Of all the things I loathe about the Democrat party, its celebration of victimhood takes the cake. As is true of all political parties infected with virulent Marxism, it does not seek to help those truly in need. It does the opposite. It seeks out people who might never have seen themselves as victims and convinces them otherwise. It is a party whose growth in membership is directly proportional to Democrats’ capacity to convert Americans into victims.
Once a person understands Democrats’ pathological need to harvest new victims, it becomes obvious that they are not in the business of solving problems. Fixing anything in society only reduces the number of future Democrats. By celebrating victimhood, Democrats are committed to making things worse today than they were yesterday and even worse tomorrow than they are today. Their growth model depends upon perpetual misery.
Americans saw this self-destructive phenomenon play out during Obama’s presidency. Before the 2008 election, race relations between black and white Americans had steadily improved since the ’60s. Racism was widely rejected as a repugnant practice of the past. In fact, discrimination based upon the color of a person’s skin had become so offensive that courts were dismantling affirmative action programs that explicitly prioritized race over merit. A lot of Republican voters, unhappy with their party’s nomination of Senator John McCain, crossed lines and voted for Barack Obama’s nebulous promise of “hope and change” with the expectation that a post-racial America would take root.
President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder chose another path. They looked for ways to inflame racial tensions. They deconstructed a half-century of American racial progress by routinely injecting racial controversy into matters that had nothing to do with skin color. A black Harvard professor is detained in the Democrat stronghold of Cambridge, Massachusetts? That’s because all cops are unconsciously racist (even the black ones). A black male dies in a confrontation with a neighborhood watchman? That’s because black boys are hunted outside their own communities. Americans don’t want to pay more for worse health care? That’s because wealthy white Americans are too selfish to understand the appeal of socialized medicine.