We are living in the age of cancel culture. All icons from the past associated in any way with mistreatment of minorities are in the process of being eradicated.
Statues of Confederate figures? They’re mostly already gone. But that was just the start. How about statues of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson? In New York, First Lady Chirlane McCray will decide on their fate. How about a statue of Ulysses Grant (who may have done more than anyone other than Lincoln to free the slaves, but also once briefly owned a slave before freeing him)? His statue in San Francisco was toppled yesterday. How about the weathervane atop the Dartmouth College library (featuring a sculpture of a Native American)? It now must go (it “do[es] not reflect Dartmouth’s values” says the president). Aunt Jemima? Uncle Ben? They are now unacceptable racial stereotypes.
And God forbid you are a conservative at a U.S. university who fails to toe the official party line, such as by criticizing Black Lives Matter. You will be subject to an unrelenting campaign to get you fired and silenced. (Read about the case of William Jacobson of Cornell Law School here.). Or a journalist who dares to publish something critical of Black Lives Matter. (Read about the case of Lee Fang here.)
Readers can undoubtedly come up with dozens of additional recent examples of social media mobs descending to ostracize well known individuals or institutions for conduct deemed insufficiently sensitive, often conduct that is far in the past.
But what American institution of all those existing today has the longest and deepest association with violent bigotry and grotesque racism, including slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and the Ku Klux Klan? The answer is the Democratic Party.
When we consider the history of racism in the Democratic Party, we are not talking about some debatable lack of “sensitivity” or uncaring use of stereotypes. No, this is something fundamentally different. This is the most overt, explicit and direct sorts of actions targeted specifically at the oppression of African American citizens.
Isn’t it time that this institution with a long history of the most vicious racism gets canceled?
In a post back in August 2017 (at the time of demonstrations about Confederate statues in Charlottesville, Virginia), I compiled a small sample of some of the most egregious racist conduct of the Democratic Party. Rather than re-do that work, I will include a substantial excerpt here: