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Ruth King

The Hamas-Houthi Plan to Attack Arabs as Well as Israel by Khaled Abu Toameh


These Arabs and Muslims are worried, however, that the Hamas-Houthi alliance would not stop [with eliminating Israel] but also strengthen an Iran-led axis to threaten the stability of Arab countries.

For first time, the Houthi movement spoke of possessing information about “vital targets.” The announcement is a clear indication that the two Iranian-backed groups, Hamas and the Houthi movement, are planning to launch terrorist attacks not only against Israel, but also against Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

“For the Muslim Brotherhood traitors [Hamas], supporting Palestine means firing missiles at Saudi Arabia.” — Yaqoub al-Rayssi, a United Arab Emirates political activist, Twitter, July 11, 2020.

Hamas, by seeking to enlist the Houthi movement for its jihad against Israel, is sending a message that it is prepared to cooperate with any group in order to achieve its goal of destroying Israel and replacing it with an Islamic state.

The Hamas-Houthi alliance also shows that Iran is seeking to expand the terrorist activities of its agents in the Gaza Strip, Yemen and Lebanon not only against Israel and the US, but against Arab and Islamic states as well.

Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that controls the Gaza Strip, is seeking to forge an alliance with the Iran-aligned Yemini Houthi movement, officially called Ansar Allah (Supporters of God), whose members have launched repeated missile and drone attacks against Saudi Arabia for the past few years.

The Hamas-Houthi partnership does not come as a surprise to Arabs and Muslims. The two groups share a common goal: Eliminating Israel.

These Arabs and Muslims are worried, however, that the Hamas-Houthi alliance will not stop there, but also strengthen an Iran-led axis to threaten the stability of Arab countries.

Alan Baker and Michel Calvo: The Indigenous Rights of the Jewish People and the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People


From time immemorial, up to the present day, there has been continuous Jewish presence in this area, with elements residing today within the Jewish people’s own sovereign national State of Israel, and others residing in the areas of the Holy Land in Judea and Samaria that are subject to an ongoing negotiation within the Middle East peace process as to their final political status.

Palestinian claims that they are the indigenous descendants of the Canaanites is a canard that has no basis in fact or history, especially in light of the fact that the entry of Islam into the area of the Holy Land occurred only in the seventh century of the common era.

The premise of the peace negotiation process is the mutual acknowledgment of each party’s basic rights. Thus, the peace negotiation process cannot avoid taking into account the indigenous character and rights of the Jewish People as set out in the 2007 UN Declaration. This premise must serve as the basis for any agreement covering the issues of permanent status, including borders, settlements, Jerusalem and other issues.

It is to be hoped and expected that the Government of Israel will come around to acknowledging the importance and centrality of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and will finally, and without any further delay or excuse, announce its endorsement of this important and central international document.

On September 13, 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the “UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”. 144 states voted in favor, 4 voted against and 11 abstained (A/RES/61/295).

While those countries that have considerable indigenous populations, such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, initially opposed the declaration, they subsequently endorsed it in 2010, with various interpretative declarations.

Representatives of Israel did not participate in the vote, as the day was the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah).

Curiously, even though the vast majority of states have endorsed the declaration, and even though Israel represents one of the oldest indigenous peoples still existing in the world, Israel has never endorsed the declaration.

James Sinkinson:How Israel rescued the Promised Land from devastation and neglect


Part of the Israeli miracle is the restoration of a depleted, deteriorating land through determination, ingenuity and back-breaking work.

 Last week I toured much of northern Israel, from the Jezreel Valley and the Lower and Upper Galilee regions to the Golan Heights. The natural beauty of this part of Israel, as well as the explosive proliferation of agriculture, was striking and inspiring.

The abundance of flora in Israel today makes it easy to forget that this land at the turn of the 20th century was a parched wasteland. It also raises the questions: How did this miraculous transformation take place, and who was responsible?

On his visit to Palestine in 1867, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) called the Sea of Galilee “a solemn, sailless, tintless lake, as unpoetical as any bath-tub on earth.” On the other hand, last week I found the Kinneret (its Hebrew name) a sparkling blue jewel surrounded on its north, south and west by vegetable fields, orchards and forests.

Traveling by horseback through the Jezreel Valley, Clemens noted: “There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent—not for 30 miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride 10 miles, hereabouts, and not see 10 human beings.”

Clemens continues, “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. … Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies.”

According to Allon Tal’s 2002 book, Pollution in a Promised Land, the Jezreel Valley around 1900 remained an undeveloped swamp—described as “barren and boring, a miserable plain without a tree or river … all in ruins.” Tal relates how one traveler in 1905 described mud so deep that the mules fell and the donkeys almost vanished in it. It wasn’t until 1924 that Zionist settlers finished the herculean two-year task of converting these marshes into the rich, fertile farmland of today.

Later, in 1918, following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Herbert Samuel was named British High Commissioner of the Mandate for Palestine. In his 1921 “Annual Report on the Civil Administration,” Samuel wrote:

Charles Jacobs Video: Do Black Slaves’ Lives Matter? When did the Left first go woke? When they betrayed black slaves.


This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Charles Jacobs, the president of Americans for Peace and Tolerance.

Dr. Jacobs discusses Do Black Slaves’ Lives Matter?, shedding a disturbing light on: When did the Left first go woke? When they betrayed black slaves.

He takes us into the horrific world of Racist Muslim Arabs Barbarizing Black Slaves in Africa.

Don’t miss it:

Turkish Supreme Court: Sultan Mehmet Bought Hagia Sophia Fair and Square Just ignore those rivers of blood. Robert Spencer


No one should be concerned about the conversion of Hagia Sophia, the foremost cathedral in the Christian world for nearly a thousand years, into a mosque – at least according to Shahid Qureshi, writing Monday in a Muslim publication known as the London Post. Why not? Because Mehmet the Conqueror, the Ottoman Sultan who conquered Constantinople and destroyed the Byzantine Empire on May 29, 1453, bought the place fair and square. So who could object? Once a mosque, always a mosque, and after all, the Christians sold it to him!

Qureshi claims that Mehmet “purchased the property of Hagia Sophia from his personal wealth before converting it into a Masjid (Mosque). The details of the transaction are still stored in the Turkish Museum,” and he even helpfully includes a photo of the bill of sale in his article. “This is the main reason,” Qureshi explains, “why the court ordered Aya Sofya to be re converted into a Masjid.”

Christians, you see, have no right to complain that Hagia Sophia will no longer be a museum, a monument of the human spirit open to all people, but will instead become a house of worship for Muslims only. If the Christians are going to be upset over this, they have only the Christians who sold the cathedral to Mehmet to blame. “The credit,” Qureshi asserts, “really goes to the forward thinking Sultan Mehmet, the conqueror of Constantinople for purchasing the church and then creating a waqf (endowment). Had it not been for his wisdom, Kemal Ataturk’s decision [to convert the mosque into a museum in 1935] would not have been able to be legally overturned.”

The claim that Mehmet bought Hagia Sophia fair and square has been making the rounds this week among Muslims in social media, and has spread so far and wide that I’ve received quite a few emails asking me whether it is true, as apparently both Muslims and non-Muslims are shutting down criticism of the conversion of the building by invoking this supposed real estate deal. But whether or not the sales document that has been circulating and is reproduced in the London Post is authentic, this entire claim is a transparent attempt to whitewash an act of cultural appropriation and annihilation on a massive scale.

Black Lives Matter Claims Another Scalp – But at What Cost? Is the BLM “Surge of Power” primed to self-destruct? Katie Hopkins


Can you spot the difference in the image above?

I suspect you can.

I also suspect you will be able to guess the story behind these two “statues” before I even begin with the detail. But do not despair: this is a story with a sting in its tail. It is a story of a massive own goal by Black Lives Matter.

The fine gentleman on the left is Edward Colston. Born in 1636 to family of shipping merchants, he followed his father into the shipping business and went on to become one of the most celebrated philanthropists of his time, changing the lives of the very poorest in his home city of Bristol and elsewhere. He endowed schools, funded hospitals, gave money for almshouses and paid for churches to be built.

The “lady” on the right is a Black Lives Matter protestor with big hair and a cheap dress. Her name is Jen Reid. When the statue of Colston was defaced and torn down by the Black Lives Matter mob, she climbed atop the empty plinth and made a fist to the sky because she thought she was Beyonce…or something.

Obviously she is now supposed to be some kind of heroine for the movement. I am not sure why — maybe it’s because she says the “f” word a lot? She describes herself as a “Black Lives Matter activist,” which, if Meghan Markle is anything to go by, means she is unemployed and squatting in someone else’s home.

Ms. Reid says she “did it for George Floyd,” which seems to be the stock answer for any kind of violent act by Black Lives Matter, from smashing storefronts to burning flags to looting cheap underwear from Target. I am sure George Floyd is thrilled with these meaningful tributes* (*British sarcasm).

When the Black Lives Matter mob tore down the Edward Colston bronze on Sunday June 7 and rolled it into the river they celebrated their thuggery as if they had really achieved something. They had claimed a scalp (albeit in bronze) of a man who was actively involved in the slave trade and the shipping of human flesh.

Portland Was Peacefully Rioting Until the Feds Came In Daniel Greenfield


The mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon have decided that violent leftist thugs should have the right to smash and burn anything they want.

The Federal government however has the right to protect its property. As Fort Sumter ought to have taught Democrat states last time around.

Democrats, predictably, claim that Federal law enforcement preventing violent attacks on Federal institutions is escalating the situation.

“Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism,” Mayor Ted Wheeler insisted.

The obvious question is what does Mayor Wheeler propose to do? Nothing. Correction, he’s going to cut off the feds from being able to cooperate with local law enforcement because Portland and Oregon would like to double down on seceding from the Republic.

The working theory that the violence will stop if the thugs are allowed to run the place hasn’t worked out very well. And the media and their Democrat allies are doing everything possible to shift the subject by falsely claiming that Federal personnel aren’t wearing identification or whining that they’re using unmarked vehicles.

Mary Trump Abusing Psychology to Abuse Her Uncle By Sheldon Roth, MD


Sheldon Roth, M.D., a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is the author of recently published Psychologically Sound: The Mind of Donald J. Trump.

Hidden Messages

Before you open this book or turn a page, look at the cover.  What do we see?  A handsome, young Donald Trump, in dashing cadet uniform, during one of the finest periods of his life.  In his five years at New York Military Academy, he reaped undiluted acclaim from faculty and classmates — a model student in behavior and academics, popular with classmates, a star athlete elected to the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame, garnering offers from Major League Baseball.  For a book entitled Too Much and Not Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, what is the meaning of this charming cover?  Is it Simon & Schuster’s unconscious peeking through Mary Trump’s agonized victimization?  Do they know something she is disinclined to acknowledge?

Turning to the book’s pages conjures another challenging image, a lexical one: Tolstoy’s opening line of Anna Karenina — “All happy families are alike, unhappy families are unhappy each in their own ways.”  The story of the first proposition is yet to be written, since conflict — unhappiness — is inherent to life.  Some families have more conflict, some less, but it is inescapable.  Any family in COVID-19 lockdown will readily testify to this truism.

A Psychopathology of Everyday Life

Mary Trump turns all Trump family conflict into prima facie psychopathology.  Relying as she does on fantastical speculation for thin formulations about the childhood experience of Fred Sr. and Mary Anne Trump’s complicated family of seven (decades before Mary Trump was born) further muddies her questionable psychological lens.  Equally startling is the biased degree to which she views her deceased father, Fred Jr. — perpetrator of domestic wife abuse leading to divorce, repeated abject employment failures, and an ugly history of debilitating alcoholism that contributed to his early death — as the only “self-made” hero of the family.  Even if one accepted her dubious psychological judgments, which I do not, her objectivity defies credulity.

‘They’re Liars!’ Screams a Black Woman as She Pours Paint Over BLM Mural By Rick Moran


This may be one of the most underreported aspects of the entire “conversation” about race in America that’s been happening these last few months.

It may come as a huge surprise to the liberal media, but black people can actually think for themselves. And many of them do not want what Black Lives Matter is selling.

They don’t want to “defund the police.” They think all black lives matter, not just those who die as symbols of police brutality. Most blacks who hold contrary views to those expressed by Black Lives Matter keep quiet, either because they’re fearful of speaking their minds or out of a sense of racial solidarity.

But the point is that black opinion about these matters is not monolithic and probably a lot more complex than the media is bothering to report.

A woman in New York City is under arrest for defacing Mayor Bill de Blasio’s precious Black Lives Matter mural that is conveniently located in front of Donald Trump’s hotel. What she was saying when she vandalized the mural is what’s important.

This Activist’s Marxist Brainwashing Explains Why Antifa Has Terrorized Portland for 51 Nights By Tyler O’Neil,


On Friday, before the fiftieth night of violent antifa riots, a protester who identified herself as an “Afro-Indigenous non-binary local organizer” declared that she is advocating for the abolition of “the United States as we know it.” This brief declaration arguably encapsulates the destructive spirit of antifa and the impetus behind the violent riots that have ravaged the streets of Portland.

“My name is Lilith Sinclair, I’m an Afro-Indigenous non-binary local organizer here in Portland, organizing for the abolition of not just the militarized police state but also the United States as we know it,” Sinclair declares in a brief video that went viral on Twitter. She also called Portland “stolen land,” proceeding to give Native Americans a “land acknowledgment.” By the way, she also identifies herself as a “sex worker,” i.e. a prostitute.

By “Afro-Indigenous,” Sinclair likely means she has black and Native American ancestors. By “non-binary,” she insists that she does not fall into the binary understanding of biological sex as male or female. In an interview with the Portland Mercury last month, Sinclair argued that Americans have to deconstruct the “colonized thought” that white oppressors supposedly foisted upon racial minorities.

“We’ve been working to heal these intergenerational wounds of colonization and genocide for generations. But there’s still a lot of work to undo the harm of colonized thought that has been pushed onto Black and indigenous communities,” Sinclair told the newspaper. “That’s in regards to Christianity, and in regards to all of these different types of oppressive systems that have introduced and enforced the gender binary on communities that did not ascribe to that way of thinking, including indigenous communities both Native American and across Africa.”