Yikes! Lefty reporters and hosts went nuts over the last few weeks as they attacked Donald Trump as the “worst president in history” whose anti-pandemic efforts have left him with “rivers of blood on his hands.”
Liberal journalists also distorted Trump’s patriotic speech at Mount Rushmore (that “grandiose symbol of U.S. imperialism”) as an attempt “to weaponize the anger and resentment of some white Americans for his own political gain.”
The following is a top 16 countdown of the most vicious anti-Trump attacks from the ultra-left media over the last few weeks:
16. President Gets an “F”
Host Wolf Blitzer: “How badly is he [Donald Trump] failing right now in dealing with this spiraling crisis?
Correspondent Nia-Malika Henderson: “He’s doing terribly. I mean, the President gets an ‘F’ in terms of the handling of this global pandemic.”
— CNN’s The Situation Room, July 14.
15. Like “George Wallace,” Trump Pursuing Voters Who Think Wrong Team Won the Civil War