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Ruth King

The Ending of Iran Nuclear Deal Sanction Waivers Shoshana Bryen


If you believe Iran when it says that if the U.S. reverses President Donald Trump’s decision not to renew sanctions waivers permitting outside assistance to Iran’s nuclear facilities, it will meet its obligations under the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (“JCPOA,” or “Iran deal”), stop here.

If you think it is better to keep outsiders in Iran, under the JCPOA, to “reduce Iran’s incentive to enrich uranium at higher levels,” as non-proliferation specialists told The Washington Post—in other words, to keep Iran from cheating more than it otherwise would cheat—stop here.

But, if you understand that the Islamic Republic cheats on everything—on U.N.-imposed nuclear restrictions, including by building a nuclear weapons plant in Syria; on U.N.-imposed conventional arms restrictions, including by transfers to Hezbollah; on the U.N. embargo on ballistic missile development, including by building missile factories in Syria and Lebanon and providing precision missiles to Hezbollah and the Houthis in Yemen; on its human rights obligations; on the oil embargo; and by breaking U.N. embargoes on North Korea and Venezuela—keep going. And if you know that Iran was responsible for the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Sunni Syrians from the center of the country into Turkey, and further westward to Europe as refugees, keep going. And if you are sure that Iran is calling for genocide against Israel…well, you get the point.

Rod Rosenstein’s devastating admissions If the worst allegations are proven, they will reveal one of the most far-reaching political scandals in American history Charles Lipson


Rod Rosenstein’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee was quiet, calm, almost bemused. But the tale he told was devastating — to the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Mueller investigation. It destroyed three years of media narrative about ‘Trump-Russia’ collusion. It’s obvious now why Senate Democrats want to kill all future hearings on the topic. They lack the votes to do it, but it’s the thought that counts.

Testifying under oath, Rosenstein laid out a series of fundamental problems plaguing the entire collusion investigation. Actually, he did even more. When questioned by Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, Rosenstein agreed that when he appointed Robert Mueller as Special Counsel in summer 2017, there was no basis for the appointment and that the FBI already knew it. In retrospect, he says, he appointed a Special Counsel because the FBI hid crucial fact facts from him. They vigorously deny it.

This back-and-forth signals a fight, sure to intensify, over who is to blame for multiple investigations gone badly wrong. Will primary responsibility fall on the FBI or Department of Justice? The intelligence agencies? Or the Obama White House and its National Security team?


An Arab Palestinan homeland? OK, but where?      

Where can, and should it be located? Is it feasible and realistic? Will it ensure the survival of Israel and Zionism? Is it politically and economically coherent? Is it historically consistent? Will it allow Arab Palestinians to express their sense of national identity, decide their destiny (e.g. to vote), and will it contribute to a better life? In order to make our way through the maze of complexities, competing arguments and myths, we need to understand the history of an idea – Palestinianism — and how and why it became such a contentious issue.

Prior to the defeat of the Turkish/Ottoman Empire in World War I, there is no indication of an Arab, or Palestinian subgroup living in the area; local Arabs considered themselves to be “southern Syrians.” After the war, the League of Nations created nation-states in the area (e.g. Syria, Iraq, etc) and assigned the area which became known as the “Palestine Mandate” to be administered by Britain, as a national homeland for the Jewish people. In 1921, Britain created “Transjordan,” (east of the Jordan River) and installed a  Saudi tribe to rule, which became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. During the 1920’s and 1930’s, anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist riots and pogroms, led by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem and Nazi supporter, and Islamist groups (e.g. the Moslem Brotherhood) espoused a virulent form of Palestinian nationalism that remains at its core.  

The Morality of Insurrection By Tom McCaffrey

This is a struggle between good and evil, and that there no longer exists a middle ground on which the two sides can meet. We are long past that.

Among the more disturbing images to come out of the recent street violence following the killing of George Floyd are those of police officers and white civilians kneeling “in solidarity” with the protesters. 

