Trump knows capitalism and nothing else is the key to prosperity. He knows a nation cannot stand without strong borders. He knows America cannot retain its place in the world without a peerless military. Unable to argue the point, the Left and its media auxiliary peddle the whole cloth of their daily fabrications, from Russiagate to blatant misquotation
This is part of a “news” item in The Telegraph (UK) on 6 June:
President Donald Trump has said that strong new jobs numbers marked a “great day” for George Floyd, the man whose killing last week sparked nationwide protests over police brutality against African-Americans.
Apparently referring to a surge in employment, Mr Trump said: “Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying, ‘This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.’ “This is a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody.”
The reporters who wrote this, Josie Ensor and Gareth Davies, are either malicious liars or completely and utterly incompetent. And, when it comes to Trump, ditto for much of the MSM everywhere.
I saw the live press briefing on TV as it was happening. It could not have been misinterpreted. When Trump brought Floyd into the picture he was talking about civil rights and Floyd’s death bringing renewed focus and energy into seeing that everybody is treated equally by law enforcement. He was not at all referring to job numbers. And, to reiterate, no such interpretation could possibly have been inferred by any honest reporter. Below, Trump’s actual words in context: