), whose premier issue was defunding or abolishing the police.  BLM leaders like Alicia Garza never hid their intent.  Most BLM activists rejected talk of mere reform as too weak and compromising.

Attempts by skittish Democrats like Jim Clyburn to disown anti-police slogans can’t undo the effect of many fellow Democrats’ embracing of a group whose trademark demand is shutting down police.  While some Democrats insist that “defunding” means simply reinvesting in alternatives to standard policing, Americans remain wholly unsupportive of replacing their local police departments with social workers, mental health respondents, charities, community elders, or healers — all stand-ins put forward by advocates of taking away police funding and firing cops.

With Funding from the Left, NeverTrump’s Clown Show Hits the Home Stretch Julie Kelly


There’s nothing principled about boosting a lawless FBI director and being paid millions from a leftist tycoon to perform the role of a Trump-hating conservative while concealing the truth from the public.

Last week, John Durham, the U.S. Attorney investigating possible crimes related to the FBI’s probe into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and misconduct after the 2016 election, interviewed former CIA director John Brennan.

This week, James Comey, Brennan’s sidekick and partner-in-potential-crime, will join alleged NeverTrump “conservatives” in a counter-convention to protest the reelection of President Trump.

The permanent coup, as writer Lee Smith details in his new book, continues. And Trump-haters on the putative Right continue to abet the Democrats’ subversive but so far failed crusade to crush the president and everyone around him.

Despite attempts to portray him otherwise, there’s nothing conservative about Joe Biden or the Democratic Party—but the groupuscule known as NeverTrump wants to help drag the Biden-Harris ticket across the November finish line. Apparently ideas such as fixing the “racial wealth gap,” forcing farmers to grow crops without carbon emissions, repealing the Hyde Amendment, and reversing the imagined ills of “systemic racism,” all key planks in the party’s 2020 platform, are considered “conservative” by NeverTrump.

Now, with Trump’s reelection chances on the upswing—Biden’s lead in must-win states is slim and Minnesota now is considered in play—NeverTrump hopes its losing playbook for the past four years will finally secure a long-awaited victory.

NeverTrump’s counter-convention is laughably called the “Convention on Founding Principles.” The virtual gathering features a roster of scorned Trump aides, defeated Republican congressmen, and heretofore unknown “conservative” consultants and commentators. Comey, who misled a secret federal court among other offenses, will participate two days out of the four-day confab. (Comey, by the way, is an avowed Democrat.)

The Stunning Gullibility Of ‘Republicans For Biden’


On the eve of the Republican convention, more than two dozen former GOP lawmakers endorsed Joe Biden for president. Trump Derangement Syndrome is spreading faster than COVID-19.

Retired Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake makes his case for supporting Biden by claiming Trump “is not conservative,” that Biden “will approach his constitutional role with the reverence and dignity it deserves” and “reach across the aisle.”

This is the same argument John Kasich, a former congressman and Ohio governor, made at the Democratic National Convention, when he reassured the public that Biden is “respectful” and won’t “turn sharp left” when he gets in office.

None of this makes any sense, yet a growing number of Republicans are buying into it.

First, how do these Republicans know Biden will “reach across the aisle”? They don’t. Their gullibility and naivete are a wonder to behold.

The truth is, there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe Biden would stay in the center.

A Biden win will surely bring with it a Democratic-controlled House and Senate. We already know what will happen next, since it’s happened before. After Bill Clinton ran as a moderate, he immediately veered left upon taking office, raised taxes he’d promised to cut and tried to impose HillaryCare on the nation.

After Barack Obama wooed Republicans with his calm demeanor, his seemingly sensible positions, and the sharp crease in his pants, he spent the first two years imposing ObamaCare and the economy-crushing Dodd-Frank on the nation.

CNN Unprecedentedly Interrupts President’s Convention Speech to Attack Him Daniel Greenfield


There is a basic protocol to these things.

The media is supposed to air convention events and then talk about them afterward. Instead, the media began talking over DNC events as they were happening, which is highly dubious, and made some of them even more unwatchable than usual, but it certainly didn’t interrupt Biden’s speech to begin attacking him.

CNN however decided to interrupt President Trump, falsely attack him, and begin a rambling defense of the Democrats under the guise of a ‘fact check’. If the media wants to conduct its editorializing and call them fact checks, the time to do that is after a presidential speech, not during it. And interrupting a convention speech is basically unprecedented. 

But precedents have been shattering right and left since around 2008 when the media stopped pretending to be anything other than the communications arm of the DNC.

The question is where does this go next.

Is CNN going to interrupt a State of the Union address or an address to the nation from the Oval Office next? It’s hard to say that it wouldn’t. 

The Rousing First Day of the Republican National Convention Punctuated by Trump appearances and a diverse set of inspiring speakers. Joseph Klein


“Where Joe Biden sees American darkness, I see American greatness,” President Trump said following the conclusion of the Democratic Party’s dismal digital convention. The Democrats presented voters with their gloom and doom vision of America, harping on what they claim is fundamentally wrong with the country rather than on America’s greatness. Their depressing message was delivered in a humdrum setting devoid of live programming. The Republican National Convention’s theme for the upcoming week is “Honoring the Great American Story.”  It is presenting an optimistic vision of an America on the mend from the China Virus, thanks to President Trump’s decisive actions. The convention will conclude with a live acceptance speech by President Trump on Thursday night from the South Lawn of the White House.

The Republican Party National Convention formally got under way Monday in Charlotte North Carolina, with 336 delegates representing 50 states, five territories and Washington, D.C. present in person to re-nominate Donald Trump and Mike Pence for president and vice president. The delegates did so unanimously. The Charlotte portion of the convention concluded Monday afternoon, but not before both President Trump and Vice President Pence appeared live to address the delegates.

President Trump took the stage to deliver an almost hour-long stemwinder of a speech to the delegates. “I felt an obligation to be here,” he said. Shouts of “four more years” broke out as the president began his remarks. “If you want to really drive them crazy, you’ll say ’12 more years,'” President Trump exclaimed. The president hailed America’s economic recovery from the depths of the coronavirus shutdown, which he described as a “super V-shape.” He noted his historic accomplishments to benefit the black community.

Democrats and NeverTrump carpetbaggers lie about Trump’s acceptance speech By Andrea Widburg


The Democrats and their fellow travelers in the NeverTrump Lincoln Project are terrified that, if Americans hear Trump without mediation, Americans will (a) like what they hear and (b) know that neither he nor his supporters are racist. (And defamatory racism accusations, of course, are the biggest sticks with which they can beat conservatives.)

So it was that, when Trump appeared in North Carolina to give his acceptance speech upon receiving the Democrat nomination, CNN cut away from the speech because of alleged “outright lies.” Then, the hate-filled carpetbaggers in the Lincoln Project, a coalition made up of failed Republican campaign advisors, accused an audience member of calling Obama a “monkey” to Trump’s laughing agreement. These are the actions of ugly and desperate people.

Breitbart reported that CNN cut away from Trump’s speech. When you read the reasoning, though, you can see that CNN, accidentally or intentionally, confused “objective” facts with “subjective” opinions to justify saying that Trump stated “outright lies.”

Trump accepted his nomination with a rousing speech By Andrea Widburg


At the end of their grim convention, the Democrats formally nominated Biden. A fragile-looking Biden gave a short, anodyne stump speech that garnered enthusiastic praise from Democrats grateful that he didn’t get confused or say, “you know, the thing.”

Republicans did things differently. They nominated Trump on the first day. Trump then appeared in North Carolina before a small, live audience and, showing his usual boundless energy, Borscht Belt comic timing, and mastery of the material, gave a 52-minute stemwinder. Trump could not have presented a starker contrast to Biden’s geriatric minimalism.

From the start, Trump was on fire. He opened by dropping a hint that, in the Russia Hoax investigation, we should expect more revelations and possibly more indictments.

Pivoting to campaign mode, Trump told the audience that a successful country is a unified country. He was enthusiastic about an economic resurgence, and warned his audience that “Biden said the other day that he’d shut it down.” He also reminded them that Obama said it couldn’t be done without a magic wand. “I guess we had the magic wand,” he added.

We Have All The Evidence We Need That Universal Mail-In Voting Would Be a Disaster By Matt Margolis


Last week, House Democrats passed a $25 billion bailout of the U.S. Postal Service that they say is necessary to help get them ready for the massive influx of mail-in ballots expected in the November election. They also aim to block various efforts they believe are being done to undermine the postal service, but are actually longstanding cost-saving measures to make the postal service more efficient.

President Trump and Republicans have repeatedly warned that universal mail-in voting would be a disaster. This year, we’ve seen several elections done via mail that resulted in significant problems either due to voter error, counting issues, missing ballots, or outright fraud.

Universal mail-in voting proponents on the left point to states that have been doing vote-by-mail for years as proof it can be done nationwide, but this simply isn’t the case.

“New proponents of mail balloting don’t often understand how it actually works,” says Public Interest Legal Foundation President and PJ Media contributor J. Christian Adams. “States like Oregon and Washington spent many years building their mail voting systems and are notably aggressive with voter list maintenance efforts. Pride in their own systems does not somehow transfer across state lines. Nevada, New York, and others are not and will not be ready for November.”

With just over two months before the presidential election, no amount of money could get the USPS ready for a universal mail-in election.