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Ruth King

Harvard professor indicted for allegedly making false statements about secret work in Wuhan Amanda Macias



The Justice Department announced the indictment of a Harvard professor after he allegedly made false statements to federal authorities regarding his work at Wuhan University of Technology in China.
Dr. Charles Lieber, 61, the former Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, was arrested in January and is slated to be arraigned in federal court in Boston at a later date.
“It is alleged that, unbeknownst to Harvard University, beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology in China,” the Justice Department said in a Tuesday statement.

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department announced the indictment of a Harvard professor after he allegedly made false statements to federal authorities regarding his work at Wuhan University of Technology in China.

Dr. Charles Lieber, 61, the former Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, was arrested in January and is slated to be arraigned in federal court in Boston at a later date. The charge of making false statements provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000. 

Lessons From 1968 – Has progressive opinion ever lied to itself more? George Parry


Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968.

The next morning, my young bride and I left our apartment in Arlington, Virginia, to drive into Washington. She dropped me off at the Georgetown Law Center and then drove to the Washington Hospital Center, where she worked as a nurse.

In those days, Georgetown Law was located at Fifth and E streets Northwest in Washington. I can’t recall who taught my first class that day. All I remember is that the professor appeared to be on the verge of tears as he spoke to us of King’s assassination and what it said about the state of race relations in America.

My next class was corporate taxation. The professor spoke briefly but soberly about the meaning of King’s death, and then launched into a lecture about the tangled mess that was and remains the U.S. Tax Code.

He was interrupted when the dean of the law center stepped onto the raised dais at the front of the room and spoke quietly to him and then addressed the class.

The dean announced that rioting had broken out in Washington and that classes were canceled until further notice. North and west of the school, mobs were looting and setting fires. For that reason, when we exited the building, we were to move south and east.

My friend Larry and I packed up our books and headed on foot straight for the rioting. Larry’s wife worked at the National Archives, and we were on a mission to rescue her. We also wanted to see the riot up close.

History proves J Street is wrong on annexation: Moshe Phillips

J Street’s leader, Jeremy Ben-Ami, last week tweeted that the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which his group in not a member of, should follow the lead of some of the honchos of the British Jewish establishment and speak out forcefully against Israeli government plans to annex large parts of Judea and Samaria. That is, extend Israeli law formally over land Israel has controlled for more than 50 years and where hundreds of thousands of Israelis already live.

The timing of the announcement—just as Israel was preparing to mark two important historic anniversaries—begs for comment.

J Street is the controversial Washington, D.C.-based Jewish pressure group that was created specifically, and almost exclusively, to lobby for an independent Palestinian state. It was founded by Ben-Ami in 2007. He made his statement on the 53rd anniversary of the outbreak of the Six-Day War and days before the 39th anniversary of “Operation Opera,” in which Israeli fighter jets eliminated former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s under construction nuclear reactor in a daring raid.

Iraq was building a nuclear bomb. In 1981, 14 Israeli Air Force F-16s struck and destroyed the Osirak reactor, nearly 700 miles from Israel’s borders. The successful operation put an end to Hussein’s nuclear program. The United Nations adopted Security Council Resolution 487 criticizing Israel for the attack.
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The strike on Osirak established what has been called the Begin Doctrine (name for Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin), which unconditionally declared that the surprise raid was not a one-time thing. As Begin himself explained in a June 15 interview on CBS’s Face the Nation, “This attack will be a precedent for every future government in Israel. … Every future Israeli prime minister will act, in similar circumstances, in the same way.”

What very few J Streeters know is that Yitshaq Ben-Ami (Jeremy’s father) was a key organizer in the United States for support in the 1940s for Begin’s Irgun underground army.

Nancy Mace:First Female Graduate of The Citadel Wins GOP Primary in SC-01 by Reagan McCarthy



Republicans nominated another strong, female candidate during Tuesday night’s primaries. Nancy Mace, a former state representative and the first female graduate of The Citadel, clinched the GOP nomination to take on incumbent Democratic Congressman Joe Cunningham in South Carolina’s first congressional district. The Republican primary was hotly contested between four contenders, in a district that President Trump carried by 13 points. 

The Bitter Irony of Revolutions By Victor Davis Hanson,


The ancient Greeks created new words like “paradox” and “irony” to describe the wide gap between what people profess and assume, and what they actually do and suffer.

Remember the blind prophet Teiresias of ancient drama. In the carnage of Athenian tragedy he alone usually ends up foreseeing danger better than did those with keen eyesight.

After a catastrophic plague and endless war, ancient democratic Athens was stripped of its majestic pretensions. Soon it was conducting mass executions — on majority votes of the people.

Throughout history, revolutions often do not end up as their initial architects planned. The idealists who ended the French monarchy in 1789 thought they could replace it with a constitutional republic.

Instead, they sparked a reign of terror, the guillotine and mass frenzy. Yet the radicals who hijacked the original revolution and began beheading their enemies soon were themselves guillotined.

It was not democracy but rather the dictator Napoleon who put an end to French domestic unrest.

Seattle’s Autonomous Anarchist Zone Learns a Hilarious Lesson About Theft By Bryan Preston !!!???


Have you heard that a six-block section of Seattle has become an anarchist “capitol hill autonomous zone,” or “CHAZ” for short?

It has. Police and firefighters vacated their premises and bugged out with a Twitter blessing from Mayor Jenny Durkan. Durkan dithered over the descent of protests into violence for a week before doing much, and when she did much, her choice was to tweet in hasty retreat.

Anarchists quickly set up CHAZ to be and do its own thing, as long as that thing conformed with diktats of the CHAZ hierarchy.

They put up makeshift signs saying, “You are now leaving the U.S.A.” As you can see below, they appropriated stolen barricades from America, which they despise. To paraphrase a former president, CHAZ did not build that. Or anything else.

Hard Times, Strong Citizens, And Freedom: The Story of The Ranchers, Businesses, And People In The Only State Not To Shut Down By Christopher Bedford


‘If you have a leader that will take too much authority in a time of crisis, that’s when we lose our freedom and our liberties,’ said Gov. Kristi Noem.

The story below is the fifth in a series on America’s small businesses, their struggles under the shutdowns and threats of rioting, and what they’re doing to survive. Over two weeks, The Federalist traveled the country to tell stories like this one.

In South Dakota, the only state in the union to never enforce a government-mandated shutdown, we spoke with cowboys, ranchers, steakhouse owners, hotel managers, great grandparents, actors, bartenders, and even the governor to learn the state of American business. We heard of their successes and perils, those who hadn’t made it and those who still might not.

SOUTH DAKOTA — It’s a long, beautiful haul, driving across Wyoming. Pulling out of Jackson Hole, along the storied Snake River, past Grand Teton Mountain and up into the north. It’s nearly 60 degrees in the town below, but up here the snow is falling fast.

Then it’s back down the mountains into the high desert. Towns of less than 50 residents dot the hills below distant snow-capped peaks. The first sign we’ve entered the Wind River Reservation is a black-haired woman stumbling barefoot from a bathroom outside a gas station, eyes wide, red bandanna tourniquet still tied around her sagging bicep. That and the low price on tobacco.

America’s reservations, already suffering from heightened rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, abuse and poverty, have been especially hard hit in the economic shutdown.

New Russiagate Subpoenas Probe Depths Of Obama Administration Corruption In Flynn Ambush By Margot Cleveland


Details released over the last month reveal Obama and Biden knew more about the Michael Flynn ambush than previously realized. New subpoenas of Susan Rise, James Comey, and James Clapper might prove how much.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last week authorized Chair Ron Johnson to issue subpoenas for more than 35 people connected to Crossfire Hurricane. Given the breadth of Spygate, it is unlikely Johnson’s committee will succeed in unpacking the totality of the misconduct. Three names on the list, however — Susan Rice, James Comey, and James Clapper — indicate Americans might soon learn more about any complicity by Barack Obama and Joe Biden in our country’s greatest political scandal.

Details released over the last month reveal President Obama and Vice President Biden knew more about the targeting of Trump transition team member Michael Flynn than previously realized. Several recently declassified documents, when read together, suggest Obama had a hand — and, at a minimum, Biden acquiesced in — the attempt to destroy Flynn and intrude upon the functioning of the new Trump administration.

Much of the declassified information concerns a Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting. According to the FBI’s 302 interview report, on that date, “Yates, along with then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S. Elections.” Rice, Obama’s then-national security adviser, and others were also present, including Biden, according to an email Rice later sent to herself.

According to Yates, “After the briefing, Obama dismissed the group but asked Yates and Comey to stay behind.” Then, “Obama started by saying he had ‘learned of the information about Flynn’ and his conversation with [Russian Ambassador Sergey] Kislyak about sanctions.” Yates’ 302 further stated, “Obama specified he did not want any additional information on the matter but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information.”

The Public-Health Establishment Has Diminished Its Credibility By Sally Satel


M ere weeks ago, public-health experts worried about transmission of coronavirus sternly warned against large, crowded gatherings. That was before the protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, by a white police officer in Minneapolis on May 25.

From that moment on, many epidemiologists and public-health officials have justified people congregating to demonstrate against police brutality. On June 2, for example, Dr. Tom Frieden, former head of the Centers for Disease Control and former health commissioner of New York City, tweeted, “People can protest peacefully AND work together to stop covid.” That same day, a senior epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins tweeted, “In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”

An open letter signed by 1,288 public-health experts, infectious-disease professionals, and community stakeholders judged marching to be “vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people.” The signers, while counseling marchers to distance, disinfect, and wear a mask, made clear that similar risks should not be tolerated, “particularly protests against stay-home orders [that are] rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives.”

Overnight, the risk calculus changed. Instead of expert advice on the danger of exposure to coronavirus when, say, riding a subway, sending your kid to camp, or dining out, now the social value of the undertaking became part of the public-health equation. The risk of thousands of marchers wedged together (many masked but many not) spreading the virus by singing and chanting was suddenly acceptable in the eyes of outspoken members of the public-health establishment.

Flashback to April, when public-health experts were quick to criticize Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Brian Kemp of Georgia for easing lockdowns. Apparently, the two politicians’ values of salvaging the economy and relieving social isolation, both causes of significant emotional distress, failed to “greatly exceed the harms of the virus.” Compared with marching for social justice, they weren’t deemed as worthy.

Imagine no police force The complete removal of a police force is exactly the kind of thing John Lennon (who was tragically shot dead in 1980) would have been behind Godfrey Elfwick


The one resounding call from Black Lives Matter protesters in the wake of George Floyd’s death has been ‘defund the police’. This is a rallying cry I am 100 percent on board with. In an unprecedented move, Minneapolis City Council has chosen to see sense and formally announced plans to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and committed to establishing a new community-led system. This is exciting news, and sets a precedent for this model to be repeated around the world. However, many people (racists) are criticizing this bold strategy of tearing down the fascist state, because they simply cannot imagine their lives without the comforting restrictions living under an oppressive authoritarian regime brings them.

I’m hearing inane questions such as ‘But what if my house is being broken into by an armed attacker?!’ Well that’s simple. In a community-led system of law-keeping, you would call the number of your allocated Peace Officer and explain clearly, and without prejudice towards the defendant, what the current situation is. Be sure to alert them to any possible reasons the robber (or ‘wealth distributor’) may possess to have been forced into a life of crime. Perhaps they come from a broken home? Maybe their minority status has caused them to feel disillusioned and understandably upset by the systemic disparity of wealth brought on by white patriarchy? Is it possible that their lived experience has led to a life of substance abuse which has spiraled out of control? Remember to not make racially-stereotypical assumptions about this person, and instead see if you can open a dialogue in order for them to be able to state their case without fear of being judged. Once you have passed on this information to the Peace Officer, they will immediately put out an alert on social media for other citizens in your area to send their thoughts and prayers to you at this difficult time, while also taking care to offer support to the wealth distributor who has been conditioned into breaking into your property by the multi-layered inequalities inherent within Western society. 

This can only lead to a gradual shift in attitudes, as people become more inclined to accept that being robbed, or physically attacked, or raped, is simply a consequence of years of colonization and white privilege.