Beijing’s hostility is likely a message to New Delhi that China will aggressively target any attempt by an increasingly pro-Western India to establish a military alliance with the U.S and its allies and obstruct China’s far-reaching claims of sovereignty in the Western Pacific Ocean and beyond.
China apparently plans to deploy air, sea, and ground forces in an amphibious assault exercise on the Pratas Islands, an island chain also claimed by Taiwan.
The US needs urgently to develop a policy committed to countering China’s escalating aggression. The policy should ideally include no commerce with China whatsoever. Beijing clearly has no intention of honoring any deal to which it agrees and has already been caught trying to steal remedies for the virus it unleashed.
Just as the U.S. would not have tried to enrich the Third Reich or the former Soviet Union, the U.S. — and all countries hurt by China — should have no place enriching a China that has shown itself to have killed more than 100,000 Americans, more than 400,000 people worldwide, has thrown more than 40 million Americans out of work, cost the world trillions in crippled economies and is openly bent on dominating the planet.
While Western media is almost exclusively focusing on supposed “race riots” and the messy wake of the Covid-19 virus, China has quietly been going about consolidating recent gains in the South China Sea. It has, as dangerously, still been attempting to expand its influence throughout the entire Indo-Pacific Region and everywhere else the world will let it.
Beijing’s latest provocative stances — in addition to sparking recent incidents with mainland and archipelago states in Southeast Asia such as Vietnam and Malaysia — include generating a rock-throwing brawl with India’s mountain troops at a disputed border post in Northern Sikkim, raising tensions with Taiwan, and threatening the liberty of Hong Kong.