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Ruth King

The Police, Patriarchy and Feminism By Nonie Darwish


For decades the American Left condemned ‘patriarchy’ as an oppressive family institution and denied the natural hierarchy of the family structure. Women were encouraged to focus on their careers, postpone or reject marriage altogether and taboos against having children out of wedlock were removed. Progressive policies encouraged husbands and fathers to be thrown ‘out with the bath water’ out of the home.

But real life stood as a challenge to women fully adjusting to such an impossible formula of career and children without a husband. Substituting husbands for a government check has especially hurt low-income women. After decades of promoting the matriarchal family, especially in the inner city, neither children nor women prospered. Boys especially developed impulsive reactions to emotions, sought instantaneous gratification, held a twisted view of manhood, and an inability to self-control with no respect for any authority including their own mothers.

The end results of chaotic homes produced chaotic inner city streets and high-crime neighborhoods. Even though the fatherless home experiment failed miserably, the progressive left refuses to change course even for the sake of these poor women and children. And instead, they doubled down on hating fathers and chose to blame the obvious inner city tragedy on racism. Such progressive stubborn cruelty ended up burdening hard-working ordinary Americans with shame and guilt through a constant threat of calling them racists especially when people choose to move out of high-crime areas.

The challenge of inner-city high crime, have also fallen on the shoulder of law enforcement.  The police in America today have the impossible task of becoming the disciplinarian father figure that these young boys and girls never had.

Grandpa of Murdered 11-Year Old Destroys Black Lives Matter Charade Tyler O’Neill


As police across the country are pulling back amid a wave of angry protests and violent rioting, an 11-year-old boy was shot and killed during a family cookout on the Fourth of July in Washington, D.C. Police are offering $25,000 for information leading to an arrest. The victim, identified as Davon McNeal, reportedly loved football. He was shot in the head in Anacostia and pronounced dead at a local hospital, FOX 5 D.C. reported. One of his grandfathers lamented black-on-black crime and criticized Black Lives Matter for ignoring it.

“Everybody’s just saying they’re just tired – tired of the shootings in the community,” John Ayala, McNeal’s paternal grandfather, told FOX 5. “Everybody’s running around here thinking they’re Uzi-toting, dope-sucking, psychopathic killing machines and they’re just destroying lives.”

“We’re protesting for months, for weeks, saying, ‘Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter.’ Black lives matter it seems like, only when a police officer shoots a black person,” Ayala lamented, bitterly. “What about all the black-on-black crime that’s happening in the community?”

The Sun Ever Sets on the British Empire Like the U.S., nations from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe celebrate ‘British Leaving Day.’by Walter Russell Mead


Sometimes life throws you a metaphor. As my neighbors and I stood, masked and socially distanced, to watch Washington’s fireworks Saturday, a thick plume of smoke spread from the staging area to obscure part of the display. Similarly, the doom and gloom hanging over American life this year clouded but didn’t quite kill the joy of the most glorious day in our civic calendar. Even in a bad year, independence is good.

Nothing is more American than Independence Day, yet from a broader perspective, the Fourth of July is merely our local version of the world’s most widespread political festival. Think of it as British Leaving Day, a holiday celebrated from Ireland to Brunei. In some places it celebrates the happy day when the Brits, civil and well-intentioned though they may be, finally packed it in and went home. In Trinidad, Tonga and Tanzania it’s one of the highlights of the year.

In other places, as in the U.S., it isn’t the day they hauled down the Union Jack and sailed away. For us, and for the Irish (who celebrate the 1916 Easter Rising), it’s the day when the colonial rulers got served an eviction notice that, after some unpleasantness and delay, they eventually obeyed.

Our forebears were so glad to see the backs of the British that some localities had British Leaving Days of their own. Boston and New York held Evacuation Day celebrations into the 20th century on the dates the British fleet left their harbors, March 17 and Nov. 25, respectively. Before the Civil War, New Orleans celebrated the anniversary of Andrew Jackson’s defeat of the British invaders on Jan. 8, 1815.

Countering BioTerrorism By Rachel Ehrenfeld


Bio-terrorism dates back to the New Stone Age. The Scythians (7th century BC – 4th century AD), the Gauls (Celtic people, 5th century BC – 3rd century AD), the ancient Romans (first and second centuries AD), the Aztecs, and the Mayans have used toxins from plants, such as the Curare, to snake venoms and poison dart frogs to kill their enemies either by using the toxins on their arrows and spears or by sometimes poisoning the water wells of their enemies.

Advanced technologies facilitated the development of toxins that could devastate armies and civilian communities.

The Jihadist movement gave rise to the Islamic revolution of Iran, Al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, and others who aim to annihilate and terrorize non-believers, destroy their cultures and devastate their economies. This fundamental change makes biological weapons appealing.

Orek 16 Launch – July 6, 2020

Orek 16 Launch – July 6, 2020

Israel’s Defense Ministry and the country’s Aerospace Industries on Monday morning launched the Ofek 16 reconnaissance satellite. The launch was carried out at 4:00 AM by the Israeli made Shavit rocket launcher from a pad in the center of the country and was a success. According to the Defense Ministry’s announcement, the satellite has already entered its orbit and began transmitting data. 

Few things demoralize a man as thoroughly as destroying his ability to make sense of the world By Tom McCaffrey


Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. (George Orwell, 1984)

Recently Americans were told that it was imperative during the coronavirus epidemic that all persons remain at home. All “non-essential” businesses would be closed indefinitely. Persons who had to leave home on essential business should wear a mask, keep six feet away from other persons, and avoid large gatherings. Violators would be prosecuted.