If any of those Americans, black or white, who are protesting the killing of George Floyd are acting in good faith and not in the furtherance of a Leftist agenda, then they are either uninformed or they are being manipulated. Contrary to the narrative being promoted by the Left, the media, and former president Barack Obama, once the respective rates of violent crimes committed by blacks and whites are taken into account, it is clear that police throughout America simply are not killing disproportionately more black men than white men. In other words, the only reason to take to the streets over the Floyd killing is to exploit it to promote Leftist ends.  

Before the 1960s, Marxists divided people into capital and labor and posited an unbridgeable gap between the interests of the one and the other. Since then they have divided people into the oppressed (blacks, women, gays, and a host of others) and the oppressors (primarily whites and men), and they have posited the same unbridgeable gap. The viability of the Democratic Party depends on maintaining, and widening, this gap.


I am out of town for a brief vacation.



Lisa Page, the former FBI lawyer who resigned in the midst of the Russian investigation scandal, has been hired a NBC and MSNBC as a legal analyst.  The move continues a trend started by CNN in hiring Trump critics, including officials terminated for misconduct, to offer legal analysis on the Trump Administration. We have previously discussed the use by CNN of figures like Andrew McCabe to give legal analysis despite his being referred for possible criminal charges by the Inspector General for repeatedly lying to federal investigators.  The media appears intent on fulfilling the narrative of President Trump that it is overly biased and hostile in its analysis. Indeed, it now appears a marketing plan that has subsumed the journalistic mission.

Page appeared with Rachel Maddow and began her work as the new legal analyst by discussing her own controversial work at the FBI. Page is still part of investigation by various committees and the investigation being conducted by U.S Attorney John Durham.

I have denounced President Trump for his repeated and often vicious references to Page’s affair with fired FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok. There is no excuse for such personal abuse. I also do not view her emails as proof of her involvement in a deep-state conspiracy as opposed to clearly inappropriate and partisan communications for someone involved in the investigation.  Indeed, Page did not appear a particularly significant figure in the investigation or even the FBI as a whole.  She was primarily dragged into the controversy due to her relationship with Strzok.

Valentina Pop: George Floyd Protests Prompt Europe to Reckon With Racist Legacies of Colonial Past Statues of Belgium’s King Leopold II have been defaced, street names questioned and historic pageants like ‘Black Pete’ denounced


BRUSSELS—Global protests over the killing of George Floyd are prompting some Europeans to confront their colonial past and rethink racist traditions.

In countries that once ruled most of the world—and which now have millions of immigrants from former colonies—long-revered leaders, historic figures and characters are facing intense scrutiny and criticism.

The protests have revived calls to take down symbols of colonial oppression that have long been controversial and tackle the persistent discrimination and racism in several European nations, including the U.K., Germany, France and Spain. Across Europe, statues have been defaced, street names questioned and historic pageants pilloried on an exceptional scale.

An inspiration, aside from the U.S. protests, was the announcement by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Thursday that the state will address its past in the slave-owning Confederacy by removing a large statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond.

In Belgium, which controlled and exploited the Congo for decades, calls are increasing to remove statues of King Leopold II, who established the colony as his personal territory in the 1880s and was responsible for the death and mutilation of millions of people there.

MDA Helps Set Up Coronavirus Drive-Thru Testing in the Congo By David Israel


Dan Gertler, Honorary Consul in Israel for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, recently contacted Magen David Adom, seeking advice and assistance in establishing in the Congo the same drive-thru testing facilities for the coronavirus which have been operating for a month now in Israel.

MDA accepted the challenge and built a dedicated software for managing a drive-thru facility in the Congo. In addition, MDA members have prepared a training program incorporating videos and written procedures, which they passed on to medical professionals who will operate the facility in Africa.

“During the long period in which we operated the many drive-thru sampling facilities, the technology we used has proven itself, alongside the safety practices we developed to manage the contact between potentially infected patients and the team,” said MDA Chief of Information Officer Ido Rosenblat, who said his organization was ready to help the Congo team as soon as they received their request.

MDA supported drive-through facility testing for coronavirus in the Congo. / MDA spokesman

Congo’s Minister of Health Dr. Eteni Longondo and Director General Sylvain Yuma Ramazani visited the “Drive and Test” facility that opened in their country in late May and expressed their gratitude to MDA.

MDA Director General Eli Bin said in a statement: “The medical capabilities and technologies of Magen David Adom, along with the methods we are developing, are among the most advanced in the world. We have gained an extensive experience the fight against the coronavirus, obtaining thousands of samples a day, efficiently and safely. Now we are happy to share our knowledge with other medical entities around the world, for the sake of saving human lives.”

“You Are Finished!”: Turkey’s Growing War on Christians by Raymond Ibrahim


When pretexts cannot be found, assailants sometimes resort to other tactics. In an apparent attempt to conceal the online presence of at least one church, for instance, authorities labeled its website “pornographic,” and blocked it.

“[T]his hateful environment did not emerge out of nowhere. The seeds of this hatred are spread, beginning at primary schools, through books printed by the Ministry of National Education portraying Christians as enemies and traitors. The indoctrination continues through newspapers and television channels in line with state policies. And of course, the sermons at mosques and talk at coffee houses further stir up this hatred.” — Uzay Bulut, Ahvalnews.com., March 16, 2020.

Just what, then, do so-called “radical” Muslims… regard as the “proper” treatment of Christians?

Islamic terror attacks that target Christians in Turkey have been noticeably on the rise. During Christmas in 2011, for instance, a large-scale al-Qaeda plot to bomb “all the churches in Ankara” was exposed. Before Christmas 2015, ISIS issued death threats to at least 20 Protestant churches, and warned that “Koranic commandments… urge us to slay the apostate like you.”

In 2017, as widely reported, a gunman dressed as Santa Claus entered a nightclub in Istanbul during New Year celebrations, and murdered 39 people. A “heroic soldier of the caliphate,” the Islamic State (“ISIS”) later claimed, “attacked the most famous nightclub where Christians were celebrating their pagan feast.” The statement further characterized the government of Turkey as being the “servant of the cross.”

In once-secular Turkey, hate for Christians has, in fact, come to permeate every segment of society — from the average Muslim citizen to the highest levels of government. The examples are many; two of the most obvious — the slaughter of Christians and attacks on their churches — follow:

In 2009, a group of young Turks — including the son of a mayor — broke into a Bible publishing house in Malatya. They bound its three Christian employees, tortured them for hours, and murdered them. “We didn’t do this for ourselves, but for our religion,” one of the Turks accused said. “Let this be a lesson to enemies of our religion.” Later, they were all released from prison on a technicality.

Return of Nation-States Need Not be a Threat by Amir Taheri


The trend we witness in world politics is away from the initial forms of globalization and toward a reassertion of the nation-state as one of the two key players in international economic and business relations, the other player being transnational businesses.

The disastrous performance of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the current Covid-19 pandemic is just one example of a more general malaise. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been shining in their absence in the looming economic crisis affecting every single nation on earth. As the World Trade Organization (WTO) fades into irrelevance, its director jumps ship to look for a more rewarding job.

Apart from Trump… nationalism has made spectacular comebacks in some other places, notably India, Brazil, Australia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and, with Brexit, even Great Britain.

The return of the nation-state, if reconfirmed in the years to come, could lead to a revival of classical international cooperation that, taking shape after World War II, created the mechanisms which have helped keep the peace, spread prosperity and foster the rule of law as never before in human history.

For that to happen we must do away with trompe-l’oeil devices such as G7 which, at best, have never been more than insipid photo-ops for politicians craving attention.

Nations reasserting their identity need not be a threat to world order; it may actually offer a second youth to an ailing geriatric system.

Had things continued as before, that is to say before the twin pandemic and economic downturn, reporters would have been packing their bags to head for Washington to cover yet another of the G7 summits that have grabbed headlines since the 1970s.