Displaying the most recent of 91910 posts written by

Ruth King

‘Antifa’ protesters trash Williamsburg Whole Foods, Apple over weekend By Reuven Fenton and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

 Dozens of protesters, including suspected members of the anti-fascist group Antifa, rampaged through Williamsburg over the weekend, trashing several national chain stores and spraying anti-police graffiti, according to police and sources.

The rowdy mob marched through the Brooklyn neighborhood late Saturday, with police first receiving a 911 call at 8:20 p.m. about vandalism at an Apple Store on Bedford Avenue, where they found broken windows and the letters “FTP” — typically meaning “F–k the police” in this context — spray-painted on the wall, cops said.

The protesters, who also targeted a Whole Foods store in the neighborhood, tagged one building with the message “Murder Bezos,” according to reports.

At 11:48 p.m., another 911 call sent police to North 10th Street, where more broken windows and graffiti were found. “Die Yuppy” was spray-painted on a Compass Real Estate outlet at the scene.

“I feel sentiment for the times, but this stuff is just senseless,” a Compass employee told The Post on Monday. “They don’t even know what they’re doing. It’s just destruction for destruction’s sake.”

 What Missiles Can Tell About The Arab/”Palestinian”-Israeli Conflict…  by Gerald A. Honigman


Let’s start with opening the following link and taking a good look at the name on the missiles in the picture: https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/hamas-launches-missiles-towards-the-sea-in-warning-to-israel-638088. Please note that those fired recently were most likely advanced versions of these older Qassams.  

In the article, Hamas complains about being blockaded–but never mentions (of course) why that’s so.  

Ships from Iran have repeatedly been intercepted carrying advanced missiles, mortars, and other weaponry to Hamas and Islamic Jihad to attack Israel and kill Jews from Gaza with. This does not include the hundreds of thousands of more advanced weapons that Iran has supplied to Hizbullah in Lebanon with, just across Israel’s northern border. 

That’s not exactly what Israel had in mind when it unilaterally uprooted thousands of Jews–who also have history in Gaza–in 2005 for the sake of peace…land that has been used since the days of the Pharaohs to attack Israel from. 

Ever since Israel withdrew from Gaza in August 2005, adjacent towns in Israel proper have come under repeated attack. Qassam/Kassam rockets have been frequently fired into communities such as Sderot and Ashkelon, deliberately aimed at terrorizing civilians. Highly destructive incendiary kites and balloons—also aiming to kill Jews, slaughter domestic animals and wildlife, property, and burn land–have been added to that mix. 

While Israel tries its best to carefully target those responsible for such attacks, the Arab targets of choice are usually the most innocent.  

New York Times Manipulates FBI Lawyer’s Guilty Plea To Hide Real Spygate News By Mollie Hemingway


A New York Times reporter who won a Pulitzer Prize for his role perpetrating the Russia collusion hoax was tasked with framing the news that a former top FBI lawyer was to plead guilty to deliberately fabricating evidence against a Donald Trump campaign affiliate targeted in the Russia probe. The resulting article is a case study in how to write propaganda.

Adam Goldman broke, and cushioned, the news that former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was to plead guilty to fabricating evidence in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application to spy on Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page.

His job was to present the news as something other than an indictment of the FBI’s handling of the Russia collusion hoax, to signal to other media that they should move on from the story as quickly as possible, and to hide his own newspaper’s multi-year participation in the Russia collusion hoax. One intelligence source described it as an “insult” to his intelligence and “beyond Pravda,” a reference to the official newspaper of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. Here’s how Goldman did it.

Mild Headline With Ludicrous Spin

The New York Times used to put every Russia collusion story it had on the front page. Then, when the narrative fell apart, the Times moved on to a new narrative of redefining America as irredeemably racist.

Waiting for Durham May Be Over Roger Kimball


Things seem to be speeding up now, which is good. I was beginning to think that John Durham was auditioning for a PoMo production of “Waiting for Godot” with himself in the title role. The public would be left like Vladimir and Estragon, disillusioned and alone.

But the recent news that a felony charge has been brought against Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who altered an email and lied to the FISA court in order to get a warrant issued to surveil Carter Page and thus gain a secret backdoor entry to the Trump campaign, provides a ray of hope that Godot-Durham will appear after all. He’ll have to be quick about it, because the Democrats are already sweating bullets about what he’ll turn up.

Like Koko in “The Mikado,” I have a little list of “society offenders.” Mr. Clinesmith is on that list, but, to be honest, rather far down. True, he doctored evidence and lied in order to bring the awesome police power of the state against an innocent U.S. citizen, but at the end of the day Mr. Clinesmith was a minnow in the pond of corruption that was the deep state “plot to rig an election and destroy a presidency” (to cite the subtitle of Andy McCarthy’s book on the subject, “Ball of Collusion”).

Yes, it was preposterous for a lawyer representing Mr. Clinesmith to say that “It was never [Clinesmith’s] intent to mislead the court or his colleagues as he believed the information he relayed was accurate.”

The Suburbs Issue: Trump and Carson Speak By Stanley Kurtz


President Trump and Secretary Carson have co-authored a strong op-ed entitled “We’ll Protect America’s Suburbs.” This piece is the administration’s most important attempt to date to break the media blockade on substantive discussion of the suburbs issue. Up to this point, instead of exploring the implications of Biden’s housing plans — including his promise to restore the AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) regulation, and to kill single-family zoning by withholding road repairs from suburbs — the media has cried racism instead.

As Trump and Carson point out, however, Westchester County (the Obama–Biden administration’s dry run for AFFH) was never found guilty of housing discrimination. Indeed, such discrimination was never even alleged. AFFH as used by the Obama–Biden administration was never actually about ending housing discrimination. AFFH was — and remains — a massive social-engineering plan designed to tell Americans where and how to live. It will effectively put an end to local government in this country.

Black Lives Matter, Antifa Crowd Beat Man Unconscious in Portland By Mairead McArdle


A crowd of Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters in downtown Portland beat a white man unconscious Sunday night after dragging him from his truck, video footage of the incident shows.

The crowd surrounded the man’s white truck around 10:30 p.m. near where he crashed into a light pole at Southwest Broadway and Taylor Street. At least one individual punched him as he sat inside before he was pulled out of the vehicle.The rioters punched the man and forced him to sit in the street as he tried to answer a call from his wife. One man in the crowd wearing a “security” vest delivered a kick to his head from behind that appears to have knocked him out cold and caused his head to bleed after it hit the street.

The rioters can be heard accusing the man of attempting to run them over in his truck, but video clips on social media appear to show the moments just before the attack, when the man attempted to help a person the crowd had previously robbed and beaten. When the crowd turned on him, he attempted to drive away to escape, but ended up crashing his truck.

“He wrecked his car, and he got beat up because he tried to run people over,” said one black-clad man as he escorts a crying woman to the sidewalk.

Are unilateral withdrawals in Israel’s interests? – opinion Strategically, unilateral withdrawals, with few exceptions and even with the best of intentions, have been disastrous. By Moshe Dann


The explosion in Beirut was only a warning. It was meant to take place in Israel, and yet few people have focused on this (understandably because of the tragedy). Hezbollah still has 150,000 precision-guided missiles intended to be used against Israel. That will be as devastating as the ammonia-nitrate explosion at the port. And Hezbollah remains the most powerful political and military force in Lebanon. Although Israel is not the cause of Hezbollah’s rise to power in Lebanon, it bears some responsibility.

One of the consequences of then-prime minister Ehud Barak’s irresponsible decision to leave Lebanon unilaterally in May 2000 was to give Hezbollah the opportunity to fill the vacuum left by the absence of the IDF and the collapse of the South Lebanese Army. Although controversial within the government and the IDF, the withdrawal was not hasty. It was planned and executed by the IDF. The withdrawal was seen by Arabs as a retreat under fire.

Barak’s attempts in July of that year to appease PLO chairman Arafat at a conference convened by US president Bill Clinton at Camp David failed, but the PLO saw this in the context of Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon. Like Hezbollah, it too could be victorious. That led to a massive reign of terror led by the PLO, the Second Intifada, which claimed 1,100 Israeli lives and many thousands wounded.

The Beirut Explosion Highlights Hezbollah’s Malevolence By Lawrence J. Haas


We may never know exactly why a huge stockpile of ammonium nitrate sat dangerously at Beirut’s port for years, but the explosion that killed nearly 200, injured thousands, and left 300,000 homeless highlights the malignant influence of Hezbollah within a dysfunctional government and across Lebanese society.

The tragedy reminds us that Lebanon will never have a well-functioning government with the terrorist group in it, that the nation can never count on peace as long as Hezbollah preps for its next war with Israel across Lebanon’s southern border, and that global financial institutions and other would-be donors will continue to shun Lebanon due to Hezbollah’s illicit activities. It also reminds us that, for the region and world, much rides on the fate of Hezbollah’s sponsor, the radical regime in Iran, which arms and funds Hezbollah and other terrorist groups to expand its footprint beyond its borders.

That Hezbollah wields so much power in Beirut is partly a function of Lebanon’s governing structure and partly of its own designs. In Beirut – where a president, prime minister, and parliament preside – the constitution disburses proportional power among Christians, Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and other religious groups. By tradition, the president is a Christian, the prime minister a Sunni, and the parliamentary speaker a Shiite.

How the Trump campaign will shift the narrative and win Thomas Lifson See Note

“PLEASE NOTE: Since Thomas Lifson posted this piece, YouTube has blocked ALL of the videos to which Lifson provides links below. For the full impact of just how egregious this unconstitutional CENSORSHIP IS, click on the link below and scroll down to see this Democrat sabotage of one of our most prestigious conservative web journals – AMERICAN THINKER!! – Fox News Channel.com probably has a video of Maria’s ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ on its web site, so if you didn’t catch the show yesterday, you may be able to view it there. – CB”

With the media and the Democrats completely dedicated to fictional narratives, from Trump calling neo-Nazis “fine people” to the wacky conspiracy theory that Trump is sabotaging the U.S. Postal Service in order to disenfranchise voters, the challenge facing the Trump campaign is letting truth annihilate propaganda. 

I have long stressed that President Trump understands video narratives better than any other president in American history.  He was the most successful reality television producer in the history of the medium, crafting compelling narratives abut job competition that drew record audiences.  He understands that in order to reach people effectively, a narrative has to follow a structure similar to that of a play, with three acts.  The political narrative of the Trump administration is now entering Act Three, in which the conflicts that developed in the first two acts come to a satisfying conclusion, with surprises sprung and conflicts resolved.  

We got an excellent preview of the developing messages yesterday, thanks to Maria Bartiromo.  If you want to understand the deep currents of American politics, Maria Bartiromo’s weekly show on Fox News Channel, Sunday Morning Futures, is essential viewing.  Set your DVR to never miss it if you care about politics.  Her guests on yesterday’s edition, embedded in full below, laid out the arguments that the Trump campaign can use to win the race, despite the full force of the media behind the artificial narratives pushed by the Democrats.



Joe Biden is perhaps the most unfit individual ever to run for the presidency in United States history. Not only are his principles taken from the socialist playbook, but his mental incompetency and physical unfitness are so glaring as to make him thoroughly unqualified for any office, let alone the highest office in the land. In this article, we will highlight Biden’s sad decline into senility and list the reasons why he must not become president.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was born in November of 1942. Two weeks after the upcoming election, he will turn 78 years old, which would make him the oldest individual to ever sit in the Oval Office. This is not a trivial detail. Biden’s age and rapidly declining mental and physical state should be one of the primary points of discussion during this campaign. As you will soon see, Biden’s deteriorating condition, due to his advanced age and medical challenges, disqualifies him for the presidency.

To be clear, many individuals go well beyond 78 years of age and remain active, vibrant, and healthy. They have their wits about them, are coherent in conversation, and, apart from wrinkles and white hair, live their lives as if they were decades younger. Biden has not been similarly blessed. Everything about him smacks of senility and drastic decline in mental and physical faculties. He would be a severe liability to America if permitted to hold high office in his condition.
Dr. David Scheiner, Barack Hussein Obama’s former physician, rebutted the Biden campaign’s declaration that their man is healthy, vigorous, and fit for office – a declaration that conveniently omitted any discussion of Biden’s cognitive abilities. Dr. Scheiner said: “He’s not a healthy guy . . . He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there.” He also remarked: “I had no idea Biden had such a [medical] history. My goodness gracious, he’s got a lot of history.” The doctor said he would particularly like to see a CT scan or MRI conducted on Biden to better assess his failing health.
In 2008, Biden released a 49-page medical history. That history has only grown in the last twelve years. Among other maladies and mishaps, we know that Biden suffered two brain aneurysms back in 1988. He’s undergone various surgeries, including for his aneurysms. Of his brain surgery, Biden said:
“I had two cranial aneurysms, and they literally had to take the top of my head off. I mean, they take a saw and they cut your head off, and go in to find the artery that is–one was leaking, the other that hadn’t, before it burst.”
In Biden’s own words, the doctors told him that “the side of the brain that the first aneurysm is on controls your ability to speak.” They said he would have a low chance of ever being normal again. Skip to 2020 – prophecy fulfilled.
Additionally, Biden has suffered from sleep apnea, which is of course what you want in the guy who is in charge of the U.S. military during a conflict or at the helm during times of tense diplomacy. He has also undergone surgeries on his prostate that were only recently disclosed. Biden’s eyes are in a bad way, too, and during a 2020 town hall meeting on CNN, his left eye suddenly filled with blood for everyone to see. The radical propaganda network Snopes was forced to admit this embarrassing episode happened, though they tried to simultaneously discount the obvious fact that Biden’s physical health is in rapid decline.