We should not allow ourselves to fall into the crude trap of this debilitating racialization.
The first problem is collective responsibility; the idea that responsibility for the crimes of a few extends to all members of a group, both criminals and victims…. As Larry Elder, an American radio host, author and attorney, recently noted: “Reparations are the extraction of money from those who were never slave owners to be given to those who were never slaves.”
The second problem is responsibility through the generations: the idea that the passage of time does not change anything. Children who are not yet born, are, in advance, responsible for the crimes and abuses of their ancestors — and all the ancestors of the “group” to which they belong.
Reducing human beings to their skin color marks the supreme defeat in humanistic and political thought.
The political left in the United States now seems to embrace the most openly racist ideas perhaps since German National Socialism in the 1930s and 1940s.
Their racist view, according to which the color of skin is the measure of all reality, truth, hierarchy and moral values, marks a startling regression.
During recent riots, shop fronts and synagogues in the United States were defaced with antisemitic slogans. It is argued in vain that these threats should not be exaggerated; a protester in New York City seemed comfortable openly declaring on Fox News that he intended to lead his peers, laden with cheap gasoline, to set fire to a neighborhood, the “Diamond District,” where many Jews are known to work.
The doctrine that reduces human beings to the color of their skin does not befit any society, especially a multiracial one.