Unless one wished to take to the streets to demonstrate against the police, in which case 2 + 2 = 5.

Americans are being pressed to voice support for Black Lives Matter. (To utter the words “All lives matter” is a firing offense because, well, because 2 + 2 = 5.) But Black Lives Matter is a virulently anti-American organization that sanctions violence against the police. Consider the following from Alicia Garza, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter:

“When I use Assata’s powerful demand in my organizing work, I always begin by sharing where it comes from, sharing Assata’s significance to the Black Liberation Movement, what its political purpose and message is, and why it’s important in our context.” “Assata” is Joanne Deborah Chesimard, convicted of the 1973 murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster, and added to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list in 2013.

Nevertheless, Democrat office holders across the land have been joining the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, even as those demonstrations have been directed against the office holders’ own police departments, because 2 + 2 = 5.

Newt Gingrich: Joe Biden’s 4th of July Video ‘Most Anti-American’ Speech by Presidential Candidate — Ever


Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich panned former Vice President Joe Biden’s short speech on the Fourth of July, saying it “may be the most anti-American speech ever given by an American presidential candidate.”

Biden delivered a short video address on Twitter from his home in Wilmington, Delaware, in which he told Americans that the November election offered “a chance to rip the roots of systemic racism out of this country,” implying the country itself was racist by design.

The Latest Toppled Statue Should Be a Wake-Up Call for the Left By Tyler O’Neil


Protests over the horrific police killing of George Floyd infamously devolved into riots and looting that destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and even black monuments. The iconoclastic vandals who began by toppling Confederate monuments moved on to defacing statues of America’s Founders, Indian nationalists like Mahatma Gandhi, and even a monument to the 54th Massachusetts regiment, the first black volunteers to fight for the Union in the Civil War. Yet one of the most grotesque acts of vandalism came on Sunday when vandals toppled a statue of former slave Frederick Douglass in Rochester, N.Y.

Vandals somehow removed the Douglass statue from its base and dropped it near the Genessee River gorge, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported. Located in Maplewood Park, the statue “had been placed over the fence to the gorge and was leaning against the fence” on the side of the river, Rochester police said in a statement. Authorities found the statue about 50 feet from its pedestal.

The vandals dislodged the statue exactly 168 years after Douglass delivered one of his most important speeches. He delivered “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July” on July 5, 1852, speaking to the Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society at Corinthian Hall in Rochester. Douglass, who escaped slavery in 1838 and settled in Rochester, lamented the horrific institution and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. The black community in Rochester celebrated American independence on July 5, rather than July 4.

Protests over the horrific police killing of George Floyd infamously devolved into riots and looting that destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and even black monuments. The iconoclastic vandals who began by toppling Confederate monuments moved on to defacing statues of America’s Founders, Indian nationalists like Mahatma Gandhi, and even a monument to the 54th Massachusetts regiment, the first black volunteers to fight for the Union in the Civil War. Yet one of the most grotesque acts of vandalism came on Sunday when vandals toppled a statue of former slave Frederick Douglass in Rochester, N.Y.

Vandals somehow removed the Douglass statue from its base and dropped it near the Genessee River gorge, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported. Located in Maplewood Park, the statue “had been placed over the fence to the gorge and was leaning against the fence” on the side of the river, Rochester police said in a statement. Authorities found the statue about 50 feet from its pedestal.

The vandals dislodged the statue exactly 168 years after Douglass delivered one of his most important speeches. He delivered “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July” on July 5, 1852, speaking to the Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society at Corinthian Hall in Rochester. Douglass, who escaped slavery in 1838 and settled in Rochester, lamented the horrific institution and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. The black community in Rochester celebrated American independence on July 5, rather than July 4.

Frederick Douglass statue in New York vandalized on anniversary weekend of ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July’ speech Gary Craig Ryan Miller


On the same weekend in which famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass 168 years ago delivered one of his most historically resonant speeches, a statue of Douglass was toppled from its base and left near the Genesee River gorge.

Located in Maplewood Park, the statue “had been placed over the fence to the gorge and was leaning against the fence” on the river side, according to a statement from Rochester police. The statue was left about 50 feet from its pedestal.

The base and lower part of the statue were damaged, as was a finger on the statue’s left hand. The statue has been taken from the park for repairs, according to Lt. Jeffrey LaFave II.

There were no signs of graffiti at the statue or anywhere in the park, police said.

Across the United States, Douglass’ July 5, 1852 speech, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July,” has been shared widely on social media and elsewhere as a reminder of the country’s legacy of slavery and racism.

Patriotism Is Becoming ‘White Supremacy’ By Rich Lowry


The reaction to Trump’s Rushmore speech was unhinged. 

Never before has a speech extolling America’s virtues and the marvels or the nation’s heroes played to such poor — and completely dishonest — reviews.

At Mount Rushmore on Friday night, President Trump gave a speech that was very tough on the woke Left, while largely celebrating America — its Founders, its ideals and freedom, its capacity for self-renewal, its astonishing variety of geniuses, adventurers, warriors, inventors, and great musicians and athletes

Then, his speech ended, and the press piled on with one of its most its unhinged and dishonest performances of his presidency, which is saying something.

The Associated Press headlined its report on the speech “Trump pushes racial division, flouts virus rules at Rushmore.”

(The delicate way the news service put the targeting of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt was inadvertently amusing: “He zeroed in on the desecration by some protesters of monuments and statues across the country that honor those who have benefited from slavery, including some past presidents.”)