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Ruth King

Police Investigating Protesters after Confrontation with Armed St. Louis Homeowners By Mairead McArdle


A couple pointed guns at protesters who were on private property outside their home Sunday night, as the demonstrators marched past on their way to St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson’s residence to demand her resignation. Police are now investigating the incident to determine whether the protesters committed trespassing and fourth-degree assault by intimidation.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey stood outside their home on Portland Place, a private street, as hundreds of protesters, some of them armed, marched by and chanted. The McCloskeys had been inside their home when they heard loud activity outside and saw “a large group of subjects forcefully break an iron gate marked with ‘No Trespassing’ and ‘Private Street’ signs,” St. Louis police said.

“The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims,” the police said. “When the victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves and contacted police.”

Law experts have noted that Missouri’s Castle Doctrine allows homeowners to use deadly force to defend their private property from intruders.



“One can only speculate why Chief Justice Roberts has engaged in his contortions. Perhaps he believes that this decision will somehow strengthen the legitimacy of the Supreme Court as an institution above political strife. Instead, he has reinforced the impression, on all sides of our national debates, that he is the most politically calculating of the justices. He has diminished the belief in the impartiality of judges among those Americans who have been most reluctant to give it up. What he has accomplished for his institution is further disgrace.”

The Constitution does not prohibit Louisiana from requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges in hospitals near where they operate. We know this fact from reading it; from the debates over the ratification of its provisions, none of which suggest that anyone believed that it could be used in such a fashion; and from the fact that for many decades states prohibited abortion altogether without anyone’s even alleging that they were violating the Constitution. Now five justices of the Supreme Court have conceded this obvious point.

The Court will not allow Louisiana this regulation anyway. Chief Justice John Roberts is one of the five justices who do not believe the law conflicts with the Constitution, rightly interpreted. He voted in 2016 that an identical Texas law should be upheld, and his opinion in the Louisiana case says that he still agrees with his reasoning then. Nevertheless, he claims to believe that the Louisiana law is too similar to the law that his colleagues in 2016 struck down over his dissent. The force of precedent, he maintains, requires the law to be nullified. Otherwise, Americans would lack confidence in the rule of law. It is, on the other hand, wonderfully inspiring to that confidence for a justice to strike down a law that he concedes the state had the constitutional authority to enact.

One Man’s Supreme Court The Chief Justice relies on an abortion precedent he dissented from.


So much for all those crocodile fears about the end of abortion rights. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Monday that a state can’t even require abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a hospital. And the logic of the concurring opinion from Chief Justice John Roberts, who provided the fifth vote, suggests not even de minimis regulation of abortion will survive his Court’s scrutiny.

A woman’s right to abortion wasn’t at issue in June Medical Services v. Russo. No woman seeking an abortion was a plaintiff. The case was brought by abortion providers, who claimed that Louisiana’s requirement that they have admitting privileges at a hospital would be an undue burden on the ability of women to obtain an abortion.

Here’s the stunner: Four years ago a different Court majority overturned a similar Texas statute, with then Justice Anthony Kennedy joining the four liberals. Chief Justice Roberts dissented in that case. Yet on Monday the Chief joined the liberals, citing his duty to follow precedent.

China Passes Hong Kong Security Law Aimed at Crushing Protests Beijing rejects criticism that the law will curb people’s freedoms in the financial hub


HONG KONG—China’s legislature approved Tuesday a sweeping new law aimed at quashing threats to national security in Hong Kong, rejecting Western criticism that Beijing’s efforts will curb people’s freedoms in the protest-torn city.

The legislation was passed by senior Chinese lawmakers, according to Lau Siu-kai, a senior adviser to Beijing on Hong Kong policy. Drafted and approved in an unusually rapid and opaque process, the law has stirred fears across pro-democracy groups, businesses, schools and media over its potential impact.

The law is meant to prevent and punish subversive, secessionist and terrorist activities in the former British colony, as well as collusion with foreign forces. Its full text is expected to be released later Tuesday and the law may be put into effect in time for the 23rd anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to Chinese rule on Wednesday.

Since Beijing first announced plans for enacting national-security legislation for Hong Kong in late May, Chinese officials have repeatedly rebuffed criticism from opposition politicians and rights activists in the city, as well as the U.S. and other Western powers, who have decried the law as a tool for suppressing civil liberties in the Asian financial center and undercutting its promised autonomy from Beijing.

Tear it down? It’s all about tearing down freedom. Diane Bederman


Victor Davis Hanson wrote “Much of the country believes that America is racist, cruel, and incapable of self-correction of its so-called original sins — without a radical erasure of much of its past history, traditions, and customs.”

How sad it that?Americans are tearing down statues across the county.  Almost all of the statues refer to the Civil War and slavery. The Civil War is the most pivotal event in American history next to the Declaration of Independence. How does eradicating the monuments related to the Civil War, the removal of statues of Lincoln, who ended the war and abolished slavery, despite the resistance from the Democrats, help in understanding racism in America?

Or perhaps this is not the point of the “book burning.” Perhaps the point is to eradicate all of America’s history from the day Christopher Columbus arrived. Why else are they removing HIS statue? After all, how dare Europeans come to the New World? How dare anyone go to the moon and beyond?

So attack Betsy Ross, the woman who sewed the first American flag, a flag of freedom, a flag too many disrespect. How about the statue of Wisconsin’s Col. Hans Christian Heg, an anti-slavery activist who fought and died for the Union during the U.S. Civil War? His statue was decapitated and thrown into a Madison lake by protesters. The Theodore Roosevelt statue is to be removed from New York’s Museum of Natural History.

Why was the Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial in Duluth, Minnesota, defaced? The monument consists of the statues of Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson and Isaac McGhie, three black men lynched by an angry mob in 1920 and hanged from a lamppost after being accused falsely of raping a white woman. Why would anyone fighting against racism remove that statue that speaks to the attacks on black men for “consorting” with white women? Perhaps these anti-racists have never read or seen To Kill a Mockingbird. Has that been “burned”?

Systemic Racism Inherent in Democrats’ DNA By Joan Swirsky


If the upcoming presidential election on November 3, 2020, were not so serious, it would be downright hilarious just watching the Democrats twist themselves into pretzels in their efforts to project onto President Trump their own lengthy and shameful record of racism.

As Bill Federer of AmericanMinute.com has exhaustively documented:

In 1857, the Supreme Court, with seven of the nine justices being Democrats, decided that Dred Scott, a black slave, was not a citizen, but property. 
After the Civil War, when Republicans enacted the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in America, southern Democrats reacted by creating the vicious anti-black Jim Crow laws.
In 1866, Republican Rep. Thaddeus Stevens introduced legislation to give former slaves “40 acres and a mule,” but Democrats opposed it.

This lopsided picture continued unabated through the 19th century and into the 20th century. Only space limitations prevent me from providing a doctoral thesis worth of sordid documentation.

In 1953, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower (DDE) proposed “to use whatever authority exists in the office of the President to end segregation”…but Southern Democrat governors objected!
In 1964, Democrat senators held the longest filibuster in U.S. history––75 days––to try to prevent the Civil Rights Act from passing. Finally, Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) persuaded the leaders of his party to support a compromised bill, saying: “I’ll have those (N-words) -voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

When the Facts Fade to Black Anthony Dillon


Anthony Dillon identifies as a part-Aboriginal Australian who is proud of both his Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal ancestries. Originally from Queensland, he now lives in Sydney and is a researcher at the Australian Catholic University.

“Many times I have heard blactivists dismiss high rates of community violence and child abuse with the throwaway  line, ‘Walk a mile in our shoes before you criticize.’ Maybe they should try walking a few yards in the shoes of the police just to see what it’s like. They would likely discover that the last thing police need in pressure situations is some loud-mouth sticking a phone in a police officer’s face while shouting “I’m filming this!”

Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists and their sympathisers claim to care about all black lives, which prompts me to pose a question: Why are BLMers not protesting when blacks die at the hands of blacks? Instead, during the current eruption of outrage, they focused at first on Aboriginal deaths in custody, which demonstrated what a charade they were staging, given that Aboriginal people are less likely to die in custody than non-Aborigines. Such an inconvenient fact required a change of emphasis, hence the narrative’s switch to claims of systemic police brutality. The method? Cherry-pick examples and ignore context.

Consider a recent article by Australian activist Amy McQuire in the Washington Post. In regard to the alleged racist brutality of police and the justice system, she informs her US audience that “the violence is evident in the wounds on black bodies and in the life stories of Aboriginal people.” Actually, Amy, if it’s the wounds on black bodies you are interested in, I can take you to some remote communities where you will see all the wounded black bodies you want. The perpetrators are mostly Aboriginal, so you wouldn’t be interested in telling Americans about that, not when it is more fun, and wins you more attention, to slander an entire nation in the eyes of a wider world.

In a YouTube clip (below), Amy explains that while non-Aboriginal people regard police as protectors, “for Aboriginal people we see them as the aggravators, as the unjust people, as the people that you need protection from.” Really, Amy? When you speak of ‘Aboriginal people’, are you speaking on behalf of all Aboriginal people?


Stefanik is the perfect antithesis to the “progressive” regressive women who have subverted the goals and the legacy of the United States Congress. There is no battle she won’t fight to defend principles and no debate she will shirk for fear of P.C. backlash. Her views on the environment, energy, regulations, foreign and domestic policies, homeland security and cybersecurity are educated and researched and fearlessly expressed.

She must win re-election in November. Please read about her at

https://stefanik.house.gov/issues and her campaign at https://eliseforcongress.com/

Elise Stefanik Runs Through Everyone Cuomo Has Blamed for His Fatal Nursing Home Policy Cortney O’Brien


“We all know people who have died in New York nursing home,” Fox News anchor Steve Doocy said on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning.

In fact, one of Doocy’s colleagues, Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean, has been very candid about how both of her in-laws died in a New York nursing home in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has heard her share of similarly tragic stories from several of her constituents. And there was one common denominator: Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate that forced nursing home facilities to accept COVID-positive patients once they were discharged from the hospital. 

In the aftermath of the policy, several thousand nursing home residents have died, having been unnecessarily exposed to the virus. Dean has no doubt in her mind that Cuomo’s policy is what doomed her husband’s parents. That’s why, when Gov. Cuomo demanded an investigation into a young man who unknowingly spread the virus to a few classmates at his high school graduation, Rep. Stefanik called the governor “hypocritical.” 

“The governor refuses to be held accountable for the thousands and thousands of seniors who lost their lives because of the failed and fatal nursing home policy…It really is hypocritical that the governor is pointing fingers at this high school student,” Stefanik said. 

It’s Obvious Joe Biden Lied About Targeting Michael Flynn, Will He Be Asked About It? Katie Pavlich Katie Pavlich


On May 12, former Vice President Joe Biden said he was “unaware” of the Obama era case and spying, known as “Crossfire Razor,” against General Michael Flynn during an interview with ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos. When pressed, Biden changed his story, saying he was aware of an investigation but nothing more.

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden first said.

“I was aware that there was…that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else,” he attempted to clarify.

We first knew this statement was untrue when declassified documents, released in May, showed Biden as one of the Obama administration officials who unmasked Flynn during the 2016/2017 presidential transition period. 

Now, we have additional verification Biden’s statement to ABC News was completely false. Not only did Biden know about the details of the Flynn investigation, he was suggesting ideas about how to go after him through the Logan Act. In other words, guiding the FBI and DOJ about how to nail Flynn with criminal charges. As Matt detailed last week: